Pain in the wrist joint - what are the causes, and how to treat?

The wrist joint is one of the most moving joints of the human body, it flexibly connects the wrist and forearm, enables to unbend and bend the hand, to rotate the brush.

Virtually all the exact movements of the fingers are due to him. The joint is built of many small bones, which gives it such elasticity, but at the same time it increases the risk of injury and illness, since the more junctions, the greater the risk damage.

The cartilaginous tissue covering its bones, cushions it at movement, softens impacts, rescues from deterioration of bone fabrics.

Pain in the radiocarpal joint can occur with a bruise, which is always very painful given in this place. It is surrounded only by tendons, weakly softening the blow. Most often, the joint bones suffer from a dislocation, bruise or fracture, and its ligaments can get stretched if the hand is strongly bent or unbent.


  • 1Common causes of pain
  • 2Treatment of diseases and injuries of the area of ​​the wrist joint
  • 3The treatment of inflammation of the joint
  • instagram viewer
  • 4The treatment of stretching of the ligaments of the wrist joint
  • 5Cases where joint replacement is necessary

Common causes of pain

What diseases of the wrist joint can lie in wait for a person? Like all other joints, it is prone to diseases that deform and destroy its structure, changes due to aging, inflammatory processes.

The most common problems in these parts of the limbs:

  1. Arthritis. Inflammation, lesion resulting from trauma, infection or joint dystrophy.
  2. Osteoarthritis. The defeat of all components of the joint, their thinning, destruction associated with injuries, heavy loads, with repeated movements of the same type, inflammation and age-related changes.
  3. Aseptic necrosis. Bone tissue deaths as a result of trauma, excessive alcohol consumption, radiation damage or steroid use, after which blood flow in the vessels is disrupted.
  4. Tendonitis, tenosynovitis. As a result of injury, infection, severe stress, inflammation or dystrophy of the tendon or vaginal joints occurs.
  5. Tunnel Syndrome. The most common disorder of nerve functions, resulting from frequent, uniform movements of the hand.
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Treatment of diseases and injuries of the area of ​​the wrist joint

With injuries, with pains in the joint of the hand, the question arises - how to treat it? To choose a treatment technique, it is important to determine the cause of the pain.

Only the doctor can make the correct diagnosis after a set of diagnostic procedures.

Statistics show that various pathologies in this part of the body, tenderness, swelling are very prevalence among older people, especially in women, which are the consequences of changes in hormonal background.

Pain in the defeat of the wrist joint is very strong, even without the swelling of the surrounding tissues, it does not allow you to sleep, lead a normal lifestyle, complicate the simplest movements.

The use of medicines and folk remedies sometimes helps to stop pain and relieve inflammation, but does not remove the causes of the disease. In order not to aggravate your situation, you should always consult a doctor who will establish the specific cause of the disease and prescribe the right treatment.

Treatment for pain in the wrist joint consists in carrying out a complex of procedures and simultaneous administration of medications.

If the injury occurs as a result of injury, ice should be applied to the affected joint, but before that, the skin should be protected with a cloth so that there is no frostbite.

If the pain in the wrist joint is due to the development of the diseases listed above, then cooling will not help - Here it is necessary to use anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs in combination with the treatment of a sore spot with curative ointments.

Methods of treatment, duration of the course and types of medications should be determined by a specialist.

Pain can occur in the wrist joint with excessive load, for example, as a result of intense sports training, heavy physical work. In this case, the limb requires rest.

To fix and protect the affected area from further stresses, it will take some time to wear a bandage of elastic or simple bandage. In conjunction with this, you need to use ointments or gels that have an anti-inflammatory effect - orthophene, butadione, indomethacin. To further complicate the situation, a doctor should be consulted before treatment.

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Often after injury, overload or rheumatic complications in the wrist joint begins inflammation, which is expressed by edema and consists in poor nutrition of the cartilaginous tissue with its subsequent destruction. If the inflammation is accompanied by an infection, pus begins to accumulate in the joint.

Clinical picture of the inflammatory process:

  • severe pain localized in the affected area;
  • edema and redness in the affected area;
  • limited limb movements;
  • temperature increase;

The treatment of inflammation of the joint

First of all, the diseased limb should be fixed in order to avoid unnecessary movements, with the help of a tire or bandage, imposed from the fingers to the middle of the forearm. The condition can be alleviated by electrophoresis, UHF, paraffin heating, warm compresses from water and alcohol, laser therapy supplemented with anti-inflammatory ointments.

These procedures should be carried out for 2 weeks, after which there is relief. If the inflammation becomes purulent, antibiotic treatment (cefazolin, biofuroxime) and urgent surgery are required, in this case, do not delay the visit to the doctor.

All medicines have contraindications, so before starting treatment, consult a doctor.

The treatment of stretching of the ligaments of the wrist joint

Most often, stretching in this limb joint arises after a sports injury or after falling on the arm. Such damage leads to stiffness of movements, difficulty of work, and in the future it can flow into osteoarthrosis, in which the bones are deformed, therefore, even with minor injuries, medical intervention.

The initial treatment consists of applying ice to the injured limb and mobilizing it with a tight bandage. Then it is necessary to take an anesthetic drug and from the second day to apply warm baths with careful massage of wrist joints of the patient.

The consequences of injuries and diseases are reflected in the mobility of the hand, and from a certain age you should use gymnastics for pain in the wrist joints.

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Exercise should be performed carefully, without overloading the sick or injured areas:

  • Brushes bend and unbend, retracted and return to their original position;
  • Open brushes approach the forearms, and then relax down;
  • The hands, clenched into fists, approach the forearms, and then relax downward.

All exercises are performed by cycles 10-15 times 2-3 times a day.

But all the gymnastic exercises, massages should not be assigned to oneself - only the specialist knows which mashing movements will restore the motor functions and normalize the blood flow.

Cases where joint replacement is necessary

If there is a significant damage to the wrist joint as a result of infection, trauma, one must resort to its replacement. In the operation of endoprosthetics worn out joints are replaced by artificial joints, allowing people to return to their usual life and activities. P

The damaged parts of the bone are removed, in the healthy bones holes are made through which the fastenings that hold the implant in the desired position will pass. After the operation, the hand is fixed with a plaster bandage for several weeks, and after it is removed, the period of work with the physiotherapist comes to fully restore the mobility of the joints.

Remember, if the wrist joint hurts for a long time, you must always consult a doctor and protect yourself from serious diseases that can develop in the joint area.