Nutrition with intestinal infection

  • Nutrition in the acute period
  • Diet after recovery
  • Nutrition depending on the disease
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Intestinal infection is an acute process characterized by inflammation of the mucosa of the digestive tract. The disease is accompanied by digestive disorders. The causative agent of the pathological process is pathogenic microorganisms that penetrate the body through the oral cavity.

Patients may complain of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain. Intoxication of the body manifests itself in the form of headaches, weakness, fever. Intestinal infections are common among people of absolutely any age, but children are the most affected. The prevalence of intestinal infections are in second place after SARS.

Pathogenic microorganisms enter water, food and various objects. They are able to stay there for a long period of time. Pathogens can penetrate the human body when consuming poorly washed fruits and vegetables, drinking unboiled water, eating meat and dairy products that have not undergone sufficient heat treatment, and neglect of personal hygiene rules.

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Treatment includes fighting with dehydration, diet food and antibiotic therapy. Improper diet can lead to prolonged diarrhea, severe weight loss and lactose intolerance. What can you eat with an intestinal infection, and what should be categorically refused?

Nutrition in the acute period

The main principle of nutrition is the rejection of water-tea diets and selection of a diet that would increase the body's resistance. To replenish the water balance every five minutes, the patient is recommended to drink a teaspoon of plain water.

In no case should you drink water with a volley, this can provoke a vomitive reflex and lead to even more dehydration. As an alternative to water, you can give a solution of Regidron, a sweet compote of dried fruits or mineral water without gas.

The diet for intestinal infection in adults should be easily assimilable and at the same time diversified to taste

Consider the general principles that includes nutrition in case of intestinal infection:

  • diet should be observed not only during illness, but also during two weeks after recovery;
  • before eating food, vomiting should be stopped;
  • food should be taken in small portions;
  • completely refuse food incorrectly, because the body needs nutrients to fight disease-causing microorganisms;
  • daily volume of food is reduced by fifty percent;
  • food is better to use in a puree. It is better to cook steamed and boil;
  • the diet should include a sufficient amount of protein;
  • excludes products that enhance peristalsis and stimulate the digestive glands;
  • at the time of treatment and in the next two weeks is prohibited the use of whole milk.

The first days of the diet should be as short as possible. Approximately on the fourth day, you should carefully enter steam cutlets, soups on low-fat broth, meatballs, boiled fish, eggs. And what can not be eaten? Let's highlight five main points:

  • Because of the infection, the enzymatic activity decreases, which is why fatty meat and fish are banned.
  • It is forbidden to eat black bread and especially crackers from it. The product intensifies intestinal motility. A fresh baking causes the processes of fermentation in the intestine.
  • Strong broths are also strictly forbidden. It will be difficult for a sick organism to process such food.
  • Raw vegetables and fruits intensify peristalsis and can lead to prolonged diarrhea.
  • It is forbidden to use berries, juices, confectionery.

Black bread stimulates intestinal motility, therefore it can not be consumed

Diet after recovery

We already talked about the peculiarities of nutrition during the acute process, and what kind of diet is shown after the stifling of the infectious process? What can you eat in this period? Within two weeks after the disease, the body restores its defenses. In this period, you can eat porridge, but they must be thoroughly boiled.

This can be buckwheat, rice, semolina or oatmeal. Porridge should be boiled on water, not milk. With diarrhea, it is better to use rice porridge for the first time, and after the normalization of the stool it is allowed to switch to buckwheat. This porridge is especially useful if after ailments constipation has appeared. Cope with a stool delay will also help corn porridge.

It is also allowed to cook steamed burgers and meatballs from low-fat meat types: beef, rabbit, veal, turkey, chicken breast. Pork is strictly prohibited! Sour-milk products are useful for normalization of work of intestines. For example, you can start with low-fat cottage cheese. It should not have fillers and fruits.

Gradually, if you feel better, you can add a grated banana or apple. Then you can enter into the diet of sour cream, kefir, yogurt. Vegetable puree will be of great use. For its preparation, you can use zucchini, cabbage, broccoli, pumpkin, cauliflower. Fresh bread can cause diarrhea. Allowed drying, yesterday's bread, dry biscuits.

Vegetable and butter are allowed, but their quantity should be strictly controlled.

Under the ban is such food:

  • ice cream, cake, cakes, sweets;
  • greens, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, beets;
  • rye bread;
  • sausages, sausages;
  • beans;Fizzy drinks, alcohol.

Diet must be observed within two weeks after illness

Nutrition depending on the disease

Intestinal infection can be caused by viruses and bacteria. Symptoms, and accordingly treatment, in each case may differ.


The causative agent of the disease is salmonella bacillus. These bacteria most often affect children. To detect salmonella can be anywhere, for example, in food. In meat and sausage products, the stick can last up to four months, and in frozen meat - up to six months.

Important! In milk, meat and minced salmonella can not only be preserved, but also produce offspring.

At the same time, the appearance and taste of the product often remain unchanged. The illness manifests itself in the form of weakness, chills, fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. With every minute of bacterial infection in the body becomes more and more. In childhood, salmonellosis can lead to death.

The menu should include a sufficient amount of protein, while carbohydrates and fats are severely restricted. This type of food lasts only a few days, so it is considered to be energetically inferior. With salmonellosis, it is important not only what set of products is used, but also in what way dishes are prepared. Food should be baked, boiled or steamed. After that, the dish should be thoroughly crushed in a blender.

Salmonella treatment table №4

from the diet will have to exclude such products:

Can bananas for diarrhea?
  • whole milk;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • some fruits: grapes, citrus fruits, pears;
  • oats, pearl barley and barley cereals;
  • sweets, baking;
  • soda;
  • spices, sauces, marinades;
  • canned food and smoked products;
  • semi-finished and fast food.

The enterovirus infection is quite resistant to external influences and can exist for a long time in the environment. It can withstand even the freezing and acidic environment. In the gastrointestinal system, enteroviruses also feel good, because they are not affected by hydrochloric acid. You can get infected through unwashed hands, food, and also by airborne droplets.

Ninety percent of the cases are in children. Having penetrated into the body, a viral infection can wait for a long time for a convenient moment and not behave in any way. The disease can cause the appearance of respiratory symptoms: a runny nose, cough, sore throat. Dyspepsia disorder manifests itself in the form of nausea, bloating, pain, constipation, or diarrhea.

When intestinal infection is important to comply with the drinking regime, since the disease causes severe dehydration

During an acute process it is extremely important to adhere to a strict diet regime. The menu should be based on cereals, vegetable soups, mashed potatoes, baked apples. The diet for enterovirus infection in adults and children should be maintained until full recovery. Kashi is better to cook on the water. To make mashed potatoes, use carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, potatoes.

Meat should be without fat, it must be wiped off. Baked apples can fight with toxic substances that secrete enteroviruses. Consider an approximate menu for one day:

  • breakfast. Mucous rice porridge. Green tea without sugar with biscuit biscuits;
  • lunch. Baked fruit;
  • lunch. Vegetable soup;
  • snack. Compote of dried fruits with dried crusts;
  • dinner. Buckwheat.


In dysentery, the predominantly thick intestinal tract is affected. Shigella are bacteria that, when destroyed, release toxins. Infection is characterized by high survival in the external environment. The disease develops rapidly, causing symptoms of intoxication.

Correctly selected diet promotes elimination of toxic substances and strengthening of the immune system. Consumption of fats and carbohydrates is sharply limited. The consumption of vegetable and animal fats remains normal. Prohibited foods that contribute to bile secretion and increased urination.

Patients are assigned a fourth treatment table, in which the following products are allowed:

  • dry wheat bread, crackers, biscuit biscuits;
  • beef, veal and chicken without fat;
  • lean fish;
  • cottage cheese and yogurt;
  • slimy soups;
  • baked fruit;
  • oatmeal porridge.

Diet is aimed at removing toxins from the body.


Rotavirus infection( some confuse the name and say "rotovirus") is one of the most common causes of diarrhea. It begins as an ARVI, and then digestive symptoms join. Intestinal flu is transmitted by the fecal-oral route. Most often, the infection enters the body through contaminated food or raw water.

The airborne path of infection is also possible. When intestinal influenza is primarily affected by the gastrointestinal tract, so the dishes should be cooked sparing. It is forbidden to use coarse and fibrous food, as well as foods that irritate the intestinal wall: fried, spicy, salted, pickled.

With rotavirus infection, not only whole milk is excluded from the diet, but also kefir, yoghurts, sour cream, cottage cheese. These foods can increase pain in the abdomen, cause flatulence and aggravate diarrhea.

Important! In an acute period, drinking is more important than food.

Rice broth has an enveloping effect, it will help stop diarrhea. Four tablespoons of rice should be poured into a liter of boiling water and cook until the croup is not completely boiled. The resulting mass must be wiped through a sieve, then add half a teaspoon of salt and baking soda.

For replenishing the water balance, it is recommended to drink loose tea with sugar, water-salt solutions, herbal teas, dried fruit compote, dog-rose or blueberry broth. Water-salt solution can be bought at the pharmacy, but it will not be difficult to cook at home.

To begin with, prepare a decoction of raisins. For this, fill one hundred grams of product with a liter of water. There should be added three tablespoons of sugar, a spoonful of salt and a pinch of soda. Use the solution in a warm form of 50 ml every two hours. Such a solution must necessarily alternate with another drink, otherwise the body will be an excess of salt.

If there is an appetite and vomiting has stopped, chicken broth, mashed potatoes, dried bread, boiled oats or rice porridge can be taken into the diet. To the usual diet come gradually after three or four weeks.

So, diet with intestinal infection is extremely important. Its goal is to restore the water-electrolyte balance, removing toxins from the body and strengthening the defenses. In the early days of the acute process, it is important to consume large amounts of water in small portions. If you drink water with a volley, vomiting may resume. The diet should be as gentle and nutritious as possible.