Alkain eye drops. Instructions for use

In ophthalmology, many different drugs are used, one of which is alkane. This is a Belgian medicine, but its representation is in Kazakhstan and is called "Alcon Pharmaceuticals, Ltd."


  • 1Description of the preparation
  • 2Pharmacological action and group
    • 2.1How safe is the drug
  • 3Indications and contraindications for use
    • 3.1In pregnancy
    • 3.2To small children
  • 4Possible complications caused by the drug
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Description of the preparation

It refers to anesthetics. Type of preparation ester. Its action is a very important moment in various eye diseases, namely, the obstruction of the nerve impulse.The effect is so fast that it does not go away for 30 seconds after the drops hit the skin of the eye, and the result is already achieved.This is achieved due to the composition of the drug, which is of European quality and consists of active substances.

The active substance is a solution, in the amount of only one milliliter, containing 5 mg of proxy methacaine hydrochloride. Additional substances are components in the form of glycerin, hydrochloric acid, purified water, sodium hydroxide, benzalkonium chloride.

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It is the latter component that requires the mandatory removal of lenses before instillation and only after half an hour, they can be worn again. This suggests that after the drops fall into the eyes, it is better to refuse to drive the car and not to provoke an emergency on the road.

Drops can have a color from a transparent to a yellowish hue.

Pharmacological action and group

This drug has two directions of action and its pharmacological functions can be divided into two types.

  • The pharmacokinetics of alkane lies in the easy penetration of the substance into the mucous structures of the eyeball. For this quality, he often finds application as a local anesthetic.However, the dosage should be taken into account strictly so that no undesirable effects will result. It should be noted that irritation or mydriasis for proximetacaine is not inherent, in connection with this, in the ophthalmic practice, these drops are very popular.
  • Pharmacodynamics of the drug implies its complex ester group, after exposure to nerve fibers, it blocks them and the effect of local anesthesia occurs.

How safe is the drug

If we talk about the safety of alkane, then, first of all, it is necessary to consider the issue of its toxicity. Scientists have conducted scientific research and numerous experiments on rabbits.Based on the results of the studies, it was clarified and confirmed that the toxicity level of proxy-metachain hydrochloride is equal to not more than,%, that is, very low.At the same time, small phenomena of stagnant nature of the conjunctiva could be observed.No edema or discharge was observed. From all the above, we can state that the alkane is absolutely safe.

It easily penetrates the cell membrane and serves as a local anesthetic. Its penetration into the bloodstream is also systemic and rapidly distributed in the blood plasma.

Since irritations are not frequent for this preparation, it is widely used by ophthalmologists for various eye diseases and surgical interventions.

Indications and contraindications for use

Basically, drops are used in surgical procedures that require immediate and short anesthesia.

So, with local anesthesia, you can remove the foreign body that got into the eye, remove the sutures from the cornea after the operation, measure the intraocular pressure, and also in the gonioscopic examination.Often drops are used for operations to remove cataracts.

Alkain is used for tonometry, diagnostic scrapings with conjunctiva.

There are several ways to apply and dosage.These factors depend on the age and disease of the patient and are applied on an individual basis.Before use, you should carefully read the instructions or bury it according to the recommendations of your doctor.

Here are a few ways to apply in different situations, so that the reader can imagine the dosage of the drug.

  • Before the procedure for a local examination, 1-2 drops in each eye are sufficient.
  • If there is a need for moderate anesthesia to remove foreign bodies or remove stitches, you need to instill 2 drops every five minutes.Period up to three times.
  • In operations where a long and sufficiently strong anesthesia is required, three to five times also two drops are used, with a periodicity of 5-10 minutes.

FRK is a laser surgery to restore vision.

It must be remembered that a one-step administration and analgesic action lasts up to a quarter of an hour, and the effect occurs after the expiration of 30 seconds.

In no case should you touch your eyes after the introduction of drops, until their effects end. Eye dropping is also excluded, the procedure for the introduction of drops requires accuracy and accuracy.

After the anesthetic is injected into the eye, it is necessary to cover the eyelids or lightly press down the nasolacrimal canal. This will help to avoid the development of negative systemic reactions to the drug.

Among the side effects can be identified several groups by frequency and place of manifestations:

  • Among the local negative moments often are: pain in the eyes, eye irritation, hyperemia. Among not frequent phenomena there are such as:iritis, descemetitis, corneal edema, keratitis.
  • Not fixed frequency with such manifestations as:opacity of the cornea, fog in the eyes, photophobia, increased tearing.

Systemic rare facts: a depressive state.

In pregnancy

The use of the drug during the period of pregnancy and lactation is either prohibited or severely restricted. Most doctors do not recommend using them during this period.As for the risk to the baby during the period of breastfeeding, the potential risk is not excluded, therefore the doctor should be compared the benefits and harms and only after that the decision to apply medicament.

To small children

Do not use drops for children under 8 years of age.

Among the contraindications can also be identified:

  • Increased sensitivity of the organs of vision to drug substances.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use alkane alone.

Possible complications caused by the drug

It is not recommended to mindlessly use the drug if a person has epilepsy, heart failure, or a disease of the respiratory system.Systemic side effects of a negative property may be caused.

It is necessary to be cautious to those people whose work is associated with dangerous mechanical means or cars, there is a special effect of the drug that will reduce attention and clarity of vision.


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If alkaline or other local anesthetics are used for a long time, a toxic reaction to erosive phenomena on the epithelium of the cornea, slow healing of erosion, keratitis or clouding of the corneal layer and, as a consequence, loss view.These conditions are very dangerous for humans, they can lead to the removal of the eye, since the cornea will be irreversibly damaged.

In case of an overdose, flush eyes with plenty of clean water, if side effects occur, stop using the anesthetic immediately.



Any medication requires careful attention and strict adherence to recommendations for use. If you do not allow unauthorized treatment and treat the medicines and recommendations of the doctor with respect, you can achieve the desired result in treatment and return the lost vision in a short time. Read the instructions before using any medication and be healthy!

How to apply the drops Tsiprolet and Tsiprofarm read by clicking on the links.

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