How to quickly get rid of a cough

How to cure a cough in one day

How to cure a cough in one day, the question is especially relevant in the cold season. Cough - the main symptom of colds, including tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, it also occurs against allergic reactions. Therefore, first of all it is necessary to treat the disease and, along with the main treatment, take measures that will help get rid of cough. At the same time, due to cough, the airways are cleared of dust, sputum, harmful bacteria. Take emergency measures only when cough accompanied by catarrhal diseases, which can be judged by increased body temperature and general weakness.

How to cure a cough for a day in a child

How to cure a cough in one dayIf coughing only manifests itself and the child's temperature does not exceed 37 degrees, warming procedures will help him. The legs should be kept warm all the time. A small child in tooski should pour mustard powder, and older children need to sleep before sleeping in the mustard. Simultaneously with thermal procedures, it is necessary to start taking antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs, without waiting for the infection to pass to the bronchi and lungs. On the chest and back of the child, apply a warming ointment and rub it lightly with massage movements. Massage will ease the child's condition and help speed up the exit of phlegm.
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Expectorant effect is possessed by syrups, for example, "Ambrobene", which children drink with pleasure. But the syrup should be taken only as directed by the doctor. But you can always resort to the help of folk remedies, the effectiveness of which has been verified by time. From the nauseous cough will help warm milk with honey, with a piece of butter and a pinch of soda. Not all children will like this drink, then on the basis of milk you can prepare another cough remedy, which everyone will like without exception. Finely chop two small figs, pour them a glass of warm milk and let it brew for 20 minutes. Give the child 5-6 times a day on a tablespoon.

How to cure a cough for a day in a childHerbal preparations are the first assistant for any diseases. With their help, you can treat bronchitis, cough, tracheitis and pneumonia. It is important to prepare the herbal infusion correctly. Usually the herbs are poured with boiling water and insisted for a while. And in order for the herbs to have a curative effect, they should be brewed as follows: pour cold water, heat for 15 minutes in a water bath, then insist for half an hour. The resulting liquid is filtered and the volume is adjusted to 200 ml.

When coughing helps collect from the leaves of currant, mother-and-stepmother, herb St. John's wort, oregano, sage leaves, linden flowers and dandelion. Take all the ingredients in equal amounts and grind them. A tablespoon of the collection should be poured with two glasses of hot water, and then insist in a thermos for two hours. Take half a cup every three hours. To taste and enhance therapeutic action in herbal tea, it is advisable to add a spoonful of honey.

Good displays sputum infusion from the leaves of mother-and-stepmother and elderberry. It can be prepared in a water bath or insist in a thermos.

If the hoarse voice and pershit in the throat, help infusion from the leaves of blackberries, raspberries, mother-and-stepmother and lime color, taken in equal quantities. Two teaspoons of the collection pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Infusion is used to rinse the throat and is used instead of tea.

How can one cure a cough in one day?

How can one cure a cough in one day?In folk medicine, the medicinal properties of onions are used in many recipes. "Onions from all ills" is especially effective in the treatment of cough.

Mix the chopped onion with two tablespoons of sugar and 100 ml of water. Cook over low heat for 30 minutes. When the mixture has cooled, add two tablespoons of honey. Take a tablespoon 5-6 times a day.

When coughing, the fried onion is also useful. It is fried in butter and mixed with a spoonful of honey.

To get rid of cough folk remedies can and with the help of garlic. Grind 3-4 cloves of garlic, mix them with a tablespoon of honey and eat this mixture throughout the day.

A few drops of garlic juice dilute in a tablespoon of warm milk and drink before going to bed. A calm sleep is guaranteed to you.

In the treatment of colds, honey is traditionally used. It is added to herbal infusions, mixed with milk, therapeutic groats are prepared from it.

The simplest and most affordable cough remedy is to drink warm milk with honey several times a day. Good results are given by a mixture of honey (100 g) with juice of one lemon or with horseradish juice. In folk recipes, honey is mixed with grated black radish. But you can cook radish with honey otherwise. The radish is thoroughly washed, then the upper part is cut off from it, in the middle I make a groove in which are poured two tablespoons of honey. Allow to brew for 3-4 hours, after which take a tablespoon before eating and before going to bed. This tool is recommended for both children and adults.

Well proven health sponge from honey and chopped garlic, taken in the ratio:. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day.

How to cure a coughEspecially honey is effective with raspberries, mother-and-stepmother and other plants that have an expectorant effect. Honey and herbs intensify each other's therapeutic actions.

Honey is used for inhalations, it is mixed with flour, cottage cheese, they form cakes and put on the back and chest of the child for warming up.

How to cure a cough quickly in one day

Means number 1 for cough - inhalation. This procedure at home is carried out over a saucepan. In the house where there are children, there must be an inhaler. It is not only more convenient, but also safer for the child. Inhalation can be carried out with any herb that has an expectorant effect, potatoes. For the procedure to be effective, it should last at least 15 minutes. Healing couples warm up the respiratory tract and bronchi. If you use potatoes for inhalation, then it is enough to wash it, but do not clean it. Healing properties of this root crop is the skin. After inhalation, the potatoes can be used for warming up. Razumnite it and lay it on a cotton cloth or several layers of gauze. Compress should be done before bedtime, put it on the back or on the chest. When the potato mass cools down, the compress needs to be removed, and in order to prevent coughing at night, drink a "therapeutic cocktail" of two whipped yolks, a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of vodka. After such an effective warming inside and out, there will be no trace of a cough for the morning.

How to get rid of a cough: how and what to cure quickly at home

A strong cough not only causes a person uncomfortable feelings, but also threatens his life.

Unfortunately, the characteristic cold symptoms, such as fever and rhinitis, are eliminated much easier than a cough in an adult who may not go through the twentieth day after the onset of the illness.

How quickly cure cough? Which method of therapy will be most effective: traditional or non-traditional?

And what therapeutic measures are better to conduct to remove productive and unproductive cough in adults?

Factors of cough

Factors of coughA strong cough is a defense of the body, resulting from a bacterial or chemical attack. Its main manifestations are inflammation of the respiratory system, when the mucous membrane swells, the temperature or mechanical irritation.

In the nasopharynx of each person there are special glands. Each day they secrete about 2-2.5 ml of a slippery substance, which is necessary for free breathing.

Due to the effects of any allergens or high temperature, these discharges become more dense. Streful sputum is not eliminated from the respiratory system completely, blocking the way, thereby inhibiting the natural respiratory process. As a result, a reflex is triggered - a cough, in which the body removes excess mucus from the bronchi.

The causes of this symptom are not always associated with the presence of colds. In addition to these diseases, such a reflex appears in such diseases:

  1. allergy;
  2. stagnation of blood in a small circle of blood circulation;
  3. failures in the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  4. CNS disease.

But how to get rid of a dry cough? First you need to understand its nature and only then go to the pharmacy and buy an effective medication. By the way, antitussive medicines are divided into 3 groups:

  • calming - lower its intensity;
  • mucolytics - dilute sputum;
  • expectorant drugs - increase cough.

Types of cough

Cough can be unproductive (without excreta) and productive (with sputum discharge). Often, bronchial asthma, pharyngitis and bronchitis accompanies a dry cough without excretion of mucus.

If the hoarse voice joins this symptom, it indicates the development of catarrhal tracheitis or laryngitis.

Unproductive cough must necessarily be translated into productive, due to which excess mucus exits the respiratory tract. In addition, it is important not to disregard the color and nature of the discharge.

So, with bronchial asthma, mucus that does not have color is excreted. For bronchopneumonia is characteristic - purulent sputum, heart failure - rusty, bacterial infection - green and yellow.


How to cure cough with medicines? The following are the best ones:

  1. Tusuprex;
  2. Sinecod;
  3. Glaucine;
  4. Libexin.
BromhexineStill effective means are medicines based on thermopsis and pecacuana. To normalize the process of sputum excretion, you can dissolve the pills Doctor Mom and lollipops with sage. For cleansing the lungs, use Halixol, Bromhexine and Mukaltin.

Even a strong cough can be cured with herbal preparations. So, with inflammation of the bronchi, I recommended myself well "Breastfeeding No. 2". Among other things, it has moderate spasmolytic activity.

Treatment with folk remedies contributes to a speedy recovery, alleviating an irritated throat. Herbal decoctions and infusions should take a couple of a day for 0.5 cup.

In addition, in order to translate an unproductive cough from adult to productive, you need to take a drug - Libexin.

If a strong cough prevents sleep at night, and in the chest and throat there are sensations of "scratching", then its It is necessary to treat with antitussive agents that normalize the process of sputum excretion and inhibit cough reflex. In addition, you can resolve lollipops with sage, take pills or drink syrup Broncholitin.

To obtain a more rapid result, medication should be supplemented with a plentiful drink. So, warm tea or herbal tea should be drunk after three hours every day.

How to get rid of cough at home if it is wet? In 250 ml of warm water it is necessary to dissolve 1 tbsp. l of sea salt. The resulting solution is digested three times a day.

To make the allocation less stringy, which will allow them to quickly withdraw from the body, you need to eliminate the causes of their occurrence. After all, in the process of withdrawing sputum from the bronchi and lungs, the products of decomposition of inflamed tissues are removed.

If you do not eliminate the factors of abundant sputum production, then such an unpleasant symptom as a cough in an adult will occur constantly. When the reasons are in the presence of ARD antibiotics to take is inexpedient, so enough therapy with antitussives.

But how to cure a cough with pneumonia or bronchitis? In this case, first of all it is necessary to drink antibiotics, since the main task of therapy is to eliminate pathogens. However, any antibacterial agent has a lot of side effects, so before using it is important to conduct a full examination.

How quickly cure cough with poorly secreted sputum? In this case, the doctor prescribes medicines that dilute the secretions:

  • Bromhexine;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Acetylcysteine;
  • Ambroxol.

After applying these medications, an adult cough takes place within an hour. Moreover, such drugs improve the functioning of the bronchi and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Treatment of an allergic cough

At the beginning of the development of the patient's illness, a common cold and a slight cough disturb, but later everything can develop into bronchial asthma. This disease, like allergic bronchitis, has an adverse effect on the quality of life of a person, which in some cases ends in a fatal outcome.

A severe cough with allergy occurs in cases when the mucosa becomes inflamed:

  • bronchi (bronchitis);
  • nasopharynx (pharyngitis);
  • trachea (tracheitis).
bronchitisHow to cure a cough that is allergic? On the 1st-5th day of therapy, nasal sprays are used to eliminate irritation in the glands.

In addition, the doctor prescribes an antihistamine. And as an antiallergic drug is most often appointed Bronchin.

However, the best way to get rid of allergies is to exclude all possible pathogens from the diet. At the same time before going to bed it is necessary to ventilate the room, and to sleep better in a cool room.

Moreover, it is important to constantly carry out a wet cleaning. And, if necessary, it is necessary to minimize contact with domestic animals if there is an allergy to wool.

Preferably a couple of times a day rinse your mouth and throat with warm water. This procedure is preferably carried out when returning from the street.

And for preventive purposes several times a day you need to wash your nose and nasopharynx.

Treatment of cough in the home

Althaeus is a unique plant that allows you to cure kalish from any person. It envelops and softens the bronchial mucosa, facilitates the sputum and removes irritation. This folk remedy can be used with a dry and moist cough.

In addition, eliminate perspiration in the throat with the help of oregano and thyme. These plants have antimicrobial and expectorant action.

In general, the treatment of folk remedies is very diverse. After all, today's non-traditional medicine offers a lot of recipes that allow you to quickly and painlessly eliminate most of the manifestations of colds.

How to cure a cough, using the advice of traditional medicine? To do this, you can use a recipe based on honey, lemon and glycerin. First, you should boil one lemon for at least 10 minutes on a small fire.

Then the citrus should be cut and squeezed out of it juice, to which should be added honey and glycerin (2 tbsp. spoon). With a moderate cough, you should drink for 1 hour. l. medication twice a day. And if it is intense, then the drug is taken for 1 hour. l. according to a certain scheme:

  1. fasting sutra;
  2. before dinner;
  3. After dinner;
  4. before bedtime.

In addition, a strong cough can be treated with radish. To do this, the vegetable needs to be crushed and then squeezed out the juice using gauze. In the resulting juice should be added honey and take 1-2 tablespoons. l. at night and before eating.

In addition, it is possible to prepare an antitussive drug based on onions. To this end, you need to grind the vegetable, and then mix it with sugar (400 g), pour in 1 000 ml of water and cook for an hour.

After the product should be allowed to cool and mix it with honey (50 g). Such a medicine should be stored in a closed glass bottle or jar. It is taken after eating up to 6 spoons a day.


Coughing with an adult can testify not only about the course of banal cold, pneumonia, bronchial asthma or bronchitis. Still this symptom can be shown at illnesses of heart and a central nervous system. Therefore, before treating it with folk remedies, you need to consult a doctor.

But it should be remembered that inhalation treatment for cough is prohibited in some cases. Such therapy is effective in ARVI, ARI and their complications:

  • bronchitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis.
inhalation treatmentIn what cases are inhalations indicated for coughing? The most effective and fast method for non-productive coughing is inhalation treatment, which removes throat irritation.

For this, you can buy a nebulizer or a compressor inhaler in a pharmacy. The medicinal substance in such a facility is the smallest particles, not the steam that the patient breathes during home procedures. However, it should be noted that such inhalers are often used in the treatment of the lower respiratory tract.

If you need to warm the upper airways, then you can breathe a healing steam over the pan, covering yourself with a towel. Steam inhalations are most effective in ARI and other disorders in the functioning of the upper respiratory tract. However, this procedure is prohibited if the temperature is increased.

In the process of contact with warm and moist air, sputum is liquefied, its rheological characteristics are improved and cough is facilitated. But it should be noted that moistening the dried out sediments will lead to an increase in its quantity.

Consequently, steam inhalations can provoke obstruction of the respiratory system. It should be remembered that if there is no congestion of the mucus in the respiratory tract, then there is no need for such treatment.

How quickly to cure cough with inhalation and how to do it? Optimal water temperature - from 30 to 40 degrees, if it is higher, then it will burn painfully.

Lean over the container with the steam you need not lower than 20 cm, and steam should be inhaled by the mouth. The duration of the procedure is 5-10 minutes.

The number of procedures per day - no more than six times. After the inhalation, you can not go out into the fresh air for another 40 minutes, eat, drink and talk.

Before applying this method of treatment with folk remedies, it is important to make sure that there is no allergy. So, to remove irritation in the throat and bronchi, you need to take 5 parts of warm water (40 degrees) and dissolve a spoonful of honey in it. Healing vapors can be inhaled with the nose and mouth.

In 1000 ml of boiling water dissolve 2 tbsp. l. baking soda. This procedure does not cause allergic manifestations, it is most effective for bronchitis and bronchial asthma.

Two st. l. Sage herbs are poured into a glass of boiled water. Then everything is insisted 20 minutes in a closed container, after which you can proceed to the procedure.

For the next inhalation you need the following components:

  1. two hours. l. eucalyptus leaves;
  2. 1 tablet of validol;
  3. briquette of pine extract (1/4);
  4. garlic mush (1 h. l.).

All ingredients are poured into boiling water. Then you need to wait until the medicine is fed and you can carry out the procedure.

Oil or eucalyptus leaves are placed in a deep container. A horn is folded from the cardboard, the wide end of which tightly presses against the edges of the dishes, and through the narrow edge the patient should inhale the vapors for 15-20 minutes.


Compresses are a universal antitussive. There are many recipes for their preparation based on various ingredients. Cough drops are:

  • alcohol;
  • cold;
  • oil;
  • hot.

The simplest warm compress of a cough is made on the basis of water, apple cider vinegar and honey, in the ratio:. Further in the received solution the napkin which is applied to a throat and a breast is wetted.

On top of everything covered with polyethylene and wrapped in a warm blanket or scarf. Such a compress should be done at the first manifestations of a cough. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

The video in this article will help to consolidate the information received and find out what are the recipes from the cough.

How to quickly get rid of a cough

How to quickly get rid of a coughIt would seem that simple causeless coughing practically does not bother. In the beginning, even there are no prerequisites for sore throat. But, literally the next morning, after the appearance of the first coughs, the sores begin in the throat and cough becomes frequent and painful. Everyone faced this. Therefore, as soon as the problem arose, we struggle over the question "How fast can I get rid of a cough?". And sometimes, having made the first, but correct attempts to get rid of a cough, the symptom of us ceases to disturb the very next day. And in the case of omission of the process on its own, a positive situation will have to wait a long time and the possibility of complications visibly increases.

Rarely, cough in the beginning is productive, so you need to do everything possible to make the sputum from the lungs. Although in some cases this is not necessary.

Therefore, consider several of the most effective methods for rapid cough relief.

Cough inhalation

The first pain in the throat and rezi can be neutralized and softened by simple inhalation. Not everyone has a steam inhaler, so a simple pan or bowl can come up. The water temperature for inhalation should be from 60 to 80 degrees. it is best to inhale inhalation at a distance of 25-30 centimeters above the level of the tank, covering your head with a towel. We inhale with the mouth, breathe out with the nose. Thus, we help to ease the work of the upper respiratory tract. The duration of inhalation is 8-15 minutes. Depending on the capabilities of the person. After inhalation, leave the head closed, until the skin is completely cooled down.

Recipes for inhalations

  • crushed eucalyptus leaves pour boiling water and boil for 1-2 minutes;
  • Honey solution - 1 part of honey falls on 5 parts of 40 degree water; breath alternating;
  • 50 grams of chopped sage leaf pour boiling water and insist for 5 minutes, then proceed to inhalation;
  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda add a liter of boiling water inhaled with your mouth and nose; has an excellent therapeutic effect in bronchitis and bronchial asthma;
  • prepare infusion of 4 spoons of eucalyptus leaf, 2 tablets "Validol", 30 grams of coniferous collection, 20 grams of chopped garlic; Insist for 20-30 minutes and proceed to inhalation;
  • in water 40-50 degrees add 5-6 drops of fir, spruce, juniper, lemon oil and small tea tree;
  • boiled potatoes "in uniforms";
  • boiled spruce lapnik;

Inhalation can be done 2 to 5 times a day. The exception is the patient's temperature is above 38 degrees.


Everyone knows how to quickly fix the situation with rinses. This is a fairly simple and effective way of removing dead bacteria and the body. In addition to selecting an effective solution for rinsing, one should not forget that the effect will be achieved only if the rinses are held at least 4-6 times a day. The decay products should be output faster and in this they need to be helped. The most effective rinses include:

  • soda, iodine and salt - the most proven and effective way; Warm water and sodium salts will do their job;
  • sage medicinal, marigold flowers and eucalyptus leaves are brewed with a glass of boiling water and heated on a water bath with a closed lid not more than 10 minutes; After a warm solution is used to rinse for the next 3 hours, since after their expiration, the medicinal properties of the herbs disappear;
  • the chemist's chamomile is crushed and poured into a glass of boiling water, after warming in a water bath for 5 minutes, the broth is filtered and used for rinsing;
  • root of althea, pine buds, peppermint grass, leaves of angustifolia and raspberry garden are crushed and brewed with a glass of boiling water followed by heating in a water bath for about 20 minutes; Herbs are allowed to infuse and filter, after which they are used as a rinse;
  • hydrogen peroxide copes admirably with the removal of dead bacteria from the throat;
  • 10 milligrams of "Chlorophyllipt", diluted in a glass of warm water, can alleviate the pain in the throat and get rid of the decay products; as Only when rinsing the solution remains slightly green, without the presence of mucous bright green bands, this indicates a good rinsing throat.

Several more methods of effective control of a cough

Warming up

  • Effective in the absence of temperature. Warming up can be done by taking warm baths with essential oils, foot baths, and mustard plasters applied to the area of ​​the chest for the night.

Home preparations and tinctures

  • Only this should be taken care of in advance. As an ingestion, a tincture made of spruce green cones with sugar has an excellent facilitating effect. In spring, picking up green fir cones and chopping them, they fill themselves with sugar from the calculation of 1 kilogram of crushed cones per kg of sugar. Insists in a dark place for a month. One tablespoon of syrup is taken every 3 hours. Such syrup is especially useful for children. And for adults, 300-400 milligrams of vodka or alcohol is added per kilogram of cones.


  • How quickly to get rid of a cough in this case to solve each independently. For example, at a temperature, alcohol rubbing is counter-indicative, so warm, non-alcoholic ointments based on herbs are suitable. In the absence of temperature, the tincture of green nuts on alcohol is an excellent warming effect in grinding. The patient is abundantly missed both the chest and back.

Of course, you can quickly get rid of cough and drug treatment. Only in this case it is necessary to consult a therapist who is able to pick up the necessary drugs after the initial examination and identify the most effective ones. Solving the question "How fast to get rid of a cough?" Do not forget about the possibility of harming your health. Therefore, even simple preventive measures, like drinking warm tea with lemon and honey during cold weather, can prevent the appearance of a cough and relieve an unpleasant symptom for a long time.

It is necessary to get rid of a cough urgently!! Tell me, how ??



How to quickly get rid of a cough
One can not unequivocally answer the question of how quickly to get rid of a cough. Taking these or those drugs, you can recover in 5-7 days. If the cough is left untreated, the period of full recovery may last more than 2-3 weeks. To get rid of cough as soon as possible, you should start taking bronchodilator and diluting sputum preparations as soon as possible. Consult with your doctor when choosing which medications. He will tell you which drugs will be most effective in your case.

Folk remedies for cough
Rapid treatment is also provided by various folk remedies for coughing. Everyone knows that cough is well treated with radish and honey. In a washed radish, a small indentation is cut out, into which honey is put. Soon, in the deepening with honey, juice will begin to form, which should be taken 1 teaspoon 3-4 times daily before meals and at bedtime.

The treatment of dry cough with folk remedies gives its results only after a while. Do not even think about how to cure a cough in one day. There is no such method. This effect can be achieved only by taking drugs that suppress the cough center. But this is not a cure, but the elimination of symptoms. To really heal, you need to eliminate the cause of the disease.

Very good at coughing, figs, soaked in milk. With a dry cough, you can brew 4-5 fruits of fresh figs with one glass of hot milk. They are insisted and then rubbed together with milk. Figs with milk drink 3-4 times a day before meals for 1/3 cup.

With a strong cough, a mixture of the juice of the leaves of aloe, honey and butter, taken in equal amounts, is good. Take a mixture of 1 teaspoonful 4 times a day. In addition, to cope with a strong cough, you can take infusions of herbs. For example, 1 tablespoon of dry nettle is poured, a liter of boiling water. Strain nettle for 30 minutes, then filter. This infusion is drunk like tea.

In addition to nettle, you can also use plantain infusion or a decoction of thyme. Shredded leaves of plantain pour a glass of boiling water and cook in a water bath for 15 minutes. Chilled broth filter and take a tablespoon 5-6 times a day.

Also it is worth keeping in mind that cough can be caused not only by infectious diseases. Very often dry cough is manifested due to external allergen. Therefore, an allergic cough can not be treated by any of the above mentioned means.

In any case, you should not self-medicate. Be sure to consult a doctor about your condition.

jenifer soldana

teraflu for the night

Oleg Shcherbakov

Red Clover in a complex with Bres-of, but better check with the manager on the site of the store-health-beauty. pf

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make a compress at night.

Victoria Berezina

Make an iodine mesh on your throat and anoint your back with ointment. Dr. Mom minty warming


More to drink, this is important. This will dilute sputum. And from the medicine I came the syrup Doctor Taise with plantain and bioparox. But one day you can not be cured. Recover)))) I think people will understand you, with all happens, this is the case.

How to cure a cough in one day: 9 ways of traditional medicine

There are many ways that will help reduce the time of treatment of ailment up to five to seven days. But the very next day after the start of therapy, your well-being will improve. If the disease is allowed to drift, the recovery period can last up to two, and sometimes three weeks.

how to cure a cough in one day

Cough is a protective function of the body. It indicates the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Symptoms of dry cough include perspiration in the throat, pain when swallowing and talking. In this state, there is no expectorant mucus, which means that the body can not cope with the infection, because bacteria can not go outside through sputum.

At the first symptoms it is necessary to start treatment. It is necessary to start taking medications that dilute sputum, but only the doctor must prescribe the necessary remedy. How to cure a cough in one day? Only traditional medicine can answer this question. The thing is that the most effective ways of treating dry cough have been invented by our great-grandmothers. This refers to the category of "wisdom of generations".

from dry cough

Folk methods that will tell you how to cure a cough in one day:

  1. With such cough, as with any catarrhal disease, you need an abundant hot drink. It can be not only water. Very useful is warm milk with honey. Drink such a drink better at night. As a drink, it is also good to use tea with raspberry jam or with honey, compotes from dried fruits and cranberry mors.
  2. A proven method of how to cure a cough in one day is black radish and honey. In the middle of the vegetable make a groove, fill it with a couple of spoons of the product of beekeeping and leave for 12 hours. Dedicated for this time, juice is consumed 30 minutes before meals three times a day by a teaspoonful.
  3. With a strong dry cough will help quickly cope with a mixture of honey, butter and aloe, taken in the same proportions. The remedy should be drunk 4 times a day in a teaspoonful.
  4. Another way to cure a cough in one day is fig, soaked in milk. For cooking, pour 5 fresh fruits with a glass of boiling milk. Drink this cocktail you need three times a day for a third of the glass before eating.
  5. Very good in the treatment of cough helps infusions of herbs. For this purpose, you can use, for example, nettles. To prepare the infusion, you should pour a tablespoon of dried grass half a liter of boiling water. After 30 minutes this remedy can be drunk as a tea.
  6. In addition to other methods, it is possible to carry out inhalations with a solution of baking soda.
  7. Increase the immunity and get rid of dry cough will help the rubbing of bear and badger fat.
  8. Very effective expectorants are mustard and compresses in the chest area.
  9. You can make syrup at home. Mix the juice of one cooked lemon with two tablespoons of glycerin, a spoon of honey and add the boiled water until the syrup forms. Take small meals three times a day.From cough

The presented methods will help you to get rid of a cough quickly and effectively. And besides, folk medicine is the most financially profitable way of treatment and quite convenient. Think about your health and do not be ill! After all, treatment is always long.

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