How to relieve dry cough in a baby quickly

Tip 1: How to relieve dry child cough

One of the first signs of a cold is a cough. And most often at the beginning of the disease it is dry, scratching the mucous, and this causes a lot of painful sensations in the child. But if from the first days of the disease to carry out various anti-inflammatory procedures, you can not only soften the cough, but also cure it faster.

You will need

  1. - warm alkaline and vitaminized drinks;
  2. - a set for compress, mustard plasters;
  3. - sea salt, herb or essential oil of rosemary, sage, chamomile for inhalations
  4. - cough syrup "Dr. MOM "Pertussin "Ambroghexal "Lazolvan "Bromgeksin."


  1. During a cold due to inflammation of the respiratory tract, the natural moistening of the mucosa is disturbed. As a result, it becomes dry, so coughing and causing painful sensations. This process occurs within 2-4 days, until the formation of sputum. But in order to accelerate this moment and alleviate the suffering of the child, it is better to conduct intensive treatment with the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease.
  2. instagram viewer
  3. Treatment of cough in children has significant differences from treatment in adults, because it is more difficult for babies to make inhalations or drink healthy drinks. However, the variety of procedures allows to achieve a positive result in the treatment of colds.
  4. For the treatment of dry cough in a child, use warming procedures, but on condition that the body temperature is not increased.
  5. Since the child can not be forced to inhale hot steam from the tea spout, use inhalation in another way. Spread a large sea salt in the pan. Add a pinch of rosemary, sage or chamomile, or 1 drop of essential oil of any of these plants. When they begin to emit fragrance, pour everything into a deep plate and bring it close to the baby so that it inhales the aroma of medicinal plants. Repeat this procedure several times a day.
  6. If the temperature is not increased, warm the baby's chest with compress and mustard plasters. These procedures contribute to the expansion of blood vessels, improve blood supply, so that the inflammatory process occurs more quickly. For compress use ordinary warm water. Dampen the fabric in it, gently squeezing it out, put it to the chest, cover it with oilcloth, cotton wool and wrap it with a woolen scarf. Leave it overnight. For a compress, you can use boiled mashed potatoes in a hot form. Add a few drops of vegetable oil, wrap everything in a dense fabric and attach it to the chest, and to keep it warm longer, cover it with foil. Set the mustards during the day. To avoid irritation of the skin, apply them through a thin cloth. Even so, they will show their useful properties.
  7. To cough softly, let's often and gradually take warm drinks: warmed milk with mineral water or a pinch of soda and honey, just warm mineral water. Also, let's have tea with lemon, more delicious sweet and sour fruit drinks and compotes.
  8. For the period of treatment of dry cough in the child, all the warming procedures are carried out several times a day, and after them, make sure that the baby was in bed. Observe the rules for caring for the patient: ventilate the room frequently, conduct wet cleaning in it and maintain the humidity of the air - hang a wet diaper or put a jar of water. These measures are necessary for good ventilation of the lungs and facilitate breathing.
  9. At night, when the cough becomes strong and paroxysmal, you can give the baby a syrup to suppress it, preferably of vegetable origin, for example, "Dr. MOM and when the cough becomes wet - "Pertussin." "Ambroghexal "Lazolvan "Bromgeksin." They are more suitable for liquefaction and excretion with a cough of phlegm. The dosage of any of them depends on the age of the child, so before using, carefully read the instructions: study all contraindications and side effects. Most of the drugs for coughing are contraindicated for children under 2 years old.

Dry cough in a child - treatment

Child cough is one of the most common causes of parental anxiety. In this article, we'll talk about how to relieve the child a dry cough, what kind of help a child should have with a dry cough, and consider the most effective medications for a child from a dry cough.

How to cure a dry cough for a child and should it be treated?

Dry cough in children is not always a sign of illness. A healthy baby coughs on average 15-20 times a day. Cough is, in fact, a protective reaction of the body, a method of releasing the respiratory tract from foreign particles and bodies that prevent breathing normally. And hyper-caring mothers (and especially grandmothers) at the slightest manifestation of a cough in a baby are treated with his medicinal medicines and syrups, without digging up the reasons for the appearance of a cough. And since the most frequent guests in home medicine kits are expectorating syrups, then coughing is not disappears, and intensifies (since the main function of such aids is to help in the excretion of mucus, cough stimulation).

So, the first thing to remember yourself and explain to all relatives: not every cough is a sign of illness. Do not immediately rush to treat, first of all, you should establish the cause of the cough and only then determine the scheme and procedure for its elimination.

Cough is not necessary if:

  1. In addition to coughing, there are no other symptoms.
  2. The behavior and mood of the child is normal.
  3. The child has a normal sleep and appetite.
  4. Coughing does not prevent the baby from leading a normal lifestyle.

Treatment is required if:

  1. Cough paroxysmal, bothersome, very strong.
  2. The child can not sleep normally, wakes up at night from a cough.
  3. There are signs of an allergy.
  4. Coughing attacks provoke vomiting.
  5. Cough becomes stronger, seizures become more frequent.
  6. The baby is listless, complains of fatigue, feels bad.
  7. The child has a fever.

And the very first thing that parents should do is not look for a cough remedy for children themselves, but go to the pediatrician.

What is the cure for dry cough?

Treatment for a cough will depend on the cause that caused it. If this mechanical blockage (for example, something is stuck in the nasopharynx), then the treatment will reduce to the release of the respiratory tract from the foreign body. If the cause of the cough is an allergy, then first of all it will be treated (prescription of antihistamines and restriction of contact with the allergen are the most frequent measures). It is not excluded the development of cough as a symptom of infectious diseases (pertussis, false croup, parainfluenza, etc.)

Tablets, injections or cough syrups (dry or wet) should not be given to children without consulting a doctor. Similarly, it is impossible at your discretion to change the dosage, the regimen of admission or the duration of the course of treatment - this can not only reduce the effectiveness of therapy, but also harm the baby.

Non-medicamentous ways to relieve a child of a dry cough

To make it easier for a child to ease a fit of dry cough, you can give him:

  • some buckwheat honey (natural). Of course, this method is contraindicated for those who have intolerance to honey;
  • a glass of warm milk with soda (for 200 ml of milk about a fourth of a teaspoon of soda);
  • a cup of warm tea with raspberry jam.

Inhalations with dry cough can help a child well and greatly alleviate his condition. For inhalation use alkaline mineral water or a weak aqueous solution of baking soda. Remember that you can not use boiling water for inhalation of children.

A good effect is the massage of the chest and feet.

If the dry cough in the child has changed to wet, the sputum began to expectorate, which means that the healing process has begun.

How to relieve dry child cough (2 years 7 months)? Ace tried. Maybe someone knows an effective way?



BRONCHOLITHIN, EUPHYLIN, CLENBUTHEROL is only prescribed by a doctor (under his supervision) -serious preparations that can cause a certain side reaction! If you have not tried, then the drops of Sinecodus copes well with a dry cough. Of folk: - Brazilian mixture: ripe bananas through a sieve, and put in water with sugar (based on 2 bananas per 200 ml of water), the mixture is heated and drunk. It is easy to cough in children's usual cow's milk, provided that the baby does not have allergies to it. Milk diluted with alkaline mineral water or add a little baking soda, add a spoonful of honey. When treating cough in children, you must carefully monitor the baby's nutrition, include in the diet products that facilitate coughing and have expectorant action. You can give your child to drink grape juice, compotes from the viburnum, cranberries, cranberries. - The most delicious recipe for cough. Take 2 bananas, cut, pour a liter of milk and fry in the oven for 2 hours. Take 6 times a day on a tablespoon. This remedy will help to get rid of a cough for bronchitis, colds or bronchial asthma. It is a good wrapping and expectorant. - Alkaline inhalation. One lemon wash and boil in water over low heat for 5-10 minutes. Cool, cut into 2 parts and a teaspoon squeeze the juice. Pour it into a glass, add 2 tbsp. l. glycerin (sold at the pharmacy). Stir well and add to a full glass of honey in small portions, each time mixing well.
Medication to give to the child in hours. l. 6 times a day - before breakfast and after, before dinner and after, before dinner and at bedtime. The remedy cures even a dry cough. When there is an improvement and sputum will depart, the number of spoons should be gradually reduced. Get well!

Natalia Nikitina

Burnt with sugar

Dobriak Dobrevich

try hot, plentiful drink, tea with raspberry jam.

Natalia Tretyak

If there is no allergy to honey. then do the following. A tablespoon of propolis should be mixed with a packet of butter. and give the child three times a day, half a coffee spoon. The taste is opposite. can be added to the tea. but not too hot to preserve the properties of the propolis

Another I ...

If there is no allergy to honey, Pts well helps the juice of radish black with honey, cut the lid on top, then in the middle you make a depression and h. a spoonful of honey there, after a couple of hours, the allocated juice is given to the child, and in this recess you again put honey. Gradually, the walls are cleaned and expanded, adding honey there. In three days it usually gets easier. Yes, and put the radish on a glass of water.

Damian Brodov

euphilin quaternary, well, all of the above.
we are now drinking "clenbuterol" syrup,
and inhalation saline + lazolvan

Natalia Victorovna

Broncholetin, he expands bronchi and calms cough. The child at least sleep at night. But Bromgixin (it is often given to children) strengthens the cough effect and the child with a dry cough from it feels worse.

NYSHA semechkin

Buy an inhaler nebulizer. very good thing. cough moisturizes and then cures! although it is expensive but necessary for the whole family. I cough for my daughter two days


Mother and stepmother is prescribed with a dry cough.

Ekaterina Trush

Inhalations are good and abundant drink. Inhalations were done with Propan. This procedure is more effective. than reception of tablets. My cough passed after 4 days. Propane is an otprekivyuschy drug. It facilitates cough and helps to get out phlegm. we really like this treatment.

Cough treatment at home. Cough: treatment with folk remedies

When the cold comes, many adults and children face such an unpleasant phenomenon as coughing. He interferes with normal sleep, breathing, talking and causing severe discomfort. Very often cough is a danger to others, because with the saliva in the air is thrown out a lot of germs.

In this situation, you need to apply quality medication. But we should not forget about folk methods, because they are basically simple and accessible. What should be the effective and proper treatment for cough in the home? In what cases is it better to seek medical help from a doctor?

How to ease the course of the disease

Cough is a reaction of the body, which is aimed at expelling from the field of light foreign objects or accumulated mucus. The surface of the trachea, bronchi, and larynx is covered with a sensitive tissue, which reacts sharply to stimuli. They can be dust, bacteria, cold air or a rich, pungent smell.

Strong cough should not be suppressed or blocked, but facilitated by expectorant drugs and healing infusions.

Treatment of cough in the home should be done only with the permission of the doctor. It is very important for the patient not to forget about the abundant drink that soothes the irritated throat.

To facilitate the course of the disease, it is necessary:

  • to give up smoking;
  • At night, put a high pillow to slightly ease coughing attacks;
  • several times a day to conduct a wet cleaning;
  • Avoid inhalation of sharp odors, smoke, dust;
  • Do not give up medicinal ointments, sugar candies, grindings, compresses.

Wet cough: symptoms, treatment

The disease is characterized by a strong expectorant reflex, in which a sufficient amount of accumulated mucus is released from the respiratory tract. The faster the body clears, the sooner the disease goes. Cough with phlegm is treated easier than dry, and delivers the body much less discomfort.

The paramount task in the treatment of this type of disease is the reception of funds that effectively remove mucus from the respiratory system. The patient is recommended to drink a lot, especially the use of herbal infusions is welcomed. Teas from raspberry, linden, currant and dog rose are perfect.

If a wet cough is observed, preparations containing codeine are contraindicated for its treatment. It has an overwhelming effect on reflex expectorants and can aggravate the course of the disease.

Dry cough

This ailment gives the patient considerable discomfort. Constant coughing attacks disturb sleep, do not allow to eat normally, talk. The patient becomes irritable and tired, because the ailment is very exhausting, delivering not only physical, but also psychological difficulties.

Dry cough should be treated with agents that suppress its appearance. Particular attention is paid to inhalations, physiotherapy, massage. However, before treating a dry cough, it is important to establish its causes, since it can signal the occurrence of other, more serious pathologies in the body.

In the event of a characteristic "barking" cough, treatment is done to soften and moisten it. Often, the cause of this type of disease becomes acute respiratory disease. With the right approach, after a few days, a cough with phlegm appears. And over time, attacks stop.

Methods of getting rid of the disease

Quickly and effectively cure a wet cough with steam inhalations. During these procedures it is important to inhale as much as possible warm air saturated with components of medicinal plants or essential oils. When wet cough will help decoctions of nettle, lime, eucalyptus or sage, with dry - inhalation with the addition of soda.

Perfect means for eliminating the problems of the respiratory tract are broths of mother-and-stepmother, plantain and elecampane. Cooked infusions from these medicinal plants also help with dry cough. They promote softening of mucus and its rapid expectoration.

Good help in getting rid of dry cough warm milk with soda. It should be added only a few grams (at the tip of the knife). This drink reduces the obsessive reflex desire to cough and leads to a rapid cleansing of the respiratory tract from mucus.

Infusions of radish with honey in the treatment of cough

These natural products have antifungal properties and have an invaluable effect on strengthening the body's immune system. Radish with honey as an effective remedy for getting rid of a cough began to be applied in the last century. The recipe for the preparation of the medicine is very simple, and the curative effect of its components allows you to quickly get rid of the ailment.

Option number 1

It is necessary to prepare a medium-sized radish. Cut about 1/4 of its upper part, in the center of the pulp should make a small groove. In the formed hollow, you need to add a spoonful of honey, cover the radish and put it in a secluded place for a while. As a result, you will receive a valuable and tasty medicine. Radish with honey is taken before meals in the amount of two teaspoons. One root is used 3 days, and then replaced with fresh.

Option number 2

If you use this recipe, get a lot of medicinal cough medicine. For its preparation, you must clean 2-3 roots of radish and finely chop it. Insisting occurs in a clay pot. Radish cubes are filled with 100-200 g of liquid honey and left for 12 hours. This tasty and healthy juice is taken for 10 days.

If honey is contraindicated

Everyone knows that this product is a strong allergen. If there are contraindications, and the patient can not take honey, it is replaced with ordinary sugar. In this case, it is better to roast the radish in the oven.

To obtain the medicine, the cut root vegetables are sprinkled with sugar and baked in the oven for 2 hours at an average temperature (about 120 degrees). From the chilled radish squeeze the juice and take it as a regular syrup (before eating).

Radish from cough is used very often. This natural product quickly removes the body from all the symptoms of the disease, destroys the bacteria and significantly strengthens the immune system.

Recipes based on onions

  1. To obtain a special cough medicine, take 1/2 kg of chopped onion without skin, mix it with 150 g of honey. Then slowly introduce 500 g of sugar and 1 liter of purified water. The resulting mixture is cooked for 2-3 hours, after which it is filtered and kept in the refrigerator for not more than 10 days. With a strong cough take 2 teaspoons to 6 times a day.
  2. A large onion or two small ones must be carefully grinded. Enter 2 tablespoons of goose fat and mix until smooth. This compress should be applied overnight to the chest area, tied up with a warm kerchief. Such cough treatment at home is carried out within a week.
  3. 1 head of garlic and 15 medium bulbs are cut as small as possible. Then the resulting mixture is filled with milk and boiled until soft. At the end, honey is introduced, then an infusion of buds, ivy (this is medicinal herb), and all components are mixed. The medicine is taken every hour on a spoon during the day. This recipe for cough is a simple but very effective remedy for softening and expectoration of accumulated mucus.

Recipes based on honey

  1. To prepare a healing syrup, it is necessary to boil the lemon for about 15 minutes, squeeze out. Add 2 tablespoons of liquid honey and glycerin. Shake thoroughly. If you take this syrup on a teaspoon 5 times a day, the symptoms of the ailment will quickly wane. When the cough becomes rare, the medication can be reduced, and then stopped altogether.
  2. Prepare the tea from the red clover, insist for an hour. Mix 150 g of honey and 50 g of horseradish rhizome juice. With a strong cough take a teaspoon during the day, drinking tea from the clover.
  3. Well helps with nonsense hazelnuts. This recipe for cough contains few ingredients, but very well eliminates perspiration in the throat. To prepare the medicinal mixture, it is necessary to grind 100 g of nuts into small grains, add 100 g of honey. To quickly get rid of cough and mitigate the symptoms of the disease, the resulting syrup should be consumed during the day in small portions, each time washed down with warm milk.

Herbal infusions with cough

Healing plants have long been known for their useful properties. Treatment of cough folk remedies is not without the reception of herbal dues, which are most often recommended and prescribed to the patient.

The most effective herbs from cough are:

  • nettle;
  • sage;
  • althea root;
  • thyme;
  • nettle, dioecious;
  • Linden;
  • anise.

Infusions of these herbs effectively relieve cough, soften its manifestations and reduce seizures. To prepare decoctions of the plant, it is better to pour boiling water and insist in a thermos for 4-6 hours. Such healing tea will not lose its useful properties, which are easily destroyed by prolonged heat treatment.

However, it is worth remembering that some herbs are contraindicated if there is an allergic cough in an adult. Treatment in this case is carried out with the help of antihistamines and respiratory gymnastics.

Cough in children

When a child has the first symptoms of a disease, parents do not always have the opportunity to consult a doctor. Therefore, when coughing in children, folk medicine is used very often. They are more easily tolerated by babies and do not contain chemical additives that are harmful to the still fragile body.

Certainly, to conduct independent treatment is not necessary, but it is better to contact the pediatrician. He will prescribe effective drugs that will help the child cope with the disease. But along with the use of medicamentous agents, it is advisable to carry out folk cough treatment in children.

Most often the child is recommended compresses from natural products, teas, wraps and steam trays. Along with these procedures, a doctor should be prescribed funds for cough for children - syrups, candies, medical aerosols.

Well-established potato compress. To make it, you need a few medium-cooked root crops. Warm potatoes warm up along with the skin, gradually introduced alcohol, turpentine and any vegetable oil (on a tablespoon).

Formed 2 flat cakes of medium size. One is applied to the baby's breast, the other to the back. On top, the compresses are covered with a towel and left for an hour.

Treatment of cough folk remedies can be carried out with the help of mustard. Babies can make steam baths for feet, older children - put mustard plasters. For the treatment of cough in newborns, the wrapping works well. For this procedure you need to soak the diaper with mustard solution and wrap the baby around it for 3-5 minutes.

Very often, parents use a radish from cough, especially in a baked version. The resulting juice turns out so delicious that children with pleasure take this useful, healing and tasty medicine.

Carrying out inhalations

This procedure has a good effect, because healing couples penetrate into the deepest parts of the respiratory tract. If cough treatment at home with the help of compresses or wraps has not brought results, you can try to hold the child inhalation.

For the procedure it is better to buy a modern device - a nebulizer. For inhalation, such herbs as chamomile, thyme, mother-and-stepmother are perfectly suitable. With a damp cough in hot water, you can add a few drops of essential oils - mint, eucalyptus.

If there is no nebulizer at hand, an old but effective method - the inhalation of potato steam will help.

However, it is worth remembering that any inhalation should be limited to a period of 10 minutes, and at high temperatures this procedure is contraindicated.

Medication "Gedelix" (cough syrup): instructions for use

The drug is indicated for various diseases of the respiratory tract, which are accompanied by a difficult expectoration of accumulated mucus.

Syrup "Gedelix" contains a thick extract obtained from ivy leaves.

The drug is taken at any time of the day, it is not necessary to plant it. Newborns and children of younger age group should add syrup to juice or tea. Basically, the medicine is well tolerated.

The period of application is set by the doctor, but even with a mild form of cough the treatment is carried out for 7 days. After the disappearance of signs of the disease, taking the drug does not stop. In order to consolidate the effect, it should be consumed another 2-3 days.

The dosage table is presented here.

Syrup "Gedelix dosage
Age Number of receptions per day Dosage, ml Maximum number per day
1 to 4 years 3 times , 150 mg of the active ingredient
4 to 10 years 4 times , 200 mg of active ingredient
Children from 10 years and adults 3 times 5 300 mg of the active ingredient

Application features

Diabetics should take the syrup with caution, since in 5 ml of the drug contains about 4 g of fructose. The sorbitol, which is part of the medicine, can have a laxative effect on the body.

The drug "Gedelix" is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation. In some patients, there was an increased sensitivity to syrup, which manifested itself in the form of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.

If the patient has hereditary diseases associated with intolerance to fructose, the drug is contraindicated.

The medicine "Gedelix" can not be taken to children under the age of 1 year.

We take care

Parents should be especially careful if the coughing episodes in the child do not stop at night. To ease his condition, use an air humidifier or turn on hot water in the bathroom to form a thick steam.

If improvement is not observed, you should ventilate the room well or go out with the child on the street - in the fresh air the attack will pass faster.

Carefully study the instruction of the cough remedy. For children in the drug box must be a measuring cup, a spoon or a syringe dispenser.

Call your doctor immediately if:

  • a strong cough lasts more than 15 days;
  • with expectoration along with the mucus, you have found blood;
  • there was a pain in the chest;
  • breathing became difficult and hoarse;
  • there were other dangerous symptoms, such as fever or fever;
  • began to show signs of an allergic reaction to the prescribed drug.

Especially dangerous is a severe cough, the attacks of which lead to vomiting. This form of the disease most often speaks of the pathologies that are present in the airways. In general, vomiting from coughing occurs in children and is a sign of bronchitis or colds.

If such features accompany an adult cough, an immediate medical examination is required. Independent treatment in this case is unacceptable, since vomiting can indicate the development of serious diseases in the body.

How can I stop a child's cough?

How to stop a cough in a child - worries all parents. Especially if the child coughs hard, without stopping, suffocates. I want to stop this as soon as possible and help my child calm down.

Cough is a symptom of various diseases. Strong attacks occur most often at night. How to relieve cough in a child? To help the baby correctly, you need to know the cause of the cough. And the reasons can be set, and not always they are connected with catarrhal diseases, the coughing child - usual picture on reception at the pediatrist.

Causes of a cough

Cough is a protective reaction of the body, allowing to clear bronchi and trachea. At quite healthy children there is a slight coughing up to 10-15 times a day (usually in the morning hours) and this is the norm. But when an ailment causes suspicion, is painful for a child, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician.

The problem in treating a cough is that often the parents do not take it too seriously and treat themselves independently, especially when it is not strong and no other symptoms is followed. Nevertheless, almost always the cough has serious causes.

The main reasons for the appearance of cough:

  • inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract (bronchitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, rhinitis, etc.);
  • adenoids;
  • foreign object caught in the throat;
  • allergic diseases of the respiratory system, bronchial asthma;
  • diseases of the digestive system (often gastroesophageal reflux);
  • heart disease;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • too dry air in the room.

To understand what is the cause of coughing, can only the doctor, after a survey.

Types of cough and its treatment

It is accepted to divide the cough into dry and wet. In the first days of inflammation of the respiratory system, there is a mostly dry cough, then passing into the wet one. But there are many varieties of both dry and wet cough. Depending on the reasons for its occurrence, it happens:

  1. Acute. Its duration is usually less than three weeks. Typically, it is caused by a viral disease, inflammation in the larynx (laryngitis), trachea, bronchi or lungs. At first it is dry and obtrusive. When tracheitis becomes barking, with laryngitis also with a sore throat. With pneumonia, it is immediately moist and deep. The main task in the occurrence of any signs of acute respiratory disease is the exclusion of pneumonia.
  2. Sudden. Suddenly, a cough (sometimes accompanied by a whistle) may indicate the presence of a foreign object in the respiratory tract.
  3. Protracted. Wet cough, most often after acute bronchitis. It happens also with adenoids, nasopharyngitis. Can last from a month or longer. A dry lingering cough occurs in schoolchildren with tracheitis. Happens with whooping cough. Wears paroxysmal, painful.
  4. Permanent or chronic. It is observed in chronic diseases of the respiratory system. It happens, both wet and dry, depending on the disease.
  5. Allergic. Dry, paroxysmal and painful. Occurs most often all at once as a sign of an allergic reaction. Sometimes it is a harbinger of bronchial asthma. It is quite difficult to distinguish it from a cold cough. It is necessary to find and eliminate the cause of the allergy.
  6. Psychogenic. Basically dry. Occurs as a reaction to stressful situations. It is of a persistent nature, it usually begins with ARI, then it becomes regular. It manifests only during the day, during sleep does not arise, to provoke its attack can be, touching on a topic unpleasant for the child. Requires in-depth study and specific treatment.

Treatment of cough is due to the diagnosis. Basically it consists in prescribing drugs that dilute sputum. To establish the diagnosis, the following studies can be assigned:

  • chest X-ray;
  • bronchoscopy (shown with frequent inflammation of the lungs, bronchitis, to detect a foreign object);
  • sputum analysis;
  • blood tests, feces and others.
General recommendations for the treatment of common cold cough:
  1. Observe the drinking regime. When coughing is recommended abundant warm drink - fruit drinks, herbal teas, compotes, water.
  2. Maintain optimum humidity in the room. This is especially true in winter, when the air in the premises is dry.
  3. To make medical inhalations. It is good to buy a nebulizer. This device sprays the medicine, allowing it to penetrate into the bronchi immediately. Without consulting a pediatrician, do nothing.
  4. Use drugs that are prescribed by a doctor. Usually it is an expectorant that removes phlegm, mucus and bacteria. They come in the following forms: liquefying phlegm, stimulating its retreat and combined (both liquefy and stimulate).

In the treatment of cough in a child, antitussive drugs are not recommended, the more you can not give them yourself. They act on the cough center, which is located in the cerebral cortex. This leads to stagnation of mucus, which significantly aggravates the course of the disease. But many make the mistake of giving the child with a wet cough such a drug. It can be prescribed only by a doctor, for example, with whooping cough or in preparation for an operation on the respiratory organs.

Night cough in children

In general, the ailment is aggravated at night. His attacks intensify, breaking the sleep of the child. This happens because in the prone position the mucus does not resolve and clogs the nasopharynx, which causes a cough.

At night it is harder to clear the throat, so it is intense and prolonged. The child becomes restless, does not sleep well or can not fall asleep at all. To reduce the number of coughing spells in children, you need to turn them from side to side during sleep.

Cooler and drier than during the day, air at night can also trigger seizures. Therefore, it is important to maintain the optimum temperature and humidity in the children's room. Ventilate it before going to bed. It is recommended to include an air humidifier or hang wet towels around the room.

Most often, night cough bothers children with viral infections, chronic respiratory diseases, bronchial asthma, adenoids, after suffering pertussis (the disease itself is also characterized by night attacks cough).

How can I calm a child's cough?

Attacks of acute cough are observed with laryngitis. Children have an adult structure of the larynx. They are located above them, the ligaments are thinner and shorter, the lumen is narrower. Therefore, swelling in the inflammation arises from them faster and is dangerous in that it makes breathing very difficult. If the child becomes very difficult to breathe - you need to call an ambulance. Because of these features, coughing in children is much more frequent and lasting.

How to relieve a coughing fit in a child? There are several ways to stop a coughing attack, this will help the following tools:

  • drink;
  • honey;
  • baby cough syrup;
  • butter;
  • inhalation.

How to calm a cough in a child and stop an attack:

  1. At night coughing. The child must be awakened, placed on the bed and given a warm milk or mineral water, a decoction of chamomile (sage), tea with jam. After that, the cough weakens, the sore throat passes.
  2. You can give a little honey (if there is no allergy) or butter. Honey or oil must be slowly dissolved. This will ease the sore throat. Very good effect gives honey buckwheat.
  3. Sometimes children's syrups and cough syrups are good. They contain essential oils and other ingredients that help relieve coughing.
  4. In some cases, inhalation is effective. It is necessary to give the child to breathe over hot water or use a special inhaler or nebulizer. But take into account that the newborns are up to six months of inhalation contraindicated. Humidification of air is necessary. Dry air is a common cause of sore throat, because of which you constantly want to clear your throat.
  5. You can soak a child's feet or warm it in the bath, make a grinding of the chest. But only if there is no temperature.

If nothing helps, call a doctor.

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All procedures are best done by consulting with the pediatrician, as much depends on the child's age, for example, it is not recommended that small children put mustard plasters, do rubbing.

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