What to do if the vision falls

General computerization, mobile phones of the last generation, tablets for children and adults - all these signs of dense inscribing into the everyday reality of innovative gadgets have generated not only a rapid collapse of the information flow to the psyche, but also led to a completely natural phenomenon - a decrease in the quality of the visual perception.


  • 1Definition of a symptom
  • 2Causes
  • 3Possible diseases
  • 4Diagnostic Methods
  • 5Treatment
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of a symptom

Eyes are one of the most important sense organs, which help us to correctly orient ourselves in the surrounding world.Nature has provided the human body with one of the most perfect optical instruments, the possibilities of which are very great. However, they are not infinite, and we often forget about it in trying to speed up the rhythm of life.

If vision begins to deteriorate in the elderly person, this is often not appreciated, since in most cases such changes are of a purely age-related nature

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. However, young people are increasingly complaining about poor eyesight, and the reasons for such an unpleasant symptom should be examined in the most detailed manner. After all, a child or a young person still has the need for long years of study, when visual resources will be needed in full.

Through visual perception, a person receives up to 80% of information about the environment, therefore, regardless of age with a sharp deterioration of vision, you must complete examination at the ophthalmologist - if at a young age it can be a temporary phenomenon, then for the older generation this symptom is often a harbinger of serious eye pathologies.


Factors affecting the visual acuity are quite diverse, but with the main and predominant among them one should get acquainted more closely:

  • Genetic predisposition- in the presence of this factor, one should be especially careful when the eye is worked hard, because natural resources are so small;
  • Lesions of the eye structures(ciliary muscle, sclera, blood vessels) may have a pronounced character or be at the very beginning of progression, therefore, one should not ignore the deterioration of the quality of vision;
  • Overexertion of the eyesmay lead to a lack of supply of eye tissues with the necessary nutrients and metabolic disorders;
  • Non-compliance with personal hygieneoften causes the development of inflammatory processes of various etiologies, as a result of which lesions can affect the cornea and other eye structures;
  • Age changesoften cause the development of such severe lesions as cataract and glaucoma, and data diseases always lead to a decrease in visual acuity and even to blindness in the absence of proper treatment;
  • Systemic diseaseschronic nature (diabetes mellitus, cervical osteochondrosis, etc. ) can lead to changes in the supply of eye structures with beneficial substances, as a result of which visual impairment may occur;
  • Infectious diseasessystemic nature can cause viral or bacterial damage to nerve endings that are responsible for visual acuity.

The severity of visual perception can be strongly affected by a decrease in the overall level immunity: due to stress or poor ecology, bad habits, lack of sleep, slagging organism and others.

Possible diseases

Among the pathological causes of decreased vision quality, the following diseases are most often diagnosed:

  • Retinal disinsertion- separation of the inner shell with nerve endings from the vascular membrane. Symptoms: a deterioration of vision at first on one eye, a veil before the eyes, periodic flashes and sparks;
  • Macular degeneration- defeat of the macula (macula), the main accumulation of nerve receptors. Symptoms: blurred vision of small objects, faces, letters;
  • Detachment of the vitreous humor and rupture of the retina- the vitreous body decreases in size with age, causing retinal rupture and symptoms similar to the condition with its detachment;
  • Diabetic retinopathy- develops in the late stages of diabetes in 90% of patients and is caused by damage to the circulatory system of the eyes, as well as the associated deterioration of their nutrition;

  • Cataract- clouding of the lens, often with age-related background. Symptoms can be different depending on the location of the initial site of the lesion, since the visual defect can begin both in the center of the lens and on its periphery;
  • Injuries of the eye- damage to the eye structures can lead to a significant reduction in visual acuity due to burns, foreign body penetration, hemorrhage into the orbit or retina, injuries;
  • Diseases of the cornea- keratitis, ulcer, turbidity may cause a violation of the transparency of this natural lens of the eye and, accordingly, impaired vision;
  • Pituitary adenoma- a benign tumor, which, with growth, can squeeze the optic nerve. Symptoms: coarsening of facial features, high growth, large sizes of the nose, ears and tongue;
  • Graves' disease- pathology of the thyroid gland, in which there are a number of symptoms: irritability, sweating, weight loss, hyperactivity. A characteristic feature is exophthalmos (pop-eyed).

Sometimes the reduction in visual acuity occurs as a result of an already existing defect (nearsightedness, farsightedness, ) with the addition of other signs not of a pathological nature.

Many people do not pay attention to the deterioration of vision, writing off the symptom for age-related changes or eye strain. However, such a sign may indicate a completely different reason and be the initial symptom of the disease.

Diagnostic Methods

To determine the various characteristics, deviation from the norm of which may indicate the development of pathologies, various diagnostic methods are used:

  • Visometry- the most traditional method of examination, with which the visual acuity is determined, is carried out using tables with images of various sizes;
  • Autorefractometry- study of the corneal shell with the help of a computer, allowing to determine the most inconspicuous changes in refraction (refraction of the light beam);
  • Tonometry- measurement of IOP, one of the main ways in diagnosing glaucoma;
Tonometry of the eye
  • Ultrasound of the eyeball- The method allows you to determine with the greatest accuracy the changes inside the eye;
  • Fluorescent retinal angiography- during the procedure with the help of fluorescein, a doctor can examine the state of the vessels inside the eyes;
  • Computer Perimetry- a method for examining the fields of vision, allows you to identify changes in peripheral vision;
  • Keratotopography- in the course of the study, the doctor receives a topographic map taken from the anterior surface of the cornea with all available abnormalities;
  • Optical coherence tomography- allows you to obtain an image of the structure of tissues in a cross-section in the highest resolution, which allows you to diagnose in the early stages of disease;
  • Slit lamp inspection- The method makes it possible to investigate the retina, the angle of the anterior chamber, eye structures.
Conduction of keratotopography

Before the examination, you should remove the contact lenses beforehand, and also prepare for the fact that for a certain period of time vision may fall (when dropping pupils dilating the pupil). It is recommended to conduct a survey not only with visual impairment, but also for the prevention of at least once a year. year: for children, people over 50, planning pregnancy for women, and also using contact lenses persons.


When identifying the cause of the fall in visual perception and diagnosing the disease, the doctor in each In a separate case, a complex therapy scheme is different groups:

  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Vitamin Complexes;
  • Moisturizing drops;
  • Glucocorticosteroids.

To restore vision, which has fallen due to the development of a systemic disease, treatment of the underlying disease is carried out using both systemic and local drugs.

In some cases, the only acceptable method is correction with glasses or contact lenses. Glasses can be a priority choice for young children, and contact lenses are for teenagers.

For a number of patients, the only real-life tool is surgical intervention, especially since at present medicine has a number of effective methods of laser correction view. Such operations are often performed on an outpatient basis and do not require a long period of adaptation.

As for folk methods, they can be attributed more likely to methods of prevention, as well as special gymnastic complexes. These measures can have a significant effect on the eye, but this requires a regular and long-term use against a background of especially careful attitude to the eyes.


To prevent deterioration of vision is easy if you pay special attention to your health, especially eye health:

  • With prolonged work on the computer or other kind of intense visual loadtake breaks every 2 hours - for 15-20 minutes.or every half hour - for 5 minutes. ;
  • To carry out constantly complexes of special exercisesfor the eye muscles, while avoiding their overstrain and allowing one muscle groups to relax when loaded onto other groups;
  • Night sleep should be at least 7-8 hours- this is very important, otherwise the eyes do not have time to rest from the day's load;
  • If you need to work long hours at the computer, use special protective goggles to avoid eye strain and the development of some visual defects;
  • Use vitamins for eyesight after consulting with an ophthalmologist, because certain vitamins should be in the body in sufficient quantities to ensure normal visual perception.

Preventive measures can not only prevent the development of visual defects and eye pathologies, but also stabilize the state with the already existing deviations.



Reduction of visual acuity with rapid progression of the symptom is quite an alarming sign, although it does not always have a pathological cause. However, the response in the form of a visit to the ophthalmologist requires always - at least in order to be convinced of the absence of the disease.

If a pathological cause is found, it should not be discouraged, since modern medicine has in its arsenal a sufficient number of conservative and operational methods. Therefore, fully follow the doctor's recommendations and follow the rules of prevention. This will help to save your vision at the right level, without compromising the quality of life.

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