Diet with atrophic gastritis

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Atrophic gastritis - a pathological condition which is characterized by inflammation of the stomachshell with the disappearance of its secretory cells. As a consequence, food that has entered the gastrointestinal tract stops digesting, the body begins to suffer from a deficiency of vitamins and other nutrients.

And as the end result all organs and their systems begin to suffer. Diet with atrophic gastritis takes a big role on the way to recovery. With her help you can relieve abdominal pain and other unpleasant symptoms, improve the functioning of the body, accelerate the process of regeneration of damaged cells. Selection of treatment and choice of menu is prescribed only by a doctor.

Which diet is used for stomach disease

Specialists are assigned a specially developed diet number 2. It is aimed at replenishing the body with vital nutrients and normalizes the work of the digestive tract. If the antral part of the stomach( the lower part of the stomach) was touched, then a diet No. 1 is prescribed. At an atrophic hyperplastic form of gastritis, a menu with a restriction of products that promote irritation of the walls of the stomach is necessary.

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There are several principles that should be obeyed during nutrition with atrophic gastritis of the stomach:

  • all foods should be boiled, steamed, stewed, baked;
  • take food in a frayed form in small portions to free the stomach from excess load;
  • baking is not allowed to eat fresh, only "yesterday's";
  • porridge at the first time it is necessary to cook on water or diluted milk;
  • soups to cook on diluted broths from lean meats;
  • add to the diet products rich in vitamin C to increase acidity;
  • there is no ban on vegetables and fruits in any form.

In addition, there is a list of prohibited and allowed products to use.

Prohibited products Allowed products
Baked and other fresh baked goods Stale bread, biscuits, crackers, biscuit not dried up until the end
Canned food and pickles Dietary meat and fish varieties
Fatty meat( pork, fat) and fish Boiled eggsand a scrambled couple
Some cereals: millet, barley, barley Groats: rice, buckwheat, semolina, oatmeal
Sour soups, fat broths, okroshka Cheese of low-fat varieties, butter, dairy products with low acid contentawn
Horseradish, mustard, spicy sauces Vegetable oil
peas, beans and other legumes Potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, cucumbers, tomatoes
Fried eggs, hard boiled eggs Fresh juices
Carbonated beverages, coffee strong pasta, marshmallows, jellies
Smoked products Cocoa, weak tea, jelly and compote
Fresh greens
It is necessary to observe a diet not one or two weeks, but not less than several months.

Nutrition with atrophic form with reduced acidity

Inflammation of the stomach with a decreased acidity results from the depletion of the mucous membrane of the organ. The dead glandular epithelium loses the ability to reproduce hydrochloric acid, which helps digest food. In addition, the deficit is a digestive secret and enzymes, with the help of which the assimilation of nutrient micro- and macro elements necessary for the body occurs.

It is important to eat by the hour. In this case, the body adapts to produce a sufficient amount of gastric juice

Diet with this form of gastritis should include in the diet products that will stimulate the production of gastric juice and enzymes. Such foods include: low-fat varieties of meat and fish, sour fruits and juices, vegetable dishes.

It is strictly forbidden to eat foods that can cause fermentation in the digestive tract: bread and bakery products, milk, etc. You need to eat at least 6 times a day for the best digestion of food, do not over-eat.

Diet with acidity increase

Gastritis with high acidity is caused by malnutrition. Hence it should be concluded that the diet for atrophic gastritis of the stomach should be immediately corrected. It is necessary to remember which food should be present in the menu, and which one should be excluded.

You can not eat fried, fatty, spicy food. In addition, it is necessary to exclude bad habits( alcohol and smoking).All this will help increase acidity, which can lead to an inflammatory process with atrophy and to attacks of nausea and vomiting.

What to eat with pains in the stomach?

The following products are also excluded from the diet: citrus fruits, grapes, carbonated water, freshly baked bread, onions and garlic, flavor additives in the form of spices. In addition, do not eat too hot or cold dishes. They can stay in the stomach for a long time.

Specialists recommend dry milk powder of low fat content. Raw vegetables and fruits must be replaced with boiled and steamed. Good for digestion porridge, compotes, puree. For best absorption, the products are whipped with a blender.

Tips for the chronic form of

The chronic form of gastritis is a pathology that occurs for at least 3-4 months without the absence of proper treatment. The results of the therapy have to wait a fairly long time. Provocateur in the development of the disease is malnutrition, alcohol abuse and uncontrolled use of medications.

The main point on the way to healthy digestion is to follow a strict diet. As with the focal form of gastritis, simple rules should be followed: fractional frequent meals, food in frayed form, heat-treated, rejection of bad habits, canned food, fatty and fried foods, smoked foods, pickles.

Prohibition of alcohol - an important condition for the recovery of the body

Several recipes for proper nutrition

The following are a few recipes that patients are recommended to use.

Recipe No. 1. Chicken minced meat chops

Chicken minced meat from a breast is mixed with a small rubbed onion, a little salt and an egg. Good beat, forming a cutlet. They put them in a water bath and wait 15-20 minutes until they are ready. It is good to eat steamed burgers together with mashed potatoes or buckwheat porridge.

Recipe № 2. Vegetable stew with meat

Small piece of beef washed and cut into cubes. Also cut into cubes potatoes, carrots, onions, eggplant or zucchini, tomato. All put in one form, a little salt and add greens. Put in the oven preheated to 220 degrees and bake for about 45-50 minutes, covering the baking sheet with foil. You can use the sleeve for baking.

Recipe # 3. Pumpkin soup

A small piece of peeled pumpkin, carrot and onion grate and cook. The resulting broth, along with the vegetables, whip the blender to a homogeneous mass and add a small piece of butter and milk. After that, the soup should be brought back to boiling, salt it to taste, adding a pinch of fresh or dried greens.