Effective treatment of atherosclerosis of the lower limbs folk remedies

Atherosclerosis is one of the most dangerous diseases that lead to disability. The difficulty of treatment lies in the possible late diagnosis of the disease.

The first symptoms resemble normal fatigue and may not cause suspicion for a long time in the patient. The course of treatment is always carried out on an individual basis.

The main role is played by the degree of development of the disease, concomitant diseases, peculiarities of the organism. Increase the effectiveness of the drugs can be done with the help of folk remedies.

Article content:
  • Causes of the disease
  • Characteristic symptoms
  • Traditional medicine recipes
  • What is not recommended?
  • Prevention measures

Causes of the disease

Atherosclerosis of the lower limbs in a broad sense is a disease of the vessels of the legs. The plaques and thrombi that form in the course of the development of the disease make it difficult and then stop the blood flow.

As a result of this process, the vessels narrow or completely overlap, which leads to a cessation of blood flow to the tissues, saturation of the cells with oxygen and nutrients, as well as disruption of the normal functioning of the arteries.

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The causes of atherosclerosis of the lower limbs may be as follows:

  • elevated blood pressure;
  • age( the risk of age-related addiction to the disease occurs after 45 years);
  • malnutrition( consumption of oily and harmful food);
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • obesity or the presence of excess weight;
  • elevated cholesterol;
  • is a sedentary lifestyle;
  • hypertension;
  • mental abnormalities( stress, depression, constant emotional stress);
  • bad habits( smoking or excessive drinking);
  • diabetes mellitus.

According to the research, most often atherosclerosis of the lower extremities is caused by men and elderly people .The presence of abnormalities in the work of important body systems is not always the main factor leading to the development of the disease.

For example, smoking is one of the most common causes of atherosclerosis. Nicotine negatively affects the vessels, causes the effect of spasmodic arteries. The result of this effect is thrombi and plaques.

Symptoms of

The first and main symptom of lower extremity atherosclerosis is leg pain. In the early stages of the disease there are unpleasant sensations in the gastrocnemius muscles.

Discomfort is manifested, as a rule, after any physical activity( lifting heavy objects, long walking, etc.).In medicine, such a symptom is called "intermittent claudication".Gradually painful spasms intensify and become regular, regardless of external factors.

The main symptoms of atherosclerosis of the lower extremities:

  • numbness of the limb and chilliness( the symptom increases after any physical exertion);
  • difficulty in palpating the limbs;
  • painful sensations first in the gastrocnemius, then at the ankles;
  • the appearance of feet and toes of dark spots( resemble the skin reaction to cold);
  • blackening of the skin in the area of ​​heels, fingers and feet;
  • affected by atherosclerosis the leg is always colder than a healthy limb;
  • dystrophy of the nail plates on the toes;
  • peeling of the skin on the legs( cracks in the skin may appear);
  • reduction of gastrocnemius muscles;
  • in the late stages of the disease on the skin there are small ulcers.

Lack of treatment or non-compliance with the recommendations of specialists leads to significant complications. The most dangerous of them is gangrene. The legs completely lose sensitivity, and surgical intervention is performed.

Fatal outcome with gangrene is not uncommon. Other serious consequences of vascular disease are ischemia, stroke, dying of the tissues of the lower extremities.

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Traditional medicine recipes

Folk remedies for treating atherosclerosis of the lower extremities are in addition to the main course. After the diagnosis is established, it is necessary to completely abandon the bad habits and comply with all the prescriptions of the doctor.

When using methods of alternative medicine, it is necessary to carry out sensitivity tests and pay attention to possible intolerance of certain components of recipes. Herbs do not cause allergic reactions, and honey or citrus fruits belong to the category of allergens.

Examples of folk remedies for atherosclerosis of the lower limbs:

  • tincture on herbs ( 20 g of horse chestnut fruit, 35 grams of safflower bolshivolovnik, 45 g of common hop should be poured with boiling water, the amount of liquid is selected based on 2 g of the mixture - 200 g of water,hour tincture will be ready for use, you should drink it in half a glass once a day for one month);
  • garlic tincture ( chop one head of garlic and lemon with zest, mix the ingredients, pour 500 ml of hot water and leave in a dark place for 3-4 days, use a mixture of a tablespoon once a day, the course of treatment is two weeks, afterwhat should be done for a week break);
  • decoction of herbs ( it is necessary to mix chamomile, reseda, St. John's wort, sage, plantain, alternate and pour the mixture with a glass of boiling water, each ingredient will need one teaspoon, in a day the mixture will be ready for use, the mass should be applied to the feet in the form of a compress);
  • honey treatment ( vegetable oil, honey and lemon juice should be mixed in equal proportions, mixed until uniform and used once a day on an empty stomach by a teaspoonful);
  • treatment with potato or pumpkin juice ( every morning for one month you should consume fresh juice of one potato tuber or half a glass of pumpkin juice);
  • dill decoction ( fennel seeds should be poured with boiling water at the rate of one tablespoon - 200 g of water, use tincture is recommended at least three times a day for several teaspoons);
  • cream from oils ( olive oil and sea buckthorn oil should be mixed in the same proportions and used as a cream twice a day, the mixture is applied lightly massage movements on the skin, and if necessary washed off with warm water).

For prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis of the lower extremities, it is recommended to take a nettle bath. Dry or fresh leaves are poured hot water. After a while, the water is diluted to make it comfortable to take a bath.

Use this technique can be for the feet or the whole body. Water should remain hot after dilution( a warm bath will be less effective).

What is not recommended?

Atherosclerosis can not be treated with the same technique. Effects on the body should be comprehensive. If you normalize weight, cholesterol, stop drinking alcohol, the disease will slow down, but the symptoms will not disappear.

A similar situation is observed with the use of medications. The intake of drugs should be accompanied by a diet and measures to prevent vascular disease.

When atherosclerosis is not recommended:

  • use products that are part of the forbidden components( sweets, sweet fruits, as well as ingredients that can raise the level of cholesterol in the blood);
  • to drink alcohol and smoke;
  • if there are deviations in the digestive system, the recipes of traditional medicine should be selected with special attention( for example, the use of fresh pumpkin is contraindicated in gastritis);
  • folk remedies are better to choose without alcohol components( alcohol refers to the common factors leading to atherosclerosis, and alcoholic tinctures will make it difficult to refuse this harmful habit);
  • treatment with wine( some experts recommend using the method of treating atherosclerosis based on red wine, this method has a number of contraindications, so it must necessarily be agreed with the attending physician);
  • sharply change the way of life and load the body with physical loads( this recommendation should be implemented gradually);
  • engage in self-medication( medications and other ways of treating atherosclerosis must be agreed with the doctor, traditional medicine is no exception).

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Prevention measures

Atherosclerosis of the lower limbs is not difficult to prevent. If you pay due attention to your health and apply to specialists with the slightest suspicion of a violation of the circulatory system, then the development of the disease can be prevented. Prevention measures include rejection of bad habits and compliance with the rules of healthy eating .

The preventive measures of atherosclerosis of the lower extremities also include:

  • weight control( elimination of excess body weight);
  • supply the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals;
  • regular exercise( elimination of sedentary lifestyle);
  • normalization of the nervous system( exclusion of stressful conditions or depression);
  • control of cholesterol level.

If atherosclerosis is detected at an early stage, then the state of the vessels can be normalized with the help of urgent measures. The patient must follow a special diet, the diet of which is agreed with a specialist, regularly do gymnastics for the legs, stop drinking alcohol and smoking, and also undergo treatment for the disease that caused the atherosclerosis.

Video about the treatment of atherosclerosis of the lower limbs folk methods:

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