Effective treatment of pediculosis at home

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Pediculosis is an extremely unpleasant disease in which lice live on the human body. These parasites bring a lot of inconvenience, and some of them can be carriers of diseases.

Pediculosis is considered a shameful disease associated with dirt and poverty, but often the disease progresses among well-off people.

Article content:
  • What is this disease?
  • Possible causes
  • Characteristic symptoms
  • General recommendations
  • Recipes of folk remedies
  • What is not recommended?
  • Preventive measures

What is this disease?

This is a disease of the skin and hair that is parasitic in nature. Based on a variety of parasites, pediculosis is divided into the head, pubic and ward. There are also cases of mixed disease, when several types of lice are parasitized on a person, for example, head and pubic lice.

Head lice live on the scalp of a person. Adult individuals feed on blood. Their mouthpiece is designed in such a way that the louse easily bites the skin of a person.

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Every day, parasites lay about ten eggs( nits), which are firmly adhered to the hair. The adult louse is an insect of gray color, lives a little more than a month. The nit is a grayish-white dense egg, turns into a larva( nymph) in a week, becomes an adult individual after fourteen days.

Louse lice live on the human body. Usually they lay eggs in the folds of clothing, rarely attaching themselves to the hair. Parasites find themselves in the lumbar region, shoulder blades, around the neck. Often live on the bends of the knees and elbows - places with more vulnerable and delicate skin.

Head and louse go to a healthy person after close contact with an infected person. The next way to transfer lice is to use the means of individual use of the infected person( comb or towel).

Pubic parasites live in the pubic region and the anus. They fix the eggs on the pubic hair. Usually, these parasites are transmitted to a healthy person after sexual intercourse with a sick partner. But the infection can not be ruled out even after using the personal items of the infected person.

Possible causes of

Lice are transmitted by direct contact with a sick person. Usually, infection occurs in places of large concentrations of people - public transport, schools, kindergartens, baths, swimming pools, etc.

Pediculosis is especially common among children. This is due to the fact that children often use each other's personal belongings. Girls are more prone to the disease, because it is more convenient for lice to find a place on long hair.

There is an opinion that lice are the main sign of unsanitary conditions, they spread among asocial layers of the population. But this is not so. Parasites prefer to settle on clean hair and are found among all groups of people. According to statistics, every fifth person has ever had pediculosis.

Strong long-term stress can also cause illness. At this time, the immunity of a person decreases and it is easier for him to get infected with pediculosis.

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The more the disease progresses, the brighter its symptoms. With a small number of parasites on the head and low sensitivity of the skin, a person for a long time may not suspect that he has lice.

The main symptoms of the disease include the following:

  • presence in the hair of nit - whitish eggs attached at a distance of 2 to 3 centimeters from the roots;
  • presence of lice;
  • severe itching on the skin, which causes scratching and bloody crusts;
  • on the skin can see the gray-bluish spots;
  • increased irritability, insomnia;
  • the appearance of dermatitis( in the case of neglected pediculosis).

Each form of pediculosis has its own characteristic symptoms. With head lice , nits concentrate in the temples and occiput. If the form is launched, then they go to the eyebrows and eyelashes.

In the form of disease, lice eggs are found in the folds of clothing. Skin, in the vicinity of the dislocation of parasites, noticeably coarsens. There is milanodermia due to constant combing of bite sites.

In pubic pediculosis , nits cover not only the pubis, but also the hair in the lower abdomen. Sometimes nits are located on eyelashes, eyebrows, mustaches and beard.

General recommendations

When pediculosis is not necessary to panic. The disease is treatable, although it brings a lot of discomfort and discomfort. There are many ways to get rid of parasites: a mechanical, physical and chemical method.

Various drugs are available from the pharmacy for lice and nits. People who do not want to use chemicals will benefit from traditional medicine. Parasites can be brought out at home, guided by the experience of healers.

Recipes of folk remedies

  • Inexpensive tar soap ( you can take a dusty soap) will drive lice out of your head. You need to wet your head, soap your hair well with soap, cover it with a plastic bag and wrap it with a towel. Thirty minutes later, wash the hair under running water, rinse the remaining foam with shampoo for dry hair, apply balm. If after the first time the parasites still remain, then you need to repeat the procedure. After washing, comb out the hair with a thick comb( wood is perfect).When combing, the dead parasites are easily removed from the hair.
  • Well treated with kerosene .This oil can burn the scalp, so it is recommended to mix it with vegetable oil. For a safe effect, connect 1 part kerosene and 12 parts oil. The resulting mixture is lubricated with a head, left overnight. Hair should be covered with cellophane or a waterproof cap, then wrapped with a towel. In the morning, wash off the mask with warm water and shampoo and apply balm to your hair. Clean the damp hair combed with a comb.
  • In the countries of the East they learned how to quickly fight against lice. Asians apply the following recipe: mix apple cider vinegar with black cumin( take a ratio of 1 to 1).With the resulting mixture, lubricate the hair, especially in the temples and occiput. With a gruel on your head you need to stand under direct sunlight or an ultraviolet lamp for 20 minutes. Then wash the mixture and wash the hair. Enough of two procedures to destroy all parasites.
  • Pour the leaves and stalk of a regular burdock with a liter of boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes. Wash your head with shampoo and rinse with a decoction. If there is no burdock, the elecampane, which is cooked in the same way, is perfect.
  • Another popular tool - cranberries .Take a few handfuls of fresh berries, squeeze the juice, mix it with honey, oil the resulting hair and scalp. Walk like a mask for 20 - 30 minutes. This method helps to remove nits from the hair.
  • Take table vinegar( 9%) , dilute it with water, in a 1: 2 ratio. Rinse them well with hair. Then wrap the wet head( not rinsing it with clean water) with polyethylene and leave for an hour. After sixty minutes, wash it off. Then comb the parasites with a wooden scallop.
  • In the fight against lice, essential oil of tea tree helps. You can dilute five drops of the extract in a glass of warm water, gently put on the hair. Soak for 40 minutes, then wash the head and comb the hair well with a comb. Tea tree oil can be added to a regular shampoo and regularly washed with a head( 15 drops per 100 milliliters of shampoo).
  • To combat pubic lice , you can completely shave off all the hair in the intimate area, around the abdomen and anus. This is the most effective way to treat pubic lice. With head lice, you can also shave off all the hair from your head. This method is usually used only by men. Place bites with antiseptic drugs.
  • Treatment of pediculitis is concluded in a qualitative body wash with soap and a washcloth. Clothes and laundry should be boiled, treated with insecticidal preparations and ironed on both sides with steam.

What is not recommended?

There are no serious contraindications for this disease. When using any method, whether it is a folk remedy or a chemist's drug, one must be careful, since allergies to components are possible.

Before use, any product should be applied to a small area of ​​the skin, soak for twenty minutes. If there are no redness and other signs of allergy, then you can safely apply the mixture on your head.

It should be neat and using kerosene. Use it only in a mixture with vegetable oil, so as not to burn the scalp.

In any recipe, the exact dosage and method of use is important. Do not experiment and make your own recipes( mix different means in different proportions), this is fraught with consequences.

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Preventative measures are in compliance with the following rules:

  • personal hygiene - take a shower with soap twice a week, wash your head as it gets dirty;
  • avoid contact with patients with pediculosis;
  • do not use other people's hairbrushes, towels and other personal care products;
  • does not try on the clothes of strangers.

If lice are found in a social facility( school, kindergarten, etc.), then thorough disinfection of furniture, carpets and other coatings is necessary.

Regular preventive examinations conducted in schools, pre-school establishments allow to detect pediculosis in time and to treat it in a timely manner.

Lice do not pose a threat to human life. But they deliver a lot of uncomfortable situations. If pediculosis is not treated, then unpleasant complications of are possible: dermatitis or boils, the places of bites can become a source for the reproduction of other infections.

Watch a video with Elena Malysheva on how to get rid of lice: