How to spread a cold on the lip

Than to cure a cold on the lip ??



Cold on the lips, scientifically called herpes, is a very common supplement of various colds, viral diseases. From a cold on the lips, no one is immune, because the herpes virus is in the body of every person, another thing is that it manifests itself only in the case of a sharp weakening of immunity. It is then on the lips "pops" cold: itchy bubbles, which not only disgrace the face, but also cause unpleasant sensations. In this case, you need a remedy that will help cure a cold.

What will help quickly get rid of colds on the lip - folk remedies or medications? Let's talk about how to treat colds on the lips at home using folk remedies - these simple methods often give a more noticeable effect than treating the cold on the lips with medicines.
Herbs as a folk remedy for the treatment of colds on the lips

Consider the herbs that folk medicine uses to treat colds on the lips. And the first of these is mint. Lotion from the broth of mint allows you to quickly get rid of colds on the lips. Take 1 tablespoon of dried peppermint leaves on a glass of boiling water, cover the dishes with a lid and cook in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Ready-made broth should be filtered, and then every hour to make lotions on the areas of cold on the lips with cotton swabs, soaked in a warm broth. If you have fresh mint leaves available, take 2 tablespoons of chopped leaves on a glass of water.

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Ordinary chamomile helps to get rid of colds on the lips, and it is good both outwardly and for internal use. Make lotions from the infusion of chamomile and take the same infusion inside for the prompt elimination of inflammatory processes (1 tbsp. spoon 3 times during the day). Infusion is prepared this way: brew chamomile (1 tbsp. spoon of grass on a glass of boiling water), let it brew under the lid for 25 minutes, strain, mix with 1 tablespoon of 10% alcohol propolis infusion.

Everyone knows that raspberries are a wonderful folk remedy for colds. And ripples of raspberries, it turns out, help and from herpes. To clean a cold on the lips, wash the freshly cut branches of raspberries, chop them to the state of gruel and Lubricate the areas affected by the cold, leaving on the lips for half an hour, after which the gruel should be remove. Repeat the procedure several times a day.
Other folk remedies against colds on the lips

An equally effective folk remedy against cold on the lips is the infusion of birch buds. Take 2 tablespoons of herbs for 1 glass of alcohol (70%) or vodka, pour into a tightly closed dish and leave to infuse for 2 weeks in a dark place. Before use, the infusion should be filtered, and then lubricate them with bubbles on the lips.
Birch buds for treating colds on the lips can be used in another way. The popular way is: boil a glass of milk, pour into a tightly closed container with 1 tablespoon of herb and insist for about 20 minutes. Then the liquid should be drained, and the kidneys wrapped in gauze and apply to the cold on the lips. Remember, to achieve results, compress with the kidneys should be kept longer.

Excellent help to treat the common cold on the lip of certain essential oils. If the cold has not yet jumped, and the first itch is felt, essential oil of lemon balm will help. If the cold on the lips has already manifested itself, use fir oil, lubricating the affected area every two hours. A little can burn, but soon passes.

Known folk remedy for cold on the lips is an egg shell film. To get rid of the cold on the lips, it is carefully separated from the shell and applied to the lip in the cold zone, it dries up and promotes faster treatment of herpes.

Nastya Borodina

The devil! very quickly helps!!! Sulfur in the morning from the ear also helps! Some toothpaste smears!

Bear cub

Ointment such. it helps me overnight.


Acyclovir to smear and not touch it will pass day through 2.


Zaviraks-stunned tool, or put Levomekol - also works well, pulls all the rubbish.


I was at the beginning how I felt a small bump already knowing that it's a cold that I lubricate with a badge "asterisk" this balm burns it and everything is fine

Elena Smotrina

Acyclovir - quickly and inexpensively. Even if this minute, you can use toothpaste or a proven method - your own earwax, Chesh word checked on yourself. It helps.


Fenistil pencivir - ointment.

so that later you can not climb, take care of yourself, keep your feet warm, eat more foods containing vitamins - in general, strengthen immunity.

True, the herpes virus sits in our body and does not cure, if the body is not weakened - then it will not come out never, and in case of a cold (as in your example - your feet have chilled) or a decrease in immunity - herpes is like here on lips! (((I understand you, it's terrible.

You have left to finish the wound to the end, and in any case do not use hygienic lipstick and other means for the lips, because they carry the infection.

good luck to you!

Anton Tabensky

To me ointments never help or assist, already probably all have smeared. Usually, with herpes I drink a course of kagocel tablets (a course of five days). Vavka quickly heals, plus the virus itself is in the blood, not its external manifestations.

Night fairy

Yes - it's herpes. This is the first sign of low immunity, so that as soon as
This sore will pass (I recommend ointment acyclovir) to you, it is necessary to strengthen immunity. Drink a sufficient amount of water (-3 liters per day), eat full, eat enough vegetables and fruits (the optimal proportion:),
Drink a course of multivitamins and selenium. It would be nice to go in for sports in the fresh air. A full sleep also plays an important role in strengthening immunity!! Good luck, success and all the best!

Milan Sidorov

I smear acyclovir 1 day, in 4-5 days it will pass)))))

Alexander Veselov

Zoviraks probyval, helped quickly. Acyclovir smeared, it helps but slow, I shorter creep with Zovirax.

Angelica Grasmic

Iodine can not! And infagel always helps me. Also tried acyclovirku, slowly passes. Infagel, when applied, forms a film that does not rub off or stain clothing, in contrast to acyclovir. It is also not expensive. Zovirax did not try, or what I can not say about him.

Valentina Popova


[email protected]

I have many times over this life jumped out this cold and my mother advised me ointment acyclovir I do not know how you help me.

Dasha Zayakina

You can even smear Corvalol with drops, too, helps

Elvira Chernichka

ointment with an asterisk

Alisa Sherstneva

Fight with the cold first and strengthen immunity. Eat plenty of vitamins, walk in the fresh air. And the air in the apartment do not forget to "clean". To do this, a quartz lamp or barrier reef is suitable.

How to cure colds on the lips at home?


Natalia Papkova

How to cure a cold on the lips
Use an ointment with an antiviral effect. Apply it to a sore spot 4-5 times a day for 5 days. Once the bubbles have appeared, wrap a piece of ice in a handkerchief and press it to your lips. Keep as much as you can, but with small interruptions.
If suddenly the temperature starts to rise, it is better to consult a doctor who will carry out the diagnosis and possibly write out a stronger drug. The best treatment is prevention. The disease with herpes directly depends on immunity, so start to strengthen your immunity: pay enough time for rest, avoid stress, eat more vegetables and fruits that contain vitamin FROM. Be extremely careful when you have herpes. Do not open the bubbles, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, use a separate dish so that you do not infect others and prevent the virus from appearing elsewhere. For example, herpes eye can have serious consequences.
Herbal treatment. Make a mixture of herbs - 1 part of juniper, 3 parts of melissa, 3 parts of bird cherry. Brew this herbal tea with a calculation - 1 teaspoon per glass of water and drink it throughout the day. It will not be superfluous to add 1 teaspoon of honey to the glass.
Prepare herbal tea from chamomile with a tincture of propolis. Brew at the rate of one teaspoon on a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 10 minutes and just drink everything.
Lubricate sore spots with fir oil every two hours. There may be a burning sensation, but it will soon pass.
Cauterize the blisters with propolis. After 15 minutes after the procedure, spread the lips with a softening cream.
Another effective remedy is earwax. With a cotton swab spread the affected areas with it. Repeat the procedure several times a day. Also squeeze the juice from the leaves of the Kalanchoe and lubricate the bubbles.
Dry herpes with alcohol. Soak cotton wool with 70% alcohol solution and anoint the affected area.
Finely chop the garlic. Mix it with two tablespoons of yogurt, add one teaspoon of coffee, a spoonful of flour and honey. Add the mixed formula to the lips.

Irina Nalet

Sometimes toothpaste helps. Lubricate several times a day, dries.

Raisin @ Wik

buy in the pharmacy acyclovir ointment. it costs 30 rubles

vad klon

drink medicinal tea or buy medicine for this

Ointment for colds on the lips

Many people know about herpes firsthand. This virus disease can affect almost everyone, and no one really is immune from it. Even at the first approach of rainy and cold weather, one can expect an infection. Herpes not only spoils the appearance, but also creates discomfort on the lips. Then you have to immediately fight for health and beauty.

Colds on the lips - causes

It can not be said that a specific reason is necessary for the appearance of such a virus. The fact is that almost everyone has herpes, it's just not always active. We can distinguish only a few factors that could affect its appearance:

  • contact with a sick person who has herpes in active form;
  • supercooling;
  • viral diseases;
  • a constant stay on the street during the wet and cold weather and many others.

Than to anoint a cold on the lip?

In addition to the fact that the pharmacies have a lot of special ointments against herpes, such a viral disease can be overcome at home, using the following products:

  1. You can lubricate the inflamed wound with fir oil three times a day.
  2. Make a compress of onion juice for 15 minutes.
  3. Lubricate the lemon juice wound twice a day.
  4. Wet in a warm water a tea bag to use as lotions.
  5. You can apply a cut sheet of aloe vera to the wound three times a day.

If folk remedies do not help, then, naturally, one should apply to medicines. And then a huge selection of various ointments from herpes is in a hurry to help. Today, pharmacists can offer you a variety of drugs. That's just what to choose - let's figure it out. Here are two of the most common and effective remedies for herpes. This is Zovirax and Panavir.

Ointment against colds on the lips of Zovirax

An effective and well-known remedy for herpes from an English manufacturer. Sold in every pharmacy. The packaging is small, but the price is quite impressive. This is, in a way, an alternative to a simple acyclovir ointment. Use this ointment for colds on the lips is recommended immediately after the first signs of manifestation of herpes. During the day, you can impose no more than five times. As a rule, treatment lasts no more than five days. If the infection does not disappear, it is worthwhile to see a doctor for help.


  • rapid and effective remedy for herpes;
  • the duration of treatment is not more than seven days;
  • convenient packing;
  • no side effects are observed;
  • leave in a pharmacy without a prescription.


  • permanent use is not permitted;
  • A small package (only enough for two courses of treatment);
  • high price.

Panavir from herpes and colds on the lips

This drug has proved to be a good one. Its use is safe and the ointment itself is not toxic. The drug acts as follows - it dries out with an invisible coating on the wound and does not give the virus further spread.


  • effectively removes inflammation after a few hours;
  • It helps to heal wounds with open forms of herpes;
  • healing without scars and traces;
  • leave in a pharmacy without a prescription.


  • small packing;
  • Overdose is observed in large quantities;
  • high price.

But before acquiring a medicine and smearing a cold on the lip, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of the ointment. After all, there are situations when the drug is not suitable for certain indications. The delicate skin of the lips is very sensitive, so it is prone to severe irritation. Another reason for careful selection of ointments from colds on the lips is a possible allergic reaction.

Than to anoint a cold on the lip, that would quickly pass (in current of the day) and further did not disperse strongly?


™ Simply Rolling ™

Chinese toothpaste!! on itself it is checked up !!!

Yulia Shiralieva



I personally in such cases BORO PLUS helps))

Moose just elk

it is called herpes. in a drugstore there are ointments / pencils. Acyclovir good (if German)


Tried on yourself: Sinaflana ointment. Gets one time


Acyclovir - cheap and angry. Zovirax - more expensive.


during the day will not pass. acyclovir, BORO PLUS, but it's also two or three days. Do not believe the ads.)


Corvalol burned powerfully.


gray from the ear!! a table rag, which you wash the dishes on the tile and slowly on the sore, so that it too is burned! so my grandmother advised me and helped me!


As soon as the mesto of colds on the lip begins to scratch (which usually occurs at night), it is necessary to apply toothpaste to this place, it does not help develop herpes and it quickly folds, if already there is a vial, acyclovir alone, but from it the lip blossom quickly, and faster heals! Good luck and be well!

Tatiana Shchegula

I help Aksipostad-this ointment is sold in pharmacies, quickly dries and does not grow.


Home remedy just will disperse the disease! It is necessary to start to take Acyclovir tablets and lubricate with Acyclovir ointment (or Viferon ointment).

A cold on the lip popped out (((what are they doing?? Tell me please))


Yura Smirnov

there is one very effective, but quite cruel way. helps, however, better than any ointments! Take a cup of very hot water. Do not boil, of course, but hot enough. For a couple of seconds, put a teaspoon into it and then apply it with a convex face to the herpes. I warn you - it will be quite painful, especially the first time. In the first, because how to do it will have to be repeatedly, and not yet with one cup of water. The miracle does not happen - external manifestations remain, but the virus inside will be killed, because it does not tolerate high temperatures. and in the future I recommend, as soon as you feel the beginning of the ripening of the sore in the lip, do it prophylactically and always look good. and yet, for the future - this virus pops up only in weakened organisms. More sleep, less stress and drafts. That's such a detailed answer I got. I'll be glad if all this is taken into service. I do it myself, and I live in clover. For this I remain yours, practically Doctor Pilyulkin !!!


acyclovir ointment


Peroxide anoint the most powerful remedy.

Augustine's Princess

Acyclovir ointment + aciclovir pills + periodically cauterize with vodka

Evgenia Petryakova (Barsukova)

Zovirax! I really helped, for 2 days the cold disappeared. Of folk remedies - gray from the ear to anoint

Anastasia Smertina

buy cream -BORO PLUS costs about 20 rubles -30 __)))) in the pharmacy... the miny for 2 days the cold immediately slept... super cream... really helps... put it on your lips a thick layer before going to bed and thin in the morning... so 2 days and noticeably get out ))


Yes, already correctly advised - ointment "atsiklovir inexpensive but very effective thing. for the future buy. and how the common cold is just beginning to be spotted - anoint it several times. and nothing will jump out. Get well!

genin joy

acyclovir, zovirax, finistil


Acyclovir and cauterization by Corvalolum


Used and Atsiklavir and so on. ointments, and casually prompted: to burn herpes with cotton wool with Corvalolum and more often! How not wild it sounds, but it helps! Herpes disappears before the eyes!

The Threat of Dreams

Not cold, but herpes.
The main thing is not to kiss, it's contagious. Ointment and tablets.

Ernest Honin

Just oil on toothpaste is best to have a mint

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