Eye drops Pilocarpine: the characteristics of the drug

Pilocarpine - drops to reduce the pressure in the eye chamber, which is often used in ophthalmology. They are applicable both for the treatment of various diseases, and in the framework of their prevention and even diagnosis. So that you can also use them according to the doctor's prescription, let's examine what kind of medicine is, what indications and contraindications it has, and what side effects it can give.


  • 1Description of the preparation
  • 2Pharmacological action and group
  • 3Indications and contraindications in use
    • 3.1In pregnancy
    • 3.2To small children
  • 4Possible complications caused by the drug
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Description of the preparation

Pilocarpine - eye drops, created on the basis of pilocarpine hydrochloride, the concentration of which in the solution is 1%.Produced in small vials-droppers, intended for individual use. The medication inside the vial is a sterile colorless liquid that does not have significant impurities, as well as a sharp odor.

Pilocarpine reduces pressure in the eye chamber
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Pharmacological action and group

This drug belongs to the group of alkaloids.It provides pupil narrowing, outflow of fluid in the eye chamber and, as a consequence, a decrease in intraocular pressure.This medicine penetrates into the eye chamber well and provides a long-lasting effect from taking up to 14 hours, which makes it possible to apply it both for treatment and for diagnosis.

The presented drug is easily excreted from the body. Even in the case of a slight overdose of the remedy, the person will not have severe systemic disorders, only minor allergic reactions will appear. This indicates the safety of this drug for different categories of patients.

Indications and contraindications in use

The presented drug is used in various clinical cases.To such it is possible to carry:

  • some types of diagnostics in ophthalmology;
  • treatment of various types of glaucoma, including closed-angle and open-angle;
  • recovery after eye surgery.

It can also be used to relieve conditions caused by an overdose of droplets that dilate the pupil. In all the cases presented, the medicine can be used only under the supervision of the attending physician.

Like many other drugs, pilocarpine has its own contraindications.These include:

  • iridocyclitis and other diseases, in which the narrowing of the pupil is contraindicated;
  • surgical interventions, narrowing of the pupil after which can cause complications;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • acute infectious diseases of the eyes;
  • personal sensitivity to the main or auxiliary components of the drug.

Also, with caution, this drug is prescribed to young people with high degree of myopia, or patients who have a history of retinal detachment. If they are used incorrectly, it can significantly damage them.

In pregnancy

The drug is rarely used during pregnancy.It is possible to use it only in exceptional cases and only under the supervision of the attending physician.

If the drug is prescribed to a woman during lactation, she is recommended temporary or complete refusal from breastfeeding the baby. Otherwise, such treatment can adversely affect the health of the baby.

To small children

In pediatrics this drug is used extremely rarely.For examination and treatment of patients of this age group, other means having a similar mechanism of action are usually used.


What to do if there is barley on the eye

Kosopt eye drops with instructions for use are described in this article.

All about eye drops Thealoz with instructions and indications for use will tell this material.


Possible complications caused by the drug

Most patients tolerate these droplets well.However, some patients may experience side effects associated with taking this medication.Such side effects can be:

  • Local allergic reactions.These can be itching, burning, dry eyes, slight reddening of the mucosa, and sometimes - impaired vision. Rarely in patients there is a spasm of accommodation, headaches, as well as allergic conjunctivitis.
  • Systemic pathologies.Observed rarely. To this group of side effects include bronchospasm, increased sweating, disturbance of the heart rhythm.
  • Severe eye diseases.This category includes both reversible states like follicular conjunctivitis or clouding of the lens, and irreversible, including detachment of the retina. This group of side effects is noted in people who have been using this drug for a long time.

If any side effects, even minor ones, appear, the patient should immediately consult a doctor and undergo a full examination. This will allow him to determine for what reason he has problems after taking drops, to avoid serious pathologies, and to choose a safer drug for further treatment.



As we see, pilocarpine is a very effective drug of local action, widely used in medicine. It can be prescribed both in the context of treatment of various diseases, and for the diagnosis. That the use of such a tool does not turn out to be a complication for the patient, it is necessary before using it consult on this issue with your doctor, get a strict dosage of drops and then apply the drug in accordance with all recommendations. Only in this way he can quickly cope with any pathology in the part of ophthalmology and not harm himself.

Also read about such drugs as Emoxipine and Iridin.