Treatment of the heart and blood vessels in Russia, the Czech Republic, Germany and Israel

From this article you will learn about the features of treatment of cardiovascular diseases in Russia and abroad, about where the best vascular surgeons and equipment are, and where the wonderful sanatoriums for rehabilitation after surgery and recovery for chronic diseases.

Contents of the article:

  • Diagnosis and treatment of heart and blood vessels in Russia
  • Comfortable and effective health resorts in the Czech Republic
  • German cardiac surgery is one of the best in the world
  • Israel is the leader in the success of the treatment of cardiovascular diseases

Cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of death inworld, so the development of new methods for their diagnosis and treatment is given great attention in all countries of the world. Russian patients prefer treatment in domestic clinics, as well as in the Czech Republic, Germany and Israel. The modern level of medicine both in Russia and in other countries allows successfully treating heart diseases, age-related cardiovascular diseases, and also recovering from a heart attack or stroke.

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  • Russian clinics and sanatoriums mainly choose mainly for budgetary prices, as well as no need for flights, which also allows you to save money.
  • Czech sanatoria are famous for their springs with healing waters, as well as comfortable rooms and a wonderful climate in the country.
  • German and Israeli clinics are equipped with new technology( including devices for robotic operations through small sections).Treatment of arrhythmia in Israel, Germany, as well as the therapy of other cardiovascular diseases in these countries usually passes very successfully( as far as modern medicine can help).
Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery. AN Bakulev in the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in Moscow

The prices in the article are quoted in rubles and are calculated at the rates of 1 euro = 75 rubles, 1 dollar = 62 rubles( current exchange rate for May 2018).

Diagnosis and treatment of heart and blood vessels in Russia

Modern domestic medicine has achieved significant success in the accurate diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. The most important thing is to undergo examinations on time, which is completely on the conscience of the patients. However, this applies only to large cities, such as Moscow and St. Petersburg. In other settlements, the quality and degree of deterioration of the diagnostic equipment may not allow the diagnosis of diseases at an early stage.

With the timely detection of diseases, it is quite possible to cure them in Russia both medically and surgically, which will be much cheaper than abroad. For example, an operation to replace aortic valve in Moscow costs from 120 000 r to 587 000 r, and depending on the clinic. In Germany, the same procedure will cost 750,000 rubles - 1,950,000 rubles. In Israel, prices are slightly more democratic, but still higher than in Russia - 525,000 - 1,725,000 rubles.

The best cardiological clinics in Russia, according to the patients' opinions, are:

  1. .VA Almazov in St. Petersburg;
  2. Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery. AN Bakulev of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in Moscow.
Scientific Research Institute of Cardiology named after. VA Almazova in St. Petersburg

However, it is better to entrust the correction of congenital heart defects in young children or the treatment of cardiovascular diseases in pregnant women to German or Israeli specialists with more modern equipment.

In Russia, minimally invasive operations are developed on an insufficient level - they are performed without a cut of the thorax. For prosthetics of valves and correction of heart defects, operations on the open heart - with opening of the chest are still most often used. They are associated with high risks of complications and large blood loss, and also leave behind significant cosmetic defects.


Also in Russia there are many sanatoriums for the treatment of chronic cardiovascular diseases, the prevention of heart attacks and strokes, as well as rehabilitation after heart attacks. Popular resorts of the Crimea, the climate of which contributes to the recovery and recovery of the body:

  1. Livadia. The resort uses therapeutic baths, mud therapy, mineral water. Special programs have been developed for patients who had a heart attack for those who underwent heart surgery, hypertensive patients with hypertension. Special programs of therapeutic gymnastics are being prepared, there is a massage of the thoracic and collar zone, which improves blood circulation.
  2. Gurzufsky. Treatment with mineral waters, mud, herbal tea from Crimean herbs is used. Landscapes and climate contribute to a faster recovery.
Swimming pool in the sanatorium of Gurzuf
Gym in the sanatorium of Livadia

Comfortable and efficient sanatoriums in the Czech Republic

Russians are very popular with the sanatorium treatment of chronic cardiological diseases and rehabilitation after acute illnesses in the health centers of the Czech Republic. Comfortable rooms, a wonderful climate and the availability of springs with healing water contribute to a more rapid recovery not only of the cardiovascular system, but of the whole organism as a whole.

In addition, prices in the sanatoriums of the Czech Republic can not be called transcendental. For example, a 15-day program for the rehabilitation of the cardiovascular system in Podebrady will cost 132,000 rubles. This price includes a flight, a transfer from the airport, accommodation in a single room, a physical examination, a comprehensive diagnosis of the heart and blood vessels, exercise therapy, including in the pool, baths and massage. Cardiologic diseases also specialize in sanatoria such as:

  • Teplice;
  • Františkovy Lázně;
  • Mariánské Lázně;
  • Luhačovice;
  • Darkov.
Sanatorium Františkovy Lázně in the Czech Republic

Experienced cardiologists are taking care of the sanatoriums, a comprehensive examination of the heart and blood vessels is being carried out, excellent conditions for exercise gymnastics( there are modern gyms), general restorative procedures( oxygen therapy, mineral water therapy, carbon dioxide,pearl, massage baths, classical and reflex massage, hardware lymphatic drainage, etc.).

Pearl baths( for pearl bath fresh water is saturated with air under pressure)

German cardiosurgery is one of the best in the world

High qualification and long experience of cardiosurgeons in Germany( many of them possess scientific degrees), as well as innovative equipment allow performing operations with the help ofsparing minimally invasive methods( through incisions of 1-2 cm), in which the risks of complications are minimal. German doctors, thanks to precise equipment, successfully operate even young children. Such clinics are popular:

  • Cardiological centers of Bad Krozingen in Freiburg;
  • German Cardiology Center in Berlin;
  • Children's cardiology center of the clinic "Asklepios";
  • German Heart Center in Munich;
  • Cardiac Center in Bremen;
  • The third medical clinic in Passau;
  • Bremen's Heart, Breast and Vascular Surgery Clinic in Regensburg;
  • Clinic of heart rhythm disturbances in Regensburg.
German Heart Center in Berlin

Da Vinci Systems

Da Vinci robots are widespread in Germany. These are special settings for robotic operations through cuts in 1-2 cm. Their main advantage is high accuracy. The surgeon, who controls the system, can make such precise movements that he would never have done with his hands. Also, the precision is provided by the optical system, which increases the image of the operating field several dozen times.

Robot Da Vinci

Israel - the leader in the success of cardiovascular disease

The death rate from myocardial infarction in Israel is only 4.2%( for comparison: in Russia - 40%, in Europe - 6-12%, in the USA - 4,8%).This suggests a high effectiveness of treatment of cardiovascular diseases and the prevention of heart attack, as well as successful rehabilitation after it.

Israeli cardiology is famous for such achievements:

  1. Creation of the best stents for stenting of the coronary arteries( Cypher - stent with medicinal substance; Absorb - a self-resorbable stent).In Israel, stents with a special coating are manufactured, which provides prevention of thrombosis and re-narrowing of the artery. The operation for installing the stent is performed through the vessel - using a special long catheter, which is inserted through the radial artery on the wrist or femoral artery to the coronary arteries. That is, the operation does not require cuts. The cost of the stent installation procedure in the Ichilov clinic is 992 000 dollars.
  2. Development of an artificial titanium heart, which is temporarily installed by people waiting for organ transplantation and thus saves their lives.
  3. Unique minimally invasive operations for the elimination of heart defects in newborns.
  4. Special programs for the treatment of pregnant women with cardiovascular diseases.

Israeli clinics are famous not only for first-class specialists and modern equipment, but also for democratic prices, compared to Germany.

The best cardiological clinics in Israel: Assuta, Ichilov, Shiba, Rambam, Hadassah, Beilinson.

The information was prepared by the doctor of the Association of Physicians of Israel - Dr. Gandelman.

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