Osteoporosis of bones - clinical manifestations and methods of treatment

A chronic disease in which structural damage to bone tissue occurs, bone density is reduced and the human skeleton is affected - it is osteoporosis.

When the disease is a violation of the architecture of the bones, they become loose, brittle and weak, and with minor stress fractures.

If the disease simultaneously affects all the bones of the skeleton, it is called diffuse osteoporosis.

There is a disease due to a decrease in the quantitative composition of phosphorus and calcium in the bones.


  • 1What is the danger of osteoporosis?
  • 2Causes of the disease
  • 3Symptoms and manifestations of the disease
  • 4Basic diagnostic methods
  • 5Basic principles of treatment
  • 6The role of dietary nutrition
  • 7Preventive actions

What is the danger of osteoporosis?

When the disease occurs, the bone mass decreases and decreases, which leads to frequent fractures.

The whole skeleton is affected, but fractures often occur in the pelvic bones, neck of the hip, different parts of the vertebrae, radial bones, wrists.
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The danger of the disease is associated with a low-symptomatic or asymptomatic onset of the disease, a decrease in life expectancy by 10-20%.

Observance of prolonged bed rest during fractures promotes the development of complications - pressure sores, pneumonia, thromboembolism.

Causes of the disease

It contributes to the development of a serious disease, a violation in the renewal of the bone structure of the tissue, so the fragility and fragility of the bones increases.

Complete development of the human bone system reaches to thirty years. It depends on the style of life, nutrition, the impact of external factors, heredity. At the end of 35 years, a gradual decrease in bone mass occurs, which contributes to the development of osteoporosis in old age. In this case, the cortical layer of bone is thinned and reduced, the amount of trabeculae in the spongy bone material decreases.

The emergence and development of the disease contribute to:

  • genetic factors,
  • external influences,
  • lack of calcium during growth,
  • disorders in the metabolism of vitamin D, phosphorus,
  • lack of magnesium, vitamins C, A silicon.
The disease affects men less often than women.

Factors contributing to the development of the disease are:

  • elderly and senile age;
  • sedentary way of life;
  • menopause and hormonal changes in women;
  • hereditary cases of disease
  • irregularities in the menstrual cycle
  • use of hormonal drugs, thyroxine, heparin, antacids;
  • high growth and underweight;
  • impaired pancreatic and thyroid function;
  • removal and / or dysfunction of the ovaries.
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Causes that contribute to the development of the disease, but which can be affected, are:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • wrong way of eating;
  • smoking and alcohol;
  • abuse of caffeine;
  • vitamin deficiency.

Sedentary lifestyle and malnutrition

Symptoms and manifestations of the disease

Osteoporosis can be latent (latent) for a long time. The patient does not suspect the presence of the disease until the first hypotractic fractures. At the beginning of the disease, vertebral bodies are affected, which causes pain. Disease in the primary stage is similar to osteochondrosis of the spine.

Diagnosis of the disease only after the presence of multiple fractures, which occur with a slight increase in severity and minimal injuries.

Single vertebral lesions can occur without obvious symptoms, and back pain syndrome occurs after fractures of several bodies in the vertebra.

At the initial stages, the disease is difficult to determine.

Only a few of its manifestations are known:

  • loss of posture;
  • decreased growth;
  • brittle nails and weak thin hair;
  • deformation of teeth and their gradual destruction;
  • Painful character in the bones with changing weather conditions.

In osteoporosis, the femoral neck of the bone, the spine along the entire length, and the upper limbs become most vulnerable.

Initial symptoms of the disease:

  • pain in the spine during exercise;
  • convulsions at night;
  • fragility and fragility of nail phalanges;
  • decrease in growth to 5 centimeters, as a result of a decrease in the segment of the thoracic vertebrae;
  • senile stoop;
  • manifestations of periodontal disease.
Such patients undergo gradual development of kyphosis, the mobility of the spine is limited, cervical lordosis is strengthened and the "hump of an aristocrat" is formed.

Manifestations of osteoporosis

The further development of the disease is recurrent, hypertension of the back muscles is noted, pain is less pronounced in the morning and increases during the day.

In some cases, there may be a compression of the spinal cord and radicular syndrome. Intervals between relapses and fractures can be short and very long (up to several years).

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Secondary osteoporosis occurs in the body after the violation of hormonal metabolism (hyperteriosis, diabetes mellitus, hypercorrection) and is diagnosed after the fracture.

Basic diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out with the help of:

  1. Radiography of the bone system of the spine. This type of study does not provide reliable diagnosis. Osteopenia and a little expressed form of the disease can not be diagnosed, since the bone mass deficit is not noticeable on the roentgenogram to 30%.
  2. Osteodensitometry(DEXA) - ultrasound and x-ray densitometry, computed tomography. The study allows you to know the amount of non-invasive bone mass and its mineral density.
  3. Biochemical markers.
Indications for such types of examination are early menopause, heredity, low body weight, hypogonadism, spondyloarthritis, decreased testosterone levels in men, as well as estrogens in women.

Basic principles of treatment

Treating osteoporosis is difficult and problematic. Specialists of medicine of different profiles are being treated. Treatment is aimed at stabilization and normalization of metabolism in bones, slowing and decreasing bone loss mass, promoting the expansion and activity of movements, reducing or removing the pain syndrome and preventing fractures.

To achieve a positive result is possible after the elimination of the disease, which provoked osteoporosis. To do this, additional examinations and treatment are administered by specialists from different professions.

Asymptomatic therapy is used to relieve pain in the spine. Pathogenetic (pharmacological) treatment of osteoporosis is an influence on the processes of absorption and assimilation of calcium.

What is being done for this:

  1. Used drugs that stimulate and normalize bone formation: osteochin, calcium, bivalos, osteogen, fluorides, growth hormone.
  2. Preparations that can suppress bone resorption: risedronate, alendronate, zoledronic acid, pamidronate, ibandronate.
  3. Pain relief is achieved with the help of: reopperin, dicloberla, tuliphen, olfena, almiral.
  4. Widely used hepatotoxic drugs, which have a minimal effect on the acidity of the stomach: nayz, nimesil, cigans, aponil.
  5. Preparations meloksikama: movalis, tselebreks, meloks, ketarol, rofekoksib, vioks.

The role of dietary nutrition

An important role in the treatment is proper nutrition. It is necessary to eat foods that contain vitamin D, and those that are saturated with calcium. First of all, these are dairy products, cabbage, nuts, greens, broccoli, soy milk or walnut, as well as cod liver oil.

It is necessary to limit the intake of products that contain phosphorus, drinks containing gas, red meat. From the menu, caffeine and alcohol are excluded.

Preventive actions

With the goal of preventing the disease, you need constant care for your health. Keeping a healthy lifestyle, eating right, walking in the sun, physical activity, using food supplements - all this stands in opposition to the disease.

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Avoid the development of osteoporosis in women in menopause and menopause will help the intake of estrogens and medications, in the composition of which there is silicon - it increases the elasticity of bones, strengthens the bone and prevents it destruction.

Popular in the application of Filvel drops. It is recommended to take medications in the composition of which vitamin D is included and calcium is necessary, their required amount is contained in multivitamin complexes. Examination and if necessary treatment of the thyroid gland.

It is impossible to cure completely osteoporosis, but with the help of modern methods of treatment it is possible to stop its progression.