Thyroid hypothyroidism or hypothyroidism is an unpleasant, but not fatal disease, caused by a deficiency of special hormones. For treatment, doctors use the method of substitution therapy: hormonal pills compensate for the lack of hormones in the body.
Is it possible for successful and effective treatment of hypothyroidism with folk remedies?
- Possible Causes of
- Symptoms
- Traditional Medicine Recipes
- What is not recommended?
- Prevention measures
Possible causes
Deficiency of thyroid hormones can be triggered by various causes. Here are the main:
- deficiency of iodine in water, in food and in the body, respectively,
- congenital damage to thyroid tissues of various etiologies or resulting from trauma, inflammation, drug exposure, hypothermia,
- removal of part of the gland surgically,
- secondary hypothyrosis- damage or functional deficiency of the areas of the brain that control the functioning of the thyroid gland,
- work related to chemicals,
- cold climate,
- is a bad ecology.
Symptoms of
Especially often, gipoteriosis is diagnosed in elderly women: 19 women and one man per thousand.
Symptoms of the disease usually do not manifest for quite some time. The patient has:
- lethargy and fast fatigue, drowsiness, memory impairment, decreased performance, depression, inhibition,
- headaches,
- fast weight gain,
- draft intolerance and chills in cold weather,
- anemia,
- edema,
- prolapse and deteriorationthe appearance of the hair( how to strengthen the hair folk remedies read in this article), dry skin, brittle nails,
- hoarseness of voice and shortness of breath of the nose,
- hearing loss,
- constipation,
- impairment of menrualnogo cycle and breast in women.
The disease is exacerbated by the presence of cardiovascular problems, infections, overloads, alcohol and sedatives.
Non-cured hypothyroidism in children can lead to cretinism.
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Traditional medicine recipes
The use of natural ingredients that have medicinal properties in the fight against hypothyroidism speeds up the main treatment.
- Lemon rind and 30 grams of flaxseed seeds pour a glass of water, boil, add a tablespoon of honey. Cool and drink like tea.
- Fruits of wild apple trees finely chopped, pour boiling water and hold on low heat for about 10 minutes. Cool and drink with a drink dishes.
- Shredded shoots and internal partitions of walnut chop, take 100 grams, pour a glass of vodka and insist for 3 weeks. Dilute a teaspoon of tincture to add in a glass of warm water and drink in the evening before eating.
- Fresh juices from potatoes, carrots, beets can be drunk separately or in a mixture, half a cup three times a day. During the treatment with juices, exclude meat from the menu.
- Cranberry juice with honey and juice of Kalina can be drunk after eating 100 ml each.
For external application of , it is necessary to draw an iodine net on the heels and elbows. If the body lacks iodine, the mesh will disappear after 12 hours. When iodine ceases to be absorbed through the skin, it is recommended to stop treatment.
Taking iodine inside in its pure form will bring more harm than good. For effective treatment, it is recommended to take it in combination with apple cider vinegar for a week. A teaspoon of vinegar and a drop of iodine is bred in a glass of water and drunk with food twice a day.
Overdose of iodine can also suppress the activity of the thyroid gland, so it is better not to exceed the dosage and, with its symptoms, be treated with regular milk. It is believed that it removes excess iodine from the body.
Treatment of hypothyroidism will be effective when alternating between different methods with a weekly break, during which to drink a drink from wild apples.
What is not recommended?
During the treatment of the thyroid gland, protein and carbohydrate food, minerals and vitamins, fiber, olive and linseed oil can not be neglected. You can not abuse muffins and sweets, fry foods.
You can not limit yourself to nutrition. With hypothyroidism, a person usually adds to weight, but fasting will aggravate the situation. Therefore, it is recommended that frequent, balanced food is provided by authorized products.
It is necessary to avoid products that can reduce the production of thyroid hormones .These include:
- Soy and soy products. They contain isoflavonoids - hormone-like substances.
- Cabbage, rutabaga, turnip, mustard contain isocyanates.
- Eggs, pork and lamb containing estrogens.
- Pumpkin, carrots, apricots, persimmons, sorrel, green onions, lettuce and spinach contain carotene, which is poorly digested with a decrease in thyroid function.
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Prevention measures
Preventative measures include:
- timely treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases,
- intake of iodine-containing drugs prescribed by a physician,
- proper and healthy balanced diet,
- day regimen and exercisessports.
The main role in the prevention of hypothyroidism is given to a diet:
Very useful foods rich in iodine. Hypothyroidism is much less common among people living near the sea.
- Sea kale and fresh cucumbers are the main helpers for hypothyroidism.
- Vegetables, fruits and low-fat boiled poultry meat should predominate in the diet, because they contain vitamin A and fiber.
It is necessary to remember and apply the basic treatment appointed by an endocrinologist. Then, medicines prepared according to folk recipes will help to restore the functions of the thyroid gland as soon as possible.