Lice, nits in a child and an adult: how to get rid at home

Lice and nits on the head are a very unpleasant problem in children and adults, accompanied by psychological and physical discomfort, loss of mood and constant itching on the scalp with an unbearable desire to scratch.

Often lice and nits can be found in the child after coming from a summer camp, coming from school or kindergarten. This condition in medicine is called "Pediculosis."Therefore, parents really need to know, how to get rid of lice and nits forever for 1 day at home .

Today we will consider all available and applied methods of treatment for pediculosis, we will select the most effective of them.


Pediculosis: where do lice come from?

Pediculosis( lice) is a parasitic disease of the skin and hair. Infecting lice can not only those who do not comply with the rules of personal hygiene. Lice feed on blood.

Parasites are easier to pick up in crowded places, when using other people's hairbrushes, headdresses, someone else's bedding.

In the largest risk group those children who attend kindergartens, schools, summer camps.

When a sick child comes into contact with a healthy child, lice will climb over the hair, clothing from one person to another.

Adults too can pick up parasites and, not infrequently, from their child.

How to detect lice and nits

Detecting parasites easily, symptoms and symptoms are:

  1. permanent itching,
  2. small wounds( bite spots) on the scalp,
  3. nits on the hair.

If the child has often become to scratch his head - check the for his hair , especially behind the ears and the occipital part. The earlier to detect lice, the easier it is to fight them.

Skin itch does not cause lice bite, but substance released by parasites when bitten.

How to get rid of lice and nits at home: tools

There are several ways to combat pediculosis:

  1. radical,
  2. mechanical,
  3. folk remedies,
  4. pharmaceutical preparations.

Radical method: shearing

The method is the easiest. Lice can not creep through the hair, if they are shorter. So you can get rid of lice and nits forever for 1 day quickly at home. But the way suits little boys. Girls, women and men can not use this method, associated with radical hair loss on the head.

Folk remedies and recipes from lice and nits

In the arsenal of traditional medicine there are means against lice and nits:

  1. vinegar;
  2. kerosene;
  3. tea tree;
  4. herbs;
  5. garlic.

There are many popular recipes that help get rid of lice and nits, although they are considered not very effective.

Herbs .Lice do not tolerate the smell of lavender, tea tree oil. And also, if you rub the decoctions or tinctures of Artemisia vulgaris, peppermint, chamomile roots, marshmallow, mashed garlic paste into the scalp.

Mom grabs one coloring hair with a paint containing ammonia, lice perish!

Popular among the people are vinegar and kerosene( kerosene water-soap emulsion).Use means - very carefully!

Kerosene .Kerosene has been used for several generations with pediculosis, but it can cause an allergic reaction and even a burn! To reduce the risk, buy a technical or lighting kerosene.

Recipe for getting rid of lice with kerosene

  1. On dry hair, apply a mixture of kerosene( 1 tablespoon), olive oil( 2 teaspoons), shampoo( 1 teaspoon), put a cellophane bag on your head and wrap it with a towel.
  2. Sometimes honey is used instead of oil. Wait one and a half to two hours( children do not have more than an hour), rinse the mixture thoroughly with shampoo and rinse the hair with a weak solution of table vinegar.
  3. After 3 days, repeat the procedure.
  4. After another 3 days, repeat the same treatment with oil.

Although, if combing lice and nits with a thick comb is good( special comb in the pharmacy), repeated procedures can be avoided.

Nits are protected by a dense shell, killing them is more difficult. Use kerosene of high concentration, but this method is not suitable for children.

Recipe: How to get rid of lice with vinegar

Remember that table vinegar does not kill lice, but neutralizes the substance with which nits are attached to the hair. Vinegar can burn the skin, change the hair color, making them brittle, so use it only as a conditioner.

Take table vinegar no more than 9% of the fortress!

  • 1 part of vinegar requires 2 parts of water.
  • This mixture needs to moisten the hair, tie a cellophane bag on your head, wrap yourself in a towel and wait about half an hour.
  • Then you can comb the weakened parasites and peeled nits with a scallop.

Then wash your hair with shampoo. The procedure is repeated after a few days, since some nits can remain on the hair. Comb out the parasites and nits thoroughly!

Medical products from lice

Pharmaceuticals for pediculosis are of two types: affecting the nervous system of lice and depriving them of moisture and air.

The second - it is better to choose for children with a tendency to allergies and pregnant women. These products contain mineral oils( dimethicone).They have a physical effect on the lice and are not absorbed into the blood.

Drugs for the treatment of pediculosis are available in such forms:

  1. sprays;
  2. shampoos;
  3. emulsion;
  4. ointment;
  5. aerosols;
  6. solutions( Nitifor);

Emulsion Benzyl benzoate

Emulsion Benzyl benzoate for adults - 20%, for children - 10%.

  • The emulsion is applied to the hair.
  • Easily rubbed into the skin and curls.
  • Tie treated hair with a kerchief, leave for 30 minutes.
  • Then rinse the hair under the faucet.
  • Rinse with vinegar 5%.
  • Next comes the usual washing of the head with shampoo or soap.
  • To remove the leftover nits, comb the hair with a frequent comb.

Advantages: low cost, good effect;admittedly, there is an unpleasant smell and contraindications. Recommended for children under 5 years of emulsion dilute 1: 1 with boiled water.
Price, cost per 1 bottle 50 ml about $ 0.3.


Sprays( Pediculum, Paranitis, Pair Plus) are easy to use. They are applied to dry hair, wait for a while, then wash off. Lack - do not kill nits. The combing can not be avoided .

Consider contraindications, read reviews, consult with friends or write anonymously on the forum.

In case of severe infection, Pediculen Ultra is used.

Pair Plus is recommended for children from 2.5 years old.

Instructions for the use of sprays: Pediculum Ultra

  1. Apply to dry hair until completely moistened to the site of accumulation of nits and lice.
  2. Wait half an hour or more, see the instructions.
  3. Wash under running water.
  4. Wash your hair with shampoo.
  5. To comb out insects and nits with a comb.
  6. In addition - magnifier.

After application, check the hair after a few days.


There are a lot of shampoos from pediculosis: Anti-beat, Tar, Pedilin, Paranix, Reed, Sifax.

Shampoos are applied to damp hair, whipped in a foam massaging movements. To wash off them it is necessary under the instruction in 10-15 minutes, but it is better to sustain about 30-40 minutes.

Next, you need to wash your head with an ordinary shampoo, and comb out the nits and dead lice with a special comb.

Mechanical method

The mechanical way to get rid of parasites is the cheapest, but time consuming. He excludes the use of drugs.

Looking for:

  1. thick comb( better special);
  2. is a good lamp;
  3. magnifier.

The shorter the hair, the sooner the child begins treatment, the easier it is to cope.

1 lice a day postpones from four nits!

  • First, the child's head is washed with a normal shampoo.
  • Then, if the length allows, fix the hair with an elastic band, separate one strand and comb it from the roots to the tips.
  • The cleaned strands are gathered under a separate hair clip. Do not forget to wash off the nits and lice after each strand.
  • It is more effective to do the procedure under the stream of water, pushing the comb teeth with your fingers.
    On children's shoulders a towel is put on, to avoid lice and nits falling on clothes.

The combing procedure is carried out in the bathroom to wash off the parasites.

If everything is done according to the instructions, touching every hair and combing out all nits, at home in one day you can completely get rid of lice and nits.

Use a magnifying glass - this will help to qualitatively carry out the process of getting rid of insect parasites.

After a day or two, one or two weeks - carry out a follow-up inspection. Do not allow any nits to stay on your hair.

Hair before combing must be wet! Do not tumble dry!

What if there are dead nits left and they stick to the hair?

Strip off the larvae from the hair helps with vinegar, which needs to rinse hair.

If the nit is very much, the hair is long, there is not enough time to comb it out, try to color it( with dark or chestnut hair) with a solution of potassium permanganate.

The most effective method of

Safe, cheap and reliable method - comb combing, treated wet hair.

Unequivocally, it is necessary to comb out and use other treatment options.

What if lice are found?

You can manage pediculosis on your own at home, even for 1 time. But even is necessary to notify everyone about the disease, to find out with whom the child has contacted, to inform the teacher( teacher) in order to avoid re-infection. During the period of treatment, contact between family members is minimized.

Parents of also need to process hair. To clean the apartment, especially to process beds, sofas and armchairs.

Bed clothes, clothes, soft toys to wash at a high temperature. That it is impossible to wash, pack hermetically in cellophane bags and leave for 2 weeks. Louse lives without food for four or five days.

But, they lay eggs, so two weeks are needed to avoid the survival of hatched larvae.

How to prevent infection with lice?

It is necessary for the child to explain that: can not use other personal hygiene items, towels, headdresses, combs, for prophylaxis, do the following shampoo: mix 200-250 grams of shampoo without chemicals( baby shampoo or laundry soap), four drops of lavender essential oil, four drops of essential oil of rosemary. Wash the mixture with your hair as usual.

Video on pediculosis

Why do lice appear on your head?

On the video channel "Haramas".

How to remove lice from the head

On the video channel Pak Ir Suk.

Juice of garlic, onion - acrid concentration of juice burns adult insects, maximally dissolves the nitri shell, which then can be easily removed. The juice is applied to the hair and is kept under the package for several hours.

Lemon juice - a decoction of lemon fruit acts as well as cranberry juice, but is much less effective due to the presence of water in the composition.

Tar soap - the head is thoroughly soaped, a polyethylene cap or bag is put on for 2 hours. A high concentration of alkali in the soap poisons the body with lice.

Hairspray - sprayed from the bottle onto the scalp, and kept overnight under a cap, bag, towel or other dense cloth. The varnish contains a liquid silicone that covers the lice with oxygen and dehydrates their body.

Pediculosis: how to get rid of lice

On the video channel "Live healthy!".Lice, or pediculosis - a parasitic disease of the skin and hair. Lice eat particles of human skin. You can get infected either by personal contact or by using the things of an infected person. What security measures will help protect yourself from lice and how to treat pediculosis?

How to remove lice and nits on hair

100% Remedy for lice and nits: comb of NitFree.

On the video channel Sergey Rudich.

Earlier, either toxic chemical preparations or ineffective folk methods were used to get rid of lice and nits, and the combs( wooden, plastic( sometimes they were recommended to reel them for "density") served only as an additional means of controlling and combing loosely attached not stand still and several years ago there appeared a metallic, frequent crest of Nit Free that can completely rid you of lice and nits, safely and without contraindications

The comb of Nit Free can be appliedThe method has already revolutionized the treatment of pediculosis and is the main one in countries such as England, the United States, Israel. "Indeed, why persecute yourself?"and children with drugs with contraindications, if the lice can be simply combed out( regardless of what thickness and length of hair - long hair treatment will just take a little longer).

Special denticles with a notch allow you to comb out not only lice and nits from the hair, you do not have to suffer for hours pulling them out with your hands. The teeth are made of medical steel and tightly attached to the metal handle by laser welding - so they are not only often located, but also do not change the distance between the teeth during use( during combing, the comb does not miss even dandruff!).

In this case, all parts are securely processed, the tips are rounded, so that neither hair nor scalp is damaged.

The comb of Nit Free is the only absolutely harmless alternative to chemical agents against lice!

Treatment of pediculosis with folk remedies: kerosene, dichlorvos, vinegar, chamomile water, cranberry

On the video channel "Health saving channel".

Lice and scabies in children: Dr. Komarovsky's school

How to get rid of lice? Than to process a head of the child? Are such popular kerosene and vinegar popular today? How to prevent infection in kindergartens and schools, given the common locker rooms for children? Than to treat a scabies? What drugs are most effective?

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