Indian cough syrup

Recipes with ginger for effective treatment of cough of various kinds

The root of ginger has long been known throughout the world for its extraordinary healing properties. It is used in folk medicine of many countries as a remarkable anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating agent.

Properties of ginger

The most effective root in the treatment of respiratory diseases. Being an excellent ingredient for a number of recipes, it actively helps in the treatment of this type of disease.

Means for coughing with ginger originate from Indian medicine. Therefore, most recipes have a rather pleasant and unusual taste.

Ginger has a lot of useful properties, among which is:

  • Anti-inflammatory property, which is one of the most important in the fight against diseases.
  • Immunostimulating - for the time of taking medicines based on ginger, the body's natural strengths increase significantly.
  • Antibacterial - when consuming ginger kills a number of bacteria in the mouth, and not only.
  • An expectorant property is the means used in the form of hot drinks. This is especially important for the treatment of a damp cough.
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Recipes with ginger from cough

Ginger is widely used for cooking various recipes. In addition, it is very useful, the root has a pleasant enough and at the same time a specific taste, which makes it possible to use it in a fairly wide range of dishes.

Ginger tea from cough

To make tea, you will need:

  • The root of ginger - 2 tablespoons.
  • Lemon ndash; a couple of slices.
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. a spoon.
  • Mint - 1 pinch.
With the right selection of ingredients, this drink can be not only useful, but also delicious. Before you begin to prepare it, you need to consider that you can use both fresh and dry root. To brew tea, the main ingredient must be cut into small strips. Put a lemon, mint and crushed root into a large cup, pour boiling water. After a few minutes, add honey to the tea and mix. You need to drink a drink while it's warm.

Ginger with lemon from cough

A wonderful remedy for a protracted dry cough is ginger with lemon. To make it, you need to take in equal proportions lemon juice, fresh grated root and honey. The first two ingredients must be mixed and allowed to stand for about two hours. After that, pour the resulting mixture with three proportions of boiling water, put the honey and stir. Take the drug need tea spoons 1-2 times per hour.

Ginger with milk from cough

This recipe is an excellent remedy for the treatment of a productive (wet) cough. It helps to make phlegm more fluid and promotes its comfortable elimination. Unlike tea, it is best to add dried root. To prepare milk with ginger, you need the following ingredients:

  • Whole milk l.
  • Ground ginger root - 1 tsp.
  • Honey - 1 tbsp.
  • Spices (turmeric) - to taste.

Milk warm up without bringing it to a boil. Add the ground root and mix well. Then add honey and spices. Use recommended before bedtime.

Ginger syrup from cough

To calm a strong, debilitating cough, you can cook syrup from ginger. To make it, you do not need a lot of ingredients, and the result will be great.

100 gr. sugar must be dissolved in one glass of water. Put on a fire and bring to a boil. After that, add 2-3 tablespoons of fresh grated, or 1 spoonful of dried root and cook until lightly thickened. In the finished product can put spices to taste. Use as necessary as a normal syrup.

Preparing funds based on this plant, you will undoubtedly get an effective cough medicine, rich in vitamins and amino acids. The effect of their administration is noticeable almost immediately, and without harm to the body.

Which child cough syrup is better to choose?

Parents often face the problem of choosing an antitussive syrup for children. It seems that the assortment of pharmacies can offer an option for any possibilities, but often you have to be confused when choosing the right syrup.

First of all, it should be clear to yourself that any miracle - a tool universally advertised, you can not buy without first consulting a doctor. Only an expert can determine the cause of the cough and its classification. If, with a dry, debilitating cough, give drugs that dilute sputum. In the best case, there will be no effect and the cough remains the same. A worse option is spasm of the bronchi and prolonged therapy of the consequences of such "treatment".

Any drug in the pharmacy is created specifically for the removal or treatment of a symptom, so if you or your child six months ago this particular remedy has helped, not the fact that it will help now.

How to apply breastfeeding cough syrup is indicated in this article.


There is no universal remedy, as has already been noted, and can not be. At the same time, such a drug group as antitussive syrups are extremely popular and are often used in the complex therapy of acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis, and even inflammatory processes in the lungs.

Syrups can be classified according to the active ingredient into synthetic and conditionally natural (conditionally, because the chemical composition is still included, but in a small amount). The second, of course, is preferable, especially if it is a child. Synthetic syrups will be more available and in some cases will act faster than natural analogues, but often after This treatment requires an additional recovery course to remove possible complications after taking these preparations.

How to apply licorice syrup for children, you can learn from this article.

With natural composition

The most popular syrups with a natural composition:

  1. Gedelix.
  2. Doctor Mom.
  3. Doctor Tice.
  4. Stoppussin fito.
  5. Propane.

With a dry cough

The action of the drug in this case should be aimed at dilution of sputum and its safe excretion. By itself, one drug can not cope with this, in addition, there is also a true cause of the disease: a virus or infection, which "fight" the main drugs taken by the patient. To enhance the effect of the syrup, it is recommended to use a lot of warm liquid. In addition to traditional tea, it can be compotes and berry fruit. The temperature of the fluid is best kept low, colds are often accompanied by inflammation and swelling of the mucous throat, in which hot drinks can cause additional problems.

How effective is the use of liquorice syrup adults, you can learn from this article.

Preparations for dry cough:

  1. Ambroghexal.
  2. Broncholitin.
  3. Omnitus.
  4. Sinecod.
  5. Terasil D.
  6. Erespal.

A painful dry cough is often accompanied by quite severe pain, so first aid should be aimed at diluting sputum. When taking such drugs, great value has an abundant warm drink, because the mucosa needs constant moisturizing.

What is better to choose for children Gedelix drops or syrup, you can find out by reading this article.

Syrups diluting sputum in bronchi:

  • Ambrogen.
  • Ambroxol.
  • Bromhexine.
  • Bronhobos.
  • Herbion plantain.
  • Josette.
  • Lazolvan.
  • Libexin Muko.
  • Fluidite.
  • Haliksol.

After the cough has become sufficiently moist, there is usually no problem in withdrawing the accumulated sputum naturally. If this does not happen, the situation is fraught with possible complications and repeated infection of the body. To avoid this, you can help the pulmonary system with special medications. They are called "expectorants" by the principle of action. Most of these syrups are prescribed immediately at the beginning of treatment, but, as already mentioned above, with a sufficiently moist cough.

How to use Gedelix syrup for children is indicated in the description for this article.

For wet cough

Here the drug should be treated in two ways: first dilute sputum, and then safely remove it. Unlike antitussive syrups, this type of medication has an additional bronchosecretory effect.

What is the price of children's syrup from a cough, you can learn from the article.

Expectorants in the form of syrup:

  1. Syrup of Althea.
  2. Ambrogen.
  3. Ambroxol.
  4. Ascoril.
  5. Bronchipret.
  6. Bronhobos.
  7. Bromhexine.
  8. Bronchicum.
  9. Gedelix.
  10. Primula Herbionum.
  11. Doctor Mom.
  12. Doctor Tice.
  13. Josette.
  14. Coughshop (licorice / elderberry).
  15. Cough.
  16. Coldrex Bronho.
  17. Co -anol.
  18. Cook.
  19. Lazolvan.
  20. Linkas.
  21. Omnitus.
  22. Pertussin.
  23. Propane.
  24. Stoppussin Fito.
  25. Suprima Broncho.
  26. Syrup of licorice.
  27. Travisil.
  28. Tussamag.
  29. Eucabal.

The above drugs are updated periodically with new ones, but the most tested ones remain. Of great importance is the composition of the syrup: if it is planned for children's treatment or for pregnant women, it is necessary to choose the least possible chemical. The natural components of plant syrup will help to recover with less loss and the probability of side effects.

How to use the syrup for Lazolvan inhalations, you can learn from this article.

Top 10 Most Popular

The expediency of such ratings is very controversial, because in any case you should not chase the fashion and take medicine depending on the degree of its popularity. On the other hand, such lists indicate a large number of recoveries, which was facilitated by these drugs.

How to apply syrups from a dry cough for children is indicated in the article.

Rating of popularity of children's syrups from cough:

  1. Проспан- a favorite of pediatricians and parents, because it can be used since infancy. It has practically no contraindications and is equally suitable for children, as well as for pregnant and lactating mothers. Good cough syrup for children.
  2. Gedelixalso has a high content of natural ingredients. In fact, he is a more accessible analog of Prospan, with minor changes in the composition. It is recommended to take Gedelix from six months of age. It is considered one of the best syrups.
  3. Lazolvan: despite the synthetic composition, this syrup quickly and effectively will help to get rid of cough. The active substance - ambroxol, is often used in mukaltic drugs. Has a combined effect and is used to treat children from the age of two (earlier after the appointment of a pediatrician).
  4. Bronchiprethas proven itself for treating all types of cough. In some cases, there may be allergic reactions to active natural components of the drug. It is used for children from the age of three months.
  5. Eucabal- one more representative of natural preparations, it is possible to use children who have already turned six months old. It has good expectorant effects and quickly eliminates dry and wet cough.
  6. Syrup AlteI and its derivatives also enjoys well-deserved popularity due to the affordable cost and the absence of harmful chemical additives.
  7. Herbion, both of its kind: with plantain and primrose. It is well suited for complex treatment of all types of cough and is characterized by a good plant composition.
  8. Sinekodjudging by the reviews just a real godsend for parents. Strong active substances are able to effectively treat severe conditions and diseases. It differs in affordable cost and excellent pharmacological characteristics. One of the best and most effective means.
  9. Linkasalso confidently conquers the market and the gratitude of parents, because its effectiveness has shown itself well in the treatment of a variety of pulmonary diseases.
  10. Pertussincloses the top ten leaders, which means that this syrup has withstood the real test of time. Many still remember his characteristic taste, and most importantly - efficiency.

How to apply a cough syrup with an antibiotic for children, you can find out by reading this article.

The video tells you which child cough syrup is better:

How to use Icelandic moss from cough is indicated in this article.

The above list can not serve as an instruction to buy, because even the same disease is purely individual. Of course, every specialist has his own "favorites which doctors often recommend to their patients. If the pediatrician is confident in his effectiveness and has already been convinced of the excellent effect of the drug on the treatment of this disease, his recommendations should be heeded. In any case, the thoughtless purchase of any syrup you like can not be justified, because it is about the health and safety of your children.

"Suprima-broncho instruction on the use of the drug. Reviews on the use of syrup from cough supprima-bronho

The medicinal product "Suprima-bronchus" refers to phytopreparations, which produce anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects. The drug shows mucolytic and bronchodilator properties. Country of origin - India.

Pharmacological activity

The action of the drug is due to the ingredients of its plant origin that are present in its composition. Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

  • Adatode Vasica- a plant whose leaf extract has been used for several millennia as an effective remedy for asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis and other diseases. The effectiveness of this component is associated with its spasmolytic, mucolytic, expectorant properties. Adatode Vasica is used in many medicines for cough and cold, including in the preparation "Suprima-bronho".
  • Licorice is naked- the most famous and the most studied plant used to treat cough. Its pharmacological action is also mentioned in the "Tractate of Herbs written by the Chinese three thousand years before our era. Analysis of recipes of Tibetan medicine showed that licorice was used in the composition of almost 98 percent of all fees. The plant has a soothing, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, expectorant activity. Its effectiveness is associated with the presence of glycyrrhozin, a substance that promotes viscosity reduction and increased production of sputum, and, accordingly, facilitates the removal of it from the body. As the instructions for use explain, "Suprima-bronchus" is more due to the action of licorice naked, it allows to remove swelling and eliminate dry cough. This is achieved by stimulating the secretory function of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and the ciliary epithelium of the bronchi and trachea.
  • Turmeric Long- grass, which is an integral part of the culture of India. The inhabitants of this country apply it in industry, and in everyday life, and in cooking, and in cosmetology, and, of course, in medicine. The plant contains curcumin, which is a powerful anti-inflammatory drug. In addition, the extract of rhizomes of turmeric long improves the digestive system and stimulates appetite, which is very important for the restoration of a weakened body after an illness, especially in children's age.
  • Holy Basil- one of the most revered in India plants. It has been used for thousands of years as a medicinal product with a great healing power. Basil contains many active substances, which together produce antipyretic, antiseptic, antitussive, expectorant actions. In the composition of the drug "Suprima-bronho" it also provides an analgesic effect.
  • Ginger real- an amazing plant, first mentioned in about two thousand years BC in the treatise of Emperor Shen-nun. Ginger in translation from Sanskrit means "universal medicine and I must say that this is fully justified. The preparation "Suprima-bronho" (the instruction on this informs) due to the action of the extract of the rhizome of ginger expands the bronchi, shows anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and the essential oils present in the plant strengthen the immune system and promote an early recovery.
  • Nightshade yellowish- A plant spread all over India. It is used in the therapy of a wide range of diseases. Hippocrates also mentioned his medicinal action. Active substances have expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties. Due to the presence in the composition of nightshade of yellow-yellow medicinal product "Suprima-bronchus" (the instruction emphasizes this) effectively normalizes body temperature.
  • Cardamom real- one of the most popular and highly valued spices worldwide. However, the seeds of the plant from the family of ginger are used not only in cooking, but also in medicine, because they show bronchodilator and viral activity. More than three thousand years ago, cardamom began to be used to facilitate breathing, treating colds, and influenza.
  • Pepper is long- a plant widely used in the pharmaceuticals of many countries. The first mention of its medicinal properties in Indian literature dates back to the 2nd millennium BC. Pepper Long produces antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effects. Among other things, it contributes to the restoration of immunity, and therefore was included in the composition of the drug "Suprima-bronho." The instruction informs, that the extract of fruits of pepper long allows to neutralize viruses and bacteria.


The activity of the medicament, as already noted, is due to the combined effect of those included in its composition of ingredients, therefore, it is not possible to conduct pharmacokinetic studies possible.

Indications for prescription

The drug "Suprima-bronho" instruction advises to use for diseases of inflammatory pathways accompanied by coughing (tracheitis, the initial stages of whooping cough, laryngitis, pneumonia, pharyngitis, bronchitis), as well as chronic respiratory illnesses (lecture laryngitis, bronchitis smokers).

Dosage form. Composition

The medicine is produced in the form of a dark brown syrup with a characteristic odor. In pharmacies, it is dispensed in vials of 50, 60 or 100 milliliters. In 5 milliliters of syrup contains 30 milligrams of a thick extract of vascular adatodes, 20 milligrams of a thick extract of licorice naked, 10 milligrams thick an extract of a basil of the sacred, turmeric long and ginger medicinal, for 5 milligrams of a thick extract of pepper long, nightshade yellowfruit and cardamom of the present. Secondary components are guar gum, sodium benzoate, bronopol, sucrose, fennel flavor and raspberry flavor, a seventy percent solution sorbitol, levomenthol, methylparahydroxybenzoate, caramel, hydrochloric acid, sodium propylparahydroxybenzoate, propylene glycol, purified water, citric acid monohydrate. The drug "Suprima-bronho the price of which varies from 98 to 125 rubles, can be purchased at any pharmacy without providing a doctor's prescription.

Method of use. Dosage

Children after fourteen years and adults are shown three times a day to drink one or two teaspoons of syrup (5-10 milliliters). Patients from six to fourteen years are prescribed thrice-a-day intake of half or one teaspoonful medicines (, -5 milliliters), and children from three to five years - not more than half a teaspoon (, milliliters). The therapeutic course is an average of two to three weeks.

Adverse Events

Very well patients of all ages are transferred to the drug "Suprima-bronho". Reviews almost do not contain information about the occurrence of any negative effects after its application. However, the instruction nevertheless warns of the possibility of developing allergies in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the medication.


When intolerance of the ingredients of the drug from its use should be discarded. Do not prescribe a remedy for children under three years old. Particular care should be taken when taking the drug for those who suffer from diabetes, because in 5 milliliters of syrup contains, a gram of sugar. During the period of gestation and during lactation, the prescription of the Suprima-broncho medication is made only in case of emergency.

Interaction with other drugs

Do not use a syrup with antitussive medicines at the same time, as in this case it is difficult to cough up diluted sputum.


Up to now, there has been no information on overdose.

The medicine "Suprima-bronho" for children. Reviews

Parents are positive about the drug. They are pleased that the drug does not contain narcotic substances and includes exclusively vegetable raw materials. Dads and moms note that the syrup acts on the body gently, does not cause undesirable reactions in children. After taking the drug in children, the swelling of the mucous membrane is removed, dry cough stops. This is due to some relaxing effect of the drug on the bronchi, which with intense coughing spasmodic. Also, parents report that as a result of applying Suprima-broncho syrup, the temperature in children decreases.

List of effective syrups for children's cough

Choosing the most effective and maximally natural cough syrup, many parents seem to be a priority. This opinion is a little erroneous, because the recovery of syrup affects only indirectly, and with the focus of infection another antiviral drug or antibiotic is fighting. Cough syrup will help to speed up liquefaction and sputum discharge from the bronchi and lungs, but with a particularly painful and dry cough it is due to the syrup that the most painful symptom is removed. That is why it is worthwhile to seriously and responsibly approach the choice of a suitable drug and not engage in self-medication. Cough syrups for children list can be seen by reading the article below.

How to use a cough syrup during pregnancy Dr. Mom, is indicated in this article.


The medicinal form of the syrup is very convenient, because the mixture is ready and it remains only to accurately measure the dose and give the child. A great advantage of syrup will be a pleasant taste, children are usually very willing to take this medicine and even ask for supplements. Along with this, there are also shortcomings, which these medicines also have. More details can be classified as follows.

Pros and cons of syrups

Benefits disadvantages
  • Ready mix that does not require cooking.
  • To maintain consistency, special chemicals are used.
  • Sweet taste that children love.
  • Often, the composition includes unnatural sugar substitutes.
  • Good efficiency in complex treatment.
A doctor's consultation is required to determine the causes of cough.
A wide range of pharmacy products. Difficulty in choosing the right drug.
Varied price range. The cost of many syrups is artificially inflated by marketing techniques and advertising in the price.

What syrup from an allergic cough for children is best used, is specified in the article.

This list can be continued indefinitely, the main thing is that every parent should understand the basic theses himself and do not trust the blindly advertised drug that helps the TV hero win-win. Before buying a suitable drug, it is necessary to find out the cause of the cough, and only then to choose a remedy that can contribute to the treatment of this disease.

The video tells about the causes of cough and ways to treat it:

Causes and possible treatment

Coughing is not an independent disease, but simply a symptom that is caused by a number of reasons. Correct diagnosis is already half the journey on the way to a speedy recovery. Sometimes, in order to defeat a cough, cough syrup can and should not be taken, it will be enough to change some environmental factors or resort to other procedures, such as inhalations or rubbing.

How to use and what is the dosage of the cough syrup Erespal for children, you can find out by reading this article.

By its nature, a cough can be:

  • Allergic: in this case, conventional means will be powerless, should be removed if possible allergen and take special antihistamines, which can also be in the form of syrups.
  • Drycaused by a bacterial or viral infection. Dry cough can manifest itself at the very beginning of the disease and it should be treated only if it does not go into the "wet" stage itself. To do this, use antitussive drugs that stimulate the formation of mucous secretions. The more and more sputum is secreted and coughing up, the faster the organism will cope with the disease.
  • Wetcough suggests that the process of recovery is progressing naturally and the main task is to create optimal conditions for an early correction. Syrup from a wet cough will ensure maximum excretion of sputum, but if you take antitussive drugs, you can aggravate the situation. In this case, a large sputum discharge will lead to serious problems with mild and complications of the disease.
  • Cough can be caused by a specific disease -pertussis.

What is the price of the cough syrup Dr. Mom, you can find out from this article.

Apparently, there can be several options, and this, if not yet go deep into the medical jungle and not classify possible catarrhal diseases. Causes may be caused by parasites, as well as by strong dustiness of premises, for example, at work. Dry air can also provoke periodic attacks of cough, so it is so important to maintain a comfortable level of humidity, especially if the family has small children.


There are many variants of cough syrups in pharmacies, they all differ in composition and principle of action, so it is rather difficult to classify these drugs. If the characteristics take into account the price category, it will be a little easier to decide on the choice. But the principle of choice remains the same: all medicines must be prescribed by a doctor, because sometimes even a similar drug may not cope with the cause of the cough due to a slightly different principle actions.

What is the price of syrup from a dry cough Herbion, you can find out by reading this article.


  • Propane - a product of plant origin, can be used to treat children from birth, the price is from 708 rubles per bottle 200 ml, homeopathic remedy.
  • Herbion plantain for dry cough, the cost of 221 rubles, 150 ml.
  • Herbion primrose for a wet cough, the cost is from 223 rubles, 150 ml.
  • Dr. Tys syrup with plantain: price 187 rubles per 100 ml.
  • Doctor Mom on herbs, the cost is from 145 rubles, 100 ml.
  • Gedelix syrup, can be used for children up to a year old, contains exclusively natural ingredients. The price is 352 rubles per 100 ml. Quite cheap in the ratio of price and quality.
  • Stoppussin phyto - a collection of natural herbal extracts, 100 ml costs only 186 rubles.
  • Tussamag 200 ml for 206 rubles.
  • Phytolor is a two-component preparation, the cost per 100 ml is 121 rubles.

What price of cough syrup Stodal, you can learn from this article.

Optimally affect the cough of different types of syrups with a combined effect. Usually they are at least two-component, so they have such an effect on the causes and symptoms of coughing.

Combined action

  • Ambrobe, a good mucaltic effect is due to the active substance - ambroxol, 100 ml 124 rubles.
  • Lazolvan analogue of an amber, but with a lower concentration of active ingredient, 100 ml can be bought for 266 rubles.
  • Ambrohexal also has a similar effect, 100 ml of 112 rubles.
  • Ascoril - a combination of bromhexine, salbutanol and guaifensin, is often used in the treatment of bronchial asthma. The cost is from 328 rubles for 200 ml.
  • Bronchipret price of 295 rubles per 100 ml.
  • Omnitus 200 ml of 158 rubles.
  • Suprima Broncho a wide range of effects, 100 ml of 130 rubles.
  • Travisil syrup, 100 ml - 180 rubles.
  • FLUIFORT - an active substance carbocysteine, which has a strong mukaltic effect, the cost per 100 ml 289 rubles.
  • Halixol - 100 ml, active substance ambroksol. The cost is about 470 rubles.
  • Terasil D is a three-component preparation with an additional antihistamine effect. The cost is from 261 rubles per 100 ml.
  • Erespal, active substance fenspiride, the price is from 244 rubles for 150 ml.
  • Libexin Muko is in children's and adult dosage. The cost for 125 ml of a child's drug is 312 rubles, the adult - 349 rubles.

There are also special categories of medicines without sugar. They are designed primarily for people with diabetes, but they are also great for children, because usually the sugar substitutes are more useful for the developing organism.

How to properly use the cough syrup with laryngitis in children, you can find out by reading the article.

No added sugar

  • Linkas, a special formula without sugar, 120 ml, cost - 181 rubles.
  • Tussamag without sugar 175 g 222 rubles.

For children in the first year of life, a lot of cough syrups have also been created, but their use requires strict medical supervision, so do not risk the health of a little man and prescribe medication yourself or by advice friends.

What syrup with laryngitis in children to choose and use, is indicated in the article.

The most safe for treatment


  • Prospan: can be used to treat children from birth, the price is from 708 rubles per bottle 200 ml.
  • Linkas for children from six months, 90 ml 148 rubles.
  • Eucabal is also applied from six months, 100 ml to 201 rubles.
  • Sinecode can be used from two months, it helps from a dry cough of 200 ml of 318 rubles.
  • Gedelix syrup, can be used for children up to a year old, exclusively natural ingredients, on herbs. The price is 352 rubles per 100 ml.

Many of us remember the taste from childhood: Soviet cough syrups cope with any disease faster and more efficiently. Most people now trust precisely proven recipes, so they buy inexpensive analogues of foreign preparations.

What syrup with a barking cough is most often chosen, is indicated in the article.

The most inexpensive "Soviet" cough syrups:

  • Altea syrup, 125 ml - 45 rubles.
  • Pertussin - a combined herbal preparation, 100 ml of 26 rubles.
  • Syrup of licorice is an inexpensive and effective drug, 100 ml costs only 45 rubles.
  • Broncholitin - 125 g. 85 rubles.
  • Bromhexine is a good help to get phlegm, the price is about 124 rubles per 100 ml.

What syrup from barking cough in children is the most effective, indicated in the article.

Apparently, the choice is really huge and constantly updated with all new drugs. Most of them already have analogs, some are absolutely unique. An integrated approach in the treatment of cough will be a reliable and responsible decision, in which there is no place for thoughtless "self-activity". Do not abuse and prescribe yourself and children drugs on the advice of friends or by choosing at random from the pharmacy showcase.Cough syrups are also medicament preparations and contain many active ingredients in the formulation.If they diagnose the disease incorrectly, they will not bring anything but harm.

What is the best cough syrup for a baby?


Daughter NIKOLA Pitersky-

I advise everyone who does not take a great interest in medicines, FLUIform... helps at once and is very tasty for the child ...

Lady with a dog

we drink SINEKOD

God's Karofa

and we do inhalations.

Olga Yablokova

Lazolvan, and better in the inhalation through a nebulizer.


the best prescribes the doctor


It depends on what the child has a cough! It is better to consult a doctor

tamara kirshina



syrup from cough (indium production) lazolvan I have another 1 tablet of mucaltin or a tablet for coughing the result is better.

Maria Rubtsova

We were recommended by the doctor bromgeksin-well helped

Cheburashka Handsome


Julia Shirokova

With a dry cough for the night, Pertussin in age dosage, when wet - Dr. IOM. Still it is possible to take Tablets from a cough (and are called) and Mukaltin in age dosage, crush, mix in a pile of water (approx. 50 g) and give 3 times a day after meals. Water can be added less, you can drink through a straw - your choice.


Kodelak and anyone based on ambroxol. We are so treated all the time.


the doctor Lazolvan always advises us

What kind of syrup can I get for a baby from a cough?

The pathology of the respiratory system in newborns develops more often than in older children. Even a common cold can quickly go to bronchitis, and therefore treatment should be timely. If the baby does begin to cough, it is important to choose the right syrup. For babies from cough, the medicine is prescribed exclusively by the doctor after determining the exact diagnosis. Let us consider in more detail the features of some syrups and recommendations for their use.

Causes of cough in infants

Coughing a newborn baby is a very dangerous symptom. An unpleasant phenomenon causes many parents to panic. To quickly cope with the disease, first of all, you should consult a pediatrician. It is strictly forbidden to treat newborns independently! This only leads to complications and deterioration of the child's condition. The specialist will be able to correctly diagnose and prescribe a suitable syrup for the baby from coughing.

What can cause a cough in toddlers of the first year of life? The inflammatory process leads to a cold, rhinitis, sinusitis, bronchial asthma, tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis. The disease can be accompanied by the development of other symptoms, for example, fever, nasal congestion. In addition, do not forget that a child may suffer from coughing due to too dry air in the room or when entering the respiratory tract of a foreign body.

Define treatment methods

The tactics of treatment depend on the type of cough. Dry or unproductive cough is considered the most dangerous and indicates the development of the inflammatory process. Sputum is not separated from it. Mucolytics - drugs that reduce the viscosity of the pathological secretion - can help this process. Syrup for a baby from a dry cough should have a mild therapeutic effect and have a pleasant taste. It is desirable that in the composition of such a drug there are no components that cause allergic reactions.

Wet cough in children up to a year is much easier to treat than unproductive. To help the child cough up the mucus emerging from the walls of the bronchi, prescribe fluidizers and expectorants. Cough sputum with newborns is difficult because of muscle weakness. To accelerate the process in this case will help vibrating massage. In addition, children are recommended to do inhalations and warming compresses.

What kind of syrup from a cough can babies?

Mucolytics, used for dry cough, are used with caution. Some drugs can be given to the baby of the first month of life, others - a little later. Dosage is calculated strictly by age. One of the most popular medicines is Ambrobene. This cough syrup for babies (1 month and older) is prescribed by many pediatricians with poor sputum discharge.

Similar therapeutic action has "Ambroxol "Flavamed". The active ingredient in the drug is ambroxol hydrochloride. For children over six months, suitable drugs such as "Lazolvan "Linkas "Bronchicum."

The following syrups will help improve sputum evacuation:

  • "Prospan
  • Gedelix;
  • "Stood
  • "Herbion
  • dry cough medicine;
  • Eucabal.

Syrup "Lazolvan"

Effective mucolytic on the basis of ambroxol is a modern and safe means for treating cough in nursing infants. The medicine has an expectorant effect, effectively dilutes the pathological secret and promotes its early elimination. According to the instruction, it can be safely given to children of the first year of life, beginning with birth.

The active substance strengthens the function of the bronchi and protects the lungs from pathogens. In combination with antibacterial drugs, syrup "Lazolvan" enhances their therapeutic effect.

Indications for the administration of syrup to infants are the following ailments:

  • bronchitis (including with obstructive syndrome);
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • respiratory distress syndrome (in premature babies).

How to use?

"Lazolvan" in syrup can contain 15 and 30 mg of active ingredient. For treatment of the youngest patients, a remedy is prescribed with a minimum dosage of ambroxol and a pleasant fruit taste. Take syrup for babies from coughing should be after eating. In some cases, it is allowed to mix with water, tea or milk.

Dosage for babies from birth to two years a teaspoon twice a day. Doctors recommend in the treatment of mucolytics to increase the amount of fluid in the baby's diet. And you can not increase the dose of the drug for babies.

According to reviews, the syrup effectively fights with a cough and significantly improves the condition of the child already in the first days of therapy. Completely cope with the cold can after 7-10 days. The drug has a minimum of contraindications and is not used only in cases of hypersensitivity (or intolerance) of components in its composition.

Preparation "Linkas" for children

What syrup from cough for babies (4 months) will be most harmless? Only one that has a plant basis. It should be noted that not all drugs in this category are allowed for the treatment of newborn babies. A unique preparation with mucolytic and anti-inflammatory action is the "Linkas" syrup.

The composition of the medicinal product contains the following components (in the form of dry extracts):

  • leaves adhatodes vascular;
  • marshmallow medicinal (flowers);
  • bryvate onsoma (leaves, flowers);
  • fruits and roots of pepper;
  • broad-leaved cord (fruit);
  • zizifus present (fruits);
  • liquorice root;
  • medicinal hyssop (leaves);
  • roots and rhizomes of alpinia galanga;
  • the violet is fragrant (flowers).

According to the instructions, the syrup "Linkas" is prescribed for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes in respiratory organs systems that are accompanied by a cough with a difficult secret: ARVI, tracheobronchitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, influenza, tracheitis.


The manufacturer does not recommend prescribing it to babies up to 6 months, but, as medical practice shows, the medicine is well tolerated by young children. Without first consulting a pediatrician, the cough syrup for babies "Linkas" should not be used.

The dosage of the drug is calculated according to the age category of the baby. So, for children from 6 months, the expectorant should be given on half a teaspoon 2 times a day.

Ambrogen for infants

Cure with a dry cough in newborns and infants of the first year of life will help the drug Ambrobene. This remedy belongs to the group of mucolytics. Ambroxol is used as the active ingredient. The manufacturer produces the drug in several forms, but for the treatment of the smallest, use a syrup.

From cough for babies this medicine is prescribed quite often. "Ambrobe" effectively treats such ailments as laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia (as part of complex therapy) and attacks of bronchial asthma.

How to give the child?

The duration of treatment and the syrup intake scheme are selected individually. According to the instruction, to children till 2th years the medicine give on half of a teaspoon (, ml). The maximum daily dose is 15 mg of the active ingredient. Multiplicity of medication - 2 times a day. At the time of treatment with medication, a small patient is prescribed a copious drink in order to sputter and sputter faster.

special instructions

The drug has some contraindications, which should be familiar to parents. First of all, Ambrobene is not suitable for treating children with intolerance to ambroxol, fructose or other components. Also, the agent is not prescribed for glucosogalactose malabsorption and sucrose deficiency. Only for strict indications and under medical supervision, the syrup is used to treat children with renal or hepatic insufficiency.

Is "Prospan" effective?

Another popular herbal medicine is "Prospan the active ingredient of which is an extract of ivy leaves. The drug has mucolytic, expectorant, antispasmodic and antitussive effect. Saponins, found in plant raw materials, have antibacterial and antifungal properties. In addition, the medicinal plant contains a high concentration of essential oils, flavonoids, phytosteroids and triterpenoids.

In acute and chronic inflammatory processes in the respiratory system, it is recommended that this syrup be given from a cough. For babies (3 months and even younger) "Prospan" is prescribed for both dry and wet cough. The composition of the drug is alcohol and glucose. Therefore, it can be given to babies suffering from diabetes.

Instructions for use

Vegetable syrup from a cough is given to infants over, ml twice a day. If the recommended dose is exceeded, side effects can occur in the form of abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea. Depending on the severity of the condition of the baby, the doctor can adjust the treatment schedule and the frequency of medication. The drug is often prescribed as part of complex therapy.

Gedelix: cough syrup

It takes quite a long time for a groom to pick up preparations for a cough. Pediatricians almost always recommend using funds on a natural basis. Syrup "Gedelix" is a mucolytic of German manufacture, which also exerts an antispasmodic and expectorant effect. The drug has an extract of ivy leaves, which is especially effective in dry cough, and an extract from anise seeds.

Assign "Gedelix" (syrup) for the baby from cough in a dose, ml. Indications for use are such pathologies as bronchitis, acute respiratory viral infection, bronchial asthma with difficulty in sputum discharge, pneumonia. It is recommended to dilute the syrup with a small amount of tea or water.

Vegetable components can trigger the development of side effects from the digestive tract (nausea, vomiting) or allergic skin reactions.

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