Complex of exercises to restore vision from Zhdanov
Professor Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov is studying various methods of restoring vision without using operations. He conducts lecture courses on how to restore vision in non-medical ways. In particular, the professor tells about the restoration of vision using the Shichko-Bates method.
1Who is Zhdanov
2Definition of the methodology
3Exercises by method
3.2Gymnastics for the eyes
3.5Pirate Sunglasses
3.6Central fixation
Who is Zhdanov
Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov is a well-known Russian public figure. He is chairman of the Union for the struggle for folk sobriety. In addition, Zhdanov is known for his non-medical methods of getting rid of alcoholism, smoking and restoring vision.
Many know Zhdanov in the course of recovery of vision based on Bates' method, supplemented by the technique of Shichko.
Prof. Zhdanov Vladimir Georgievich
Bates's method is based on the fact that the accommodation process is carried out by affecting the shape of the eye with the muscles that surround it. Bates argued that the main reason for the deterioration of eyesight is mental stress. Each type of refractive error (nearsightedness, hyperopia) corresponds to its own kind of stress, which this anomaly is caused.
The technique is based on the work of two well-known scientists: Gennady Andreevich Shichko and William Bates.
Bates said that due to the fact that our eye changes its length with the help of oculomotor muscles, an image of the object is constructed in it. On this basis, a set of exercises was created that contribute to relaxation and training of the eye muscles.
Psychoanalyst Gennady Shichko created the so-called staircase of Shichko, without which, according to Zhdanov, it will not be possible to restore vision.
The staircase consists of six steps. Each step is a bad habit:
Program. This includes our environment, family, newspapers, television and so on, which lay these habits.
Attachment. If the program is laid, then it is not always easy to start acting on it.
Habit. Regular repetition of any actions.
Need. Necessity for action.
Installation. Actions or needs become the meaning of life.
Grave. We can not return back.
Vladimir Zhdanov argues that wearing glasses is a bad habit with which you can and need to fight.If you try to correct vision with glasses or lenses, they will only have a negative effect on the functioning of the eyes. If a person wears glasses, the muscles that regulate the length of the eye stop working. Therefore, over time, points should be changed to stronger ones.
the method of restoring Zhdanov's vision is to maintain a diary and regularly perform a special set of exercises for the eyes. According to the professor, in a week's vision will be much better, and you can forget about the glasses.
Characteristics of children with visual impairment are described in this material.
To keep a diary on this technique is necessary to make there entries about what you want.Thanks to this self-suggestion, a person programs himself for a good result.
The effectiveness of the method depends on:
Human ancestors. In suggestible people there is a high probability of improving vision in functional disorders.
Diagnosis. In the case when the cause of visual impairment is stress, and the eye has not changed its structure, then it is very easy to restore it using this technique.
Systematic implementation and desire. The result will only be if the person directs all efforts to this and makes a set of exercises and notes in the diary regularly.
The technique also assumes a complete rejection of contact lenses and glasses. But if this is not possible, then it is recommended to change lenses and glasses for weaker ones. This will activate the work of oculomotor muscles.
Zhdanov says that you can fully restore your vision if you have the desire and set a specific goal.In this case, the effect will be significant. But do not expect that the vision will recover in a couple of weeks or months. But it happens that after the first month there may be positive results. The main thing is to keep faith in yourself and your strength.
Exercises by method
If your eyes are tired or you work long hours at a computer, you need to interrupt and do this exercise.Before you start, rub your palms against each other so that they become warm. It is necessary to close your eyes and cover them from above with your hands. Keep them so recommended for five minutes. Between the palms and the head there should be no liquor through which light can penetrate. Mindful attitude to a positive result is very important. After that, the eyes feel rested as in the morning. If desired, you can increase the duration of this exercise.
Gymnastics for the eyes
This includes a set of various exercises that can be combined with palmings.
Exercise is contraindicated if surgery has recently been performed on the eyes (it is possible only after six months) or there is a detachment of the retina. Gymnastics should be done without glasses and lenses three times a day. Each exercise is repeated three times, but you need to increase gradually, so as not to overstrain the muscles. Everything is done smoothly and without sudden movements. Before this, it is recommended to blink quickly to relax the muscles.
"Up down". You need to lift the view first maximally up, and then maximally down. Blink.
"Left-right". The view should be skewed to the left, and then to the right. Blink.
"Diagonal". Raise your eyes to the right and up, and then left and down. Blink.
"Rectangle". It is necessary to draw a maximally large rectangle with a glance first clockwise, then in the opposite direction. Blink.
"A circle". It is similar to the exercise "Rectangle". Blink.
"Snake". Draw a continuous oblique line with your eyes first from left to right, and then in the opposite direction. Blink.The Zhdanov method
It must be done either in the sun or on some artificial light source. This exercise helps to restore vision and relax the muscles of the eyes.Close your eyes and move your head to the right and left. The sun should alternate with the shadow. After exercise, you need to make a palming before the disappearance of sunburns.
Eye massage is very effective in myopia, astigmatism. It is well used as a means of preventing glaucoma and cataracts. To carry out the massage you need to close your eyes and easily press the special points. Each pressure must be done three times, after pressure on one point it is necessary to blink. Points to massage:
Upper eyelid(with two fingers);
Corners of the eyes(middle fingers);
Lower eyelid(with two fingers);
Eyeball(with four fingers);
Astigmatic point(index fingers);
From the bridge of the nose(middle fingers);
Clenching by the type of Chinese eyes.
Pirate Sunglasses
In such glasses you can perform any daily work (read, work at a computer and so on).When they are put on, the eyes are trained, and the vision improves.If one eye is closed when a person blinks, the brain adjusts the sharpness again, at this time the oculomotor muscles are constantly working. Pirate sunglasses can be made very easily. For this you need a frame without lenses. One hole is covered with a black cloth or paper. You do not need to close your eyes.Every thirty minutes a black bandage is changed to the other eye.
Central fixation
This exercise should be done without glasses or lenses.It is necessary to blink and catch the focus of the object located before the eyes outside the window. When the focus is caught and the subject is clearly visible, you need to blink and focus on the window. Gradually, from large objects to smaller ones.
In addition to exercises and keeping a diary, Zhdanov advises taking drugs that improve vision and increase immunity. This includes the water extract of propolis, the extract of blueberries and perga (the drug "Blueberry") and "Vetom."
Zhdanov's method is aimed at restoring vision without any surgical intervention. But do not forget that you need to make a little effort to restore vision in this way.
This technique contains a number of effective exercises, as well as keeping a diary. It is based on the conduct of a healthy lifestyle, the rejection of alcohol and tobacco. Zhdanov says that it is necessary to observe morality, maintain mental equilibrium, adhere to a healthy diet. Together, this will allow the eyes to return to normal vision.