With a dry cough you can do inhalations

Inhalations with dry cough general recommendations

In cold weather, it is very difficult not to get colds or ARVI, and young children, especially if they visit a kindergarten, can "please" their parents several times a month.

Modern pharmaceutical companies offer a huge number of different antiviral, antitussive, expectorant and anti-inflammatory drugs, but each medicine has its own contraindications, and to overload the body with chemicals is also not I want to.

Inhalation with dry cough, its indications and methods of application

To avoid all these problems, you can use proven methods of treatment - inhalation with a dry cough, with solutions of medicinal herbs, soda, saline or medicinal preparations: ambroben, lazolvanom, berodualom and so Further.

Inhalation - why it is useful

Inhalation is the administration of medicinal substances and biologically active substances in air particles (in the form of vapor) through the respiratory tract. This procedure allows you to moisturize and soften the irritated mucous membrane, quickly "delivers" the medication to the source of the disease and does not have a systemic effect on the entire body. This reduces the viscosity of phlegm, and it is easier to remove from the patient's airways.

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Steam or heat and moisture inhalation with dry cough have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, expectorant or bronchodilator effects simultaneously. Also, when using medicines, for example, the ambroben, their effectiveness increases several times due to directional action on the affected organs.

Inhalation is recommended for children and adults at the first signs of the disease, as soon as the patient complains of pain and "scratching" in the throat or he has a dry cough. This is one of the most simple and affordable ways to treat bronchitis, colds or other colds.

Using a nebulizer, at home, you can carry out not only simple steam inhalations with decoctions of herbs or alkaline with soda and saline, but inhalation with berodual and lazolvanom, ambroben and other medicinal means.

Inhalations are recommended for:

  • with acute and chronic diseases of the larynx, bronchi and lungs - tonsillitis, laryngitis, bronchitis and some kinds of pneumonia;
  • with occupational diseases of the respiratory tract - laryngitis of singers or teachers, bronchitis and pneumonia in people working in chemical plants, in quarries or mines;
  • diseases of the middle ear - otitis;
  • diseases of the nasal and paranasal sinuses - rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis;
  • viral infections - rhinovirus, adenovirus, reovirus and others;
  • bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis;
  • for the prevention of catarrhal diseases and complications after the transferred diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract.


Inhalations should be administered as directed and under the supervision of the attending physician, especially in young children.

There are also general contraindications to inhalation:

  1. increased body temperature;
  2. acute inflammatory or purulent process;
  3. nosebleeds and tendency to them;
  4. high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases;
  5. pulmonary tuberculosis or emphysema.

Types of inhalation

There are several main types of inhalations: they can be carried out at home by a nebulizer or simply steam, with various medicinal substances, medicinal herbs or essential oils.

Inhalation by steam over a pan and a nebulizer

Inhalation with a nebulizer with a dry cough is carried out with the help of special apparatuses, spraying molecules of medicinal substances with the help of ultrasound or using a jet of compressed air. With nebulizer it is convenient to carry out inhalations to small children or if frequent procedures are necessary. Inhalation nebulizer should be carried out only for the purpose and under the supervision of a doctor, since in each case, you need to individually select the dose and drug.

The following medicines are used for treatment with a nebulizer:

  1. With a dry cough or bronchospasm, bronchodilators are used: inhalations with salbutamol, berotek, berodual, atrovent;
  2. In severe cases, with bronho-obstruction, hormonal drugs are used: pulmicort, prednisolone;
  3. For the treatment of bacterial diseases - antibiotics and antiseptics: flumutin, gentamicin, furacilin;
  4. For liquefaction of sputum and its excretion - inhalations with mucolytics: with lazolvanom, ambroben, fluimutsilom, pulmozimom;
  5. For moisturizing and softening the mucous membrane: with saline solution, soda or mineral water;
  6. Various phytopreparations and essential oils.

Types of inhalation according to the physical state of substances:

  1. Heat-wave inhalations are the most popular, they help moisturize the mucous membrane, while warming it up and promoting liquefaction and removal of mucus from the bronchi. For inhalation use a solution of alkali, antibiotics, hormones, decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs. The time of such inhalation is 8-10 minutes.
  2. Steam - these inhalations can be easily carried out at home, it is enough to put on a teapot with a hot decoction of medicinal herbs or a solution with a medicine, a funnel made of paper and a nose or mouth to breathe medicinal ferry. Another way to make inhalation at home is to prepare a hot solution, pour it into suitable capacity - a large cup or basin, cover your head with a towel or sheet and breathe over the cup. Such inhalations with dry cough promote mucosal healing, improve blood circulation and metabolism in affected organs and have analgesic effect.
  3. Oil inhalations are an excellent tool for the treatment of dry cough, help to soften irritated mucous membranes and reduce edema, and thanks to the healing properties of the oils used, have an anti-inflammatory and expectorant act.

Basic principles of inhalation:

  1. Prepare the solution with the drug immediately before the inhalation;
  2. The procedure should not be earlier than 40-60 minutes after eating, in comfortable clothes that do not constrain chest, and after inhalation try not to talk and not eat for another 1 hours;
  3. Inhalation of the solution in the treatment of cough should be through the mouth, slowly and exhale through the nose, and with diseases of the nasal passages or sinuses - on the contrary;
  4. At the rate of treatment is recommended at least 10 procedures, you can repeat them 3-4, and if necessary, 1-2 hours during the day.

Simple recipes at home

  • One of the simplest and most effective inhalations is an alkaline or saline solution. To do this, dissolve, tsp soda in 200 ml of hot water and breathe on steam or pour saline in hot water at the rate:.
  • Inhalations with essential oils - on, l of hot water use 1-2 drops of eucalyptus, fir, menthol, tea tree. The amount of oil should not exceed 3-4 drops, and the inhalation time - 3-5 minutes.
  • When coughing is useful solution of medicinal herbs - sage, eucalyptus, linden, calendula, St. John's wort and others.
  • Effective use of onions and garlic for inhalation.


Inhalation from dry cough

We are all used to the fact that with the arrival of colds we often get sick, but what is the most common cold symptom? This cough, which at the beginning of the disease is very dry, which gives a person discomfort. Than to treat this symptom? Recommended inhalation for dry cough with the use of various additives. The instructions below will help you select and properly perform the technique of this procedure.

Girl doing inhalation

What inhalations do with dry cough

The first signs of this symptom are discomfort and itching sensation in the larynx. A person feels the constant urge to cough. In addition, the confirmation of the approaching illness is general malaise, fever and headache. For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, inhalation is used for coughing, which helps in an initial stage to eliminate an unpleasant symptom. Such procedures are of several types:

  1. Steam inhalations are treated with dry cough due to ingress of hot steam into the bronchi. Passing through the respiratory tract, it reduces inflammation of the mucous membrane, improves blood circulation, promotes the formation and spitting of phlegm. This is a more usual way of inhalation, when you just need to cover yourself with a towel over a basin or a pot of boiled water. Additives can be herbal infusions or essential oils.
  2. Wet inhalations from dry cough are prescribed for severe diseases, such as bronchitis, laryngitis. These procedures are based on the spraying of aerosols, the particles of which fly at high speed in the respiratory tract, and then settle in the bronchi on the small alveoli. The composition of such drugs may include antibiotics, hormones, mucolytic or immunomodulating substances. Inhalers are pocket, compressor or ultrasonic.
  3. Teplyvazhnye inhalations are used for coughing more often than other types, because the medicine penetrates deeper into the mucous membranes of the lungs and bronchi. Special inhalers have been developed for the procedure, which have become popular in the treatment of bronchitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis. These devices are inhaled saline with a dry cough.
  4. Oil inhalations cover the bronchial mucosa with a thin protective film. Oils used for the procedure have an expectorant, anti-inflammatory effect.
Runny nose in a girl

With what to do inhalations with a dry cough

Since the cough has a different origin, the preparations for inhalation also differ. These can be the following medicines:

  1. Expanding the trachea, larynx and bronchi, i.e. bronchodilators: Ventolin, Berotek, Atrovent, Berodual.
  2. Easier sputum discharge - mucolytics: Ambrobene, Acetylcysteine, Bronchipret, Lazolvan, Pertussin, Mukaltin.
  3. Anti-inflammatory: Propolis, Budesonide, Kromogeksal, Rotokan, Calendula, Pulmicort.
  4. Against a cough: "Lidocaine", "Tussamag".
  5. Antiseptics: Miramistin, Furacilin, Chlorophyllipt.
  6. Antibiotics: Isoniazid, Gentamicin.
  7. Stimulating immunity: "Interferon", "Deoxyribonucleate sodium".
  8. Moisturizers of mucous: alkaline mineral water, physiological solution, baking soda solution.
Inhalation with calendula

Even a dry cough can have some specific symptomatic characteristics, so for treatment, choose one or another medication that is more suitable for a particular disease. There are several recommendations about this:

  1. Bronchodilators are used in both dry and wet cough to eliminate respiratory spasms and release the way for sputum discharge.
  2. As the resolution of the disease cough from the dry crosses into the wet, so the order of application of funds up to recovery such: humidifying or wetting, bronchodilators, mucolytic preparations, antiseptics and antibiotics.
  3. Use of herbal infusions is possible with any cough, but only with steam inhalations, because the nebulizer from them will spoil.
  4. Inhalations with essential oils are used only with a dry cough, provoked by laryngitis, pharyngitis and tracheitis, because the ethers envelop the mucous membrane with a thin film that relieves cough only time.
Anatomy of the human respiratory system

With saline solution

Saline is a mixture of water and table salt mixed in certain amounts. With proper inhalation, the damaged mucosa becomes a place for the settling of the drug particles, which facilitates the escape of sputum and improves overall well-being. Fizrazvor used for dilution when inhaled drugs or herbal decoctions, which can not be treated with boiling water, because of this their useful properties are reduced. The cost of the solution is low, but you can buy it in any pharmacy, but you can not cook it yourself either:

  1. Take 10 grams of the finest table salt.
  2. Dissolve it in 1 liter of boiled warm water, pre-filtering it.
  3. In view of the fact that the self-prepared solution is not sterile, its shelf life is only 24 hours.

For saline solution it is recommended to apply:

  1. Steam inhalers, but the medicine can reach only the upper respiratory tract.
  2. Nebulizer for inhalation of the lower part of the respiratory tract.
Inhalation by a nebulizer to a child

Procedures based on saline solution are used even for toddlers, but it is necessary to monitor the temperature of the medication:

  • Newborns and children under 3 years old - up to 30 ° C;
  • if a child from 3 to 4 years old does not exceed 40 ° C;
  • For children who crossed the threshold of 4 years - up to 52 ° C.

The procedure is carried out in stages:

  1. The solution heated to the required temperature must be poured into the nebulizer. Enough is 3-4 ml.
  2. Within 2-3 minutes, use inhalation for cough.
  3. Do not give food and liquid at least half an hour after the procedure.

With soda

Such a simple remedy, like soda, is in the kitchen of any landlady, but is used not only for cooking or cleaning mugs from plaque, but also for treating any form of cough: dry, wet or allergic. Procedures are carried out with an old, proven method using a kettle or a pot, but it is more convenient to use a nebulizer. Inhalation is carried out one and a half hours after eating:

  1. Mix, h. l. soda and 200 ml of slightly cooled after boiling water.
  2. Make a tube out of a thick cardboard, take it in your mouth.
  3. Cover yourself with a towel over the pan or use a kettle, then the tube is not needed.
  4. In order for the medicine to have an effective effect, make sure that the cervical department does not interfere with anything.
  5. After the end of inhalation, refrain from eating, drinking, talking for about an hour.
  6. Do not use boiling water to avoid burning the airways.
  7. At a temperature greater than 3 ° C, inhalation from a cough is contraindicated.
Inhalation with essential oils

With mineral water

It is better to use mineral oil for inhalations with a nebulizer. Water should not choose any, but one in which there are fewer minerals, for example:

  • alkaline water "Borjomi" or "Essentuki";
  • water "Staraya Russa" with salt in the composition.

The main thing is to remove the gas bubbles, leaving the bottle open for the night or stirring with a spoon in a glass. If you use a special nebulizer, you just need to pour water into its container and inhale the vapor for 10 minutes. If the device is not available, use the following method:

  1. Pour the water into a saucepan, heat to about 50 ° C.
  2. Armed with a towel, cover it over a saucepan and inhale from a dry cough.
  3. Inhale steam for about 8 minutes.
  4. It is recommended to perform up to 3 times a day.
Inhalation by a nebulizer to an adult

With lazolvanom

The main component of lazolvan is ambroxol hydrochloride, which has several effects:

  • quickly clears the airways;
  • facilitates sputum discharge;
  • effectively removes mucus from the lungs and bronchi;
  • enhances the effect of antimicrobial drugs.

To perform inhalation with lasolvan, follow the following instructions:

  1. The drug in its composition contains a large amount of sodium, so you should have a normal reaction to this trace element.
  2. Lazolvan mixed in the proportion: with a physical solution or other neutral non-alkaline liquid.
  3. The temperature of heating the medicine should not exceed the body temperature.
  4. Observe the daily dose of the drug: for adults it is equal to 8 ml, and for children - 4 ml.
  5. In a day, you need to hold up to 2 procedures, using 2 ml per each.
  6. After 5 days, go to the doctor if there is no positive dynamics.
The girl uses an inhaler

With berodual

It is a preparation of bronchodilator action. Indications for use are bronchial asthma, suffocating cough with bronchitis. The drug helps to secrete fluid from the bronchi, expanding them. The man is more easily relieved by the accumulated mucus. The product is available in the form of a solution or spray. For inhalations, it is necessary to dilute the ferocoal with a physical solution. The final amount of the drug for inhalation should be 4 ml. Proportions are determined by a specialist depending on the weight, age and severity of the cough. Spray is injected 3 times twice a day, this requires:

  1. Remove the protective cap from the packaging, put the mouthpiece in the mouth.
  2. Exhale and press the bottom of the can, inhaling the drug.
  3. Hold your breath a little, take out the mouthpiece, and exhale.

Rules of the procedure at home

There are several general rules for inhalation over steam:

  1. The procedure should be carried out in a quiet environment.
  2. Breathing in and out should be done slowly. If there is dizziness, you need to suspend the procedure for a while.
  3. The length of the carton or cone should not be less than 30 cm, so that the mucosa of the respiratory tract is not affected.
  4. Clothing is better to choose free, so that the chest is not in tight conditions.

When using a nebulizer, observe the following instructions:

  1. Rinse your hands and assemble the unit.
  2. Pour the medium heated to the specified temperature into the container of the device.
  3. Close the lid firmly.
  4. Install a face mask or mouthpiece.
  5. Connect the compressor to the device.
  6. Having switched on the compressor, start to breathe a medicine.
  7. When the procedure is complete, turn off the compressor, disconnect it from the nebulizer.
  8. Rinse all elements with a 15% solution of soda.
  9. Boil the appliance parts, dry them, wrap them with a clean storage napkin.
Inhalation from dry cough

For children

The rules for performing inhalation with a dry cough in a child look like this:

  1. Between the procedure and food intake it is necessary to sustain a break of at least half an hour for children up to six months and 1 hour for children no older than 6 years.
  2. After inhalation, do not give the child food and drinks for about an hour.
  3. The time of inhalation of vapors for children should not exceed 3 minutes.
  4. The adult must always be near the child in order to protect him from burns.
  5. If the inhalation of the drug in the child has an incessant cough, the procedure must be completed.
  6. Do not perform the procedure at elevated to 3 ° C temperature.
  7. After inhalation, hold the child in a semi-reclining state on the knees or on a high cushion.
The doctor does inhalation from a dry cough to a child

For adults

Inhalation for adults also has a few simple rules. In addition to the contraindications at elevated temperature, care should be taken to ensure that the water is not hot, and the time of inhalation of the vapor does not exceed 10 minutes. Lean too low over the pan when steam inhalation is also not worth it. After the procedure, limit conversations, eating and necessarily change into dry clothes. Prepare the medicine immediately before the session and use only once.


Even such an inoffensive method of treating dry cough has its contraindications:

  • temperature 3, ° С;
  • tendency to bleeding from the nose;
  • circulatory disorders of the brain;
  • ischemia of the heart;
  • hypertension;
  • allergy to the drugs used;
  • individual reaction to medicines;
  • severe stage of lung or heart failure;
  • purulent sore throat;
  • pneumothorax;
  • a pronounced clinical picture of arrhythmia.

Video: how to properly do inhalations with a nebulizer

Indispensable tool for inhalation in every home was a nebulizer - inhaler for cough and cold, for a short time eliminating the problems of the respiratory tract. For therapeutic procedures, medicinal solutions are used, for which the creation of fine particles is not characteristic. Inhalations of a nebulizer with a dry cough are performed with the use of antibiotics, herbal infusions, mucolytics or hormone-containing drugs, but how to properly use this device, you can learn from a useful video below.


Is it possible to do inhalation with a dry cough?

In winter it is very difficult to protect yourself from various colds and ARVI, especially for people with low immunity.

Currently, pharmaceutical companies offer a large number of different antitussive, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and expectorant drugs.

However, we must remember that each drug has its own contraindications, besides it is impossible to overload the body with medicinal substances.

To minimize the consumption of chemicals, it is worth using the usual, but effective methods of treatment, for example, inhalation with a dry cough. Such procedures can be performed with mineral water or medicines:

  • an amber,
  • lazolvanom,
  • beringual.

Why are inhalations useful?

Inhalation is the introduction of medicinal and biologically active substances that fall in the form of steam in the respiratory tract. Such procedures effectively eliminate cough and runny nose.

The method of treatment makes it possible to soften and moisten the irritated mucous membrane, quickly transport drugs to the area of ​​the disease, while not exerting any harm to the body.

After the procedure, the viscosity of the sputum decreases, it easily leaves the respiratory tract and the cough becomes less pronounced.

Thermal or steam inhalations with dry cough have several effects on the body:

  1. anti-inflammatory,
  2. antimicrobial,
  3. expectorant or bronchodilator.
inhalation for coughingIf you do inhalation with a dry cough, not only with mineral water, but also with an amber or other drug, its effectiveness is increased several times due to the directed effect on patients organs.

Inhalations are indicated to patients of any age when the first signs of the disease appear. Once a person feels pain or a cough appears, you can do this steam procedure.

This therapeutic method allows you to treat bronchitis, runny nose, cough and many other unpleasant manifestations of colds.

If you do inhalations with a nebulizer, then you can use herbal medicinal herbs, saline, soda; use mineral water, ambroben, berodual, lazolvanom and other medicines.

Thermal procedure can be done in such cases:

  • acute and chronic diseases of the bronchi, lungs and larynx: tonsillitis, laryngitis, bronchitis and some varieties of pneumonia,
  • occupational diseases of the respiratory tract: for teachers - laryngitis, for people working in mines, quarries and chemical plants - pneumonia and bronchitis,
  • Otitis is a disease of the middle ear,
  • disorders of the nasal sinuses: rhinitis, sinusitis and sinusitis,
  • viral infections: reovirus, rhinovirus and adenovirus,
  • bronchoobstruction: obstructive bronchitis, bronchial asthma,
  • prevention of catarrhal diseases, as well as complications against the background of the transferred disease of the lower or upper respiratory tract.


The thermal procedure should be performed by the doctor's decision, especially in people with chronic respiratory diseases.

There are general contraindications to the use of inhalations:

  1. high body temperature,
  2. acute purulent or inflammatory process,
  3. bleeding from the nose,
  4. increased blood pressure and cardiovascular disease,
  5. pulmonary tuberculosis.

What inhalations are

Nebulizer inhalation for coughingThere are several types of inhalation. They can be done at home with a nebulizer or a simple steam, using various medicines, essential oils, mineral water and herbal remedies.

The nebulizer is an apparatus that sprays drug molecules with ultrasound or a jet of compressed air. This type of inhalation effectively eliminates dry cough.

The nebulizer is suitable for patients of any age, especially if the condition provides for the frequency of inhalation. Procedures with the help of this device are conducted on the recommendation of a doctor, since the drug and dosage are determined individually.

For a nebulizer, you can use these tools:

  • If there is a dry cough or bronchospasm, bronchodilators will be needed: berodual, salbutamol, berotek, atrovent,
  • With bronho-obstruction and other severe cases, it is necessary to use prednisolone or pulmicort,
  • In bacterial diseases, antiseptics and antibiotics are used: furacilin, gentamicin, fluimycin,
  • To withdraw phlegm, mucolytics will be required: ambroben, lazolvan, fluimutsil, pulmozim,
  • To soften and moisturize the mucous membrane, you can use mineral water, soda or saline solution, essential oils and various phytopreparations.

According to the physical state of substances, inhalations are divided into several types.

Teplyvazhnye procedures - the most popular, help to moisten the mucous, warming it and thinning the mucus in the bronchi. For inhalation, antibiotics, hormones, alkaline solution, herbal medicinal herbs are used. The time of the procedure is at least 10 minutes.

Oil inhalationsSteam procedures. Easy to carry out at home. You need to put on a teapot spoon with broth of herbs or a solution with a medicine, a paper funnel and breathe a healing steam with your nose or mouth.

Oil inhalation. This is an excellent tool for the therapy of dry cough. With the help of such procedures, irritated mucous membrane softens, and edema decreases. Due to the therapeutic properties of the oils used, such inhalations have an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect.

There is another common way to do inhalation at home. It is necessary to prepare a hot solution, then pour it into a large container, for example, a basin or a cup, then cover the head with a warm towel and inhale the steam.

Inhalations with dry cough with mineral water or other means heal mucous, improve metabolism, have analgesic effect and accelerate blood flow.

Key rules for inhalation:

  • Prepare the solution with the medicine immediately before the procedure,
  • Carry out inhalation not earlier than an hour after eating. The patient is dressed in comfortable clothes that do not constrain the thorax. After the procedure, you do not need to talk, and eat for 1 hour,
  • The solution should be inhaled with the mouth, and breathed out with the nose (if you need to cough). With diseases of the nose and sinuses, a person breathes on the contrary.
  • The course of treatment is 10 or more procedures, they are repeated every 4 hours. If necessary, the frequency of procedures is increased.

Simple recipes for home use

One of the most affordable inhalations for coughing is an alkaline procedure with saline or mineral water. It is necessary to dissolve half a teaspoon of soda in a glass of boiling water and breathe over the steam. In another embodiment, the physiological saline is mixed with hot water in equal amounts.

The steam procedure with essential oils can be done by taking half a spoonful of boiling water and 2 drops of fir, eucalyptus, menthol oil. The inhalation time is 5 minutes, the amount of oil should not be more than 4 drops.

Cough successfully eliminates the herbal solution. It is necessary to mix sage, eucalyptus, lime, calendula, St. John's wort, brew and breathe this steam. Cough can be done less by applying inhalations with garlic and onions, as detailed in the video in this article.


Cough Inhalation

inhalation against coughIn the treatment of cough often use an old proven method, whose name - inhalation. It has long been known that by inhaling the vapors of different broths, infusions of plants, herbs and essential oils, a moist internal environment that promotes the formation and excretion of sputum, which is especially important in dry coughing.

Science does not know the name of the one who first thought of using this method of getting rid of cough, the method has taken root, has gained popularity and at this stage there are many types of inhalations. Let's consider the main ones. Inhalations can be divided into two main types - natural (natural) inhalation and artificial inhalation.

By natural inhalation can be attributed to the inhalation of fresh sea, alpine, and even completely soaked in the needles of the forest air. When found in such favorable conditions, the human body, along with air, receives a lot of useful microelements that most favorably affects the general condition of the body, and serves as a good prevention to prevent unwanted diseases.

Residents of large megacities with high content of harmful emissions and car exhausts in the atmosphere are forced to resort to artificial methods in the absence of natural inhalations. Recently, manufacturers of various household appliances, on the market began to appear conditioners with a cleansing and ionizing effect, but these are individual copies. As a result, as mentioned above, it is necessary to resort to the help of special medical devices, popularly called inhalers. The main effect of which is the provision of access to the human body specially developed for each individual case of medicinal substances.

In the course of evolution, inhalation devices from complex bulky mechanisms turned into compact and convenient daily use of the device - nebulizers, which can be carried with you and used in the case of necessity.

The most common home inhaler is a regular pot, filled with hot water, with a content of essential oils, chamomile, thyme, sage, pine, eucalyptus, menthol and fir oil, depending on the preferences and the type of respiratory disease ways.

With the observance of simple rules, it is easy to achieve a certain result from treatment, and not to waste one's strength and health for nothing.

  • Rule one - all inhalations are performed an hour before meals;
  • rule two - after performing the inhalation procedures should refrain from eating and loading the vocal cords;
  • rule three - we treat a nose-breathing nose;
  • rule four: we treat the throat and cough - we breathe in with the mouth, and breathe out through the nose;
  • rule five - do not abuse the time spent on inhalation, an average of 5-15 minutes is enough;
  • rule six - a course of treatment usually consists of ten procedures;
  • rule seventh - do not forget that self-activity in treatment can lead to negative for health consequences, since allergic reactions to various components used in inhalation.

Hence it follows that, first of all, direct consultation with a specialist is needed.

More information about inhalations for coughing can be found in this article.

Posted on: 3/6/2015

Cough inhalation

Cough is a common companion of many colds. At the first manifestations of signs of acute respiratory disease, inhalation is most effective. They have a curative effect achieved by the action of moist warm air on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Inhalations improve blood circulation, dilute viscous mucus, reduce unpleasant sensations in the throat.

Inhalation with dry cough

Cough InhalationWith dry cough, inflammation occurs directly in the walls of the respiratory system. Infectious agents constantly multiply and are not excreted from the body.

During the destruction of the superficial mucous layer of the respiratory tract, the products of disintegration and inflammation of the tissues begin to be excreted from the bronchi. Together with them are deduced and causative agents of the disease, which leads to the purification of the bronchi from the infection and their recovery.

Therefore, we must try to translate dry cough into wet. This is very successful in the use of inhalation.

With a dry type of cough, during the inhalation, medicinal solutions are used, which contribute to the excretion of sputum from the bronchi. One of these drugs is ambroxol.

Ambroxol is a medicinal product with expectorant and mucolytic properties. For inhalations, a solution is used that can be used orally.

A solution of ambroxol, the necessary dosage together with saline solution, is poured into a special reservoir, and the inhaler is turned on. They inhale the vapors with a mask that is placed on the face or with a tube that fits in the mouth. During the procedure, it is recommended not to take deep breaths, as this can provoke a cough and breathe normally.

The smallest particles of the solution coming from the inhaler penetrate and linger on the walls of the bronchi, helping them to develop a surfactant.

Ambroxol is usually well tolerated, but sometimes manifestations of such reactions as - nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, allergies. Further use of inhalations in this case is possible only after the conclusion of a doctor.

The use of inhalations with a drug solution is considered the most effective treatment for dry cough.

Inhalation with a damp cough

With a wet cough, it is recommended to carry out steam inhalations. Their task is to warm, moisturize and contribute to the further spitting of phlegm. The main medicinal properties of steam. But for the necessary effect, it is advisable to use various medicinal plants. It can be - chamomile, mint, mother-and-stepmother, thyme.

For inhalation take 2 tbsp. herbs, steam it with 2 cups of boiling water, inhalation, then the broth is insisted and filtered. In the future, it is drunk about half a glass 3 times a day.

To make inhalation even more effective, in the decoction of herbs you can add a few tablets of Validol or a little balsam of the Golden Sprocket. Decoction with these drugs can not drink.

You can administer inhalation in several ways:

  • Use special inhalers;
  • Collapse the paper from the paper and breathe through it;
  • Cover your head with a towel and breathe over a bowl with broth. In this case, you need to be very careful not to overturn a bowl of boiling water on yourself.
  • Categorically it is impossible to breathe over boiling water, and also at the raised arterial pressure.

Inhalation with nebulizer for coughing

Nebulizer advantage over other inhalersInhalation using nebulizer is one of the most effective means used to treat and prevent cough.

The advantage of the nebulizer in front of other inhalers is that it can release a vapor cloud that is saturated with medicines. The size of the particles emitted by the nebulizer is 1 micron. It is this size that is necessary that drugs can get into the alveoli. Getting into the body, the drugs immediately begin to act without causing harm to other human organs.

Using a nebulizer, you can use various medications for inhalation. They can also be combined with each other.

Clinical trials have proven that using a nebulizer helps to speed up recovery several times.

This device is very convenient to use in patients suffering from bronchial asthma. Inhalation with a nebulizer for a short time is able to relieve the attack of suffocation and facilitate breathing.

The procedure is absolute, noiseless, it can be performed even during the sleep of the patient.

Especially for the nebulizer, there are a number of ready-made solutions for the procedures.

Solutions for inhalation with cough

Solutions for inhalation can be completely different. Their components depend on the characteristics of the cough type.

With a dry cough, for the purpose of sputum discharge, inhalations should be made using soda or mineral water. At the very beginning of the disease you can breathe over the potatoes. Such inhalation will help to remove hoarseness of the voice, soften the throat and make the cough productive.

With bronchial disease, it is effective to carry out inhalations with garlic or turpentine. Good properties are oil inhalations based on fir oil, eucalyptus, basil, which stop attacks of suffocation in bronchitis and bronchial asthma.

For inhalations using a nebulizer, solutions are used:

  • Composed of drugs that dilate the bronchi (bronchodilators). The most effective drug from all bronchodilators is beryl. It has the least side effects and is used for the prevention and treatment of asphyxiation and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Preparations that dilute sputum (mucolytics) and excrete phlegm (secretion secretions expectorant). The most common are - Flimucine, ATSTS. They contribute to the sputum from the lower respiratory tract.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. These include Rotokan. This drug is based on herbs, on alcohol. Inhalation with such a drug is used in acute inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Anti-inflammatory hormonal drugs (Glucocorticosteroids) and drugs (Antihistamines) The most common drug is Pulmicort. Inhalations with such a drug are used in diseases of the lower respiratory tract, which require treatment with hormonal drugs.
  • Antimicrobial and antibacterial drugs (Antibiotics and antiseptics). Flimucin is an antibiotic with an active ingredient acetylcysteine ​​and thiamphenicol. It is used in the form of powder for inhalation and injection. It is necessary to simultaneously use an antibiotic with preparations that dilute sputum.
  • Antitussives. With an intrusive dry cough, inhalations are carried out with Ledocaine. It has a local anesthetic effect.
  • Antiseptic solutions. Aloe or Kalanchoe juice has good properties, mixed with honey. Such inhalations are effective for the prevention and treatment of ARVI, as well as other colds. Of the available remedies, which have an antiseptic effect, can be considered pairs of onion, garlic and eucalyptus.

Cough Inhalation in Children

Cough Inhalation in ChildrenCarrying out inhalations with cough in children, have a positive effect on the entire body. With their help you can get rid of not only a cough, but also a cold. The most important advantage of inhalations is that they affect only the respiratory tract, without affecting other organs.

Inhalation in children should be done very carefully:

Regardless of how you conduct the inhalation, you need to explain to the child what it is needed for. This is important to ensure that the child is not afraid and thus helped make the procedure even more effective.

If the procedure is carried out with a kettle, the temperature in it should not be too hot. A cardboard funnel is inserted into the tip of the kettle, through which the therapeutic pairs are inhaled. For small children, the funnel should be long. At an elevated body temperature, this inhalation can not be carried out.

It will be more convenient and safer to purchase a device for inhalation - a nebulizer.

The time of inhalation should not exceed 5 minutes.


What is better for a child from a cough for inhalations on a nebulizer?


Regina Lutsko

Do not add oil solutions to the nebulizer. For a nebulizer, you can use a physical solution (or alkaline mineral water) with a dry cough, if you can use a wet cough for a sputum liquefaction Lazolvan, Ambroghexal, Ambrobene are the same medicine from different manufacturers - in the form of a solution for inhalations (in hospitals they are not diluted with physical solution!).
And in occasion of Beroduala - it is used only at a dyspnea.
The best option is to contact a pulmonologist, he will listen to the child, determine the type of cough, and write out the prescriptions.


With a dry cough: 1 teaspoon of soda pour a glass of boiling water and mix thoroughly. This is good when barking dry cough!

Katya Kislova

The best and proven means for inhalation is eucalyptus oil. I just dripped a few drops in a pot of boiling water and put this pot in the bathroom. And she put her baby to swim. At this time he was breathing essential oils, because by inhalation of such a small child, it is very difficult to make breathing very difficult. Try it helps a lot. And the best grows. cough syrup - LINKAS. Helps a lot

Olga Oreshkina

What is a nebulizer?
I have an ultrasonic inhaler. Inhalation from the cough we make Lazolvan + nartium chloride, or Lazolvan with mineral water, or naphthysine with sodium chloride (if the voice is sizzling).
even massage I do with "ointment badger" soft can (in the pharmacy is, it seems pneumatic called).
and tickling to clear your throat.
it is possible to do over the broth with the inhalation steam, for this, soda and chamomile are poured into the water and boiled


Use pharmacy tinctures of chlorophyllipt, calendula, eucalyptus, St. John's wort, salvin, romazulan, onion and garlic. You can pour into the inhaler warmed Borjomi, a solution of soda (4 teaspoons per liter of water) or infusion of a mixture of flowers of calendula and chamomile, eucalyptus and sage leaves, St. John's wort, the root of the coil. It will take 10 sessions of 15-20 m. Be sure to get in a pharmacy.


If the snot is not green then inhalation with mineral water 5 min. It will be better to leave snot. If you already cough badly with lazolvanom well and antiviral add.


At one time I worked in an office where inhalations are done, mostly we used Phys., But in severe cases, if the child had a false groove, Berodual and Pulmicort did. You'd better consult with a pediatrician, but in a home environment, preferable to Fizrastvor!

Elena ++++

I agree that the house is better than saline solution!
A good inhalation with mineral water, because the baby is small, essential oils often give an allergic reaction, my child on Lazolvan inhalation "twists" the intestines, I know that others have him allergy. Therefore, the most innocuous: saline, alternate with mineral water. Health!


The ultrasound inhaler and nebulizer are a bit different. The nebulizer gives smaller pairs
Oils are allergic to och, like grass.
Only simple water mines, if you decide to do them without prescribing a doctor, Ing is not always shown
Sessions are not more than 7 minutes but can be up to 5 times a day.

Oksana Ksendzova


Svetlana Krylova

If the cough is dry, Prospan is suitable for inhalations with a nebulizer. The sooner the treatment begins, the faster the cough will be.

Olga Gromova

I'm more suited to the nebulizer. Also I add to it drops of Prospan, as they are vegetable and without dyes. Allergies do not cause, and cough is removed well.

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