Signs of hemorrhoids in women

With the formation of hemorrhoids, every seventh resident encounters. This disease is typical of men and women. Most people hesitate to talk about this problem, so they often delay the trip to the doctor, which complicates the situation. Some engage in self-medication, which is also a start for a neglected stage. The signs of hemorrhoids in women manifest themselves depending on different physiological factors.

  • Causes
  • Passive lifestyle
  • Pregnancy and childbirth
  • Improper eating and taking laxatives
  • Types and stages of hemorrhoids
  • Symptoms of the disease
  • Which doctor treats hemorrhoids
  • Diagnostics
  • How to treat at home (drugs)
  • Surgical method of treatment
  • Treatment by minimally invasive methods
  • Features of therapy after childbirth and pregnancy
  • Treatment with folk remedies
  • Honey
  • Cucumber
  • Potatoes
  • Prevention
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To date, the theory that the hemorrhoidal nodes of the fair sex is formed due to a violation of blood flow in the pelvic region, is considered the most reliable. There are several important factors that cause hemorrhoids to form.

Passive lifestyle

As a rule, women who are involved in sedentary activity for a long period fall into this category. An example of such professions can serve as a cashier and an accountant. Also in the risk zone are the owners of cars, spending a lot of time behind the wheel.

Pregnancy and childbirth

No wonder for women, there are a number of special exercises in the period of bearing a child. Most future mothers restrict themselves in an active way of life, thereby provoking stagnation of blood. And during labor is a sharp increase in the load, the uterus presses on the pelvic organs, which leads to the formation of hemorrhoids.

Improper eating and taking laxatives

Women often sit on a diet invented by themselves. Laxatives are used to purify the intestines in unlimited quantities. As a result, they break the diet and a balanced diet, which causes constipation. After all, it is he who is the most dangerous factor.

  1. Heredity. This is a genetic predisposition to the formation of blood clots, abnormal blood clotting.
  2. Infections. Various microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi), which can cause inflammation of hemorrhoids and colitis.
  3. Intoxication. Abuse of alcohol, bad habits (smoking) and drugs.
  4. Heavy physical labor. Lifting weights that are beyond the strength of the body.

Important!An important role is played by the psychological factor. Women need to protect themselves from stressful situations!

Types and stages of hemorrhoids

If we talk about clinical varieties, they are divided into 2 types: acute and chronic. The localization of hemorrhoids is also of special importance. Based on its place of education, several other types of ailment are distinguished. If the lump formed under the rectum wall - this is internal hemorrhoids. When forming the nodes below the rectum-anal line, an external appearance of the disease forms above the inner wall. If a woman combines external and external hemorrhoids - this is a combined form.

We can distinguish 4 stages, which reflect the degree of complexity of the disease. At the first degree, cones protrude, but do not fall out, the fecal formations come out with an admixture of blood. The second stage differs from the previous prolapse of hemorrhoids, which are themselves retracted. At the third degree, the fallen cones should be put into hands. At the fourth stage, nodes that fall outside the anal canal can not be fixed.

Symptoms of the disease

An important role in the appearance of pathology is provided by the types and extent of the disease. Signs of hemorrhoids in women can also reflect their lifestyle. As a rule, the symptoms characteristic of this disease give women a lot of discomfort.

The signs of external hemorrhoids, that is, external, manifest themselves in the sensation of gravity in the area of ​​the anus. After evacuation of the intestine there is an unpleasant feeling that the process of defecation is not over. From the rectum, mucus is released, which causes itching and burning. As a result of defecation, the walls of the vessels are damaged, so blood can be seen on the stool. Twitching and tingling pain in the rectum and the anal area are also the first signs of hemorrhoids. At the initial stage of the development of the disease, the hemorrhoid cones fall out during defecation, then they become in place independently. In the future, their recovery will require help.

The signs of internal hemorrhoids are similar to the symptoms of the external:

  • itching;
  • burning;
  • discomfort;
  • pain;
  • intestinal bleeding.

The only and important difference: hemorrhoids do not fall out.

Which doctor treats hemorrhoids

Not only is the issue rather delicate, so many still do not know which specialist to contact, even if they have already made up their minds. Put an adequate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment in the powers of the proctologist. Therefore, at the first sign of a disease, run to him. After the examination, the doctor will be able to give you detailed recommendations regarding the ailment. And will also provide moral support.

Specialty in proctologists is narrow, it may be difficult to find a doctor. Since not every clinic has it. Often doctors take this direction in hospitals and private medical institutions.

In addition to this doctor, the therapist can help the patient, who will prescribe drugs for the first time to relieve the condition. He will carry out an examination, and he will write out the direction of the surgeon. A pregnant woman will be able to prescribe a gynecologist.

Important!In those cases when conservative treatment does not bring results, the patient is referred to the coloproctologist.


A qualified specialist will not be difficult to diagnose hemorrhoids. Sometimes, a visual examination of the anus is sufficient. To differentiate the disease, advanced diagnostic methods are used.

  1. Finger research. With the help of the doctor, his further steps are planned. Basically, this allows us to understand which diagnostic methods are best used in this case.
  2. Anoscopy. A safe procedure is carried out using a special device that allows you to examine the rectum to a depth of up to 14 cm.
  3. Rectoscopy. A tube with an optical system and lighting elements that penetrates to a depth of 35 cm from the anus.
  4. Irrigoscopy. The large intestine is filled with a barium mixture and X-rays are made. Thanks to this method, a large number of diseases are excluded.

Any of the research methods is supplemented by laboratory analyzes.

How to treat at home (drugs)

Therapy with medicines includes a complex of preparations: suppositories, ointments and tablets. This is the basis of conservative treatment for hemorrhoids. Today, it is effective in 40% of cases. Often it is used for mild forms and moderate severity. The action of complex therapy is aimed at eliminating the pain syndrome, normalizing blood circulation, destroying the inflammatory process and relaxing the ring structure of the anus.

For local therapy, use creams, suppositories, gels and ointments, which can provide analgesic effect. The most popular drugs of this group are Aurobin and Neufloan. In severe form, non-narcotic analgesics are used.

  1. Remove inflammation with hemorrhoids with corticosteroids (Prednisolone).
  2. With fungi, viral infections and micro-traumas of the anus, doctors avoid treatment with local medications. In such a situation, the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Ketoprofen) is common.
  3. Proctosedil and Gepatrombin become effective in cases of severe inflammation of the vessels of hemorrhoid cones. These drugs have combined properties: analgesic, anti-inflammatory and thrombolytic.
  4. Preparations developed on the basis of heparin (Heparin and Troxevasin ointment) - anticoagulants, prove their effect after 1-2 months. However, they are widely used to treat hemorrhoids. In cases of impaired coagulation, they are contraindicated.
  5. If the pathology spreads quickly, then heparin is used in combination with water-soluble ointments (Levomekol).

Phlebotrophic drugs allow to normalize blood flow and improve microcirculation. Among the preparations of the group of increasing venous tone, they proved themselves (Detrolex and Endotelon).

The formation of hemorrhoids can be accompanied by intestinal bleeding, so a 10% solution of calcium chloride is prescribed. Also put rectally suppositories containing belladonna and novocaine. To date, drugs known to form a film for stopping blood (Beriplast and Androkson).

Important!Treatment of hemorrhoids in women also provides for the intake of laxatives (Lactulose).

Surgical method of treatment

Operative intervention is prescribed depending on what signs are noted for the disease. If these are symptoms of the third and fourth stage - here one can not do without surgical intervention.

This is another reason to see a doctor at the first manifestation of the disease. The operation itself is carried out painlessly, under anesthesia, but here the postoperative period causes a lot of unpleasant sensations and discomfort. Within 1-2 months a woman may have pain syndromes, suppuration, weakening of the muscles of the anus and loss of the ability to expand them.

Important!One of the complications after surgery is a relapse of hemorrhoids.

Treatment by minimally invasive methods

In addition to the medical and surgical method, a minimally invasive method is used for treatment. These procedures are used both for I and II degrees of pathology, and do not doubt their effect on III and IV stages. Often they are recommended to women of advanced age.

There are several types of minimally invasive treatment:

  • infrared coagulation;
  • ligation by latex rings;
  • transanal ligation;
  • operation by the Longo method;
  • bipolar coagulation;
  • classical hemorrhoidectomy.

Features of therapy after childbirth and pregnancy

Almost every woman suffers from hemorrhoids during the postpartum period and during the period of bearing of the child. For the most part, this is due to a heavy load on the abdominal organs and a low-activity lifestyle. And then there are stresses and constipation, which are characteristic of these two factors.

These moments of life are very important for a woman. Future or established mothers are more vulnerable, and, of course, such an unhealthy manifestation overshadow their beautiful life.

To treatment it is necessary to approach with special responsibility not to do much harm to the child and his mother. When pregnancy is recommended to use lotions and tampons with various plant extracts. But after the birth of a baby you can use candles and ointments, appointed by your doctor.

Important!Before use, it is necessary to study the chemical composition of the preparations. When absorbed, it is transmitted through milk to the child and is capable of causing harm.

Treatment with folk remedies

Some women are inclined to therapy with folk remedies. No one can deny their effectiveness. However, with hemorrhoids, the greatest effect can be achieved in a complex.


Traditional healers recommend using honey. In his power to remove inflammation, swelling, burning, itching, pain and even reduce the size of the nodes. One of the simplest ways: applying honey to a sick site. Such procedures must be performed daily.


The output of stools is promoted by water, from which a fresh cucumber is 95%. Therefore, it must be included in the daily menu. Thus, the cucumber will have a laxative effect.


Cover the walls with mucous membranes, eliminate the pain and reduce the size of cones will help fresh potatoes. To apply it, it is necessary to grate it on a grater, apply it on a cotton or gauze swab and attach it to a sore spot.


You can sum up. Hemorrhoids are a disease that is treated. But at the same time it gives a huge number of inconveniences, a woman can not lead a full-fledged way of life. A neglected form does not exclude relapses of pathology. Proceeding from this, it is possible to draw a conclusion: it is necessary to be engaged in timely treatment, and it is better not to bring your organism to such formations. This can be done by eliminating the factors that provoke the formation of hemorrhoids.

What should women do to prevent the appearance of hemorrhoids:

  • to monitor personal hygiene;
  • normalize food;
  • not to allow constipation;
  • perform special physical exercises;
  • eliminate harmful habits and alcohol;
  • do not lift the weight;
  • Do not overstrain yourself during defecation.

By observing these simple rules, you can avoid expanding the intestinal veins. Preventive measures are recommended not only for people with a disposition to the disease.