Pregnancy and childbirth with a hernia of the lumbar spine


  • 1Pregnancy and childbirth with a herniated spine
    • 1.1Prophylaxis of the disease. Features of planning pregnancy and childbirth with vertebral hernia
    • 1.2Risks for pregnant women with intervertebral hernia
    • 1.3Diagnosis and treatment of vertebral hernia: methods of identification and therapy
    • 1.4How to bear a child with a hernia of the spine and avoid complications?
    • 1.5Hernia after childbirth: new loads
  • 2Pregnancy with a hernia of the lumbar spine
    • 2.1The nature of the problem
    • 2.2The mechanism of the hernia in pregnancy
    • 2.3Etiology of the phenomenon
    • 2.4If the hernia appeared before pregnancy?
    • 2.5If a hernia occurred during pregnancy?
    • 2.6Symptoms of a hernia in pregnancy
    • 2.7Childbirth with a herniated spine
    • 2.8Preventive actions
  • 3Why you can get pregnant and give birth with a lumbar hernia
    • 3.1Clinical picture
    • 3.2Treatment of a hernia
    • 3.3Possible complications during childbirth
    • 3.4Caesarean section or natural delivery
    • 3.5Pregnancy planning
    • 3.6When the baby appeared
  • instagram viewer
  • 4How is pregnancy with a hernia of the lumbar spine?
    • 4.1Causes of intervertebral hernia
    • 4.2The more dangerous the injury of the intervertebral disc cartilage
    • 4.3Intervertebral hernia in pregnant women
    • 4.4Trauma of cartilage of vertebral discs in pregnant women
    • 4.5Intervertebral hernia and childbirth
  • 5Pregnancy in hernia of the spine: to give birth or not to give birth
    • 5.1Stage of conception
    • 5.2Stage of pregnancy
    • 5.3Stage of childbirth
    • 5.4Can I give birth with a hernia?
    • 5.5Natural childbirth
    • 5.6Cesarean section
    • 5.7Intervertebral hernia in pregnancy: risks for women
    • 5.8Lifestyle with hernia: 7 recommendations of doctors

Pregnancy and childbirth with a herniated spine

articles:During pregnancy, the load on the spine increases, because the body weight is distributed differently.

With the existing problems with the musculoskeletal system, bearing and birth of a child can seriously affect a woman's health, aggravate the condition and provoke new diseases.

A common disease - a hernia of the spine during pregnancy and childbirth is fraught with complications, therefore it is worthwhile to find out whether there are contraindications to procreation and what risks are possible in a particular the case.

How to give birth with an intervertebral hernia will be determined by a doctor based on the clinical picture of the disease. Assessing the risks, doctors can apply caesarean section or (with a favorable prognosis) to give preference to natural childbirth.

Prophylaxis of the disease. Features of planning pregnancy and childbirth with vertebral hernia

The best way to avoid consequences is prevention: proper nutrition and an active lifestyle.

When chronic form of the disease at the planning stage of pregnancy is to inform the attending physician and undergo the necessary course of treatment and physiotherapy procedures to avoid problems with the back in the period of gestation, when taking medication and physical exertion will be limited by virtue of circumstances. Whether the intervertebral hernia of the lumbar region is compatible and pregnancy in a particular case will help to determine the doctor. During the conception planning period, the following measures should be taken: 1. Consult a neurosurgeon. 2. Use MRI-diagnostics to determine the severity of the disease, the degree of protrusion. 3. To pass or take place inspection at the orthopedist to find out, whether there are accompanying pathologies. 4. Prepare the body for physical exertion - to practice in the hall under a special program, to attend yoga classes, Pilates or to study the program of Bubnovsky. If it did not work out for a number of reasons, or if the problem with the spine was detected already during pregnancy, then the examination and 9 months for the orthopedic surgeon should be examined. Systematic examinations will help to determine the presence of negative changes and prevent consequences in time.

Risks for pregnant women with intervertebral hernia

The most common locations of the vertebral hernia are the lumbosacral and lumbar spine. They are the most loaded with the increase in the volume of the woman's abdomen.

Also plays a role of changes in the structure of the pelvis: the body, preparing for childbirth, is rebuilt, making the birth canal safe for the fetus. Because of this gait changes and weight is redistributed differently.

The load increases, and with polyhydramnios, excessive weight gain or especially a large child, there are also directly influencing causes for this.

Risks of pregnancy in women with diagnosed intervertebral hernia:

1. The first trimester can be complicated by edema of nerve endings. This side effect is caused by the hormone progesterone, the excess of which causes the activation of blood circulation in the fine vascular network (capillaries), this affects the squeezing of the roots in the location of the hernia. 2. Growing in the volume of the uterus and a general set of weight in addition load the lumbar region, squeezing nerves and creating favorable conditions for further protrusion of education. 3. The third trimester is characterized by the production of relaxin, which is aimed at relaxing the muscle fibers. The substance reduces the overall tone of the system and additionally loads intervertebral discs. 4. A characteristic phenomenon - "bearing of pregnant women" - increases the load on the lower back. Provided that before the conception of the child, the woman did not have any abnormalities from the musculoskeletal system and traumas, the threat of development of a hernia of a backbone is not present: the weight to be distributed correctly and the raised loading will be feasible. If there is a predisposition to diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the last months of gestation Fetus is often complicated by osteochondrosis, which after birth can cause the development of the intervertebral hernia.

Diagnosis and treatment of vertebral hernia: methods of identification and therapy

Diagnosis of any disease and its treatment during pregnancy is a difficult task because of the limitations of methods that do not affect the child. The help of the qualified expert is necessary both at a stage of inspection, and for a choice of a course of therapy.

The most accurate way to determine the pathology of the spine is recognized as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), but for a woman in a position the use of this method is contraindicated.

Tomography affects the temperature of the amniotic fluid, and this can be bad for the fetus in the womb. In emergency cases, the use of MRI is allowed in the 3rd trimester, if pain is expressed and there is limited movement.

Pregnant women recommend ultrasound and laboratory tests to confirm the diagnosis. The essence of the procedure is reduced to an accurate determination of the location of the hernia and the nerve root squashed by it, this information is the main one for further choice of therapeutic measures.

Medicamentous treatment is intended to stop edema at the site of protrusion, to remove inflammation and pain. Physiotherapy procedures work differently - the impact on the identified location pathology is designed to strengthen the muscular corset.

But pregnancy leaves few methods to combat herniated spine for doctors: muscle relaxants, analgesics and most physiotherapy - are contraindicated.

For the treatment of intervertebral hernia use:

1. Phytotherapeutic agents under the supervision of a physician with strict adherence to the rules of taking and dosage. 2. Bandage - this device helps to distribute weight to all zones of the spine, reducing the load on the problem area. 3. Pharmacopuncture. 4. Water or dry stretching. After the course of treatment and procedures, a second examination is performed, if there are positive changes and there is no danger, the doctor will recommend natural childbirth with an intervertebral hernia. If there is no result after therapy and when the aggravation coincides with the timing of labor, the obstetricians tend to cesarean section.

How to bear a child with a hernia of the spine and avoid complications?

Childbirth with a hernia of the lumbosacral spine with a team of medical professionals will go without complications, but the period of gestation (all 9 months) is no less dangerous than the delivery.

Remembering that the patient before the birth can not take most recommended for the treatment of lumbar hernia preparations, it is worth pay attention to simple tips that will help reduce the likelihood of exacerbating the problem, and successfully report the fetus the entire time: 1.

You can not be in a sitting position for a long time, you need to systematically perform a warm-up - to be like, stretch; 2.

You should reconsider your diet, especially for pregnant women, who are rapidly gaining weight above the norm - nutrition should be balanced and regular. 3.

Carry out a set of exercises developed individually for each case (make sure that charging does not cause deterioration and pain). 4. Avoid lifting of gravity, sudden movements. 5. Follow the posture. 6. Find the right shoes (best of all - orthopedic). Wear heel height up to 3 cm.

Hernia after childbirth: new loads

Avoiding the onset of the disease at the time of pregnancy and without complications having given birth to a child, it may seem that the danger of increased loads has passed.

But in fact, this is not the case: caring for the newborn and the consequences of bearing the fetus make the woman in childbirth vulnerable, the impact on the lumbar remains elevated.

Intervertebral hernia after childbirth may appear due to such reasons:

- Weakened muscular corset; - Depression and emotional instability; - The physical load in everyday life and because of caring for the baby; - incorrect load on the back when lifting weights. The protrusion of the intervertebral disc or the lumbar hernia are felt by the pain, fast fatigue and stiffness of movements. If you have such symptoms, you need to undergo an MRI to confirm the diagnosis.

Therapeutic measures for hernia after childbirth:

- muscle relaxants for relaxing the muscular corset; - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (anesthesia); - antidepressants - elevated serotonin levels will affect well-being and remove pain. A good result is given by physiotherapy (acupuncture, massage). In the absence of effect after a course of conservative treatment, a surgical method of solving the problem is used. Sports (gymnastics, pilates, swimming) after delivery will not only be well displayed in the figure and restore muscle tone, but will also be effective prevention against spine diseases. You can give birth with a hernia and keep your health, following the recommendations of a doctor. Self-medication, improperly administered medication, or a course of physiotherapy can aggravate the condition.

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Pregnancy with a hernia of the lumbar spine

Intervertebral hernia and pregnancy are phenomena that by no means exclude each other.

During pregnancy the body of a woman undergoes not only various changes in the hormonal background, but also experiences increased stress on all systems and organs.

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On the spine with the growth and development of the fetus is a special load.

The nature of the problem

With intervertebral hernia of the lumbar department, pregnancy is a significant risk of exacerbations of the disease.

And although with a successful pregnancy all problems can be overcome by following the recommendations of a doctor before you find yourself in an interesting situation, you must carefully plan everything.


It happens that the herniation of the intervertebral disc develops in a woman during pregnancy, but in most cases this phenomenon is observed if the pregnant woman already had an osteochondrosis before that. The insidiousness of osteochondrosis is that for a long time it can not make itself felt, and quite often a woman learns of her illness when she is pregnant.


More often than not, the hernia begins to appear in the late gestation period, since for a long time the discs can withstand a very high load every day. As a result, their destruction occurs and, as a consequence, the last stage of the hernia.

The mechanism of the hernia in pregnancy

Damage to intervertebral discs acts on surrounding tissues and irritates them. During pregnancy, the posterior wall of the uterus is located in close proximity to the spine and, accordingly, also receives its share of exposure.

When the pressure is on the roots of the nerves, the impulses passing through them begin to be carried out incorrectly and with interruptions. Some nerve fibers transmit signals to the pelvic and genital organs, as a result of which the blood vessels contract and contract, that is, baby food worsens.

Pregnancy in the hernia of the spine is complicated by constant painful sensations that force the woman to reduce activity.

Accordingly, the tone of all systems and organs also becomes worse, and this can affect the development and growth of the fetus.

In addition, the pain exhausts the nervous system of the pregnant woman, already in a difficult situation due to the riot of hormones, and she may develop depressive conditions.

The child feels well what mood his mother is in, and prolonged nervous overloads will reflect on his condition. Childbirth with a hernia can also occur with complications: the disease will reduce attempts, and a cesarean section may be required.

Etiology of the phenomenon

As a rule, the following factors contribute to the development of a hernia during pregnancy:

  1. A woman moves little, because active movement is especially important at the initial stages of bearing a child.
  2. The ration of a pregnant woman consists of harmful food, which as a result leads to intoxication processes, giving rise to the development of the disease.
  3. During pregnancy on the spine there is an additional strong load, for example, if a woman carries heaviness or is intensely engaged in sports.

These factors will affect not only the condition of the future mother, but also the course of pregnancy, and the birth itself. Therefore, they must be taken into account and eliminated.

If the hernia appeared before pregnancy?

Knowing your diagnosis, a woman should maximally treat the disease before conception of the baby. It is necessary to apply to a women's consultation and report on the desire to have a baby. The doctor will send the patient to the specialized specialists to collect an anamnesis for pregnancy planning.

The orthopedist will appoint an MRI to have an accurate idea of ​​the size and location of hernial formation. If necessary, surgical intervention may be suggested.

Provided that a woman has a small hernia, you can get by with conservative treatment. If the dynamics are positive, there will be no contraindications for pregnancy and childbirth, but during the entire period of bearing the child, a woman will be followed by medical observation.

If a hernia occurred during pregnancy?

Pregnancy and a hernia of the lumbar spine, as already mentioned, phenomena are not rare. In this case, all medical measures should be appointed taking into account its situation. Pregnancy is a contraindication for taking potent analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

However, with a competent approach, the hernia of the spine and pregnancy can fully co-exist. Pregnant women are prescribed folk methods of treatment and safe medications, which, unfortunately, will not act quickly, so you will not immediately be able to relieve the pain and symptoms.

With a hernia of the lumbar spine, which manifested itself in the last stages of pregnancy, treatment generally does not have time, in addition, the load on the spine is already too great and will increase farther. In this case, all possible and maximally safe procedures are appointed, which can at least partially alleviate the situation.

Symptoms of a hernia in pregnancy

Determine the vertebral hernia in women in the position can be on the following grounds:

  • the pregnant woman has a low backache;
  • pain arises abruptly and increases with movement;
  • palpating the spine, the doctor will find painful foci;
  • sometimes protrusion of the hernia can be seen visually.

It is quite difficult to diagnose pregnant women, since in this case the possibilities are limited.

If the hernia made itself felt in the first trimester of pregnancy, then ultrasound and a blood test can be done.

MRI is used at a later date, and only if the hernia is dangerous for the baby.

Childbirth with a herniated spine

Is it possible to give birth naturally with a hernia of the spine? This question is complex and highly individual.

Childbirth is a process that requires tremendous physical effort from a woman. Natural childbirth - it attempts, in which the risk of infringement of the hernia is very large. If infringement can occur numbness of the lower extremities, disruption of the pelvic organs, severe pain.

At present, doctors are in favor of conservative treatment, that is, to surgical intervention try to resort only in extreme cases, this also concerns childbirth too. In what cases is it undesirable to give birth with a hernia naturally? Caesarean section is performed if:

  • the size of education is large;
  • the localization of the hernia is unsuccessful: it is in the lower part and is shifted backwards or sideways,
  • there is a high risk of infringement;
  • during pregnancy there is a rapid progression of neurological symptoms;
  • the mother has other problems that, in combination with hernia, are a contraindication for natural childbirth.

In other cases, it is allowed to give birth alone.

Preventive actions

Even if the pregnancy is normal and there are no dangerous and alarming symptoms, you should not exclude the possibility of a hernia during the child's bearing. As you know, it is always easier to prevent the disease than to treat it. Therefore, the prevention of hernia during pregnancy is necessary for all women:

  1. We must actively move, especially if the woman has a sedentary job. It is recommended to arrange small breaks and stroll.
  2. Proper nutrition - this is not news, but in the period of carrying the child about the diet is better to find out from a specialist.
  3. It is useful for everyone to engage in physical education, and pregnant women even more so. There is a wide variety of exercises that target pregnant women. If a woman is afraid to engage in physical education, afraid to harm the baby, you can find a specialist and engage in an individual program under his leadership.

It is advisable to walk more on foot, breathe fresh air and remember that the hernia of the spine is not a contraindication for the birth of a child. With a careful attitude to their health and the implementation of all the recommendations of the doctor, everything will go well.

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Why you can get pregnant and give birth with a lumbar hernia

While waiting for the baby, every woman is madly worried about the life and health of a tiny lump under heart, so pregnancy with a hernia of the lumbar spine is associated with a large number fears. You can avoid unnecessary worries and complications if you approach the matter deliberately and prepare yourself in advance for pregnancy.

Clinical picture

The birth of a new life causes in the body of a woman serious physiological changes associated with the bearing of a child.

All systems and organs are subjected to additional stresses, especially the spine.


Often there is an exacerbation of chronic diseases, so pregnancy with a hernia of the lumbar spine requires close attention of doctors.


Both obstetrician-gynecologists and neuropathologists believe that the hernia and pregnancy are compatible. Moreover, remission shows natural childbirth. But it is necessary to plan conception and to observe certain rules during pregnancy.

Herniated lumbar spine and pregnancy will require consultation of narrow specialists: neuropathologist, neurosurgeon, orthopedist, vertebrologist.

They will help a woman prepare the body for conception, ease the condition during pregnancy, advise how to avoid exacerbation and minimize the chance of complications during childbirth.

When a woman has chronic diseases, you need to plan your pregnancy and prepare for it.

Separately, I want to appeal to women who combine pregnancy and intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine - do not look for answers to any questions you have on the forums.

If you are worried about something, severe pains in the back have arisen or there are doubts about whether it is possible to give birth naturally, contact a doctor.

Disease at all proceeds individually, and only the attending physician can correctly estimate your status.

The growth of the abdomen and the change in the center of gravity, caused by the characteristic posture of pregnant women, increase the weight load on the vertebrae and, as a consequence, the existing pathology of the disc progresses.


In addition, the hernia is directly affected by the hormonal changes in pregnancy. In the early stages, the increased secretion of progesterone increases blood circulation in small vessels and can contribute to the flow of nerve roots.


Closer to the birth, the development of relaxin leads to relaxation of muscles and ligaments, causes a weakening of the muscular corset around the spine and an increase in the load on the vertebrae.

Also after the 7th month, the active growth of the uterus starts, which is adjacent to the spine by the posterior wall and its pressure on the hernial protrusion can provoke the infringement of the nerve roots.

Herniated lumbar spine and pregnancy are closely related, bearing the child adversely affects the existing pathology of the disc and causes an exacerbation of the disease. But! The course of the disease is strictly individual and depends on the size of the hernia, its location, the physical condition of the pregnant woman and her behavior.

Treatment of a hernia

Since the hernia and pregnancy are inextricably linked, it is impossible to conduct a full treatment of the disease. Contraindicated fizioprotsedury, massage and very many medications. In the period of aggravation, the efforts of doctors are aimed at reducing pain and reducing the risk of possible complications.

Treatment of hernial protrusion during pregnancy includes the following areas:

  1. Admission of pain medications (no-shpy, nurofen, riabala), which are not harmful to the fetus.
  2. Taking sedatives. It is allowed to take infusion of hawthorn, motherwort, persen, novopassit, valerian in tablets.
  3. Wearing a special corset-bandage for pregnant women with diseases of the spine.
  4. Maximum reduction in the load on the back.
  5. Carrying out of water spinal traction.
  6. Performance of therapeutic gymnastics.
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Possible complications during childbirth

Has a negative effect of hernia lumbar and on the course of pregnancy, and childbirth.

It is dangerous to give birth alone if the disease is started and there are complications.

Due to its effect on the nerve roots, hernial protrusion can directly affect the ancestral activity, disrupting the muscles of the uterus and perineum.

This is most often manifested in the form of weak labor. Reducing badly and disorderly, muscle fibers can not form full and productive attempts.

The woman is pushing hard, but not effectively, as a result of which the child moves slowly through the birth canal. Such a delay can cause hitting of amniotic fluid in his respiratory tract and oxygen starvation.

This is very dangerous for the brain and can cause serious consequences.

Another complication during attempts may be infringement of the hernia and the resulting bright neurological symptoms, manifested by numbness of the legs and unbearable pain in the lower back.

When a woman is in this state, there can not be any speech about any labor activity and the child can get stuck in the birth canal.

For a woman, the consequences of impairment can be lameness and disruption of the pelvic organs.

After the appearance of the baby in women giving birth with hernial protrusion, there is a possibility of uterine bleeding. Hernia causes disruption of the nerve fibers and poor uterine contraction.

Vessels can not narrow and blood loss increases. When a woman with a chronic illness gets to the ladybird, the complications that have arisen at birth can ruin two lives.

Caesarean section or natural delivery

The decision, whether it is possible to give birth in a natural way or it is required to do cesarean section, the doctor accepts, proceeding from a status of the woman.

Absolute indications for cesarean section are one of the following criteria:

  • large size of hernia;
  • high risk of infringement;
  • location of pathology in the lower parts of the spine;
  • rapidly progressive neurological symptoms;
  • combination of several pathologies.

Necessary conditions for natural delivery:

  • lumbar hernia of small size;
  • protrusion does not press on the nerve roots;
  • the woman was fully examined;
  • there are no symptoms of exacerbation;
  • a woman strictly monitors weight and regularly does gymnastics.

Pregnancy planning

With back pain, the exact diagnosis during pregnancy is unlikely: MRI and X-rays can not be done, and without these studies, the causes of pain can only be assumed.

Therefore, usually a woman knows about the presence of hernial protrusions or protrusions and either is already pregnant, or plans to give birth. Knowledge of the diagnosis will allow you to prepare for pregnancy, to protect yourself from unnecessary workloads and, possibly, affect the tactics of giving birth.

Planned conception and preparation for pregnancy in the presence of a hernia will avoid complications and give a chance for natural childbirth.

Pregnancy planning includes:

  • consultation of specialized specialists (neurologist, orthopedist, neurosurgeon);
  • carrying out MRI;
  • regular exercise in gymnastics to strengthen the muscles of the back;
  • exclusion of heavy loads on the spine;
  • wearing a bandage, allowing to significantly reduce the risk of infringement of nerve roots;
  • compliance with diet when necessary weight adjustment;
  • walks in the open air;
  • full rest and balanced meals.

When the baby appeared

Many after the birth make the mistake, thinking that all the dangers behind - there is no stomach, the birth was successful. In fact, just with the appearance of the baby and begin a big load on the lower back - the child needs to feed, swaddle, bathe, and time to lie down, almost no choice.

It is necessary to share domestic chores with family members, and a woman should try to load less of her back. To do this, during the feeding of the child, you must sit straight, without bending forward and without bending, with the support under your waist. For walking it is desirable to wear a semi-rigid corset.

When cleaning, use a mop and a vacuum cleaner with a long telescopic handle. To iron linen with a straight back, you can not lean into a bath or a crib. The cot and the tub should be located high.

Intervertebral lumbar hernia is not an obstacle to the birth of a baby. With it, you can both become pregnant and give birth, only you need to do this deliberately, and not spontaneously. It is necessary to examine in advance and prepare the back for the upcoming workload.


During pregnancy, you should daily do gymnastics, swim, wear a bandage. If there are pain, then go to the doctor and follow all his recommendations, and not lie, afraid to move, and hoping that it will pass.


The main thing is not to leave the situation in its own right and to deal with your back.

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How is pregnancy with a hernia of the lumbar spine?

During pregnancy, the locomotor system of a woman is subjected to additional stresses, associated with physiological changes in her body and active growth of the fetus.

Usually, doctors observe and study the condition of the heart, blood vessels and kidneys of the expectant mother, whereas diseases of the spine, bones and joints are usually bypassed.

The danger of abnormalities of the musculoskeletal system is that they can cause a large number of problems that will subsequently have a negative impact on the course of labor.

The most severe form of complication of osteochondrosis can be attributed to the intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine. Pregnancy, which occurs in the hernia of the lumbar spine, requires special attention of doctors.

Causes of intervertebral hernia

Most often, the intervertebral hernia occurs in the lumbar region, since this area of ​​the spine is under heavy loads.

In a normal state, the intervertebral discs perfectly absorb all the abrupt fluctuations and tremors that occur during movement, but when a hernia occurs, they begin to rapidly deteriorate.

Nutrients enter the intervertebral cartilage from the surrounding tissues.


A large load on the spine leads to the transmission of vertebrae and the disturbance of the metabolic process in the tissues.


The trauma appears, as a rule, in the process of sharp lifting of weights, in a position of inclination. With this load, the core of the cartilaginous disc moves back and stretches the shell.

The more dangerous the injury of the intervertebral disc cartilage

At each next lifting of gravity, on the injured intervertebral disks appear microcracks, which gradually become larger with each repeated exposure.

Eventually, the hernia, which has grown in size, begins to exert pressure on the nerve endings, causing acute pain.

In addition to pain, a pregnant woman who suffers from such a disease experiences a feeling of discomfort, depression.

The normal functioning of all its internal organs is broken, to which signals from the injured spine are coming.

Intervertebral hernia in pregnant women

Intervertebral hernia, which appeared in pregnancy, doctors fix frequently.

Such damage to the intervertebral disc cartilage occurs in many pregnant women.

If this disease accompanies the entire period of bearing the fetus, you can wait for serious problems at the end, during childbirth.

Mechanisms of the effect of a hernia on the pregnant woman's body are realized, causing pathological changes, in particular:

  1. provoke the inflammatory processes of interchondrous tissues;
  2. The back wall of the uterus, which starts from the second trimester, is close to the spine;
  3. the transmitted nerve endings impair the impulses and cause vasoconstriction;
  4. the child lacks food and oxygen intake;
  5. painful sensations arising in any movement, force the pregnant woman to limit her activity;
  6. restriction of movements leads to a decrease in muscle tone and disruption of all internal organs, which is extremely harmful to the growing fetus;
  7. prolonged painful feelings cause depressive conditions;
  8. a sharp exacerbation of the intervertebral hernia can cause a restriction of the labor of the mother in childbirth.

Trauma of cartilage of vertebral discs in pregnant women

The occurrence of this pathology during pregnancy is associated with a sharp increase in the body weight of a woman.

Along with this, the center of gravity of the body shifts due to the increasing weight and size of the fetus.

Such changes in the body result in the occurrence of a traumatic cartilage of intervertebral discs.

The situation is complicated by the fact that during the gestation period many medications are contraindicated for the future mother and child. Therefore, during pregnancy, which occurs with the intervertebral hernia of the lumbar region, a woman should observe certain rules of behavior:

  • When there is sharp pain in the spine, you must stop any active activity and lie down;
  • to support the spine you need to make a wide belt from a towel or sheet, fix such a device you need below the abdomen in the groin area;
  • To alleviate the pain sensation it is possible with the help of anesthetic ointments, which the treating doctor permitted to apply;
  • in case of an exacerbation of a woman in labor, a caesarean section may be recommended, since the normal course of labor in this case can be complicated.

Intervertebral hernia and childbirth

The most severe consequences of this disease can occur during childbirth. As the hernia affects the nerve endings, it can disrupt the functioning of the uterine muscles. Such complications most often manifest themselves:

  • in the total absence of labor activity, in this case the muscles do not contract and the attempts are simply absent;
  • absence of attempts causes delay of the child in the birth canal;
  • due to a delay in the normal course of childbirth, the child experiences oxygen starvation;
  • prolonged restriction of oxygen supply causes damage to the brain of the newborn;
  • acute pain in the lower back prevents the woman in labor from fully concentrating on the delivery process and follow the instructions of the doctor;
  • After birth in patients with a lumbar hernia, uterine bleeding is often observed.

The main cause of all complications and pathological changes is the disruption of the nervous system resulting from irritation of the nerve endings.

Given the severity of the consequences, which can cause any diseases that accompany the entire period of gestation, doctors pay special attention to the process of childbirth. Otherwise, a neglected disease can lead to serious complications and the loss of two lives at once.

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Pregnancy in hernia of the spine: to give birth or not to give birth

The body of a woman experiences significant loads, including physical severity, which constantly affects the spine.

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Therefore, pregnancy and intervertebral hernia - this is one of the main points to which it is important to pay attention to both suffering from various diseases of the back, and healthy women.

About whether it is possible to give birth in the intervertebral pathology of the disc, how to properly implement prevention - right now.

Stage of conception

Pregnancy and the intervertebral hernia are not connected at all during the conception and the first weeks of fetal development, because the process itself does not involve any strong stress on the back. In addition, the causes of the development of this disease have a different origin.

The processes leading to the formation of a vertebral hernia can be briefly described as follows:

  1. The vertebral column itself consists of 33-35 bones (vertebrae), between which disks are located.
  2. Discs are rounded formations, consisting of a central pulpous core surrounded by a fibrous ring.
  3. As a result of injuries, displacement of the vertebra bones and other causes, the disc experiences constant pressure and is gradually destroyed.
  4. When the core material presses on the fibrous ring, at some point the ring can completely collapse on one or another segment. This pathological condition is called a hernia of the spine.

In this case, the substance of the nucleus also presses on the nerve fibers of the spinal cord passing through the vertebral canal.

Therefore, the patient experiences severe pain:

  • if the hernia of the spine is connected with the lumbar region, the pain will be mainly in this department;
  • during a change in the pose, a little physical activity, a prolonged standing on the legs, painful sensations increase;
  • there are also symptoms from other parts of the body - numbness of hands, feet, etc.

Thus, pregnancy and the intervertebral hernia at the conception stage do not have a direct connection. However, if the lumbar hernia (or pathology in any other part of the spine) has already begun to develop, then pain and other symptoms will occur at any stage of the pregnancy.


If the hernia of the spine has already been found, it is necessary to first consult with a gynecologist and other specialists about what should be the course of treatment. Many painkillers should not be taken during pregnancy, because they adversely affect the development of the fetus.

Stage of pregnancy

At this stage in the body of a woman there are significant physiological changes that almost always affect the pathology such as a hernia of the spine:

  1. The most important thing in this sense is the displacement of the center of gravity of the body, which leads to a gradual increase in the physical load on different areas of the lumbar spine. The main pressure is exerted by the fetus and amniotic fluid.
  2. Along with this pregnancy and the intervertebral hernia have yet another close relationship, because the back from inside also presses the growing uterus.
  3. Often, the ligaments of the spine and hip joints begin to soften, because of which communication the integrity of the spine is also weakened, which also affects the hernia of the spine. The reason for these phenomena is that in later terms, the body begins to actively develop a hormone relaxin, which relaxes muscles and ligaments.

PLEASE NOTE - The hernia of the spine begins to progress, especially if the woman is forced to stand often and especially engaged in manual labor. Therefore, it is likely that they will have to give up such activities.

According to the feelings of the future mother in the first trimester, no extraneous pain and other symptoms may not manifest. However, this does not mean that the processes of destruction do not go - it is better to immediately go through an additional examination in the hospital in order to start treatment as early as possible.

Stage of childbirth

The most strongly hernia of the spine in any department makes itself felt immediately before childbirth. On the one hand, the physical load on the back at this moment is maximum.

On the other hand, at this moment it is extremely difficult to take pain medication, because this can negatively affect both the generic process and the health of the child.

As a rule, pregnancy and intervertebral hernia before birth are accompanied by such symptoms:

  • severe pain in the affected area (most often cases with a hernia of the lumbar region);
  • numbness of the legs, a feeling of severe cooling and goosebumps in the area of ​​the hips, groin, fingertips;
  • lameness;
  • in rare cases, there may be problems with urination and administration of feces.

Can I give birth with a hernia?

The interrelation of such phenomena as pregnancy and the intervertebral hernia has a very strong effect on the female body. Therefore, women are mainly interested in the question of whether it is possible to give birth with a hernia.

The answer to it is unequivocally impossible, because in each case there are many important individual characteristics:

  • stage of the development of the disease (ie how long the hernia of the spine progresses, the extent to which the disc has been destroyed);
  • individual physiological characteristics of the patient - body weight, the structure of pelvic bones;
  • whether pregnancy and intervertebral hernia is complicated by other diseases of the back, as well as internal organs.

Read the same: Lumbosacral hernia

Therefore, in general, a woman should pay attention to several recommendations:

  1. If there is a possibility to plan a child, it is best to consult the doctor in advance about possible complications, because natural childbirth with back pathologies is almost always dangerous.
  2. If conception has already occurred, it is important to keep in mind that hernia and pregnancy are a dangerous combination, and it is necessary to treat your pathology even during such a condition.
  3. However, in this case, the course of treatment almost always changes compared with the therapy that was carried out before conception - that is, treatment continues, but in a gentle manner, taking into account the development of the fetus.


Especially attentive to your health should a woman with a hernia of the lumbar spine. It is in this part of the spinal column that pathology develops most often, because the maximum physical load is on the lower back. And childbirth with a hernia of the waist is also especially dangerous.

Natural childbirth

The question of the method of giving birth to a doctor (or several specialists at once) decides, as a rule, in the later stages, when it becomes more clear how pregnancy and intervertebral hernia are related to each other in a particular patient. At the same time, it is not always possible to give birth with an intervertebral hernia only by artificial means.

In cases where the destruction of the disc has just begun, the pathology does not progress, the woman is not too gaining weight and besides being constantly engaged in gymnastics it is possible to conduct natural births with hernia. However, the decision on this can only be taken by a doctor after an appropriate examination.

Cesarean section

Quite often pregnancy and intervertebral hernia suggest only one scenario for the development of the situation - the use of caesarean section. Especially often, such a need arises with the intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine.

The most common reasons are:

  • the intervertebral hernia during pregnancy has reached a fairly large size, and there are serious risks that during the birth the disk will be destroyed;
  • very strongly affects where the area of ​​the lesion is, because the intervertebral hernia during pregnancy is especially dangerous if it is directed backwards or sideways;
  • if there is a serious risk of pinching the nerve fibers of the spine and this can lead to serious consequences, the only way out is to have a cesarean section;
  • Finally, often the intervertebral hernia and birth are not so strongly connected, but the woman has another pathology, which can also lead to serious complications in the case of natural childbirth.

Read the same: How to identify the symptoms of the development of a hernia of the spine

Intervertebral hernia in pregnancy: risks for women

Herniation of the intervertebral disc and pregnancy almost always have certain risks. Pathology can give effects in different parts of the spine and other parts of the body. The table below lists the main risks.

1 trimester edema and inflammation of nerve endings due to progesterone production
2 trimester lumbar load due to uterine enlargement
3 trimester Relaxation of muscle fibers in connection with the production of relaxin negatively affects the integrity of the spine


Basically, these consequences can occur if the intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine develops and this should be paid special attention.

Lifestyle with hernia: 7 recommendations of doctors

Typically, the doctor prescribes the use of certain medications, physical therapy procedures, and also recommends a few changes in his way of life:

  1. First of all, you may need to wear a soft corset.

    This measure redistributes the load on the back and improves blood flow to the affected area, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition and relieves pain.

  2. During the exacerbation of pain, you must try to lie down, and it is better to use a hard bed, and not use a pillow (excluding sleep time).
  3. Pregnancy in the hernia of the lumbar spine requires careful follow-up of the doctor's recommendations, especially late. At this time, it is allowed to lie only on the side.
  4. Changes in nutrition - usually increase the proportion of products containing calcium and substances that contribute to its assimilation.
  5. Along with the correction of nutrition, it is often necessary to take special calcium preparations, vitamin supplements and mineral complexes. Such a decision can be taken only after consultation with a doctor.
  6. Physical stress should be minimized, even if after them no extraneous sensations are observed.
  7. However, it is necessary to observe a regime of moderate physical activity - for example, to try to walk outdoors every day.

NOTE - No radiation diagnostic methods can be used, but physiotherapy procedures and special ointments are allowed.

Thus, regardless of the stage of the disease, the presence / absence of complications and trimester, the pregnant a woman needs to be very attentive to her health and immediately see a doctor if there are even minor symptoms.

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