Constantly sore throat is unclear what's wrong with him

I always have a sore throat, well, often.... what to do with it, only without antibiotics



If this is not associated with a laryngeal tumor or acute inflammation of the glands, then:
1. Without medicines and tablets - sit on your knees, stick out your tongue to the limit and cant head, the goal is to get the tip of the tongue to the chest. You can 10 times for 3 approaches. When stretching the tongue as much as possible, it is recommended to make guttural sounds. It will hurt, but after 3 approaches you will feel relief. Usually it is enough 3 times a day, in 2 days the throat will pass, if regularly.

Julia Yurievna

sage to brew... even delicious... You can drink, gargle


soda, salt and iodine and rinse each. hour, only salt is not very good. a lot of... Muck but it helps


in a tea spoon of propolis tincture and a tablespoon of honey, drink 2 mugs in the evening, a week


I have the same problem. I just stopped drinking cold drinks, I tie a scarf and do inhalations with oils. Another nice help honeycomb. Just chew it until it gets boring and the pain goes away. Super helps !!!

instagram viewer


In any pharmacy, sell suckling plates from the throat with EVKALIPTOM!

Sergey Chernov

let the ENT look, maybe the problem should be removed


WINE VINEGAR (not to be confused with the usual !!!), dilute with water and rinse. It helps for 1 - 2 days.


If chronic tonsillitis, then treat with ENT, or remove after exacerbation.

Treat the teeth, gums, sinuses of the nose, remove the tonsils.
Well, folk remedies use when you get sick, chamomile solution rinse your throat, lubricate your throat with iodine, make an inhalation spoon of tea soda for 200 g. a glass of boiling water, pour all this into a jar cover with a towel and breathe for 10 minutes. Rinse your throat with a solution of edible salt.
Good helps Korean acupuncture on the hands, and feet feet, called SU JOK therapy, the cold from the body displays. Tried on myself helps. Find an experienced doctor, I helped get rid of chronic angina from childhood.

Marousia Klimova

hmmm, but not lymph it?!?
What antibiotics have registered? ampioks or erythromycin ??
in fact, you need to cleanse the body, since the infection is constantly in the body ....


I do not know how serious it is, but milk and honey help me a lot, milk should be hot.

Pupsyk Solnyshko

go to the doctor


eat more melon

Elena Kaneva

First of all, you need to restore immunity. With normal immunity, there will be no sore throat, nor anything else. How to do this, write, I will answer

What should I do when my throat often hurts ???



drink as much as possible in order to maintain the necessary amount of liquid in the body.
If you have a stuffy nose, inhaling steam over a pot of boiling water will help clean it.
Do not abuse alcohol. It is not true that alcohol "disinfects" the throat, rather, on the contrary, it causes only additional irritation.
Try not to inhale air fresheners or deodorants, as they increase irritation.
Although it can be painful, still try to swallow more often. Saliva moisturizes and softens the throat. For the same reason it is useful to suck lollipops or pills - it helps swallow. Do not forget, however, to read the instructions.
Avoid eating too hot or rough food - try to eat at such times, crushed fruits and vegetable soups. Pay attention to that in your diet was as much as possible products containing vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system.


improve immunity


to cut out tonsils

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To check up, not a genyantritis eto. if yes then I can cure.


to understand what it hurts. Our diseases are often psychosomatic. The throat is responsible for the opportunity to say what you want. If it hurts, it means that at some point they could not say what they wanted. When it appears, remember the moments preceding it and sort it out yourself. When a person understands the reason, the problem goes away faster

Kristina may

you can do something when you know what the cause is. There can be tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, and maybe the reason when the acid from the stomach rises into the esophagus and causes burns and inflammation. from this it is necessary and proceed. First inspection.


itself such. do not drink cold. if pripeklo, drink tea with lemon. gargle with throat furacillin and suck honey. good luck

elena stoeva

First of all, take care of it-cold NEVER to drink, only warm or at room temperature, the throat itself will tell you what can-eat spits, it can not. Warm teas, often taken in the mouth by the homeopathic prepaTy -Homeogene from Boaron, I have the same thing, but I take care of him very much. Do not talk or sing much, you should breathe in the cold air through the nose You are a weak spot and you need to be very careful whether or not to clean the glands, it's best not to do this unless you do everything that you do and it hurts constantly


if the throat often hurts, then for sure it is a problem of a long unrefined organism. It has long been established that the composition of pathogenic microflora in the large intestine and in the throat is completely identical. Consequently. until you clear the intestines of toxins and toxins and do not feed it with a friendly microflora, the throat problem can not be solved. More information on cleaning the body lies here.. .
[link is blocked by the decision of the project administration]


If the throat hurts, you need to go to the ENT doctor. Lozhet there Chronic tonsillitis, then it must be treated, but it hurts and pershit throat, and can complicate the heart, kidneys, joints.

Faina Gromova

It is necessary to soften the throat. I usually get warm tea with lemon helps. But this does not apply to treatment. To cure, I dissolve Tonsilotren every 2 hours. The effect is good. Anti-inflammatory tablets, well clean pain and redness in the throat.

Constant sore throat


Darth Van

Try to go to the church to the ass, it will cause holy water, it happens that even very much helps.. although it is unclear how.. . auto-suggestion ...

Vasiliy md9xa

go day hospital


there are several versions:

1. If it hurts you recently, maybe you need to drink warm tea
2. You can eat something sharp, too, can help. For example: pepper, garlic or onions.
3. If this all does not help, then yes, it is better to go to the doctor, maybe you have not eaten something and now there is something in the way, that is, gives to the pain.

More I do not even know how to help you: (


At me so from a bronchitis happens

Lara Novak

Try to connect yoga exercises: sucking vegetable oil (clears throat, sputum leaves, removes toxins from the body (checked helps), the lion's pose-the flow of blood to the throat-screwdriver helps me very much to treat my child from chronic tonsillitis! Good rinse aid chlorophilipt 1% ​​2 h l a glass of water rinse 3.4 times a day, Eucalyptus is a sticky, very helped chlorophyllite, and last year after a severe meningitis for 2 months they drank "imudon" France and the tonsilotrene-throat did not hurt for half a year at all. I wrote the one that most helps with cronzolite my child. Drink 3 courses of mummies and put it on, or gently throat! Better Altaic, first natural antibiotic, and secondly it strengthens the body after the disease. It's already on itself and many relatives. All this is tested and helps, if all this is done by the system.


We get rid of the pain in the throat, once and for all.
Pain in the pharynx, larynx appear during inflammatory processes (pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis). To get rid of these phenomena, it is necessary to stimulate immunity, ie rub the base of the palm of the hand-the forearm and the forearm to the elbow and the leg-the lift of the foot and the shin to the knee inclusive. Local effect: to tear the skin over the larynx, find painful points on the surface of the larynx and press them with the fingernail of the index finger. Also, with the fingernail finger, press and hold for 20-30 seconds the soreness on the front surface of the cervical spine. Especially effective is the pressure on those places, when exposed to which arrows (painful irradiation) of pain, the point of which just reaches your glands or inflamed mucous. That is, it reaches exactly the pain that bothers you. Try to press on this pain, to cause the arrow and to hold this arrow of pain within 20-30 seconds, change the place of touch and again press and hold. That's how to handle all parts of the neck and especially painful places. With the right massage, you can get rid of the pain in your throat once and for all in about two weeks. Do not forget the daily grinding of the feet and hands. Visit my community MASSAGE FOR EVERYONE. Success to you.

Constant sore throat

constantly sore throat

Probably, there is not a single person who would not have a sore or sore throat at least once in his life. But what if the throat hurts constantly? What causes can provoke such a manifestation and how to treat it, we will understand further.

We find out the reasons

So, why does the throat constantly hurt? Perhaps this is a sign of an infectious disease that has passed into a chronic form. After getting into the body of viruses and bacteria, if you do not complete treatment or complete it completely, you can face such a problem as constant pain. As a rule, the throat is constantly sore due to the following infectious and non-infectious diseases:

  • tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • ARVI;
  • flu;
  • mononucleosis;
  • streptococcal infection;
  • measles;
  • chickenpox;
  • paratonzillar abscess;
  • angina pectoris;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases;
  • thyroid disease (as one of the manifestations and varieties);
  • osteochondrosis of the neck;
  • throat injury;
  • tumor.

The danger of a chronic illness is that often the throat constantly hurts only in the mornings, and in the afternoon the symptoms go away. This confuses the person, and he believes that his health is in order. But this is not so. With such an organism reaction, you should consult a therapist who will prescribe the proper treatment required in case the ailment acquires a complex chronic character.

If you constantly have a sore throat and runny nose, but there is no temperature and general malaise of the body, it is worth checking for allergic reactions. They can provoke particles of dust, wool, pollen of plants and even too dry air in the room.

Constantly sore throat - treatment

It is very important for the beginning to increase the body's resistance and increase immunity. For pain, the following recommendations are recommended:

constantly sore throat cause
  1. Rinse the sore throat with herbal infusions or special medical solutions.
  2. Do not use too cold, hot and sharp foods that can provoke pain and irritation.
  3. Humidify the air in the room.
  4. Eliminate sources of allergic reactions.
  5. Use special lollipops.

It helps to rinse the throat with a saline solution with a few drops of iodine, but do not use soda. It can lead to penetration of the infection deeper as a result of loosening of tissues.

If other symptoms and pain do not pass, then you should contact a specialist who can help diagnose the cause of the disease and send for the delivery of all necessary tests.

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