Causes of cough

Causes of cough

The causes of the appearance of a cough are great and in each specific case they are deeply individual. Cough, our body reacts to various viruses, irritants, pathogens and allergens. Due to irritation of cough receptors, in the mucous membranes of the trachea, nose and throat, this respiratory reflex occurs. Although the protective barriers in our body are sufficient, they do not always effectively cope with the incoming stimuli and let them into the body.

As you know, cough by the nature of manifestation should be divided into productive - with mucus secretions and unproductive. Considering its course, you can divide the cough into an acute one - lasting less than 3 weeks, chronic - observed for more than three months and prolonged - lasting more than three weeks. It has long been known that cough is a sign of a disease not only of the bronchi, but also of the stomach, nerves, paranasal sinuses, heart and other painful conditions. The causes of cough are different, there are more than 50. The vast majority of diseases, one of the symptoms of which is cough, are the basis of respiratory diseases and inflammations in the upper respiratory tract. Much less likely to cause cough is cancer or laryngeal edema, earwax cork, hypertrophy of a small tongue.

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Cough, which lasts less than three weeks, does not entail any special negative consequences. Complications arise due to prolonged coughing attacks, they manifest themselves in the form of fainting, the formation of pneumothorax, and even fracture of the rib. Concomitant symptoms may include vomiting, hemoptysis and myalgia. Diagnose cough is needed not only on the basis of general information and initial examination of the patient. With prolonged coughing attacks, appropriate tests and removal of clinical and anamnestic data are necessary.

Causes of cough:

  1. Whooping cough. Viral disease that develops as a result of infection with a virus that spreads quickly during coughing and sneezing. Virtually always manifests as a debilitating dry cough. There are no special drugs responsible for the treatment of pertussis. The patient is recommended bed rest, restorative treatment, abundant expectorant and vitaminized drink. Prevention of the disease is vaccination, which helps to prevent deaths.
  2. Medicines for high blood pressure. These drugs are based on inhibitors of angiotensin with a transforming enzyme. Among drugs that can cause a cough is enap, hood, enalapril, captopril and almost all drugs that normalize blood pressure. In 20% of all patients, cough is observed, as a side effect of taking the drug. It is proved that after refusing to take such tablets, the causes of cough completely disappear and it ceases.
  3. A sharp cough. Its basis is various ARVI diseases, with concomitant discharge from the nasopharynx and an unpleasant sensation in the throat. With effective treatment, the cause of the cough disappears as early as the second week. Sometimes, the root cause of acute cough is pleurisy, whooping cough, pneumonia, acute respiratory infections, or toxic substances.
  4. Aspiration. Cough appears after a sharp inhalation of a foreign body. If swallowing muscles are broken, then cough can cause food and alcohol. The cause of coughing can serve as a stroke, dementia or Parkinson's disease.
  5. Chronic cough. Most often observed with chronic bronchitis. In this case, the cough is productive, with a constant release of mucus. It can also be observed in smokers. The cause of chronic coughing can be heart failure, interstitial lung disease, various tumors in the lungs. In some cases, chronic cough may be the only sign of the disease. When doing a check, do a chest X-ray.
  6. Bronchogenic cancer. Almost always observed in ardent smokers. At the same time, cough is unproductive, blood is observed in the expectorant mucus. The cough is long and painful, after it there is shortness of breath and fatigue. Bronchoscopy and biopsy are performed.
  7. Heart failure. With a vice or ischemic heart disease, coughing attacks are observed. It is productive, almost always there is a certain amount of blood in the sputum. Cough can disappear, after a course of diuretics that help to remove not only excess fluid from the body, but also improve blood distillation by heart. Mucus is excreted, relief comes and cough stops.
  8. Chronic inflammation of the nasopharynx. Cough is dry and painful, coughing is possible. Even after coughing, there is a "lump" in the throat and perspiration.
  9. Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. discharge from the nose, along the back wall, the tracheobronchial tree flows. In addition to cough, there are significant discharge from the nasopharynx. The cause may be rhinitis (vasomotor and allergic), as well as sinusitis. It is necessary to completely purify the entire nasopharynx.
  10. Pathology of the middle and outer ear. With otitis and sulfur plugs, the patient has a prolonged dry cough with accompanying hearing impairment and secretions from it. A complete examination of the paranasal sinuses in combination with an ENT is carried out.
  11. Nerves. It is most difficult to diagnose a cough taking a base in nervous system disorders. Because of excessive excitement and a kind of anticipation of a cough, it can appear during important speeches and mass events. At the same time, it is almost impossible to find the cause of the cough, since it is in the patient's excessive excitability.
  12. Hyperventilation on the background of respiratory discomfort. Cough intensifies in stuffy rooms and when wearing uncomfortable clothing. There is a feeling of lack of air and shortness of breath, there is dizziness, yawning and a sense of fear, excessive sweating, there is a pre-patchy condition.
  13. Stenosing and acute tracheitis. Cough is short, but strong, with volumetric edema of the larynx and inflammation in the trachea. The throat is ticked and there is a discharge from the nose.

The causes of cough are quite diverse, so do not do self-treatment at home. It is necessary to entrust your health to a specialist who can easily diagnose and cure an importunate symptom.

Causes of cough without colds

We are used to the fact that colds are strongly associated with a cough, therefore, in isolation from each other, these concepts are almost not considered. And in vain! The causes of cough without cold can be very different, but all of them are evidence of a serious disparity in health.

Possible causes of dry cough without colds

Cough without cold symptoms is not as rare as it might seem. Depending on what caused the irritation of the respiratory tract, we can distinguish two types of cough:

  • productive (with waste sputum);
  • unproductive (dry cough).

Causes of a cough without signs of a cold, but with the withdrawal of phlegm, are usually hidden in various inflammatory processes and stagnant phenomena in the bronchi. This may be the effects of long-standing pneumonia or untreated bronchitis. Sometimes the causes can be associated with the digestive system.

If you have a cough, but not a cold, this can be the consequences of reflux disease, when the contents of the stomach enter the esophagus. Such a cough often appears at night and after it remains a sour, unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth.

Unproductive cough is much more dangerous and its causes can be various violations. If you have a dry cough with no signs of a cold, the reasons can be as follows:

  • the onset of laryngitis;
  • the initial stage of ARVI and other infections;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • emphysema of the lungs;
  • smoker's catarrh;
  • foreign body;
  • oncological disease of the lungs;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • tuberculosis;
  • nervous reaction;
  • allergic reaction to dust and chemicals.

Cough without symptoms of cold - we determine the disease

Determine what disease caused the cough, can only the doctor. You can not independently diagnose yourself. Nevertheless, by the attendant signs it is possible to establish, how quickly

medical consultation is necessary. For example, if it is only a cough, without accompanying symptoms, you can talk about a few days before a visit to a doctor. But in case the cough is accompanied by swelling of the neck and chin, tingling in the nasopharynx and dizziness, the count goes for a minute. The allergic reaction risks leading to the edema of Quincke.

Sometimes the cause of dry cough is neurological reactions - experiences and stress. A slightly less common case is a dry cough caused by taking medications to lower blood pressure and some other medicines.

Cough for colds

Cough is a frequent companion of colds. His treatment can not be carried out by itself, because in most cases, coughing is just a symptom of the underlying illness. Cough for cold gives a lot of unpleasant feelings to a person. There are a sufficient number of ways to help quickly and effectively cope with both the cough itself and the cold that caused it to appear. It should be remembered that the treatment of a disease accompanied by a cough is necessary, because otherwise the disease can become chronic or cause complications.

With a cold, a dry cough

The technique by which cough treatment is cured for colds depends to a large extent on the nature of the cough itself. It can be dry or wet, with sputum separation. With a damp cough in the lungs, sputum is present, which affects the respiratory system and provokes a cough. With the dry nature of this symptom, the cause is irritation of the receptors on the mucous membrane of the respiratory system.

One of the most common methods of treating dry cough with a cold is gargling with a solution of ordinary soda. This method will have a visible effect only in inflammatory processes of the upper parts of the respiratory tract: pharynx or larynx. If the cough is caused by a lesion of the bronchi, the gargling of the throat will not help. In this case, it is better to replace them with inhalations with soda or a decoction of chamomile.

Another recipe that can cope with a cough for a cold of a dry nature, is considered inhalation with the addition of eucalyptus oil. Several drops of it drip into a container of boiling water, then you need to sit above it and inhale the vapors that are released, covered with a towel.

With a cold cough with phlegm

Treatment of a damp cough for colds is mainly to get rid of phlegm. To do this, you need to make it more fluid to make it easier to remove. Help in this can be mucolytic drugs, as well as funds similar to them in action. One such compound is honey with the addition of birch buds. To prepare such a product you will need a glass of honey and half a cup of kidney. These ingredients are mixed by adding about 100 ml of water to the mixture. Then it is put on fire and boiled for about 5 minutes. After this, the product is filtered, you can also add a couple of drops of aloe juice and a little sugar. The resulting mixture is taken on a large spoon after eating several times a day. Keep the product in a cool, dark place.

Another method of treating wet cough with colds is compresses made from honey and herbs. One of the recipes is as follows. A small spoonful of dry mustard powder, a small amount of vodka, as much vegetable oil and a tablespoon of honey should be well mixed. The entire mixture is gently applied to a piece of cloth or gauze, which must be of such size to cover the back or chest completely. The compress is placed on the chest or back and left on the skin for several hours. It is better to carry out the procedure in the evening, before going to bed. Most likely, the next day the cough will recede and the patient will feel considerable relief.

Cough after a cold

Cough does not pass after a cold

Quite often cough persists for a long time after other symptoms of the common cold have already receded. Such a cough torments a person and gives him trouble.

Cough for cold is one of the most characteristic symptoms of the disease. It can persist for a while and after the treatment of the underlying disease, which is one of the variants of the norm. However, the residual cough should not last more than 10-14 days after the disappearance of other signs of a cold. If the cough remains for a longer time, this may indicate the development of complications, such as bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough and others. Therefore, if cough after a cold persists for more than 2 weeks, you should visit the therapist, and if necessary, other specialists. In some cases, after severe infectious diseases can persist for up to two months.

Causes of cough after a cold

The acute period of a cold is usually quite short-lived, in most cases it lasts no more than a few days. However, even in this short time pathogenic microorganisms or viruses manage to destroy the mucous membrane of the respiratory system. This leads to an increase in its sensitivity. Inhalation of very cold air, dust, sharp temperature contrast can lead to coughing attacks. Such residual cough may be dry or accompanied by a mild sputum discharge. Most often, it manifests itself with a slight cough and a feeling of perspiration in the throat. After some time after a cold, the body recovers, and cough completely disappears. During the recovery period, all the treatment procedures aimed at getting rid of the cough that was carried out during the acute period of the illness should be performed.

Long cough after cold: treatment

In the treatment of residual cough, various herbal extracts can be used, for example, based on quince, pine buds, ivy leaves or other medicinal plants. Methods of treating long-term cough after a cold are also compresses, inhalations, warming and a special set of physical exercises. Traditional medicine offers its options for the rapid treatment of residual cough.

Medicinal plants have spasmolytic, mucolytic and expectorant effect, they are able to reduce the severity of the mucosal edema.

Residual cough of a wet character can be treated with inhalations with such medicinal plants as the turn, yarrow, eucalyptus, plantain, coltsfoot, rosemary and others. You can use for this purpose fiz.svostr and essential oils, for example, fir, lime, rosemary, sage, aira, pine and others. In the absence of special devices: a nebulizer or an inhaler, the inhalation procedure is carried out over any capacity. It is important to monitor the temperature of the steam, so as not to burn yourself. The patient needs to bend over the container and cover himself with a towel, inhaling the healing steam. The duration of such inhalation is about 10 minutes. After the procedure is over for a while you can not leave the premises.

Treatment for a cough after a cold can include warming compresses, which when prepared use badger fat, lard, various warming ointments made on the basis of essential oils. The chosen means should be rubbed feet and chest area, then put on top thick socks and woolen scarf.

To get rid of a cough after a cold, you can use a fig with milk. To prepare this product, several pieces of dried white figs and a cup of milk are required. The ingredients are combined and boiled, after which the resulting beverage is left to be infused. The drug should be drunk several times a day in hot form.

A known remedy that helps with residual cough is black radish with the addition of sugar. At the big fruit of a radish cut off an apex and do a deepening in pulp where pour some honey or put sugar. The cut top is put in place, and the radish is left for about 24 hours. During this time, the juice appears in the groove, which is what it is used for when coughing before eating on a large spoon.

They help to cope with a cough after a cold and exercises physical therapy exercises, this method for treating cough in children is especially shown. The complex of exercises is performed several times a day. The first exercise is a push-up from the floor with legs bent at the knees. The second exercise is carried out, lying with his back on the big fitball and picking up dumbbells. It consists in the dilution of the hands on the exhalation and in turn their upward and downward shifting. The number of repetitions is 10 times. Such exercises can increase the volume of the lungs.

A good effect is also a massage with vibrations. It is carried out by easy tapping movements with the help of the ribs of the palms along the lines along the spine, while the spine itself can not be touched. The duration of the massage is about 2 minutes.

Increase the volume of lungs and improve their performance can be by inflating balloons. However, such an exercise in children can lead to hyperventilation, which is manifested by vomiting and dizziness. Therefore, instead of balloons, you can buy a baby lip harmonica.

It is important after the disease to restore weakened immunity. This can be achieved by adequate nutrition, regular intake of necessary vitamins and physical activity. Some time after a cold, the nasal and pharyngeal mucosa remains too dry. To get rid of dryness it is possible, having dripped in nasal courses on some droplets Vaseline or sea-buckthorn oil.

Cough without colds

Coughing is one of the body's reflexes in response to the inflammatory process or the effect of an irritant. Cough can occur with colds. However, sometimes it appears without signs of a cold. Such a cough can be a sign of a serious illness.

Causes of cough without colds

In any case, cough with or without a cold is just a symptom. To determine the causes of cough without a cold, you need to analyze other symptoms of the disease and the nature of the cough itself: dry or wet (productive).

Causes of cough without cold can be the following pathologies:

  1. Gastroesophageal reflux. This pathology is manifested by the release of gastric acids into the esophagus. In this case, a cough may appear, especially in the prone position. Other symptoms of this condition are a sour taste in the mouth and heartburn.
  2. Obstructive lung disease of chronic form.
  3. Stagnation in the lungs, the primary cause of which is a viral infection. This residual phenomenon may persist for some time after the cure of the disease.
  4. Lesions of the lungs, irritation of the esophagus, larynx and pharynx due to prolonged smoking.

Dry cough without cold can occur for the following reasons:

  1. Allergic reaction.
  2. Bronchial asthma.
  3. Bronchospasm.
  4. The effects of irritants, dust and other.
  5. Taking ACE inhibitor drugs that are used to lower blood pressure.

In addition, cough without cold can be caused by mediastinal tumors, pleurisy, lung cancer, tuberculosis, pathologies of the nervous system. In childhood, the causes of coughing can be inhalation of dust or tobacco smoke, emotional shocks, acute laryngitis (croup). Babies may develop coughing and runny nose during teething.

There is also a physiological cough, not accompanied by signs of a cold. It manifests itself in the fact that a healthy child coughs about 20 times a day, while there are no other symptoms of the disease. Thus, the child's airways are cleansed of sputum and foreign bodies trapped in the respiratory system. Treatment with a physiological cough is not required.

Cough without cold: treatment

Treatment of a cough without a cold should be directed not at getting rid of this symptom, but for the underlying disease that caused its appearance. However, to reduce the manifestations and severity of cough, it is possible to carry out some activities:

- A productive moist cough requires dilution of sputum. To this end, a generous warm drink helps. It is not necessary to suppress cough, because in this way from the lungs and bronchi to excrete accumulated slime. If this process is broken, sputum accumulates in the lower parts of the lungs, which can cause complications;

- cough for colds and without it - an excuse to quit smoking forever;

- to remove irritation and get rid of the pain in the throat can be by rinsing the throat with water and adding to it the usual salt (the ratio of half a small spoon to a cup of water);

- air in the room where the patient with a cough is, should be sufficiently moistened;

- To make a cough more effective help inhalation with the addition of essential oils: eucalyptus, thyme, incense, marjoram and others.

Of course, not always cough without a cold requires a visit to the doctor, it is often just a reaction to dust and other irritating substances in the air, an allergic reaction or a residual phenomenon after the transferred disease. However, if the cough is accompanied by severe pain, there are traces of blood in the expectorant sputum, or cough lasts more than 10-14 days, it is worth turning to the specialists. In such cases, ECG is usually prescribed, lung radiography, general blood and urine tests, lung volume determination and other examinations.

Causes of a persistent, chronic cough

To date, one of the most common types of diseases are respiratory viral infections. And one of the most unpleasant of their symptoms is a cough. It can be of different forms and forms, but the most annoying of them is chronic.

In itself, a persistent cough is not an independent disease, but only its annoying symptom. But often he conceals a serious problem behind himself. In no case can not neglect this ailment, this entails dangerous consequences.

Types of chronic cough

Depending on the duration and form of reflex attacks, this symptom can be conditionally divided into several types:

  • Permanent dry, at which there is a slight coughing for a long time.
  • Persistent wet, characterized by expectoration of sputum in small amounts.
  • Paroxysmal, characterized by short, but very unpleasant attacks.

Each of these types of disorders will help determine the type of illness that has become chronic.

Causes of persistent cough

No matter how we relate to this symptom, in fact there are a lot of reasons for its occurrence. The variety of diseases accompanied by respiratory attacks complicates the diagnosis and delays the treatment process.

So, let's consider the main causes of persistent cough:

  • The most common cause of chronic cough in our country is smoking. And not necessarily avid. A few smoked cigarettes a day for a long time, also have a negative impact on the respiratory system. Do not think that partially limiting yourself from this addiction, you will get rid of all its negative influences. Resins enter the lungs and, accumulating on the mucous membrane, begin to irritate it, causing reflex attacks.
  • Passive smoking also causes a persistent cough. Think about your children and just about the people in the presence of which you smoke.
  • Such a disease as asthma is primarily diagnosed only if there is a persistent cough. If you started to suffer this symptom, do not be lazy to visit a doctor and undergo a course of diagnosis.
  • Not completely cured respiratory infections cause an impassable cough. Such diseases as bronchitis, pneumonia, influenza, in neglected form can become not only the cause of constant reflex attacks, but also serious complications.
  • Digestive reflux, in which gastric juice begins to move along the esophagus, irritates it and leads to a spasm of the respiratory system. This is the cause of respiratory attacks, taking a chronic nature.
  • Allergies to any objects and substances that surround you daily, also cause a persistent dry cough. This condition can be easily distinguished from others by the presence of additional symptoms characteristic of this disorder.
  • Heart failure can cause constant reflex attacks in the respiratory system. Do not be lazy to pay attention to your general condition and seek advice from a cardiologist.
  • Oncological diseases of the respiratory system cause chronic wet cough. Unlike other species, with this disease, cough is worse, and blood may appear in the sputum. This is very dangerous and negligence in this matter can cost you life. Therefore, at the first sign of an unreasonable persistent cough, consult a doctor.
  • Very rarely there are psychological deviations, which are the basis of causeless reflexes. This is observed in cases where a person has long coughed, and even recovered, can not get out of this state.

Treatment of chronic cough

In order to start treating this symptom, you must first accurately identify its cause. Only after this, you can safely take drugs prescribed by a doctor and use folk remedies that ease the condition of the patient. Here are some treatments:

  • If viral infections and other respiratory diseases are found, it is recommended that you take medications prescribed by your doctor. Among them should be antiviral, expectorant, and other drugs. Of the folk remedies, syrups, inhalations, warming and infusions of the herbs of the breast are very good.
  • If the patient is diagnosed with asthma, then the situation is much more complicated. In no case should you neglect the doctor's instructions and be somewhere without medication. With this disease, drugs are used that relieve the inflammation of the lung mucosa and those that stop the attacks of suffocation.
  • When digestive reflux should be used drugs that reduce the acidity of the stomach. This will help in many cases to relieve seizures, especially those that arise in the prone position.
  • With allegri, you first need to identify the cause, and then eliminate it. Since there is no medicine for allergies, you can not cure it, but there is a mass antiallergic agents that help to alleviate the condition and almost completely soothe the persistent cough.

Remember, that in treatment it is necessary to use only those preparations which have been appointed or nominated by your attending physician. Do not try to self-medicate, it is fraught with serious consequences.

Prevention of chronic cough

Despite the fact that many diseases lead to the appearance of this symptom, it can be avoided. To do this, you just need to adhere to some rules, among which:

  • Full refusal to smoke and avoiding places where others smoke.
  • Regular examination for the presence of the above reasons for the appearance of this symptom.
  • Limitation in communication with people who are sick with respiratory infections.
  • The general strengthening of immunity and vitaminization, which stimulates the body in the fight against various kinds of infections.
  • When treating diseases of the respiratory organs, it is necessary to strictly fulfill all the prescriptions of the attending physician. Refusal of medicines can cause complications and the appearance of an impassable cough.

In case of prevention, do not forget about folk remedies. Among a huge number of recipes, choose a few that you will like. Watch your health, and a constant cough will not bother you.

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