Ointment 911: types of gels and balms


  • 1Series "911 ointment for joints (description, composition, instructions and reviews):
    • 1.1Species Features
    • 1.2Using
    • 1.3Who is shown the "911" series?
    • 1.4Who does not recommend the drug?
    • 1.5"Sabelnik" (balm): description
    • 1.6Ointment "Traumalgon"
    • 1.7"Venolgon-911"
    • 1.8"Ravmalgon" and "Badyaga"
    • 1.9Other analogues
    • 1.10Patient Reviews
  • 2Ointments and other products of the 911 series: effective and without contraindications
    • 2.1Gel and sabelnik in its basis
    • 2.2What gives an external remedy with a badge
    • 2.3Is rheumalgone a cosmetic or a remedy?
    • 2.4Comfrey and others
  • 3Gel-balm 911 with chondroitin for the treatment of joints
    • 3.1Form of issue and composition
    • 3.2Component Action
    • 3.3Recommendations for use of the medicine
    • 3.4Features of the treatment
    • 3.5Restrictions on use
    • 3.6Adverse events
    • 3.7Excess dose
    • 3.8Method of implementation
    • 3.9Storage Requirements
    • 3.10Patient Evaluation
  • 4Gel-balm 911 for joints: ointment with sabelnik and chondroitin
    • 4.1The factors that lead to the appearance of joint diseases
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.2Use of external means
    • 4.3Features of application of ointments from sabelnik
  • 5Gel-balm 911 with bee venom - instructions for use
    • 5.1Indications for use
    • 5.2Composition
    • 5.3Healing properties
    • 5.4Forms of release
    • 5.5Mode of application
    • 5.6At pregnancy and thoracal feeding
    • 5.7Contraindications
    • 5.8Precautionary measures
    • 5.9Cross-Drug Interactions
    • 5.10Side effects
    • 5.11Overdose
    • 5.12Conditions and shelf life
    • 5.13Analogues
    • 5.14"Apisatron"
    • 5.15Cream Sofya
    • 5.16Download user manual
  • 6911 external means. Twins Tec - preparations from Russia on the basis of natural components

Series "911 ointment for joints (description, composition, instructions and reviews):

Special series "911" - ointment, which is used to treat a wide range of diseases of the spine and joints.

This group also includes gels and creams, which are based on natural ingredients, extracts from medicinal herbs, medicinal minerals, oils of ethereal origin.

In addition, these drugs are quite effective in posttraumatic treatment, hematomas and other problems associated with muscles and joints. We will study their types, indications for use, features and feedback from consumers.

Species Features

The line "911" is wide. The ointment produced in it can be of three types:

  1. Helium balsams.
  2. Washable suspensions.
  3. Directly ointments.

Gels and balsams have a more oily base, resemble a standard ointment in appearance, perfectly suited for massage.

Razirka is a liquid suspension, which is rubbed into the body like a lotion.

All considered drugs are used for the doctor's prescription, they can be purchased at specialized outlets or pharmacies without a prescription.


Ointment "911 the instruction on which application is available in each package, can be used as an independent tool, and in complex treatment.

The main components of this series are plant elements. Consequently, the period of their application should be a long time.

The affected area is treated up to three times a day.

Preparations are used for massaging and applying compresses. The medication is applied to clean and dry skin. Some formulations include red pepper, which can cause severe irritation when treating wet skin.

Who is shown the "911" series?

Ointment is prescribed to relieve acute or chronic pain, appearing in the joints or muscles. You can choose the correct balm only after consulting a doctor who will take into account the diagnosis, the characteristics of the body and the effect of the drug.

The medication is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Various diseases of the musculoskeletal department, accompanied by swelling, pain, or inflammation.
  • Resumption of the body after trauma.
  • In case of deposition of salts in the joints.
  • As prevention of deformation of articular cartilage.
  • With neuralgia, myalgia.
  • To facilitate the recovery of muscles after intensive training.

Who does not recommend the drug?

"Ointment" 911 the use of which is very effective, despite the natural composition, has a number of contraindications. These include:

  • Individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • Damage and inflammation of the skin in the treated areas.
  • Allergic reactions to bee products.
  • The drug with bischofite is not recommended for patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Studies on the use of the drug by children and pregnant women about safety were not carried out.

The "911" series is an ointment that has a pronounced aroma in all modifications, therefore, patients with increased sensitivity to odors should be used with caution.

"Sabelnik" (balm): description

This preparation of the series in question is basically based on a plant base in the form of an extract from a swamp saber.

In medicine, the rhizome of this plant is used.

Advantages of this drug are the presence of essential oil, carotene, potassium-magnesium group, phosphorus and ascorbic acid.

The type of ointment "911" (the instruction is in the package), has a fat structure, it is perfect for massage procedures. The drug has anti-inflammatory, healing and analgesic effect.

The composition of the medicine includes an extract of the willow bark (has a strong anti-inflammatory effect), an extract of Indian incense, which facilitates the rapid removal of inflammation from the affected area.

Ointment "Traumalgon"

This preparation contains camphor oil, a burning pepper extract, eucalyptus. This arrangement allows you to work on tissues and joints with a mild, warming effect. The main components of the facility are:

  • Lavender essential oil (has healing and anesthetic effect).
  • Sage oil (relieves pain and inflammation on affected areas and joints).

"Travmalgon" is an improvised means for rendering first aid with bruises, sprains, bruises. The complex composition quickly localizes edema and relieves pain syndromes.


Ointment is effectively used as a tonic vein of the agent, increasing the elasticity of the vessels, blocking their further expansion. Due to complex effects, there is a significant therapeutic effect and improvement of the patient's well-being against the background of vascular strengthening.

The medication is indicated for problems with venous vessels, and also improves blood circulation in the legs. Indications for use:

  • Improvement of the condition of the walls of the vessels, complex treatment of varicose veins.
  • Normalization of peripheral blood flow.
  • Elimination of discomfort in the legs, getting rid of puffiness and eliminating vascular patterns on the legs.
  • Other vascular problems of the extremities.

"Venolgon" - ointment "911 the use of which has practically no side effect.

The main contraindication is hypersensitivity to the components of the medication, which can cause irritation, skin rashes and other undesirable consequences. If these occur, the drug should be discarded.

Ointment "Venolgon" is perfectly tolerated by the body and practically does not show side effects. The only undesirable effect that a drug can have is signs of local allergic reaction and irritation. In this case, the drug is discontinued.

"Ravmalgon" and "Badyaga"

This series of preparations, like any ointment "911 whose price is from one hundred to three hundred rubles, is used for inflammation of the joints and spine.

Among themselves, medicines differ in dosage form and additional components. All of them contain chondroitin, sapelnik extract and glucosamine.

For example, the cream "Revalgon" contains an extract of hot pepper, fir and cedar essential oil.

In "Badyag along with additional components, the main active substance - methyl nicotinate is used.

It has a beneficial effect on vasodilation, improving microcirculation in tissues and facilitating the removal of toxins and salt deposits.

In the "Ravmalgon" composition, in addition, there is an extract of the Adam's root. Its action is comparable to acupuncture, when the emphasis is on the nerve endings, while suppressing pain.

Other analogues

Ointment "911" with chondroitin provides protection of cartilaginous tissue, actively fights inflammation of the joints, prevents the development of destructive processes in acute and chronic diseases. In addition to the main components, this balm contains eucalyptus oil, elecampane extract, vitamins B, E and F.

In addition, in the line of "911" the following drugs are very popular:

  • Gel "Bee venom".
  • Balsam "Bischofite".
  • "Okopnik "Lively "Chaga".

All these ointments are similar in composition, but they have certain additives that effectively affect the joints or muscles, depending on the diagnosis. The right dosage and use is prescribed by the attending physician.

Patient Reviews

As evidenced by consumers' reviews, the ointment "911" is in demand for several main reasons.

First, it has a wide range of drugs, similar in composition, but oriented to different effects.

A brief description of the drugs on this basis is given above. More precise recommendations can be obtained from your doctor.


Secondly, the medicine is made on a plant basis, which, although it requires a long period of use, but gently acts on all the systems and tissues of the body. In addition, patients note the rapid receipt of the desired effect, literally after the adoption of a couple of procedures.


A source: https://www.syl.ru/article/313159/seriya-maz-dlya-sustavov-opisanie-sostav-instruktsiya-i-otzyivyi

Ointments and other products of the 911 series: effective and without contraindications

This series of drugs, appointed in complex therapy for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, is special in its composition.

Ointment, cream or gel contains about 40% of the derivatives of medicinal plants, long used in the recipes of the national pharmacy and recognized as official medicine.

In diseases of the feet, for a long time the means with chondroitin have proved to be the best for the development of the substance necessary for a healthy state of cartilage, muscle fibers and joints. Each ointment of the 911 series deserves attention, and some will be considered further.

Gel and sabelnik in its basis

Mention of the saber or marsh swamp as a medicinal plant is found even in manuscripts of the XVII century.

Popularity is due to the presence of flavonoids, carotene, essential oils, tannins, vitamin C, microelements, and, in addition, as established, the extract from this plant has an antitumor activity.

Therefore it is not surprising that the gel "Sabelnik 911" is recognized as one of the most effective means used in the complex therapy used for leg diseases.

https://www.youtube.com/watc? = jLJnPLM40Ko

In the instructions for use, it is noted that the gel is recommended as an adjuvant for damage to the joints, muscles and ligaments, reduces swelling, relieves inflammation, promotes rapid tissue regeneration.

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As evidenced by the reviews left on thematic forums, the degree of its impact in some cases even exceeds declared, and, for example, with the stretching of the muscles, the pain decreases almost immediately after the application of the remedy, and the next day disappears altogether. With pain in the joints of the legs, relief also comes very quickly, but in order to achieve sustainable result, users say, gel-balm should be used at least within 2 weeks.

The effect is due to the composition of the tool. So, the gel "Sabelnik 911" contains an extract of not only the base plant, but also such medicinal plants as arnica and nettles.

In addition, the composition of this remedy includes oils of juniper, eucalyptus and thyme, as well as substances such as glucosamine hydrochloride and chondroitin sulfate.

The last two ingredients provide the ability to repair damaged tissue and retain moisture, necessary to maintain the elasticity of the joints of the joints of the legs and hands, for normal mobility the spine.

To gel or cream with chondroitin and glucosamine had the therapeutic effect, after rubbing on the surface of the skin you need to leave a thin layer, which should itself gradually absorb into the tissue.

What gives an external remedy with a badge

In the series used in the complex treatment of legs, the 911 Badyaga takes its place.

In itself, a freshwater sponge from the family of badges, which is used in the manufacture of the product, has anti-inflammatory, anti-edema and analgesic properties.

It also enhances blood circulation, helps cells to recover and produce their own elastin, which contributes to the rapid healing of abrasions and bruises. Gel, ointment and cream with badyagi perfectly helps with bruises and sprains.

As noted in the reviews, such a tool quickly removes swelling and neutralizes bruises, has a soothing and antiseptic effect. And, according to users, if the cream is applied immediately after the bruise, the bruise does not appear at all.


A high level of exposure is achieved through a combination of the ingredients of the agent. 911 Badyaga contains not only the derivative of the base plant, but also extracts of chamomile and horse chestnut, as well as essential oils of tea tree, juniper, mint and arnica oil.


It is recommended to use a cream or ointment based on badyagi for rheumatism, arthritis, polyarthritis, lumbosacral radiculitis, gout, sciatic nerve disease, chronic rheumatism, as well as in case of bruising. However, this remedy is often used to reduce the swelling of the legs, the stretching of the muscles and ligaments, and even to reduce the traces from domestic cuts and wounds of medium damage.

Is rheumalgone a cosmetic or a remedy?

In the instruction to this remedy it is noted that the gel-balm Ravmalgon 911 belongs to the category of cosmetic products. In this case the agent is used as part of complex therapy for diseases of muscles and joints.

Rheumalgon 911 has proved effective in the treatment of arthrosis, arthritis, radiculitis, gout and osteochondrosis. This gel increases the effectiveness of treatment of the legs and spine, permanently relieves pain and inflammation in the application area.

Its healing ability Rheumalgon 911 is due to a combination of several oils: juniper, fir, cedar and eucalyptus.

Each of these components has almost unique abilities, and they all make the ointment truly curative.

So, juniper is considered the leader in bactericidal properties, fir is famous for its ability to remove edema, inflammation and pain in all diseases, heal wounds and eliminate infection.

Do not lag behind in the value of their properties and other components. Cedar is used because of its rich content of vitamins D, E, A, Group B, as well as macro and microelements, fats and resins. Eucalyptus relieves pain and is able to neutralize even the most resistant infection.

Note that in the treatment of joints not only the gel of the well-known series is used, but also other dosage forms with a similar name.


So, during rehabilitation after injuries and operations on the joints of the legs, Rheumalgon with chondroitin is often prescribed.


In its composition, there is also a willow bark that contains salicylates, and they are similar in properties to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, but they do not give side effects.

Comfrey and others

In the treatment of the feet, an adjuvant is often recommended on the basis of comfrey - a plant that is also known under the name of a livebear, and it can be an ointment, cream or balm.

The fact that it contains a huge amount of substances necessary for the restoration of bones and joints is evidenced by even a biological name, which in translation means "connect" or "splice".

Unique properties of the live-eye are used in the manufacture of products and preparations for external use, and one of such means is the representative of the well-known 911 series Okopnik.

This ointment contains not only an extract of the livebud, but also derivatives of other, equally valuable components: badyagi, eucalyptus, rosemary, juniper, cloves, and each of the ingredients has the ability to relieve pain and inflammation, to heal wounds.

In addition, the properties of an ointment based on a livener or comfrey are enhanced by chondroitin, which increases the ability to repair damaged joints, bones, muscles and ligaments. To heal abrasions, scratches and reduce the swelling is suitable, and a cream based on a livid.

In diseases of the joints of the legs, hands and disorders in the spine, it is recommended to use various means of the known series as part of complex therapy.

It can be a cream that works well in medical, preventive and cosmetic purposes, or a balm that can heal even deep wounds.

We can say that there is a series in the series, and here we are talking about such a representative as Balsam 911, and depending on the composition, it can have a different degree of efficiency. However, all these tools are peculiar:

  • reduction of pain and inflammation;
  • calming effect;
  • removal of puffiness;
  • rapid penetration to damaged tissues.

Some of these drugs have the ability to reduce the vascular network on the legs and manifestations of varicose veins.

For example, cream-gel balm for feet with leech extract, according to visitors to thematic forums, has an excellent cooling effect that occurs immediately after application, and in the same series, you can find Balm 911 for children with a string or chamomile.

In the 911 series we will also see individual gel-balms with chondroitin, chaga, bischofite, formic acid and comfrey, bee venom, horse chestnut, as well as cream-vitamin F, rubbing with joint pain and muscles.


There are no direct contraindications to their use. Stopping can only be allergic to one of the components and irritation of the skin at the site of the intended application of the drug.


Despite the fact that ointments and gels belong to the category of funds that can become a real rescue service, you can apply anything from this series after consulting a specialist.

This will help to avoid mistakes and really get better from the disease or recover from injury.

A source: http://drpozvonkov.ru/lechenie/medikomentoznoe/unguenti/maz-911.html

Gel-balm 911 with chondroitin for the treatment of joints

Ointment 911 with chondroitin is a drug for external use, intended for the complex treatment of arthrosis, arthritis, sciatica and other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

The medicine has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect on the problem area, promotes the regeneration of cartilaginous tissue and the improvement of joint mobility.

In addition to these properties, the ointment enhances local blood circulation and prevents pathological changes within the joints.

Form of issue and composition

The developer and manufacturer of the 911 with chondroitin is the Moscow-based pharmaceutical company Twins Tek.

The drug is available as a white gel-balm of a homogeneous consistency with a pleasant smell of menthol. The medicine is packaged in tubes of 100 ml.

Each tube is inside a separate cardboard package.

Gel-balm 911 is a multicomponent external product based on natural and safe substances for the body. The therapeutic effect of the drug is provided by:

  • chondroitin sulfate;
  • glucosamine hydrochloride;
  • thiamine (vitamin B1);
  • pyridoxine (vitamin B6);
  • menthol;
  • camphor;
  • essential oils of eucalyptus;
  • juniper;
  • arnica;
  • rosemary;
  • fir.

In addition, when manufacturing the ointment, use:

  • propylene glycol;
  • linalool;
  • diazolinylidene urea;
  • gel-forming polymer Aristoflex AVC;
  • limonene;
  • iodopropylbutyl carbamate;
  • isooctyl stearate;
  • purified water.

Component Action

Chondroitin sulfate, present in the ointment 911 for the joints, is the main structural component of the cartilage produced by the cartilaginous tissue of the joints and provides it with strength and elasticity:

  • improves the regenerative properties of the cartilaginous surface;
  • improves the mobility of joints;
  • prevents the development of degenerative changes in them.

Glucosamine is a monosaccharide, which is produced by the cartilaginous articular tissue and is a component of chondroitin. In the cream, he:

  • provides a local anti-inflammatory effect;
  • stimulates the formation of a proteoglycan by the connective tissue and collagen - substances that improve the regeneration of joints affected by the pathological process.

Thiamine and pyridoxine:

  • contribute to the reduction of pain in the joints;
  • prevent the formation of salts;
  • stimulate the regenerative processes in the connective tissue.

Natural essential oils saturate the cartilaginous tissue with useful microelements, enhance the effect of chondroitin and glucosamine.

Recommendations for use of the medicine

Balm with chondroitin 911 is recommended to be used as a local analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent when:

  • mono- and polyarthritis of different origin;
  • arthrosis of the knee, hip, shoulder, ankle joints;
  • injuries of joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles (including sports).

Cream 911 should be used solely to relieve pain in the joints. To ensure a rapid therapeutic effect, experts appoint it in conjunction with other medications used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Features of the treatment

Balm with chondroitin 911 is intended for external use only. It is recommended to apply it evenly to the area of ​​the body, which is subject to pain, rubbing into the skin with light massaging movements.

Treatment should continue until the pain syndrome ceases completely. If within 3-4 days after the beginning of using the ointment the patient does not get better, he should consult with a specialist about the advisability of its further application.

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Restrictions on use

Gel-balm 911 for the relief of joint pain can not be applied to all people. Contraindications to this drug apply to patients who have:

  • hypersensitivity to any of its components;
  • psoriasis, eczema or other dermatological diseases;
  • open wounds, ulcers and deep abrasions in the area intended for ointment treatment.

Gel-balm for joints 911 with chondroitin is allowed to prescribe to children over 2 years old. The use of the drug in small patients should be done under the supervision of a physician.

Information about the safety of use of the drug in women during pregnancy and lactation is absent. To avoid undesirable consequences for the health of the child, treatment by means of these categories of patients should be carried out according to the appointment of a specialist.

Adverse events

Gel 911 is well tolerated by humans and rarely causes side effects.

In individual patients, it is capable of provoking local allergic reactions in the form of redness, rash, itching, burning and hives.

When they occur, the patient needs to wash off the remains of the ointment from the skin and refuse to use it in the future.

The feeling of cold, appearing at the place of application of the ointment on the skin, is not a side effect and should not alarm the patients. It occurs because of the presence of menthol in the composition and passes independently 10-15 minutes after the end of the procedure.

Excess dose

Overdose of gel-balm 911 with chondroitin with external application is unlikely.

If the patient negligently swallows the contents of the tube, he needs to wash the stomach, then drink activated charcoal or another absorbent.

In case of worsening, the patient should urgently seek medical help.

Method of implementation

Gel-balm 911 with chondroitin is sold from pharmacies without a prescription. The price of packing means is about 100 rubles, which is much lower than the cost of similar preparations of foreign production.

Storage Requirements

Gel-balsam with chondroitin 911 does not require special storage conditions.

The manufacturer recommends placing a tube of medicine in a place protected from sunlight and inaccessible to children.

The optimum temperature regime, at which the ointment should be stored, is + 5... + 25 ° С. The shelf life is 18 months if the necessary storage conditions are met.

Patient Evaluation

People suffering from joint diseases are attracted by positive feedback about ointments 911 with chondroitin left by patients on specialized sites and forums.

However, doctors warn people who are experiencing problems in the work of the musculoskeletal system, not self-medication and before buying the drug 911 with chondroitin consult with specialist.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/preparaty/maz-911-s-hondroitinom.html

Gel-balm 911 for joints: ointment with sabelnik and chondroitin

Various joint disorders are one of the most common health problems in many people. The disease occurs after trauma, severe physical exertion, due to age-related changes or as complications after serious illnesses.

To prevent arthrosis, arthritis and other joint diseases, along with the main medications prescribed by a doctor, it is recommended to use an ointment, cream or balm, which contains an extract of swampy marsh, for example, gel-balsam 911.

Thanks to the useful ingredients of these agents for external use, the patient has the opportunity to maximally stop the inflammatory process, and with it, painful sensations.

At the initial level of the disease, in the joints there is slight discomfort, to which a person often does not pay due attention.

To prevent the progression of pathology and to prevent complications, it is important to consult a doctor in time, even if the symptoms are irregular.

It is a question of situational appearance of a crunch in the joints with movements, pain, swelling or stiffness of movements.

https://www.youtube.com/watc? = ZTMgO0UK0-E

If treatment is not started in a timely manner, then the joint disease is likely to lead to limitations of the motor function. Thus, a person may lose the ability to move and walk freely.

International statistics show that at present, every third person has serious joint disorders by the middle age. It is noted that the first signs of problems with joints were observed even in the young years.

The factors that lead to the appearance of joint diseases

The appearance of joint diseases is caused by the following reasons:

  • exposure to infectious agents,
  • autoimmune allergic reactions of the body,
  • deformation of bone tissue,
  • pathology of the endocrine system, which lead to failure of mineral metabolism.

The most common cause of joint disease is infection. Complications of joints give the following diseases:

  1. angina,
  2. brucellosis,
  3. syphilis,
  4. tuberculosis,
  5. gonorrhea.

In the emergence and development of such ailments as nonspecific arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, along with infection play an important role and autoimmune reactions. The condition is an allergy of the body to its own cells.

In this case, the human immune system attacks the cartilaginous tissue of the joints. The disruption of the endocrine system is due to so-called endocrine arthritis.

Pathological processes in the joints can also be caused by disturbances in the functioning of the vascular and nervous system. The risk factors are:

  • genetic predisposition,
  • sex of a person,
  • supercooling,
  • low daily activity,
  • improper diet,
  • excess body weight.

The most common cause of joint disorders is the extra body weight of a person. Under the influence of heavy weight, the joints are forced to bear a heavy load, and this provokes a variety of pathological processes.

Problems with joints can arise, first of all, because of excessive physical exertion on the musculoskeletal system, or, on the contrary, due to a sedentary lifestyle.

Too active training can provoke inflammation of the joints. At the same time, if you do not perform at least periodically the simplest exercises, then the risk of getting problems with joints in the near future, significantly increases.

In some cases, the mechanical factor plays a role in the formation of inflammatory articular diseases. Chronic injury to the joints causes the development of professional arthritis. For example, tailors often have arm arthritis, and loaders have arthroses of the spine.

Use of external means

After a visit to the doctor, the patient needs to be examined to find out the root cause of the disease. To conduct complex treatment in addition to medicines, doctors advise the use of ointments based on sabelnik, for example, gel-balm 911 for joints.

https://www.youtube.com/watc? = GFqOEa7i7jI

This tool is known for its positive effect for arthrosis, arthritis and other joint diseases.

Gel-balm 911 for joints is often prescribed as an additional remedy. Gel or ointment based on a saber is used externally.

The product is rubbed into the affected areas.

The effect of the extract of the bog wort is known for a long time. The rhizome of this plant contains:

  1. flavonoids,
  2. essential oils,
  3. tannins,
  4. carotene.

Cream, ointment or balm, in which the extract of the saber is present, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, but for a noticeable improvement, the drug should be applied systematically, specific time.

Gel-balm 911 with a sabelnik relieves pain, normalizes the movement of the joints, and also improves blood circulation.

In addition to the saber, in the means for external use, there are other useful substances, for example, fat and oil. In most cases, ointments contain chondroitin and glucosamine, substances that stimulate the restoration of cartilaginous tissue and inhibit the resorption of bone tissue.


Gel-balm 911 purposefully removes swelling of the joints, and also improves the process of restoring damaged tissues.


Thanks to complex therapy, a person's recovery is several times faster.

By the way, it is worth saying that it is used in the treatment and tincture of the saber, since we are talking about the main active component of the gel-911.

Features of application of ointments from sabelnik

To date, there is a large selection of balms, creams and gels with a content of sabelnik. The main component of all these remedies is an extract from the rhizome of the swamp saber. The most famous such drugs are:

  1. Gel-balm 911 for the joints. The remedy includes extracts of nettle, arnica, sabelnik, as well as eucalyptus and juniper,
  2. Cream "Sabelnik Evalar". It contains tincture of saber, soybean oil, badger fat, glycerin monostearate and pork inner fat.

When osteochondrosis and other joint diseases, gel - balm 911 contributes to a significant improvement in the joints, so the functions of the musculoskeletal system are noticeably improved.

The use of a sabelnik for osteochondrosis, injuries or joint arthrosis is performed by applying a gel or ointment to the affected areas several times a day. Gel-balm 911 should be rubbed with circular movements of hands.

It is best to use a large amount of the product, so that after rubbing a part of the ointment remains on the skin for absorption. Thus, the swamp saber in the right amount will fall to the joints for their anesthesia. After a while, a person will notice that movements do not bring painful sensations.

Before using funds with a saber, you need to consult a doctor, because the drugs have side effects, especially if a person suffers from osteochondrosis.

After a visible improvement due to medication and gel-balm 911, doctors recommend taking exercise therapy to prevent the appearance of other joint problems. All this in the video in this article will tell the doctor-rehabilitologist.

A source: http://sustav.info/lechim/medikamenty/krem-911-dlya-sustavov.html

Gel-balm 911 with bee venom - instructions for use

Bee venom has always been one of the most important medicines.

Particularly effective bee venom showed in the treatment of joints from arthrosis, with swelling and various types of pain.

Also, the treatment with bee venom is prescribed so that post traumatic and postoperative scars heal faster, so that their connective tissue changes to healthy skin.

Like all natural ingredients, bee venom has a very complex composition. Its components are several types of acids, oils, various enzymes, proteins, many minerals, as well as antibiotic substances.

The best representative of apitoxic therapy (treatment with bee venom) is gel-balm "911".

In it, bee venom intensifies its action with the help of many auxiliary substances. All of them are of natural origin.

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"Gel 911" is effectively used in the treatment of joints, muscle and ligament damage, against inflammatory and rheumatic processes.

Indications for use

Balm "911" is assigned as an auxiliary. It has an effective effect due to its tonic effect for smooth muscles, as well as an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect. Gel "911" is used:

  • For rheumatic diseases of bone and cartilaginous tissue (arthritis, myositis)
  • With degenerative or dystrophic changes in the tissues of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, arthrosis, gout)
  • With injuries of muscles, tendons and joints, accompanied by edema and severe pain (myalgia, lumbago)
  • In diseases of the peripheral nervous system (radiculitis, neuritis, neuralgia, low back pain)
  • To scrawn after injuries or operations dissipated faster
  • Before or after sports training to warm up the muscles.


Balm contains a lot of substances that enhance the effect of the main active ingredient.

  • Bee venom
  • Methylsalicylate
  • Water
  • Acrylates;
  • Extract of sabelnik
  • Oil of marjoram, cloves, thyme, rosemary
  • Camphor
  • Extract of comfrey and golden mustache;
  • Juniper and eucalyptus oil
  • Triethanolamine
  • Propylene glycol
  • Isooctyl stearate
  • Diazolidinyl urea
  • Kayaput oil and guaiac tree oil
  • Iodopropynyl butyl carbamate
  • Methyl nicotinate.

Healing properties

Bee venom has several basic actions. It removes inflammation, causes local irritation, simulates metabolism, circulation, and also produces a local antibacterial, anesthetic effect.

The therapeutic effect is formed due to its main components: melittin (main component), phospholipase, hyaluronidase, tryptophan, histamine, choline, apamine.

Other substances enter into the bee venom, but in a much smaller quantity.

The gel removes the pain syndrome, stimulates the outflow of the intercellular fluid, removing the edema.


A strong anti-inflammatory effect is based on the action of mitittin on cell membranes, the adrenal cortex. The scars dissolve more quickly due to the action of hyaluronidase.


It also stimulates the formation of cartilaginous tissue, restoring the activity of joints and tendons.

Because of the decrease in blood coagulability, its rheological properties (fluidity) increase.

Due to which the speed of blood circulation rises, metabolic processes and nutrition of tissues improve.

Additional anti-inflammatory effect has methyl salicylate, it stops the action of cyclooxygenase and the production of prostaglandins.

The average price is from 110 to 150 rubles.

Forms of release

Viscous homogeneous consistency yellowish gel. Bee venom and methyl salicylate impart a bitter-sweet honey flavor. Produced in a tuba 100 grams, in a cardboard box.

Mode of application

It is used exclusively externally, protected against contact with mucous membranes. Before use, so that the balm is absorbed, the skin is washed with warm water and soap and carefully wiped with a towel.

Then apply a thin layer of ointment and massaging movements for several minutes rub the preparation over the skin. For better absorption of the cream, the treated area is kept warm. To do this, you need to wrap it with a towel or a handkerchief.

Gel "911" is used one to three times a day for 2-4 weeks.

At pregnancy and thoracal feeding

Treatment with bee venom is not recommended for children under 6 years, as well as for women during pregnancy or lactation.


  • Renal insufficiency
  • Allergic reaction to beekeeping products
  • Acute inflammation of the joints
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin at the site of application (wounds, abrasions)
  • Tumors at the site of application
  • Disturbance of bone marrow hematopoiesis
  • Infectious diseases
  • Acute purulent processes.

Precautionary measures

When using the drug, it is possible to bear a burning sensation at the application site. In case of severe burning and severe pain, rinse the treated area with warm water. If the burning does not go away or the general condition worsens, the doctor should be called immediately.

Cross-Drug Interactions

Clinically significant interaction of the drug with other drugs has not been revealed

Side effects

Balsam can cause the following phenomena:

  • Allergic reactions
  • Hyperemia
  • Headache
  • Painful sensations and burning at the place of application
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Chills
  • The general rise in temperature.

Is the headache unsettling? Learn all the ways to treat a headache in an article: headache is a cure.


The signs of an overdose with external application include irritation, burning in the place of application. In this case, rinse the place of application with warm water.

There are cases when the gel was inadvertently ingested. In such situations, nausea, vomiting and other reactions may occur.

In such situations, enterosorbents are recommended, and also drink plenty of water (not milk).

Conditions and shelf life

The recommended temperature for storage of the preparation is + 5 ° С- + 25 ° С. You can keep the balm till, years. It is important to protect from children.


Balm "911" with the bee venom has two known analogues: "Apizatron" and "Sophia Cream". Both are widely used for the treatment of joints.


Esparma GmbH, Germany
Pricefrom 150 to 250 rubles.

Produced in a tube of 20 grams or 50 grams. Possesses local irritating and analgesic properties.


  • Effective - the action begins in a few minutes
  • Low price


  • Strong smell
  • To get the effect you need to apply in large quantities.

Cream Sofya

Fora Pharm, Russia
Pricefrom 150 to 220 rubles.

Cream Sofya is packed in 125 grams in a tuba. Contains 6 times more active substances than its analogues.


  • Has good tolerability - can be used for a long period of time
  • Pleasant aroma


  • The effect does not come at once and does not suit everyone.

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A source: http://lekhar.ru/lekarstva/kostno-myshechnaya-sistema/gel-balzam-911-s-pchelinym-yadom-instrukciya-po-primeneniyu/

911 external means. Twins Tec - preparations from Russia on the basis of natural components

911 Traumalgon®

Gel-balm cosmetic for the body of the trade mark "Travmalgon®" has a warming effect in the area of ​​application due to the content camphor, vanilla butyl ether (vanilla ether) and provitamin PP (methyl nicotinate), has nutritional and restorative properties.

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Cream Vitamin F (bold)

Cream "Vitamin F bold" is recommended in complex therapy of skin integrity disorders: irritations, dermatitis, ulcers, eczema, pressure sores, intertrigo, cracks.

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Cream Vitamin F (bold)

Cream "Vitamin F fatty" is recommended in complex therapy of skin integrity disorders: irritations, dermatitis, ulcers, eczema, pressure sores, intertrigo, cracks.

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Cosmetic rinsing Venolong® with horse chestnut and troxerutin is recommended as an adjuvant at treatment of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, prevention of thrombosis, edema and post-traumatic lesions veins.

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911 Ravmalgon®

Cosmetic rinsing Rheumalgona® is recommended as an adjuvant for the treatment of joint diseases: osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthrosis, arthritis, gout.

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911 Razirka Comfrey

Cosmetic rinsing Comfrey is recommended as an auxiliary for the treatment of joint diseases: osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthrosis, arthritis, gout.

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911 with leech Extract

It is recommended as an adjuvant in the treatment of leg vascular disease. It has a venotonic effect, strengthens the vascular wall, improves blood and lymph circulation.

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911 with Horse Chestnut

Cosmetic gel balm with KONSKIM KASHTAN - recommended as an adjuvant for treatment varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, prevention of thrombosis, edema and post-traumatic lesions veins.

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911 Venolong

Foot gel VENOLGON reduces puffiness and pain in the legs, strengthens the walls of the vessels, makes them more elastic, thus helping to eliminate stagnant phenomena in the legs.

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911 Panthenol

Body cream PANTHENOL is recommended as an adjuvant in the complex therapy of integrity disorders of the skin covers: minor injuries, burns (including sunny), frostbite, abrasions, dermatitis, pressure sores, intertrigo, cracks.

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911 Bdiaga

The remedy is created on the basis of badyagi - a unique natural remedy for bruises and bruises.

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911 Mackerel

Gel-balm cosmetic GRIBKOSEPT - antifungal drug, helps reduce inflammation, normalizes the microflora.

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911 Ugrisept

Gel-balm cosmetic UGRISEPT is a radical remedy for solving the problem of acne, as well as problem skin in adolescents.

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911 Nogtimycin

Cream cosmetic for nails "Nogtimitsin" - is used for softening and painless removal (removal) of a nail infected with a fungus.

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911 Namosol

Cosmetic cream NAMOZOL - a special drug for fighting dry calluses and natypeshes.

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911 Zazhivin

The product has a healing and disinfecting effect, promotes rapid and effective healing of cracks and abrasions on the feet and toes of the feet.

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911 with bee venom

Gel-balm for joints with Beef venom - it is recommended as an auxiliary for the treatment of joint diseases: osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthrosis, arthritis, gout.

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911 with formic acid and comfrey

Gel-balm cosmetic with anthrax and ankylococcus is recommended as an auxiliary means for the complex treatment of joint diseases: osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthrosis, arthritis, gout.

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911 with Bishofit

Gel-balm cosmetic with bishofit - it is recommended as an auxiliary for the treatment of joint diseases: osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthrosis, arthritis, gout.

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911 with chondroitin

Gel-balm for joints with chondroitin - recommended as an auxiliary for the treatment of joint diseases: osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthrosis, arthritis, gout.

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911 Chaga

Gel-balm cosmetic with CAGO - it is recommended as an auxiliary for complex treatment of joint diseases: osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthrosis, arthritis, gout.

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911 The Lifeblife

Gel-balm Liver is recommended as an auxiliary for the treatment of joint diseases: osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthrosis, arthritis, gout.

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911 Comfrey

In the gel-balm there are two active components capable of exerting a therapeutic effect on the inflamed joints and tissues, this is the comfrey extract and chondroitin.

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911 Sabelnik

Gel-balm is created on the basis of a sabelnik - a plant that possesses powerful anti-inflammatory and anaesthetising properties and used for diseases of muscles, joints, and also with stretching ligaments.

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911 Rheumalgon

Gel-balm cosmetic REVMALGON is recommended as an auxiliary for the treatment of joint diseases: osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthrosis, arthritis, gout.

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A source: http://www.twinstec.ru/911-external-funds

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