The ophthalmologist after survey has told or said, what your sight minus one, three or even six? Minus in this case means myopia (ie myopia), and the figure indicates the degree of distortion in the visibility of images. In the eyesight minus one person can not see objects at long distances, and at minus seven - literally in front of him. With minor deviations from the norm, vision can still be returned, but with a strong minus, it will only be necessary to adjust it with lenses / glasses or perform an operation. About where myopia comes from, what diseases it can cause, and what needs to be done to treat, prevent the disease - on.
1Definition of a symptom
3Possible diseases
4Diagnostic Methods
5.1Special exercises
5.3Hardware treatment
5.4Glasses and lenses
Definition of a symptom
Vision minus is myopia, that is, with this disease, a person sees objects poorly in the distance. There are three types of myopia:
Myopia can be weak, medium and high - respectively, distortions in the visibility of images in the distance will also be different.
Myopia occurs when the focus of the image that a person sees is located in front of the retina(if it is behind the retina - develops hyperopia). With myopia, it is difficult for a person without glasses to see objects in the distance, he sees well near him.Ophthalmologists appoint wearing glasses with concave lenses- they move the focus to the center of the retina, and the visibility of the remote objects improves.
Lenses of a concave form denote a minus, and a convex - a plus.
The main symptoms of myopia:
poor visibility of objects in the distance;
blur the outlines of images;
blurry picture;
good vision near.
By the way, myopia is one of the most common ophthalmic diseases.
In modern ophthalmology, two reasons for myopia are identified: ophthalmic and accommodative.
Vision can deteriorate for one of two reasons:
Anatomical- it is about those cases when the eye has an elongated shape in the anteroposterior direction, and the focus falls before the retina. Operative treatment aimed at strengthening the sclera, does not allow the vision to fall more than to minus one.
Accommodation- vision falls due to the weakness of accommodative muscles. For the treatment of pathology special gymnastics and hardware methods for restoring vision are used. Also can be diagnosed false myopia, in medicine called spasm of accommodation.
If you have a minus eye, regularly check with an ophthalmologist.Particular attention should be paid to children - as long as the eyes develop, and the load constantly increases, a sharp drop in visual acuity may occur at any time.
Regular preventive examinations in childhood at the ophthalmologist help to avoid a lot of problems in the future.
Possible diseases
The following chronic diseases can lead to the development of myopia:
pathology of the musculoskeletal system(scoliosis, valgus, flat feet, etc.);
allergic and infectious diseases(measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria);
infectious hepatitis;
diseases of the nasopharynx and oral cavity;
An important role is played by a general decrease in immunity - if the protective forces of the body have fallen, it is possible the development of myopia.
Diagnostic Methods
Precisely determine the degree of myopia can be using an ultrasound machine(it shows the degree of elongation of the eye). Points or lenses are assigned only after diagnosis.
Conduction of ultrasound examination of the eyes
The main methods of treating myopia:
special gymnastics(you need to do it regularly);
vitamin therapy(drugs take courses twice a year);
hardware treatment;
wearing glasses and contact lenses;
optical and laser correction. Hardware treatment for myopia
Good to know. Exercises for the eyes give very good results in the treatment of myopia, but only in the early stages of the disease.
Special exercises
Regular discharge of the charge, described below, gradually leads to an improvement in the state of the muscles of the eye - they become hardy and strong:
Draw your eyes open in the air with a figure eight.Movements should be smooth and slow. The number of repetitions is 5-7.
The right hand should be pulled forward and raised to the eye level.For a few seconds, carefully look at your thumb. Start to take your hand to the right, keep your eyes from the fixed point, keep your head straight. Repeat with the second hand. 5-7 approaches will be enough.
Look straight ahead in the distance for a few seconds, then look at the finger of the hand, located 30 cm from the eyes.Again into the distance, again on the finger - and so 10-15 times.
Raise your hand in front of you and position your finger about 30 cm from your eyes, fix your eyes on its tip for 5 seconds.Close the left eye, and the right eye keep looking at the tip of the finger. Open the left eye and follow the same steps to the right. Repeat - 10-12.
Pull your arm forward, hold the pencil in your hand.Start moving the pencil from one side to the other, leading your eyes through it. Keep your head still.
Put your hands on your waist, your legs should be shoulder width apart. Slowly start turning your head then to the right, then to the left, the view should be directed along the way.Repeat 20 times to each side.
As wide as possible, open your eyes, squint and lower your eyelids.Repeat 20 times.
Gymnastics for the eyes with myopia has a pronounced therapeutic effect due to the activation of blood supply to the eye tissues and muscle training.
Pharmacies have a wide selection of vitamin complexes for the eyes. Take them courses, usually twice a year for 30 days. Instead of synthetic vitamins you can use natural - for the eyes are very useful dairy products, sea fish, vegetables, carrots and blueberries.
Hardware treatment
Hardware treatment for myopia involves the use of special equipment.The maximum results are given by an integrated approach. First, the doctor conducts the examination of the patient, identifies the causes of myopia formation and the mechanisms of it progression, diagnoses possible complications (usually dystrophic changes in the retina or tissues eye bottom).As a rule, hardware treatment is combined with optical and drug treatment.
Glasses and lenses
Wearing glasses and contact lenses is the most common method of conservative treatment for myopia.Lenses of night wearing type Paragon CRT allow you to adjust vision during sleep and are the most effective in childhood and adolescence. Usual glasses and lenses are prescribed by the doctor after diagnosis of the minus.The main drawback of optical treatment is that it only helps, as long as you wear "correctors".
Optical lens selection
Orthokeratological lenses (night wear) are used quite rarely, they are a real salvation for athletes.
A 100% sure way to forget about myopia is surgery. Kinds:
Removing the transparent lens and installing an artificial intraocular lens.Premium IOL models also correct astigmatism.
Implantation of phakic lenses- Inside the eye in front of the lens or directly on it. The natural lens is not removed anywhere.Carrying out the operation
The most popular method of laser correction of myopia is Lasik. At high degrees and the progressive nature of myopia, excimer laser correction is not possible. First, the technique of scleroplasty is applied, and after a few years laser correction is done.
Want to prevent the development of myopia? In this case:
Remove enough attention to eye hygiene- that is, a set of rules that reduce the risks of pathological changes in the structure and functions of the eye. This is a "healthy" letter and reading (under normal lighting, at a safe distance), regular breaks during work on the computer.
Do gymnastics- it is simple and perfectly strengthens the accommodative muscle.
Treat your eyes carefully- Do not overstrain them, use moisturizing drops, in the summer wear sunglasses.
Set up meals- in the diet should be enough minerals and vitamins.
If you want to support your eyes, take vitamin A from time to time.
These preventive measures are an effective remedy for the development of myopia and a sure way to avoid deterioration of vision in the future if the minus is still small.
Quarterly lenses are contact lenses for three months, and see how they are worn.
What helps from barley on the eye: medicines and folk remedies are represented here.
Eye drops Polinadym with instructions for use are described here.
Vision minus is nearsightedness. Degree of deterioration of visibility of remote objects can be different - therefore the doctor puts more exact diagnoses like "minus one" or "minus five". The causes of myopia development are accommodative and anatomical. Treatment of pathology is carried out with the use of vitamin preparations, special gymnastics, surgical intervention.
Also read about what symptoms accompany astigmatism and how to treat this pathology, and what to do if the child is diagnosed with strabismus.