Lumboschialgia: what is it?


  • 1Sciatica
    • 1.1Causes of lumboschialgia
    • 1.2Symptoms of lumboschialgia
    • 1.3Treatment of lumboschialgia
    • 1.4Prognosis and prevention of lumboschialgia
  • 2Lumboschialgia: Symptoms and Treatment
    • 2.1Causes
    • 2.2Classification
    • 2.3Symptomatology
    • 2.4Diagnostics
    • 2.5Treatment
    • 2.6Prevention
  • 3Lumboscialgia: acute, chronic, symptoms, treatment
    • 3.1Causes of pathology development
    • 3.2Types of lumboschialgia
    • 3.3Diagnostics
    • 3.4Treatment
    • 3.5Treatment of lumbosciagia at home
  • 4Symptoms and treatment of lumboschialgia
    • 4.1Diagnostics
    • 4.2Medication Therapy
    • 4.3Gymnastics for acute lumboschialgia
    • 4.4Preventive actions


Lumboschialgia - painful sensations in the loin of different intensity (from the feeling of discomfort to intense intense pains), inclined to irradiate in the leg, arising from pathological compression and irritation of the deformed vertebrae of the spinal roots L4-S3, forming the sciatic nerve. Painful sensations arise against the background of osteochondrosis of the spine, spondyloarthrosis, intervertebral hernias and other diseases, accompanied by destructive changes and the formation of osteophytes. The disease is approximately 20-30% of cases among all pathological processes associated with back pain. It occurs most often in people of working age (young and middle age, 25-45 years).

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Causes of lumboschialgia

Lumboschialgia most often has a vertebrogenic origin and is caused by reflex "reflection" of pain at intervertebral lumbar hernia, lumbar spondylarthrosis and other degenerative changes the spine.

In some patients, it is a manifestation of myofascial pain syndrome involving the muscles of the back and pelvis.

Also, pain can be caused by irritation of ligament, bone, and muscle structures; at the same time it happens two-sided, with poorly defined localization; the painful reaction is deep and rarely irradiates below the level of the knee joint.

In elderly people, arthrosis of the hip joint (coxarthrosis) is a common cause of lumboschialgia, the pain at which it can irradiate in the lower back.

The following situations can provoke the development of the pain reaction: sharp twists of the trunk, hypothermia, stay on drafts, long stay in an uncomfortable, monotonous pose. Less often the pathology develops for no apparent reason.

The risk group for the development of lumboschialgia includes people with excess weight, chronic diseases of the spinal column, intervertebral hernia, infectious exacerbations, as well as those patients who work in production, constantly experience increased stresses and spend a long time in the same position body.

The mechanisms of development of pain syndrome with lumboschialgia are different, depending on the causes that trigger the pathological process.

Pear-shaped muscle syndrome. Occurs with osteochondrosis, when parts of the damaged intervertebral disk become a source of pathological impulses.


The human nervous system perceives them as a pain, doing everything possible to reduce the latter (immobilization of the affected area, increasing muscle tone).


Muscle tension extends far from the primary source of pain and is transmitted to the pear-shaped muscle, under which the sciatic nerve passes. Pathological muscle contractions lead to compression of this nerve, and symptoms of reflected pain arise.

Intervertebral hernia. Degenerative processes in the intervertebral hernia contribute to narrowing the lumen of the vertebral canal pillar; this, in turn, leads to compression and inflammation (radiculitis) of the roots of the sciatic nerve.

As a result, the nervous fibers (sensory and motor) that are part of it are irritated, which provokes the appearance of reflected pain.

The latter can form and with complicated hernia (its prolapse), leading to acute narrowing of the spinal canal.

Faceted syndrome. It is formed against the background of osteochondrosis, in which there is either excessive mobility or a restriction in the movement of the spinal column. This leads to a change in the functioning of the intervertebral joints, the inflammatory process and the formation of reflected pain.

Symptoms of lumboschialgia

A fit of low back pain appears suddenly. The pain reaction is burning, sweeping or aching.

At the time of pressure and / or irritant effect on the spinal nerves at the level of L4 to S3 (with prolonged stress, increased load on the waist), there is a sharp pain.

It leads to reflex muscular contraction, which further intensifies the painful attack.

The main symptoms of lumboschialgia: pain in the back and hamstrings, restrictions in the movement of the spine (especially in the lumbosacral section).

Painful sensations usually become pronounced when trying to change the position of the body, raise something heavy or stand up; the patient assumes a compulsory position (slightly bending forward, in a half-bent form). Changing both statics and motor skills of the patient.

Standing or walking, he spares one leg, unloading it, and the other becomes the main, supporting. This leads to the inclination of the trunk towards the healthy (supporting) leg. The muscles of the lumbar region, and often the entire back and even the waist of the lower extremities, are strained.

The tension predominates homolaterally (that is, on the side of the lesion). The loin is chained during walking, scoliosis, flattening of the lumbar lordosis, and less often hyperlordosis can be observed.

Characterized by the "symptom of the tripod when due to pain, patients either can not sit at all, or are forced to rest their hands on the edge of the chair. When you change the position of the patient first turns to the healthy side and often himself with the help of a hand pulls up a sick leg (Minor's symptom).

Diagnosis of lumbosciagia includes a clinical examination, during which the doctor neurologist produces a static and dynamic study spine, checks the symptoms of the tension of the sciatic nerve, and also draws attention to signs of infection or malignant neoplasms. Pathognomonic for lumbosciagia is a sharp soreness in response to palpation of the point of exit of the sciatic nerve on the thigh. Additionally, with lumbosciagia, the pelvic organs and the abdominal cavity are examined, which allows to exclude or reveal organ lesions, which can also be a source of reflected pain.

Radiography of the lumbar spine reveals a decrease in the height of intervertebral discs, sclerosis closing plates, hypertrophy of articular processes, osteophytes, uneven narrowing of the vertebral channel.

The main goal of this study is to exclude tumors, spondylitis, traumatic and pathological fractures, congenital spinal anomalies, infectious and inflammatory processes.


In cases where clinical manifestations give reason to suspect a tumor or spondylitis, and radiography the spine showed no pathology, radioisotope scintigraphy, computer or magnetic resonance tomography.


CT or MRI of the spine, and in their absence - myelography, are indicated when signs of compression of the spinal cord (compression myelopathy) appear.

In some cases, a lumbar puncture is performed, the results of which can reveal an excess of the amount of protein components. According to the indications, ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, ultrasound of the kidneys, excretory urography is carried out.

Lumboschialgia is differentiated from the myositis of the back muscles and the pathology of the hip joint. For an accurate diagnosis, the doctor carefully studies the anamnesis, examines the patient, assesses the available objective and subjective clinical manifestations of the pathology.

Treatment of lumboschialgia

In neurology, the elimination of acute pain in the back is performed against the backdrop of activities aimed at combating its root cause: intervertebral hernias, lumbosacral osteochondrosis, etc.

Treatment of lumboschialgia is performed by a neurologist or vertebrologist. In the acute stage of a painful attack, it is important to organize a patient with quality care.

Bedding should be rigid, elastic; Analgesics are prescribed for relief of pain, and in particularly difficult cases blockades - injections with anesthetics and anti-inflammatory components, which are injected directly into the a painful hearth. A good analgesic effect is possessed by local irritating procedures (use of pepper plaster, distracting techniques, grinding). If the therapeutic treatment is ineffective, spinal traction is used. Recommended physiotherapeutic procedures (mud baths, acupuncture, therapeutic sleep, massage sessions, manual therapy).

In the complex therapy of lumboschialgia, usually include anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, antispasmodics, drugs to improve microcirculation.

A positive effect on the patient's well-being is the intake of vitamins, which contribute to tissue repair, regeneration and nutrition of cartilaginous structures of the spinal column.

An excellent analgesic and restorative effect in the subacute period of the disease is therapeutic massage.

With lumboschialgia, special attention is paid to the lumbar region and the sacrum.

With the systematic mowing of this zone, it is possible to improve blood flow, restore metabolism in the spine and slow the progression of osteochondrosis.

If physical therapy and medical treatment cease to be effective or ineffective, surgical treatment is prescribed.


Indications for its conduct are: symptoms of compression of the spinal cord; pelvic disorders and lower paraparesis; Heavy pain syndrome, not amenable to conservative treatment.


Most often, surgical treatment of intervertebral hernias is recommended. During the operation, the damaged disk can be removed partially or completely.

Possible discectomy, microdiscectomy and endoscopic discectomy. When total interventions, plasty of the damaged intervertebral disc is used.

With frequent relapses of lumbar pain, special gymnastic exercises are recommended. They allow you to strengthen the muscles surrounding the spine, which greatly reduces the risk of displacement of the vertebrae and increases their resistance to physical stress.

It is recommended to conduct therapeutic physical training in a medical institution, under the guidance of an experienced physician.

Having no knowledge in the field of exercise therapy, do not experiment with unknown exercises, since with one awkward movement can stretch the muscles, provoke the appearance of the inflammatory process and strengthen the signs of intervertebral hernia.

Gradually, patients get used to the rhythm in which they perform exercises, master new techniques and approaches, so that after discharge from the hospital or the cessation of the active period of treatment continue to apply therapeutic exercise, but already without an outsider assistance.

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Prognosis and prevention of lumboschialgia

In approximately 95% of cases, lumboschialgia is benign and with a timely medical care has a fairly favorable prognosis.

With frequent relapses of the disease and the absence of treatment, deformations of tissues can occur, nodes in the depth of muscles are often formed, metabolic processes are disrupted.

Preventive measures for lumbar pain are aimed at the timely treatment of diseases of the spine and prevention of their progression in the future.


It is recommended to avoid the prolonged strain of the muscles of the spine, which leads to stagnant phenomena and provokes the appearance of destructive changes in the cartilaginous tissue of the vertebrae.


It is necessary to correct the motor stereotype; avoid performing movements on unprepared muscles; It requires the creation of a muscle corset that will ensure the correct distribution of the load on the vertebral pillar.

It is also necessary to deal with the correction of posture disorders with the formation of proper posture, take care of weight loss and quit smoking. In addition, for the prevention of frequent relapses it is recommended 1-2 times a year to undergo sanatorium treatment.

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Lumboschialgia: Symptoms and Treatment

Category: Neurology and psychiatry 14751

  • Back pain
  • The spread of pain to other areas
  • Difficulty in committing movements
  • Burning along the nerve
  • Coldness of the affected limb
  • Pale skin on the affected leg
  • Itching along the nerve

Lumboschialgia is a malaise, for which characteristic is the occurrence of severe pain along the sciatic nerve, as well as in the lumbar region.

This syndrome most often develops in the case of progression of dystrophic changes from the side hip joint, spine, fascia and muscles, as well as due to existing chronic diseases internal organs.

If you do not conduct a competent diagnosis in a timely manner and do not start treatment, then lumbo-schiaalgia will lead to a decrease in working capacity.


Painful attacks with this syndrome occur rarely. As a rule, they can provoke the following factors:

  • sharp movements (slopes, turns);
  • heavy lifting, especially systematic;
  • being in a forced or uncomfortable position for a long period of time.

Most often this syndrome develops in people of working age. Less likely to appear in the elderly, and in children.

The main causes of lumboschialgia progression:

  • excess weight;
  • protrusion of vertebral discs;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • incorrect posture;
  • constant stressful situations;
  • arthritis;
  • pregnancy;
  • osteoarthrosis of deforming type;
  • systematic sports and physical activity;
  • supercooling;
  • the transferred infectious diseases;
  • age-related changes in bone and cartilaginous structures of the spine;
  • injuries of the spine.

Causes of lumboschialgia


In medicine, several classifications are used, which are based on the causes that trigger the development of the pain syndrome, the frequency of seizures, as well as on the prevailing symptoms, the prevalence of pain syndrome, the nature of leakage disease.

Classification according to the cause of progression:

  • vertebrogenic lumboscialgia.It, in turn, is divided into discogenic, radicular and spondylogenic. Vertebrogenic lumboschialgia develops and progresses due to compression of the roots of the nerves, because of herniated discs and the like;
  • myofascial.This type of lumboschialgia develops against the background of inflammatory ailments of fascia and muscular structures;
  • angiopathic.It develops due to the defeat of the blood vessels in the lower back, and also in the limbs;
  • lumbo-schiaalgia against the background of ailments of internal organs.

Classification by frequency of seizures:

  • acute lumbosciaticgia;
  • pathology with chronic course.

On the dominance of characteristic complaints:

  • neurodystrophic;
  • muscular-tonic;
  • vegetative-vascular.

By the prevalence of pain in the lumbar region:

  • right-sided;
  • left-sided;
  • bilateral or bilateral.

By the nature of the course of the disease:

  • neuropathic;
  • musculo-skeletal;
  • neurodystrophic;
  • neurovascular.


Symptoms of lumboschialgia, as a rule, are very pronounced. Often they are manifested under the influence of provoking factors - a large load on the spinal column, lifting weights and so on.

The main symptoms are:

  • strong pain syndrome in the lumbar region (localized to the right and left of the spinal column), which can give to the legs;
  • pain increases with fatigue, lifting weights, hypothermia, exacerbation of existing chronic pathologies;
  • restriction of movements. A person can not normally bend or turn a trunk;
  • when an attempt is made to step on the leg, the pain syndrome is significantly strengthened. The pain becomes sharp, growing and burning;
  • when you try to change the position, pain in the lower back increases;
  • the skin on the affected leg changes its color. It becomes pale or even marbled. When you feel the limb, it becomes cold;
  • on the nerve path the patient can feel burning, heat, itching.

With the development of acute lumbosciagia, these symptoms are very pronounced, but in the case of a chronic course of the pathology, they can manifest themselves periodically - then fade, then grow again.


Diagnosis of this ailment is based on an assessment of the patient's complaints, his examination by the attending physician. Also the diagnostic plan includes laboratory and instrumental methods.


  • UAC;
  • OAM;
  • biochemistry of blood.


To begin to treat ailment it is possible only after carrying out of careful diagnostics and an estimation of the received results.

It should be noted that self-medication in this case is unacceptable, since it is possible only to aggravate the course of the disease.

Treatment with folk remedies should also be coordinated with your doctor. To apply them is recommended only in tandem with medicamental therapy and physiotherapy.


Treatment of lumbosciagia will be most effective if it is complex. Therapeutics, orthopedists and neurologists are engaged in the treatment of this pathology. The plan of treatment procedures and activities is developed for each patient strictly individually.

During the acute period of lumboschialgia, when there is a pronounced pain syndrome, apply the following:

  • shows a strict bed rest, which implies the exclusion of physical exertion and active body movements;
  • the volume of used liquid decreases. This is necessary to reduce the swelling of the affected limb;
  • taking drugs with anti-inflammatory effect. This group includes nurofen, diclofenac and others. Take them both inward (tablet form), and applied directly to the affected area;
  • if the pain syndrome is expressed very strongly, then doctors resort to novocain blockades;
  • prescribe muscle relaxants and antispasmodics. These drugs will help to cure muscle spasms.

Once acute manifestations of the disease subsided, the therapy changes somewhat. As a rule, doctors prescribe to patients:


  • Exercise therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massotherapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • wear specials. orthopedic constructions.

The prognosis for a timely treatment of lumboschialgia is favorable. If such a pathology has already passed into a chronic form, then the forecast is more complicated. Everything depends on what became the main cause of the development of the disease, as well as the severity of its course.


It is always easier to prevent the development of pathology than to treat it later. Therefore, in order not to develop attacks of lumboschialgia, it is necessary to adhere to a few simple recommendations:

  • Do not wear high heels;
  • control body weight;
  • do not stay too long in an upright position;
  • if the work is sedentary, then you need to try to change the position more often;
  • Do not smoke.

Diseases with similar symptoms:

Radicular syndrome (coinciding symptoms: 2 of 7)

Radicular syndrome is a complex of symptoms that arise during the process of squeezing spinal roots (that is, nerves) in those places where their branch from of the spinal cord.

Radicular syndrome, the symptoms of which are somewhat contradictory in its definition, is in itself a sign many different diseases, in view of which the importance of timely diagnosis and the designation of an appropriate treatment.

... Lumbago (coinciding symptoms: 2 of 7)

Lumbago is an acute pain that can otherwise be defined by the patient as a "lumbago this pain arises in the lower back (ie, in the lower back).

Lumbago, the symptoms of which are manifested primarily due to overexertion occurring in this area when lifting gravity or steep slope, deprives the person of the ability to straighten out for a certain time.

... Aneurysm of the aorta (coinciding symptoms: 2 of 7)

Aortic aneurysm is a characteristic enlargement of the saccular type that occurs in the blood vessel (mainly arteries, in rare cases, in the vein).

Aneurysm of the aorta, the symptoms of which, as a rule, have poor symptoms or do not manifest themselves at all, arise because of thinning and overstretching of the walls of the vessel.

In addition, it can form as a result of a number of certain factors in the form of atherosclerosis, hypertension, late stages syphilis, including vascular injuries, infection and the presence of birth defects, concentrated in the vascular wall and other.

... Intervertebral hernia (coinciding symptoms: 2 of 7)

Intervertebral hernia is a characteristic protrusion or prolapse, which is carried out in the vertebral canal by fragments of the intervertebral disc.


The intervertebral hernia, the symptoms of which are manifested due to getting injuries to the patients or in the presence of osteochondrosis, is manifested among other things in the form of compression of the nervous structures.


... Kidney stones (coinciding symptoms: 2 of 7)

Stones in the kidneys - this is one of the most common forms of the manifestation of urolithiasis, in which kidney stones form salt concretions, actually stones.

Kidney stones, the symptoms of which are manifested in the form of attacks of renal colic, pyuria (pus in the urine), hematuria (blood in the urine) and back pain, can be eliminated as account conservative therapy, the impact of which allows them to dissolve, and through surgical intervention, in which the stones are removed operational method.

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Lumboscialgia: acute, chronic, symptoms, treatment

Lumboschialgia is a sharp attack of low back pain that radiates to the leg (to the knee, thigh, to the heel) or to both feet. Usually the pain spreads over the back of the thigh and buttock, causing convulsions and numbness in the muscles.

Severe pain in the development of lumboschialgia is caused by irritation of the spinal nerves, in particular, it concerns the sciatic nerve. This can be triggered by the damage to the spine due to excessive loads on it.

Lumboschialgia develops in 25-30% of cases in the presence of back pain of different genesis and is found mainly in people of middle and young age (from 25 to 45 years), because it is at this age is the greatest burden on the spine due to the peculiarities of some professions and the peak of physical activity rights.

Symptoms of lumboschialgia

  • Shooting, burning, aching pain in the back and back, which irradiate in one or two legs.
  • When you change the position of the body and try to straighten the pain intensifies.
  • Restriction of turns of the trunk in the lumbar region.
  • Feeling of creeping crawling on the legs, numbness, decreased sensitivity, convulsions.
  • Violation of the blood flow of the legs, which leads to the development of cold skin and changes in the color of the skin of the lower extremities.
  • Painful sensations provoke a person to bend their back and execute a tilt forward.
  • Muscles of the back, legs and waist are strained, which leads to disruption in gait and difficulty in walking. Since in most cases the pains are one-sided and are given only in one leg, the person under the impact of pain attacks begins to spare the injured leg when walking and accentuates the emphasis on healthy foot. As a result, this leads to a skew of the whole trunk toward the supporting leg, lordosis, scoliosis begins to develop.
  • The symptom of the "tripod" is that a person is able to rise from a lying position only with the support of two hands behind the trunk. Sitting on a chair, the patient only touches the stool with her buttocks and leans on her hands.
  • In especially severe cases, spontaneous urination is possible.

Causes of pathology development

In most cases, lumbosciagia has a vertebrogenic genesis (originating from the spinal column, but may affect internal organs, skin, muscles); therefore, such pain attacks are often referred to as vertebrogenic sciatica.

The main cause of the disease is excessive physical stress (for example, lifting weights) against the background of the presence of a lesion of the spine, for example, radiculitis, spondylosis, osteochondrosis.

Especially dangerous for the spine to perform weight lifting without squatting, and in the slope - in such cases, the load on the lumbar region increases several times.

It is even more dangerous to lift weights with simultaneous turning to the side, for example, shifting bags with grain or sand.

Among other common causes of lumboschialgia, protrusion of the intervertebral disc and the intervertebral hernia are isolated.

Protrusion is, in fact, the initial stage in the development of the intervertebral hernia.

Lumboschialgia can also be caused by the displacement of the vertebrae, lumbar spondyloarthrosis, and in older people coxarthrosis (arthrosis of the hip joint).

So, the main reasons for the development of lumboschialgia are:

  • physical exertion - exercise, sharp lifting of weights;
  • chronic physical stress associated with the characteristics of the profession - athletes, farmers builders, loaders;
  • sharp turns around the axis of the spinal column (especially when combined with a lifting of the gravity);
  • long-term finding of the body, and hence of the spine in an uncomfortable position - the drivers, drivers of combines, trams, drivers;
  • protrusion of discs, intervertebral hernia;
  • various diseases of the spine - radiculitis, pathological kyphosis, scoliosis, lumbar spondylarthrosis, osteochondrosis;
  • pathology of joints and bones - rheumatism, arthrosis of the hip joint, osteoporosis;
  • infectious diseases in which the nervous system is affected;
  • trauma of the hip and spine;
  • tumor pathology of the pelvic organs;
  • inflammatory processes of fascia and muscles;
  • defeat of the circulatory system in the lumbar region.

Also, there are a number of factors that can significantly increase the risk of developing lumboschialgia: hypothermia (especially the lower back and back), pregnancy, overweight, infectious common diseases (angina, flu, ARVI).

Types of lumboschialgia

Depending on the cause of development, these types of pathology are distinguished:

  • Vertebrogenic lumboschialgia - comes from the defeat of the ridge. It has several subspecies: radicular - with compression of the nerve roots of the spinal cord, spondylogenous - in the presence of osteochondrosis, discogenic - with a herniated intervertebral disc.
  • Myofascial - occurs as a result of the inflammatory process in the fasciae and muscles.
  • Angiopathic - develops when the blood vessels are affected in the region of the legs and lower back.
  • Mixed - when exposed to several factors of different genesis.

By the frequency and severity of a painful attack:

On the spread of pain:

  • left-sided;
  • right-sided;
  • two-sided.

By the nature of the course of the disease:

  • neurodystrophic;
  • Neurovascular;
  • neuropathic;
  • musculo-skeletal.


When developing lumboschialgia, you need to contact a neurologist.

The doctor will conduct a primary examination of the patient, a study of mobility of the knee, hip joints and spine, will ask the patient about the presence of tumor or infectious diseases.

The x-ray of the lumbar spine, as well as the hip joint, which allows you to assess the condition of joints and bones and exclude from probable diagnoses spondylitis, fractures and tumor.

If there are signs of compression of the spine, MRI or computer tomography of the spine is performed.

In some cases, it may be necessary to perform ultrasound of the abdominal organs, kidneys, as well as performing lumbar puncture.


Also, among the mandatory studies, a general analysis of urine and blood, a biochemical blood test.


Differential diagnosis of this disease is performed with joint and bone lesions, myositis of the back muscles.


Self-medication with lumboschialgia is unacceptable and threatens with deplorable consequences for the patient. Only a neurologist should treat this disease.

Acute lumbosciatica

When the acute phase of lumboschialgia requires compliance with bed rest and careful care for the patient. It is necessary to choose an elastic, hard mattress for sleeping, the patient is forbidden to make sharp movements, you need to move with extreme caution.

The acute stage of lumboschialgia lasts about two weeks and is accompanied by a series of attacks of sweeping, burning pain.

To alleviate the pain syndrome, the doctor prescribes analgesics ("Catadolon "Lyrics"), as well may be prescribed NSAIDs (Novalis, Brufen) and muscle relaxants to relieve spasm of the back muscles (Midokalm, "The SIRUDAL"). Also with lumboschialgia is widely used "Fastum-gel" and ointment "Diklak".

In case of occurrence of intolerable pain glucocorticosteroids (hydrocortisone, diprospan) can help. In addition to medical treatment, some physiotherapeutic techniques (mud baths, therapeutic sleep) and reflexotherapy are also used.

Immediately after the removal of another painful attack, when the patient can already move without acute pain, you can perform special gymnastic exercises:

  • All exercises should start from the prone position - you can do them right in bed.
  • With a deep breath, raise one hand and stretch, then exhale to return the hand to its original position. The exercise is done five times for each hand.
  • Movement of the feet (flexion and extension) to pull the toes to themselves, and then away from themselves. There are also five repetitions for each foot in pauses between the remaining exercises.
  • Bend the legs in the knee joints, lengthen the knees to the sides and again bring them back. The exercise repeats 8-10 times.
  • Straighten the legs, after which one of them bends in the knee so that the heel does not come off the bed. Run 5 hoods for each leg.
  • When the patient begins to recover, gymnastics can be complicated by adding exercises performed from the sitting or standing position.

After cupping the acute phase of the syndrome, also when, as a result of extensive examination of the patient the true cause of acute pain in the lumbar region was established, treatment was started disease.

At the same time, lumboschialgia therapy can be aimed at treating the underlying pathology, if, for example, intervertebral hernia, lumbosacral osteochondrosis, then first of all it should be treated it is them.

But at the same time it is possible to carry out in parallel measures for restoring the tone of the spinal muscles and ligaments. An excellent effect provides manual therapy, magnetotherapy, paraffinotherapy, acupuncture, UHF, therapeutic massage.

Chronic lumboschialgia


Therapy of chronic vertebrogenic lumboschialgia requires an individual approach to each patient. The treatment is aimed at strengthening the muscular system of the back, reducing the load on the hip joint and spine.


In most cases, doctors try to dispense with the use of medicines, using only general restorative physiotherapy. Patients are prescribed therapeutic gymnastics, relaxing massage, manual therapy.

Exercise exercise therapy can be performed at home, but it is best to conduct classes in the hospital under the supervision of a specialist.

If the patient suffers from excess weight, a special diet is prescribed to reduce body weight, since excess pounds are an additional burden on the spine.

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If the cause of development of lumboschialgia was the intervertebral hernia, trauma of the spine, lower paraparesis, compression spinal cord, conservative treatment is rarely effective, so the question of operation.

When performing surgical intervention, a discectomy can be performed - removal of the intervertebral disc or another type of correction of the condition.

In the future, the doctor observes the patient and, based on his state of health, can prescribe further therapy.

Treatment of lumbosciagia at home

Obviously, many patients want to treat pathology at home and not to visit the hospital, but it is worth noting at once, that self-medication can only exacerbate an already difficult situation, since problems with the spine are very serious. But after consulting a doctor and his permission, you can perform some activities aimed at treating the disease at home. For example, simple gymnastic exercises to strengthen the musculature of the back or to reduce weight. It is possible to comply with the diet and at home. Among other things, it is possible to resort to folk remedies for the treatment of lumbosciagia: the areas of the body that suffer from the pain syndrome should be wiped with badger fat, apply tinctures to them from birch buds, apply warming plasters, rub a solution of ammonia and vegetable oil, wear a belt of dog hair, take coniferous baths, perform lotions of black radishes.

In general, the prognosis for the development of lumboschialgia is quite favorable.

The main thing is to endure the acute phase of the attack and immediately begin therapy of the main pathology (intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis) until the operation.

After eliminating the cause of the syndrome, painful attacks not only soften, but disappear completely.


  • Timely treatment of diseases of joints, blood vessels, spine.
  • Avoiding spinal injuries and hypothermia, especially in the lumbar region.
  • You need to monitor your own posture and control your body weight.
  • Do not wear shoes with high heels.
  • It is also desirable to avoid lifting heavy weights, especially from the slope, it is better to sit down.
  • With sedentary work, you need to do an hour every 5-10 minutes, in which to conduct warm-up of the back and legs. The chair should have armrests and an adjustable backrest to reduce the load on the back.
  • In case of need of a trip at the wheel it is necessary to do a stop every hour, to be warmed up and walk.
  • Remember: alcohol and smoking reduce the body's resistance to various infectious diseases.
  • In the presence of chronic lumbosciagia, it is recommended to undergo regular sanitation treatment.
  • Also it is necessary to undergo regular check-ups at the orthopedist, neurologist and neurologist.

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Symptoms and treatment of lumboschialgia

  • For reasons that cause pain:

    Vertebrogenic Discogenic - occurs when there are herniated intervertebral discs
    Spondylogenic - develops against a backdrop of progressive osteochondrosis
    Radicular - caused by compression of the roots of the spinal cord
    Myofascial Occurs with inflammation of muscles and fasciae
    Angiopathic It is caused by a lesion of the vessels of the lumbar region and lower limbs

    Several factors contribute to the cause of mixed lumbosciagia, for example, pathologies of the hip joints, internal organs.

    • According to the clinical picture and course of the disease on:
    • muscular-tonic,
    • vegetative,
    • neurodystrophic,
    • neurovascular,
    • neuropathic.
    1. Muscular-tonic form is associated with heavy loads on muscle tissue, when there is a compression of blood vessels, nerve fibers.

      The consequence of the muscular-tonic form of the syndrome is neurodystrophic lumboschialgia.

      This phenomenon is accompanied by severe back pain, radiating to the popliteal fossa, cramps in the lower extremities, a change in skin color sometimes with the appearance of painful ulcers.

      When palpation, there are tubercles and nodules on the muscles in the region of the hip or knee joint.

      For the vegetative form is characterized by numbness of the feet, a feeling of heat or cold in them.


      Since lumboschialgia appears against the backdrop of the spine and internal organs, it is necessary to conduct an examination of the body to determine the reasons, provoked pain syndrome, as well as exclusion of diseases with similar symptoms (muscle myositis, inflammation of bones and joints that do not affect the sciatic nerve).

      First of all, you should consult a neurologist who will test the spinal mobility, hip, knee joints, determine the degree of pain syndrome, collect information on the presence of the patient's chronic, infectious or oncological diseases, prescribe a biochemical and general blood test and urine.

      To find out the cause of lumboschialgia will help hardware diagnostic methods:

    2. Radiography, computed tomography of the lumbar and hip joints will present a picture of the condition of bones, joints, will exclude or detect the presence of fractures, tumors, spondylitis.
    3. MRI is assigned to identify degenerative processes in vertebral discs, compression of nerve roots.
    4. Ultrasound examination will reveal pathologies of the abdominal cavity and pelvis.
    5. Treatment of lumbosciagia should be under the supervision of a neurologist. The basis of therapy is the removal of acute pain and treatment of the underlying pathology that caused pain.

      The acute period lasts approximately 2 weeks and is characterized by bouts of painful, shooting pain. At this time, it is important for a person to keep bed rest, and to move only when absolutely necessary and very carefully.

      To reduce swelling, you need to reduce fluid intake.

      Medication Therapy

      The course of medications in the treatment of lumboschialgia is selected depending on the characteristics of the patient's body, the nature of the pain syndrome and the causes that caused it. To facilitate the condition, appoint:

    • analgesics (kadadolon, lyric);
    • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, diclofenac, ketanol, movalis, brufen);
    • muscle tension is removed by spasmolytic and muscle relaxants (midolgus, sirdalud);
    • can be recommended funds that promote better blood circulation, as well as a course of B vitamins;
    • Intolerable pain is stopped with Novocain blockades or glucocorticosteroids (diprospan, hydrocortisone). From external agents it is possible to put on a painful area a diklak, a fastum-gel.

    With lumboscialgia, the method of pharmacopuncture - injecting the drug directly into the sore point - proved to be a good idea.

    The procedure reduces puffiness, restores normal blood circulation, relieves muscle spasms and irritation of nerve roots.

    The patient begins to experience relief after the first session.

    Gymnastics for acute lumboschialgia

    The video shows two exercises that can quickly alleviate the condition of a patient with an acute pain attack in the lower back.

      Simple exercises that you can perform lying in bed, will help you recover quickly after an attack and return to the usual way of life:
    • Stretch and lift hands alternately during a deep breath and lower them when exhaled (5-6 times).
    • Bend and unbend the foot (5-6 times).
    • Push apart and bend the knees bent at the feet (8-10 times).
    • Straighten and bend the legs in the knees, pressing the heels to the surface of the bed (5-6 times).

    When the condition improves, you can complicate the exercises and perform them sitting or standing.

    After removing the pain syndrome, when a person is able to move painlessly, he is prescribed treatment sessions physical culture, special gymnastics for the spine, massage, reflexotherapy, physiotherapy (magnetic influence, sessions UHF, etc.).

    Treatment of chronic form of lumboschialgia is aimed at reducing the load on the lumbosacral region of the spine, hip joints, strengthening the muscles of the back.

    It includes physiotherapy, massage, physiotherapy.

    Patients with obesity are recommended to lose weight, so that extra pounds do not exert additional burden on the back.


    If lumboschialgia is caused by severe spinal injuries, medication is ineffective. In this case, surgery is required.


    In particular, a discectomy (deletion of the disk) is applied. After surgery (in a classical or endoscopic method), the patient is given an individual course of restorative therapy.

    Treatment of lumbosciagia at home with folk methods should be carried out only after the recommendations of the attending physician.

    To facilitate the state, you can use the following manipulations:

    • Rub badger fat in painful areas, a solution of vegetable oil with ammonia (ratio:).
    • Apply on the inflamed patch of mashed potatoes from blackened radish, compresses from alcohol tincture of birch buds.
    • Use warming patches.
    • Wear a belt of dog hair.

    The prognosis for lumbosciagia is generally favorable if the patient visits a doctor on time and starts treatment for the underlying disease. However, do not neglect the preventive measures that will help prevent this unpleasant phenomenon.

    Preventive actions

    In cases where the load on the spine can not be avoided, it is necessary to follow simple rules that minimize the risk of lumboschialgia syndrome.

    • Heavy objects should be raised slightly squatting.
    • With sedentary work, it is recommended to organize ten-minute breaks every hour.

      The work chair should have armrests, a rigid, anatomical back. To maintain the back in a level vertical position, you can put a roller under your waist.

    • With a long trip behind the wheel, you need to stop every hour and get out of the vehicle to walk and stretch your legs and back.
    • Before performing heavy physical work, you should wear a special orthopedic corset, supporting the spine and back muscles.

    The best prevention of the occurrence of repeated attacks of lumboscialgia is the performance of medical gymnastics, massage courses and observance of precautions with loads on the spine.

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