Anesthetics for otitis

Painkillers for otitis media for children

Pain medications such as paracetamol and ibuprofen can not cure ear infections and other inflammatory diseases such as sinusitis, frontal and cold. But they will probably help the child feel better by reducing pain.

There are many different types of analgesic tablets from otitis. Very often doctors recommend for children suffering from otitis media, paracetamol and ibuprofen.

Children's paracetamol is available as:

  • syrup (5 ml of solution contains, 2 g of paracetamol);
  • conventional tablets (, u, d);
  • soluble tablets (, g);
  • suppositories (suppositories that should be placed in the rectum).

Paracetamol relieves pain and has antipyretic effect on the body.

  • Babies from 3 to 6 months a day can give no more than 350 mg of paracetamol in tablets.
  • For infants from 6 months to 1 year, the maximum dose is 500 mg.
  • Children from 1 to 3 years - 750 mg.
  • From 3 to 6 years - 1 g.
  • From 6 to 9 years - 1.5 g.
  • From 9 to 12 years - 2 years.

The drug is taken up to four times a day with a 4-hour interval. Before using paracetamol for a child should always consult with an otolaryngologist or therapist.

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Ibuprofen is included in the number of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (for short, NSAIDs). In small doses, NSAIDs have an analgesic effect with symptoms of otitis media and other diseases. In higher doses, they also reduce inflammation (swelling and redness).

Produced as:

  • tablets (, u, d);
  • tablets of prolonged action (, d);
  • tablets for resorption (, g);
  • capsules (, g);
  • gel (5%) for external use;
  • cream (5%) for external use.

His children are appointed from the age of three months. Children from 12 years of age or older take 150-300 mg of ibuprofen initially three times a day. Then the dose is reduced to 100 mg three times a day. The maximum dose of the drug is 1 g.

How do these drugs work?

When your child's ear is infected with bacteria or viruses, the body produces chemicals to fight infection. This causes inflammation. In inflammation of the external ear, inner or middle ear, its areas are painful, red or swollen.

  • Ibuprofen stops the production of substances that cause pain and inflammation.
  • Paracetamol blocks pain signals in the central nervous system, so your baby's ear will be sick less. But these pills from otitis will not reduce swelling and redness in the ear.

Potential injury to health:

  • Some children complain of stomach pain or vomiting after taking these painkillers. As a rule, these problems are short-term.
  • You can prevent these problems by giving children painkillers after meals or with food or milk.
  • If your child is taking paracetamol, do not give him any other products containing paracetamol. A large amount of paracetamol negatively affects the liver and kidneys.

It is important to know

Very carefully read the labels of other medicines or ask a pharmacist if you are not sure if there is paracetamol in one or another agent. Make sure that your child takes the recommended dose for their age.

Tablets for acute otitis in adults

Sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim (Bactrim).Has a bactericidal effect against all pathogens of the middle ear, influenza, pneumonia, staphylococci and streptococci.

Acute ear infections and chronic otitis respond well to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. In addition, it is safe for children.

Dosage is 960 mg tablets in otitis in adults once a day. The course of admission is from 10 days to two weeks.

Cefuroxime ("Ceftin").It is considered the choice of the second line for the treatment of ear infections, in which amoxicillin or amoxicillin and clavulanate are ineffective or can not be used. Usual Adult Dose: 250 mg, twice daily for 10 days. In more serious infections, the dose increases to 500 mg twice a day.

Cefpodoxime proxetil ("Vantin").It is one of the recommended tools for choosing the second line of otitis treatment. This remedy is effective against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Frequent side effects of "Vantine" are gastrointestinal and dermatological disorders. Dose for adults: 100 to 400 mg every half day.

Tsefdinir ("Omnitsef").These tablets with otitis in adults are a possible choice of the second line of treatment. The benefits of the drug include a pleasant taste, a single or double dose and a five-day course for the treatment of acute ear infection. Dosage for adults: 300 mg every half day (course from 5 to 10 days) or 600 mg once for 10 days.

It is important to know

Do not prescribe yourself a cure for otitis independently, otherwise you can "translate" the disease into a chronic one.

People! Prompt means for putting off or taking out of a pain at an otitis? Soon I'll die.



otipax drops

Yuriy Terlyga


Svetlana Serova

Otypax drops. Relieves pain immediately and heals. even if you stop getting sick drip as it should be 7 days, then again there was no otitis

Natalia Isaeva

Drops Garazon (Belgium).

Olga Shurinova

To treat it is necessary antibiotics and anesthetizing injections to put, t. To. At an otitis of type ketanov help or assist poorly. On the second day of treatment, there will be no pain


drops otypaks, really help.


With an average otitis, syringing is strictly contraindicated. You can compress (but note: at a high temperature they can not be set!). Secondly, drops. With severe pain in the ears (with lumbago) will help almond, walnut and especially belladonna oil. It is enough to pour in the ear 2-3 drops of warm solution or put a cotton wool moistened with oil heated to body temperature.
Well relieve pain in the ear tinctures (pharmacies) leaves of lemon balm and pericarp walnut. Their use (for 6-8 warm drops in the ear canal) quickly reduces pain, soothes.
To relieve pain, you can apply warm lavender oil (3-4 drops 3-4 times a day), and also - juniper tincture.
Place a gauze or cotton swab soaked in juniper tincture (15 berries per 100 ml of vodka, insist 7 days) in the sore ear, change the swab every 2 hours.
Do not forget with acute otitis about an abundant drink. Warm teas from lime flowers, chamomile flowers

Zhanna Voloshina

Otypax-quickly helps. And take pain medication.

Elena Schmidt

Iodine in the ears.

Diamond path

Attach Kuznetsov's applicator to the cheek, including the ear area. Pass and pain and otitis. Simple and free. Tested on myself.

Tell me. What anesthetic for otitis media helps?


Roksolana Smitt * Favorite Neighbor

Children's Nurofen. Compress warming. Or dry heat. The writing-table should be inserted into the ear and lighted, so that the child does not see, the heat will go inside, not hotly, but very difficult. It is easier to heat the salt in a frying pan, pour it into a rag bag and briefly warm it, check the temperature on yourself, warm only the ear, and behind the ear, below the ear, but the entire head.


Otypax ...

Oksana Musurkhanova

alcohol (no more than 40%) kompess


Otypax in the ears, and if the temperature is high - Nurofen is a baby or what you usually give

Julia Kravchenko

It is better to see a doctor, because not all cases can make warming compresses. At me 2 times there was an otitis after pregnancy to me have helped or assisted droppers a pain as a hand has removed or has taken off!

Ear drops in otitis

For self-treatment of pain in the ears, people use the most effective and affordable means - drops. They are convenient to use, easy to buy without a prescription. Let's find out which children's ear drops are safe in otitis, which will help to cope with the illness of adults. We will try to understand the names and composition of the medicines offered, find out which drops to use from pain in the ears, what to give preference to, being treated with antibiotics.

Drops in the ears with inflammation

All drops of the ear during otitis are conventionally divided into four types:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • medicines with antibacterial action;
  • combined preparations with glucocorticosteroid hormones;
  • drugs against the fungus.


At the initial stage of inflammation, an inexpensive and safe "Albucid" (sodium sulfacil) is effective. When the disease is protracted or complicated, prescribe combined anti-inflammatory drugs or drugs based on non-steroid. The latter are based on alcohol and include phenazone and anesthetic lidocaine. Drops in the ears with inflammation have a drying and anti-inflammatory effect:

  • "Otinum" (analogues - "Brotinum "Holikaps");
  • "Otipaks
  • "Ototon
  • "Dropleks
  • Otosporin;
  • "Otikain."

List of combined preparations for effective treatment of purulent inflammations:

  • "Garazon
  • "Dexona
  • "Dexa
  • "Софрадекс
  • Anauran;
  • "Otipol
  • "Polidex
  • "Combined Duo
  • "Jenodex
  • "Pledrex
  • "Dexon
  • "Aprolat".

With antibiotic

Ear antibiotics - drugs, which include antibacterials of a wide spectrum of action (rifampicin, levomycetin, etc.). The use of such medicines quickly stops the spread of the inflammatory infection. Antibiotics for otitis in adults and toddlers prevent the secretion of pus and the possible perforation of the tympanic membrane. Effective preparations:

  • "Otofa
  • "Tsipromed
  • "Ciprofloxacin
  • "Normaks
  • Norfloxacin (analogue of Normax);
  • Fugentin;
  • "Ofloxacin
  • "Danzil
  • Rifonat.

Separately it is necessary to note the combined preparation "Kandibiotic" with an active antimycotic component clotrimazole. Specialists consider this medicine to be the only effective treatment for inflammation of the ear caused by a fungus. The drug is effective for the treatment of allergic, infectious inflammation, due to its constituent antibiotic chloramphenicol and glucocorticosteroid hormone beclomethasone.

Than to drip an ear at a pain

Is it possible to drip hydrogen peroxide into the ear when it hurts? Yes, but the solution will only help to clear the ear canal from the pus, dissolve the sulfur plug. Long-lasting analgesic effect it does not possess, therefore it is necessary to apply medicines with anesthetic (lidocaine). Using medicines, you need to pay attention to contraindications, because not all medicines are allowed to children, and have restrictions for adults.


For adults, there are no contraindications in the use of ear drops. A number of drugs are prohibited for use by pregnant women, with breastfeeding and intolerance to individual components of the medication. For example, lidocaine can cause an allergic reaction. Of the popular pain medication should be given preference to such ear drops in otitis:

  • "Candybiotic
  • "Otipaks" (allowed during pregnancy);
  • Anauran;
  • "The Violet."

To kid

Not all drops of ear can be applied to children. They are suitable only for drugs with local effects, which do not enter the blood under the condition of an intact tympanic membrane. Pediatricians recommend using such ear drops in otitis in children:

  1. "Otipaks "Otirelaks" are effective pain medications that are allowed to children from birth.
  2. "Otofa" is a remedy with a pronounced antimicrobial effect, but not capable of removing pain. It is possible to be used even for babies.
  3. "Отинум" - to children from 1 year.
  4. "Kandibiotic" is a combined preparation with anti-inflammatory effect. Do not use for babies under 6 years old and with a damaged eardrum.
  5. "Garazon" - means with an antibiotic, are allowed from 8 years.

Video: how to drip into your ears

Look at the video instruction on how to correctly inject the medicine into the external ear canal. An experienced nurse shows the order and peculiarities of the instillation procedure on the dummy, accompanying her actions with detailed comments. Find out what additional tools you might need, what mistakes are often made, using ear drops with inflammation, how to do so as not to harm yourself or another.

Reviews of drops in the ears with otitis

Elizaveta, 30 years old: I had to use the "Otof" tool once. Was on a business trip, when my ear ached. I could not get to the doctor, I asked something in the pharmacy. Very effective tool! To drip only three times. But it's uncomfortable to do it yourself, although there is a dispenser. And they are of intense orange color, they are badly washed off from the skin, so you need to use them carefully.

Tatyana, 28 years old: I have two small children, and my ears often ache for colds. We use otipax droplets. The pediatrician said that this is the safest medicine for otitis in children, it will be allowed to drip it from a month old. Very help to cope with the pain, and the therapeutic effect they have wonderful.

Tatiana, 41: Longly suffered from chronic otitis with dull plaques. Means tried expensive and cheap. Everything helped, but not for long. Then in a drugstore I was advised by "Tsipromed". There's a very detailed instruction for use - it's written how to dig in, what temperature there must be a remedy. The pain passes after the third application.

Ear drops with pain in the ear: name. Ear drops from pain in the ear in a child with an antibiotic

Pain in the ear is so unpleasant and painful that they try to get rid of it as soon as possible. But the fact is that the cause of it most often is inflammation - otitis. This disease affects both adults and children. It may appear from entering the auditory canal of a foreign body, due to trauma or bacterial contamination. To reduce ear pain, you need to eliminate the cause of inflammation. And appoint a drug for treatment can only a doctor. Often, ear drops are used most often. With pain in the ear, they are most effective, since most of them not only have a local anesthetic effect, but also affect the cause of inflammation. There are not so many preparations from otitis, but you should not use them yourself, especially for the treatment of children. After all, they have not only their contraindications and side effects, but with the wrong choice may be useless.

What are the preparations for otitis media?

Earlier, inflammation and pain in the ear were most often treated with compresses and warming. Now there are many local drugs that effectively cope with this problem. All ear drops from pain in the ear can be divided into several groups:

- antibacterial preparations containing an antibiotic, most often a broad action;

- drops with anesthetic effect;

- antihistamines, which mainly affect the itching in the external auditory canal;

- drops with anti-inflammatory effect can be used for otitis of different etiology;

- As an auxiliary in the complex treatment of the disease, vasoconstrictive drops in the nose are often used.

In addition, all drugs for pain in the ear are divided into local remedies - drops and medications system-wide action - tablets needed to treat bacterial infection or to remove strong painful sensations. In recent years ear drops from pain in the ear are produced most often with a complex composition. Such drugs can not only treat inflammation, destroy bacteria, but also have a strong analgesic effect. This allows you not to use any medication other than them.

The most popular drops in the ear for colds

Quite often, otitis develops as a complication in colds.

The young children are most susceptible to this because of the structure of the auditory canal. This can also happen if the mucus is removed from the nose incorrectly when it gets into the ear or when complications of viral diseases - bacterial contamination. In mild cases, when the cold is hurting the ear, ear drops can not be applied. Help dry warming compresses, warming up with a blue lamp or other folk remedies. In this case, the most commonly used vasoconstrictive drops in the nose or sodium sulfate solution, which helps the outflow of mucus. You can also pour warm camphor oil or boric alcohol into your ear. Of the special preparations for colds, the most effective is "Otinum which contains an anti-inflammatory substance that enhances the effect of antiviral drugs.

Ear drops from ear pain with antibiotic

1. "Otofa" is used for prolonged otitis, when it is caused by micro-organisms insensitive to penicillins. The drug contains an antibiotic rifampicin, very effective in inflammation of the external auditory canal. But these ear drops with pain in the ear do not help right away, since they do not contain painkillers.

2. "Polidex" is used for otitis externa. The drug contains polymyxin and neomycin, which have antibacterial effect. The peculiarity of the drops of "Polidex" is their antihistamine action.

3. With average otitis, drops are prescribed "Garazon". They include antibiotic gentamicin and strong anti-inflammatory agent betamethasone.

4. Very effective drops with pain in the ear - "Sofradex". But they can not be used for a long time without consulting a doctor. After all, in addition to antibacterial components - fracemicin and gramicidin, the drug contains a hormonal component of dexamethasone, which has strong side effects.

5. Quite often with pain in the ear, ophthalmic drops "Tsipromed" are used. They are very effective for bacterial otitis, since they contain the antibiotic ciprofloxacin.

Features of "Otipax" and "Otinum" preparations

These are topical agents used for external otitis media. Basically, they have an analgesic effect and a weak anti-inflammatory effect. These drops are ineffective in bacterial otitis and inflammation caused by a fungal infection. Also, both of these drugs are not used in the perforation of the tympanic membrane. It relieves pain in ear "Otinum". It contains salicylate holim - a strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic substance, in addition, the additional effect of lidocaine.

Ear drops from pain in the ear "Otipaks" are the most popular among doctors and patients. They have almost no contraindications and do not have toxic effects. The drug is well tolerated even by young children, but it effectively removes pain and inflammation. Included in its composition phenazon and lidocaine disinfect, remove swelling and itching. "Otipaks" is effective for external otitis caused by the ingress of water or a foreign body into the ear, with barotraumatic otitis or with complication of colds.

Why do many choose "Normaks"

Quite popular drops for otitis of any etiology is "Normaks." The drug contains a strong antibiotic norfloxacin, which has a wide spectrum of action. It is well tolerated and quickly copes with bacterial infection. Therefore, many doctors prescribe to their patients "Normax". And patients like it because of its effectiveness and low price.

Preparations with antifungal action

Sometimes the pain in the ear is caused by a fungal infection. Such diseases have become more common in recent times, so they began to include antifungal active substances in ear drops with ear pain. The name of these medications can be obtained from your doctor. The most commonly prescribed drops are:

"Anahuran." This is a complex drug that affects virtually all bacteria that cause otitis. It contains polymyxin and neomycin, which are strong antibiotics. In addition, it contains lidocaine, which relieves pain and itching, as well as antifungal components;

- "Kandibiotic" is also a combined remedy containing substances that help cope with pain, itching and inflammation. Apply the drug with external and secondary otitis caused by fungal or bacterial infection. It contains clotrimazole, beclomethasone, lidocaine and chloramphenicol antibiotic.

Ear drops from pain in the ear in a child

Children are most susceptible to otitis. After all, the auditory passage is short and the infection easily penetrates into it from the respiratory tract. Inflammation rapidly progresses and without proper treatment can lead to severe complications and even loss of hearing.

Therefore, ear drops from pain in the ear for children are used only as prescribed by the doctor. There are no special children's preparations for the treatment of otitis, just a drop of less drops. But not all medicines can be used for children. The smallest are only "Otipax "Otinum "Polidex" and "Otofa". After a year, children can drip Anauran, Tsipromed and Sofredeks. "Candybiotic" and "Garazon" apply only after six years, and "Normax" - after 12.

Features of using ear drops

All medications that are buried in the ear should be warm. Therefore, it is necessary to warm the bottle a little.

In some cases, the otitis is accompanied by a perforation of the tympanic membrane. However, not all drugs can be used, as some of them can have toxic effects and lead to hearing loss. When perforating the tympanic membrane are safe: "Normax "Otofa" and "Tsipromed."

Not all drugs are used for otitis media, some of them are shown only with inflammation in the auditory canal. With average otitis, such preparations are suitable: "Otinum "Anauran "Otofa" and "Candibiotik".

How to properly drip your ear

To use such drops need help. The patient must lie on his side.

He needs to pull the auricle slightly back and up to straighten the auditory passage. The tip of the pipette is gently introduced into the external ear and the required amount of drops drips. After this, you need to lie down a little more, so that the drug is distributed in the auditory canal. But some drops should not penetrate inside. These include antifungal agents and strong antibiotics. In the case of using such drops, you can immediately get up, but you can plug your ear with cotton wool so that the drug does not leak out. Sometimes doctors also recommend not to drip the medicine in your ear, but to imbue them with a cotton swab and insert it into the auditory canal.

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