Purpose and proper use of eye drops

Some people misuse medicines even if they have been appointed by the attending physician. This happens because of inattention and the elementary desire to be cured sooner. However, one should not forget about the appointment and the correct dosages in any case. This can not only aggravate the situation, but also cause additional harm in the form of overdoses and side effects. Eye drops Oakvis can hardly be classified as potentially dangerous drugs, but to use them correctly and effectively, the instructions for use should also be observed.


  • 1Description of the preparation
  • 2Pharmacological action and group
  • 3Indications and contraindications in use
    • 3.1Pregnant
    • 3.2To small children
  • 4Possible complications caused by the drug
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Description of the preparation

Eye drops Okvis is a solution that is used against inflammation of the eyes and to protect their tissues.The drug is a viscous transparent liquid and is available in plastic or glass bottles at five milliliters with a dispenser.Drops are currently produced in Russia and are of domestic origin.

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The average cost, depending on the packaging and the manufacturer is from one hundred and fifty to three hundred rubles. Among the analogues of the medicine, such drops as Offan Dexamethasone, Visoptik, Stillavit, Kuzikrom.

We recommend that you read the instructions for using Visoptik.

The shelf life of the Oakvis drops is one year from the date of manufacture.After opening the package, it is reduced to two weeks. During the storage period, it is necessary to keep the temperature between eight and twenty-five degrees of heat and protect the remedy from children. Oksvis is used only for external use.

Pharmacological action and group

The drug removes swelling, itching, burning and inflammation, creates a protective film on the tissues of the eye, envelops the cornea. Has a restorative effect.Used to facilitate the use of contact lenses (donning, wearing and removing), and as a preventive means after operations on the organs of vision, such as keratoplasty, implantation of lenses and many others, including laser correction.

Oxyvis can be used in combination with other medicines in the treatment of many eye diseases as a remedy to relieve unpleasant symptoms. But in some cases, eye drops of this type are ineffective, so they can be prescribed only by the attending physician.

Indications and contraindications in use

Ocvis eye drops are often prescribed by ophthalmologists to remove the "dry eye" syndrome, the effects of wearing contact lenses, the effects of external stimuli, chemicals and negative environmental phenomena environment.Can be used before the operation to remove cataracts and during the postoperative period, including after the application of the laser.

The drug Oksvis is practically harmless and can be used according to the instructions for removing usual irritation, redness and fatigue of the eyes.

Drops are prescribed in a dosage of one to two to three times a day, depending on the nature of the problem.After the operations, one drop with a fixed interval in an individual order is instilled in each affected eye.With dryness, fatigue and redness, up to two drops in each eye two or three times a day. During the instillation procedure, for convenience, you can use a mirror. The position of the body should be such that it would be convenient to tilt the head back. The arm should be pulled back the lower eyelid so that a crease forms (it can not be pulled too much, because of this, the solution can leak out from under it). Next, look up and pour a drop into the conjunctive sac, avoiding contact between the dispenser and the eyeball. In case of lacrimation, you can get a liquid with a sterile tissue.

Determination of the symptom of a "dry" eye

During the treatment period, it is necessary to limit contact with external stimuli and use of electronic devices provoking the "dry eye" syndrome.The use of the drug is effective before bedtime.

The use of the oak is well combined with the use of any other drugs. However, during the treatment period, the interval between instillation of different drops should be at least fifteen minutes.More detailed instructions on this issue should be sought in the manual for the use of medications with which the combination is made.

Before applying eye drops, it is important to thoroughly wash the skin of the face, eyelids and hands. After instillation it is desirable to provide rest to the eyes for several minutes.

The main contraindication is the sensitivity to individual components of the medication. Eye drops are not addictive, but can cause an allergic reaction.


When conducting clinical trials, no negative effects were observed with the use of the solution. There is no evidence that its elements can be transmitted to the child during breastfeeding.However, it is recommended to designate Oakwis individually, therefore, a doctor's consultation is necessary before use.Possible manifestation of the effects of hypersensitivity to the composition not only in the mother, but also in the child.

To small children

The drug can be prescribed to children of any age only on the recommendation of the treating doctor. A child's organism can be especially sensitive to each of the components of eye drops and in case of manifestations of negative reactions their use should be stopped immediately.During the treatment period, it is important to follow the recommendations of the ophthalmologist and the instructions for use.At the moment, no negative effects of taking the drug according to the rules in children have been identified. Keep the medicine is important in a place inaccessible to them.

Possible complications caused by the drug

Cases with an overdose of this medication have not been recorded at the moment. Also, no side effects were detected when used, therefore, the Okvis drops are considered absolutely safe.However, a doctor's consultation before use is necessary, because if used improperly, allergic reactions may occur.In addition, if the application of these drops is inappropriate, there may be a deterioration in the state of the eye in connection with the existing disease. It is also important to observe the hygiene of the instillation procedures. During their conducting it is not recommended to touch the dispenser to the mucous membranes of the eyes to avoid infection and transfer of possible infections and bacteria.It is also important not to rub eyes and not touch the slimy bare hands.

It is not recommended without the advice of a qualified ophthalmologist to replace the drug Oakvis with any other analogues, since the area of ​​their use and contraindications can be very different.

In addition, unchecked medications can also cause allergic reactions with subsequent deterioration of the general condition of the organs of vision. Mixing and applying analogs in one course of treatment is also not advisable.


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Conduct a test for color blindness in this article - the method is based on the tables of Rabkin.

Drops for eyes from dryness and fatigue http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lekarstva/nedorogie-kapli-ot-suxosti-glaz-osobennosti-podbora-i-primeneniya-preparatov.html




The use of eye drops Okvis can be considered absolutely safe, and the drug itself can be classified as the most harmless. The drug has a wide range of uses and can be used to relieve fatigue and ordinary irritation, as well as to treat and prevent diseases that cause swelling and inflammation. Nevertheless, like any other remedy, Oakwis is not recommended to be used without the recommendation and supervision of a doctor and only then it will bring positive results.

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