Eye drops with hyaluronic acid: names, benefits

Drops for eyes with hyaluronic acid are getting more and more widespread today. Many users have already evaluated their effectiveness. To produce these drops, a special low-molecular component, proposed by Japanese scientists, is used.

Hyaluronic acid is used to make medicines that can attract and hold water in the cells. Thanks to this, youth returns to the tissues.

Means with hyaluronic acid are already actively used in the treatment of eye diseases. In the pharmacies, drops appeared with hyaluronic acid. On their features - further.


  • 1Application area
  • 2Features of preparations
  • 3List
    • 3.1Eye drops Oxyal
    • 3.2Hilo-Chest of drawers
    • 3.3Eye drops Hilozar-Chest
    • 3.4Blink
  • 4Recommendations for use
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Application area

Hyaluronic acid has a remarkable property - the ability to restore dead cells. Being a natural moisturizer, it is able to stay on the surface of the eyes for a long time, thereby protecting them from drying out.

For people who use contact lenses, it is very important to maintain moisture in the eyes.

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In such patients, the doctor must always use eye drops in order to eliminate the discomfort and dryness that appear when wearing lenses.The composition of the contact lens material also includes hyaluronic acid, which increases the comfort when using them.

Eye drops with hyaluronic acid well help those who have a dry eye syndrome of medium and mild degree.It is recommended to use similar means for intensive and prolonged work at the computer (Arterak Splash eye drops are good), and also in cases of the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • Irritation;
  • Redness of the eyes;
  • Overwork.

Eye preparations with hyaluronic acid can be used by people who have been in the sun for a long time or in a room with hot, dry air and air conditioning.

Eye drops with hyaluronic acid help the eyes after acute human respiratory viral diseases. In addition, they accelerate the recovery of tissues on the cornea after:

  • Various injuries;
  • Operational interventions;
  • Chemical burns.

Eye drops with hyaluronic acid are used in home and stationary conditions, but before using them, you should consult an ophthalmologist.

Features of preparations

Viscoelastic properties of drugs with hyaluronic acid make them unique. After the instillation of the means, the user blinks and drops from the dense state pass into the liquid, resulting in a uniform and rapid distribution over the eye surface. Due to this, a person does not experience blurred vision.

In preparations with hyaluronic acid, other moisturizing drops have a number of positive aspects:

  • This is absolutely pure material.It contains proteins, nucleic acids, bacterial endotoxins.
  • Hyaluronic acid promotes tissue repair.
  • In such preparations two properties necessary for a cornea of ​​a eye are combined - humidification and greasing.
  • For users of contact lenses, these drops allow you to feel comfortable.
  • Drops give a stable tear film, reduces dryness, irritation, arising from dust, bright light, pollen of plants and much more.

Means with hyaluronic acid in a short time eliminate eye fatigue, and also have the ability increase the bioavailability of the remaining active components contained in individual droplet types for eye.


For today in drugstores it is possible to meet some tens names of drops with hyaluronic acid. But ophthalmologists most often prescribe one of the following:

  • Oxyal;
  • Blink;
  • Hilo-Chest;
  • Hilozar-Chest.

Eye drops Oxyal

In the composition of moisturizing eye drops, Oxyal, in addition to hyaluronic acid, contains electrolytes, salts of potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium. This combination of components contributes to the normalization of the mucosa and the elimination of itching. By concentration, this composition is close to natural tear.Applying drops Oksial from the first time will eliminate redness and a feeling of dryness, relieve burning and fatigue.Regular use of the drug will heal small cracks on the surface of the cornea.

The oxal can be buried directly on contact lenses.After its application, a thin film forms on the surface of the eye, which does not retain air, which will protect the mucosa from drying and damage.

Hilo-Chest of drawers

The use of this drug allows you to cope with excessive dry eye, irritation of the conjunctiva, burning.Ophthalmologists, as a rule, recommend the use of Hilo-Komod drops to users of soft contact lenses.

The positive effect will be noticeable after the first application. Regular instillation of the drug will restore the eyes, whose mucosa is depleted by improper care when wearing lenses.


Symptoms of astigmatism

All about soft contact lenses is written in this article.

Toric contact lenses http://eyesdocs.ru/linzy/toricheskie/chto-eto-takoe.html


Eye drops Hilozar-Chest

This is another qualitative, but not yet very well known drug. Chilozar-Chest - a moisturizing ophthalmic product based on an aqueous solution of hyaluronic acid and dexpanthenol.

Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance that is normally found in the human body, including in the tissues of the eye.This substance has an increased ability to bind water molecules.

The preparation does not contain any preservatives, thanks to which it can be used constantly simultaneously with all kinds of contact lenses.

Dexpanthenol is a vitamin A provitamin and promotes the regeneration of micro corpuscles of the cornea after trauma, accelerates the healing of the eyes during the post-operation period, and also helps maintain the optimal level of moistening eye.

Eye drops Hilozar-Chest applied to eliminate the discomfort of the eyes of contact lens users.The drug is indicated to reduce the symptoms of dryness and eye irritation resulting from exposure to unfavorable climatic factors, with dry eye syndrome, prolonged visual tension.Can be used to moisten the cornea and improve its healing after eye injuries and ophthalmic operations.


These drops have a number of advantages due to the unique composition of the solution. In addition to hyaluronic acid, they contain polyethylene glycol and a surface preservative.The first forms a tightly fitting protective layer on the surface of the cornea, the preservative also acts only when the sun's rays hit the eyeball. The solution breaks up into components that resemble a natural tear in quality.

All of the above drugs contain hyaluronic acid in their composition and have practically no contraindications. However, the eye drops should be chosen by an ophthalmologist.

Recommendations for use

Eye preparations with hyaluronic acid in rare cases can cause aggressive reactions in patients, side effects.For most people, these eye drops bring tangible benefits and are well tolerated by them, since hyaluronic acid is a natural component that is present in the human body.

But still some contraindications for such solutions are available. Among them:

  • Periods of bearing of the child and lactation;
  • Increased susceptibility to the components of the solution.

How to use eye drops?

In the use of drops there is nothing complicated, but it needs to be done correctly. The stages of the procedure are as follows:

  1. Tilt your head back.
  2. Gently pull the lower eyelid near the nose to create a peculiar channel.
  3. Keep the eye open, and the bottle - far enough from the eye so that it does not touch it.
  4. Click on the bottle.
  5. Close your eyes for a moment, then blink a few times to make the drops evenly distributed.

Drops for eyes from conjunctivitis

Drops from allergies to children are described in this article.

Eye drops anti-inflammatory http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lekarstva/glaznye-protivovospalitelnye-kapli.html




Eye drops with the addition of hyaluronic acid are becoming more relevant in the modern world. They are very effective in contact conjunctivitis caused by the action of smoke, ultraviolet, dust, cosmetics. But first of all - these are preventive measures that are used at the initial stage of dry eye syndrome and concomitant ophthalmic disorders.

Moisturizing eye drops containing hyaluronic acid are an indispensable tool for users of contact lenses, which will not lead to the development of dry eye syndrome.

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