Abdominal pain with pressure

Pathology The cause of abdominal pain and the site of its localization
Appendicitis - acute inflammation of the appendix of the cecum The pain when pressed on the stomach appears abrupt and intensifies with a positive syndrome of Schetkina-Blumberg in the supine position. Additional signs of appendicitis are nausea and vomiting, which does not bring relief, upset of the stool, high body temperature. Most often, the pain is localized to the right of the navel below the navel.
Gastritis - Acute inflammation of the gastric mucosa The main symptoms of the disease are loss of appetite, belching, nausea and vomiting, increased gas formation, weight loss. In addition, the stomach hurts when pressed in the epigastric region, there is heartburn and burning sensation behind the sternum
Stomach ulcer and 12-colon - a disease in which the mucous membrane of the digestive organs are formed sores Soreness on the left side of different intensity, pricking nature, more oftenall that occurs on an empty stomach. Other satellites of the YBW and 12 duodenum are heartburn, sour regurgitation, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating, nausea, weight loss
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Gastroesophageal reflux is a condition in which the gastrointestinal contents return to the lumen of the esophagus The most common pain occurs in thethe upper abdomen or behind the breastbone, mainly on the left, there is a burning sensation along the esophagus, difficulty and painful swallowing, prolonged coughing and hoarseness, destruction of tooth enamel
Crohn's disease - chronicgranulomatous disease that affects the entire gastrointestinal tract, beginning with the mouth and ending with the rectum Patients with a serious disease develop diarrhea with an admixture of blood in the feces, an increase in body temperature and general weakness, a decrease or loss of appetite, sores from the oral cavity and throughout the digestive tract,anal fistulas, abdominal cramping pains that increase with palpation. In addition, Crohn's disease can manifest itself in the form of inflammation of the skin, eyes and joints.
Gallstone disease is a pathology in which stones are formed in the gallbladder and ducts. Diagnosis of the disease is as follows: pain in the right side of the hypochondria of the aching character, belching, bloating,increased irritability, upset of the stool with proper nutrition, colic on the right. In addition, it is worth noting that patients complain of sleep disturbance and loss of appetite
Herniated restraint - a condition characterized by a squeezing of the abdominal cavity with a hernial graft leading to a disruption of the blood circulation If the hernia is infringed, patients experience sudden sharp pain, an increase in the size of the abdomen, redness and swelling of the skin surrounding the hernial sac, nausea and vomiting, violation of the act of defecation, blood veins in the feces, fluctuations in blood pressure, general weakness and malaise
Food poisoning is a condition in which toxins enter the body due to the mass multiplication of pathogenic microbes . When poisoning with spoiled products, most often there is body temperature, nausea and vomiting, upset stomach and abdominal cramping, flatulence, lowering blood pressure, cold sticky sweat. At palpation the patient complains of pain in the navel area
Urinary system infection is a group of diseases associated with inflammation of one or more organs of formation, accumulation and excretion of urine. In various diseases, the clinical picture and the location of pain localization will differ. When pressing hurts the abdomen, urinary incontinence, painful urination in small portions is noted with cystitis. The left side can hurt with kidney damage from this side and vice versa. With bilateral renal damage, for example, pyelonephritis, the pain is localized in the lumbar region of the
The pathology of the female genitalia is a type of disease including inflammation of the uterus with appendages, ectopic pregnancy, painful periods, etc. Because of the location in the small pelvis, all the pain sensations are noted in the lower abdomen in women with any gynecological pathology. In the case of bacteria, itching and burning of the genitals may appear, an unpleasant odor and consistency of discharge, dryness of the mucous membrane, pain during and after sex
  • Causes for soreness
  • Diagnosis of abdominal pain
  • First aid
  • Treatment of diseases that cause abdominal pain
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The abdominal cavity is a place that can be examined with the help of palpation. It is easy to detect any tumors, a hernia and palpate the organs. But sometimes patients complain that the stomach hurts when you press it and then the specialist appoints additional diagnostic methods that help to find out the cause of the unpleasant symptom.

Causes of soreness

Abdominal pain may occur in the following cases when pressing:

  • Acute appendicitis;
  • gastritis in the acute stage;
  • peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • hernia;
  • poisoning with low-quality food;
  • pathology of organs located in the small pelvis( uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, etc.);
  • is a urinary tract infection.

Looking at the table, you can briefly learn about the cause of the pain and the location of its localization.

Diagnosis of abdominal pain

If there is pain in the lower abdomen, the navel or side of an unclear etiology, you should immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance. The doctor needs to thoroughly and accurately palpate all parts of the abdomen in order to more accurately understand what pathology this patient may have.

After the examination, the specialist marks the point of "tenderness" - the place of the highest sensitivity in a certain zone. In addition, the medical worker collects an anamnesis:

  • when the first signs of the disease appear;
  • for the first time does the patient experience such symptoms;
  • in which case there is pain and when it begins to increase;
  • which additional signs appeared or were available, for example, stool disorder, vomiting, hyperthermia, etc.
Important! In a child, the diagnosis of the disease can be difficult.

This is due to the fact that the baby can not independently point to the place where the pain is localized, and to name other symptoms of the pathology( with the exception of those that the parents themselves can observe personally).

Why does the upper abdomen hurt?

To timely and correctly diagnose pathology, you can take the following measures: radiography of abdominal organs, ultrasound of the stomach, clinical and biochemical analysis of blood, laparoscopy( for diagnostic purposes during surgical treatment).

The photo shows the belly zones of a man, with palpation of which one can assume one or another pathology. They also diagnose problem areas not only in adults, but also in children.

At palpation, the doctor can mentally diagnose, which is further confirmed by a comprehensive survey of

. First aid

. Under no pretext should anesthetics be taken, as the clinical picture can be highly distorted. To relieve a bit of pain it is allowed to apply ice to the site of its localization.

After the pain has decreased, it is necessary to see a doctor for help as soon as possible, because if you do not, serious consequences can occur, up to a lethal outcome.

Remember! Pain - a serious bug, which indicates the presence in the body of any pathology. In no event should this fact be ignored.

Soreness in the abdomen can indicate the malfunction of the heart, lungs, digestive organs, and these are organs that are of great importance for the work of the whole organism.

Treatment of diseases that cause abdominal pain

Treatment of each disease that causes abdominal pain, individually. For example, appendicitis is treated only surgically, i.e.removal of the inflamed appendix( appendectomy).Treatment of gastritis involves taking antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic drugs and adherence to a strict diet.

Stomach ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer will not do without taking antibacterial drugs, drugs that reduce the acidity of the stomach, medications with enveloping action. Gastroesophageal reflux can be cured with fractional food, antacids, proton pump inhibitors.

If conservative treatment does not give positive results, surgical intervention is indicated. Therapy of Crohn's disease directly depends on the severity of the disease and the location of the localization. With narrowing of the intestine, suppurative inflammations and inefficiency of drug treatment, the operation is shown.

Individual therapy

Urinary tract infections are treated with antibiotics after the bacteriosia has been performed to identify microorganisms and their sensitivity to certain drugs. Getting rid of diseases of female genitalia also does not do without antibiotics, besides, it is worth paying attention to the cause of the disease and the place of its localization.

In some cases, a surgical procedure can not be avoided. Obligatory conditions on the way to recovery are refusal to smoke and taking alcoholic beverages, adherence to a strict diet prescribed by a gastroenterologist or other specialist.