Shoulder and Shoulder Injury: Symptoms and Treatment


  • 1Injuries of the shoulder: treatment of the shoulder joint, symptoms of damage
    • 1.1The structure of the shoulder joint
    • 1.2Causes of trauma and its symptoms
    • 1.3Causes of damage to the rotator cuff
    • 1.4Diagnosis and symptoms of rotator cuff damage
    • 1.5Treatment of shoulder injuries
  • 2Effects of shoulder contusion and their treatment
    • 2.1Causes of closed damage to the joint tissues
  • 3Shoulder and Shoulder Injury: First Aid
    • 3.1Contusions
    • 3.2Joint dislocation
    • 3.3Rupture of muscles and ligaments
    • 3.4Shoulder fracture
    • 3.5Bandages and tires
    • 3.6To which doctor to apply
  • 4Shoulder bruise
    • 4.1Symptoms of shoulder contusion
    • 4.2Diagnosis of shoulder injuries
    • 4.3First aid with shoulder bruise
    • 4.4Treatment and rehabilitation with shoulder bruises
  • 5What are shoulder injuries and how to treat them?
    • 5.1Anatomy of the shoulder
    • 5.2Classification of shoulder injuries
    • 5.3Causes
    • 5.4Fracture
    • 5.5Symptoms
    • 5.6Treatment
    • 5.7Rehabilitation
    • 5.8Dislocation
    • 5.9Muscle Tearing
    • 5.10Causes
    • instagram viewer
    • 5.11Stretching
    • 5.12Injury
    • 5.13Inflammation of muscles
    • 5.14Sports injuries
    • 5.15On the treatment of injured shoulder
    • 5.16Effects

Injuries of the shoulder: treatment of the shoulder joint, symptoms of damage

Most often shoulder injuries are manifested in the form of intense pain, often there is a local swelling and the functionality of the entire hand is lost - from the hand to the shoulder. What is the cause of this condition? The point is that the shoulder joint is considered to be the most mobile in the human musculoskeletal system.

Only thanks to the multifunctionality of the shoulder joint, the upper limbs are capable of producing so many different actions, without which one can not do without in everyday life.

The shoulder provides a hand movement in all planes, but if the load on it is increased, damage and even a degenerative change can occur.

The structure of the shoulder joint

With regular high loads on the shoulder joint, it loses stability and functionality. The human shoulder has a specific structure. It consists of:

  • muscles (subacute, supraspinatus, deltoid) and tendons;
  • bone and connective tissue;
  • rotator cuff.

These are the main components of the shoulder joint, each of which is responsible for a specific function. The totality of these elements is the shoulder.

The subscapular muscle, for example, provides the hand with rotational movements inward, and the supine muscle is responsible for raising the limb upward and fixing it in this position.

If the supraspinous muscle is a guide, the deltoid determines the strength with which the shoulder is withdrawn.

The function of the subacute muscle, which is part of the rotator cuff, is to provide movements directed outward.

The same task is performed by one more muscle - a small round one. But she also responds for the movement of the arm to the body.

Causes of trauma and its symptoms

Damage in the shoulder region can occur with a fall or impact, which breaks the integrity of bone tissue. The performance of the hand is affected by three bones:

  1. collarbone;
  2. articular cavity of scapula;
  3. brachial head of bone.

The presence of bones in the correct and strong position is provided by the presence of connective tissue. Each cuff muscle also has its purpose.

Damage in the shoulder region is always accompanied by intense pain.

Its nature directly depends on the degree of destruction of the rotational cuff. The pain may be acute or aching.

Rupture of ligaments is a type of injury in the shoulder joint, it can be complete or partial.

This damage always has bright symptoms: weakening of the hand, pain, sometimes complete loss of limb fitness.

Causes of damage to the rotator cuff

Any damage to the shoulder can be caused by a trauma or injury. But these factors are not the only ones. There are many other causes that cause problems in the shoulder joint.

The structure of the rotator cuff includes muscle tendons that are deficient in blood supply. Thus, insufficient blood circulation causes tenopathy (degenerative change in the shoulder joint).

However, some doctors deny this fact. In their opinion, the blood supply can not affect the state of the structure of the shoulder.

These physicians put forward another hypothesis, from which it follows that the main problems in the rotator cuff arise at the genetic level.

In other words, if a patient has hereditary connective tissue pathologies, he is most likely not to avoid problems associated with the rotator cuff of the shoulder.

The connective tissue includes a special kind of protein. In general, protein (collagen) is of four types. If the percentage of proteins of the third and fourth type is increased, the development of tenopathy is approaching swiftly.

As can be seen from practice, the disease can manifest itself in any cuff tendon. Thus the patient, when he starts to move, feels a strong pain. With the development of benign tenopathy, pain occurs when the arm is drawn to the side.

If the trauma of the rotator cuff of the shoulder fell on the scapular tendon, the pain occurs when the cutlery is brought to the mouth or when the hair is combed. This pathology of the shoulder joint doctors often call a humeropathy periarthritis - this is fundamentally wrong.

Pleuralopathy periarthritis is a completely different disease, moreover, the symptoms and treatment are different.

To provoke a tenopathy can long treatment by antibiotics of other pathology. This reason is the most common.

Other risk factors for tenopathy include multiple injuries, which can occur in two ways:

  • Monotonous repetitive motions, as a result of which the tendons of the rotational cuff tense. The risk group includes people whose professional activity involves such movements (teachers, dancers, athletes, painters, plasterers). Moreover, people of these professions can have a bruised shoulder, which will entail serious consequences, in particular damage to the bank (dislocated shoulder). Similar injuries in these people - a fairly common phenomenon. This is due to the fact that the tendons and muscles of the rotator cuff are weakened and easily amenable to damage.
  • Anatomical features of the structure of the shoulder. It turns out that the rotational cuff of a person even at birth can be deformed or have an incorrect structure. Such a pathology, in the end, will necessarily lead to numerous fractures and other injuries.

Diagnosis and symptoms of rotator cuff damage

When the patient first visits the medical facility, the doctor will first conduct an oral interview, during which the patient will explain his complaints and possible causes of the damage. After this, the doctor will offer the patient a test that requires some specific movements.

Symptoms of a partial rupture are pain, but movements are possible. With a complete rupture of ligaments, the limb is incapable of producing certain motions. Tendons and muscles are damaged and have lost their functionality.

In this situation, the doctor sends the patient to the radiography, which will help to determine the location of the injury, its degree and, based on the diagnosis, appoint the right treatment.

To make a diagnosis, it is sometimes necessary to determine the size of the lesion, so the patient is prescribed an ultrasound examination or a MRI of the shoulder joint.

Treatment of shoulder injuries

In the acute stage of the pathology, anesthetic medication is required, because often the pains are intense and debilitating. With incomplete rupture of the ligaments, the arm must be completely immobilized.

For this, there are special fixation bandages on the shoulder joint and orthoses, although it is possible to make a similar retainer yourself, using an elastic bandage for this.

When the pain has decreased, you can begin to strengthen the muscles with the help of a special complex exercise therapy.

Treatment with folk methods involves the preparation of medicinal infusions and decoctions used for applying compresses and lotions. A good soothing effect is possessed by coniferous baths.

The operation is only necessary in the following cases:

  1. Treatment with conservative methods did not work (the symptoms did not disappear).
  2. A complete rupture of the ligaments makes the hand non-functional.
  3. Rupture of ligaments is partial, but accompanied by severe pain.

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Effects of shoulder contusion and their treatment

  • Causes of closed damage to the joint tissues
  • Symptoms have a different degree of severity
  • Importance of accurate diagnosis of joint damage
  • Complications with closed shoulder joint damage
  • Treatment of bruise shoulder injury
  • Duration of treatment of injury of the affected joint

The consequences of a shoulder injury can be very serious. Traumatic effects often lead to damage to soft tissues and the synovial membrane of the joint without compromising the integrity of the skin.

Causes of closed damage to the joint tissues

This is a fairly common injury to the shoulder joint, which occurs due to a direct strong blow or an unsuccessful fall on the arm. People often get a bruise cup-like articulation:

  1. The shoulder has a complex anatomical structure, which provides it with a significant amplitude of movements. The articular cavity of the scapula and the head of the humerus withstand high functional loads. Even during sleep, the shoulder joint often does not rest.
  2. It is this joint that is most prone to traumatic effects, since most of the movements are performed by the right-hand man. Therefore, the bruise of the right humeroscopic articulation causes him special inconveniences.

Mechanism of contusion of soft periarticular tissues:

  • Local adaptive reactions of the body to shoulder trauma of various etiologies are launched.
  • With the closed bone joint injury, the integrity of the muscle tissue, fatty tissue under the skin, blood vessels, nerve fibers and the joint bag is compromised.

The nature of the clinical symptomatology is related to the depth of lesion of the humeroscapular articulation.

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First degree:

  1. A slight bruise of the shoulder joint is characterized by insignificant violations of the integrity of the surface tissues.
  2. Appear abrasions and scratches, which do not have a tangible effect on the mobility of the joint.
  3. With the movement of the hand, a slight pain is possible, which in most cases passes within three to four days on its own.

Second degree:

  • Most often, the patient is suffering from the destruction of deep periarticular tissues.
  • A few hours after the injury, the volume of the damaged joint increases.
  • In the affected area, hemorrhage develops - hemorrhage due to violation of the integrity of blood vessels. From damaged shoulder veins, arteries and small capillaries, blood seeps into the joint cavity.
  • Subcutaneous hematoma is the concentration of coagulated blood that emerges from the vessels at the junction of the head of the shoulder. Over time, it often reaches a considerable size, reaching the loose subcutaneous tissue to the elbow elevation.
  • There are destructive processes in the synovial membrane of the joint. This leads to the formation of profuse serous effusion in the joint cavity. Here, a clear, yellowish liquid accumulates. Such pathological changes explains the formation of swelling in the region of the amplitude joint.
  • There is skin hyperemia with exfoliation of the epidermis.

Third degree:

  1. Not only the superficial tissues of the joint are injured, but also the tendons and muscles.
  2. As a result of the rupture of these tissues, there is a sharp unbearable pain, which is permanent and has a pronounced localization.
  3. The pathological condition of the joint significantly disturbs its mobility in the affected segments. The volume of active movements is reduced. Soreness increases with the withdrawal of the shoulder.
  4. If blood vessels are damaged or nerves are hurt, there is a stabbing pain. Movement in the joint is painful. The patient is disturbed by the expressed uncomfortable sensations in the region of the globular joint, even when stationary.
  5. Suddenly, a sensation of tingling and numbness of the shoulder may appear.
  6. There may be damage to the cartilage.

Fourth degree:

  • The functions of the joint are violated. A spherical joint completely loses its motor ability.
  • Transition to the chronic form of the disease is possible in case of unfavorable development of pathology and the lack of adequate treatment of serious damage to the cup-like articulation.

To make a medical report on the injury, a study is needed:

  1. Symptoms of the various lesions of this joint often have a similar symptomatology. Therefore, it is necessary to differentiate the shoulder joint from other injuries: a fracture, dislocation of the head or neck of the shoulder, stretching the ligaments of this joint.
  2. Identify the cause of the violation of health, determine the degree of tissue trauma allows radiography of the joint, which is performed in two projections. If the shoulder is bruised, bone-traumatic changes in the X-ray image are not visible.
  3. Modern methods of X-ray computed tomography help to obtain a clear image of the affected tissue.

The most common conditions that accompany a severe shoulder injury:

  • Traumatic aseptic bursitis. In the cavity of the periarticular synovial bag, hemorrhage and accumulation of hemorrhagic fluid occurs.
  • Intermuscular hematoma. As a result of rupture of blood vessels there is a limited accumulation of blood in the muscles and joint tissues. The hematoma forms a pathological cavity in muscles, since it does not dissolve independently.
  • Hemarthrosis. Dangerous bleeding in the joint cavity of the damaged humeral joint. It increases in size, its contours are smoothed out, mobility is limited. Acute pain causes suffering.
  • Synovitis. Inflammation of the lining of the shoulder-elbow joint. Abundant pathological fluid is localized in its cavity.
  • Against the bruise of the shoulder often develop other complications: injury cuffs joint, periarthrosis, arthrosis of the shoulder joint. These pathological conditions limit the amplitude of movement of the limb, reduce the quality of life of the victim.
  • The disability of the patient can be the result of a severe bruise of the multi-axial articulation.

Often, the majority of victims ignore signs of trouble, believing that serious consequences of a bruised shoulder will not occur. This is a misconception. Correct and timely medical care is very important.

Basic measures of shoulder shoulder injury:

  1. In case of injury, the limb of the patient can not be left without due attention. The injured person with a joint injury should be under the supervision of a qualified physician who will prescribe the best suitable comprehensive treatment.
  2. To ensure the peace of the affected hand, you should fix it with the help of an orthopedic bandage.
  3. In case of a shoulder injury, the work activity is strictly counter-indicative and any physical activity is harmful.
  4. To stop the development of the hematoma and to ease the pain, immediately after the injury directly to the injured place it is necessary to attach cooling bags. If skin is not damaged, keep the cold at the site of the injury should be in the first day for 10 minutes, repeating this procedure every two to three hours.
  5. Anesthetics and medications are prescribed and prescribed by the doctor. During the first three days, general anesthesia with novocaine is carried out. For a month, local anesthesia is indicated with an ointment or cream. Dolobien gel removes swelling. Emulsion Riciniol will accelerate the healing of tissues.

Effective restorative procedures:

  • Ultrahigh-frequency therapy.
  • Paraffin applications.
  • Lymphatic drainage massage.
  • Electrophoresis with potassium iodide and novocaine.
  • LFK - exercise therapy to restore motor ability.

About 1-2 weeks, the treatment of mild trauma continues. During this time, hemorrhage gradually resolves. Work ability is restored.

If bruises are accompanied by tearing of the articular bag, a hemorrhage to the joint, then the treatment of the injured joint of the head of the shoulder continues for a month.

Often, patients with a shoulder joint injury underestimate the seriousness of their condition.It is recommended that after falling or bruising immediately consult a doctor to avoid complications.

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Shoulder and Shoulder Injury: First Aid

The shoulder is located between the shoulder and elbow joints. It is based on a long humerus. On it muscles are located, large vessels and neural bundles pass.

The shoulder joint is formed by the head of the shoulder and the surface of the scapula. It is surrounded by a dense capsule.

Bruises, dislocations, muscle and ligament ruptures, fractures are the main types of injuries of the shoulder and shoulder joint.


Injury is accompanied by pain, disruption of the work of the nearest muscles. Joint bruising is accompanied by swelling and pain when moving by hand. Often there are hemorrhages in soft tissues and in the joint cavity. First aid with a bruise:

  • Suspend the limb by the neck with the help of a scarf;
  • in the early days apply cold compresses;
  • take an analgesic, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.

If the bruise is severe, or if the symptoms do not go away in a few days, you need to see a doctor. Perhaps more serious damage, for example, rupture of ligaments or muscles. To clarify the diagnosis will be carried out radiography or ultrasound.

Joint dislocation

Do not direct the dislocation yourself. It is necessary to fix a hand with the help of an impromptu dressing-kerchief and seek help from a traumatologist.

Such damage occurs quite often.

The head of the joint is usually shifted forward or downward, into the armpit area. The victim can not move his hand, on the surface of his shoulder, he can see the tissue withering. Damage is very painful.

The limb of the victim is bent at the elbow and is set aside, the person supports it with a healthy hand. He tilts his head and torso in the direction of defeat.

You can not dislocate yourself. This will increase pain, cause additional trauma to the ligaments. Later, a person may develop a habitual dislocation. Finiteness should be fixed with a kerchief by the neck and urgently delivered to the injured item.

The habitual dislocation of the shoulder can be adjusted independently, if the patient has already learned how to do it. If he does not know what to do, you need to see a doctor. With such a disease, a surgical operation is necessary.

Rupture of muscles and ligaments

Most often the biceps muscle of the shoulder is torn. In this case, a crack is heard, the movements become very painful and weakened. Often the hand is motionless.

If the tendon of the biceps is damaged in the upper part, then the movements of the shoulder and forearm are initially preserved.

Then, in the upper part of the shoulder, a roller is formed from the contracted muscle.

In case the tendon has come off at the elbow joint, movements in the elbow are impossible. In the ulnar fold there is a hemorrhage, an elevation is formed in the middle third of the shoulder.

First aid:

  1. hang your hand on a kerchief;
  2. to deliver the victim to the trauma center.

Such damage is treated only surgically. If the operation is not carried out, then the movements and muscle strength in the hand will deteriorate significantly.

Shoulder fracture

The humerus usually breaks down in three typical places:

  • in the upper part - over-tubercle and fracture of the surgical neck;
  • in the middle part - diaphyseal;
  • in the lower third - supracondylar.

Symptoms of fracture of the upper third with displacement of fragments:

  1. change of form;
  2. abnormal mobility;
  3. pain;
  4. impossibility of movements.

If there is no bias, there is often a broken fracture. With such a trauma, the axis of the shoulder is normal, limited movements in the joint are possible. When pressing on the fracture and the elbow, there is a slight soreness.

A fracture can be open, that is, with damage to the muscles and skin and bleeding.

To correctly recognize the fracture and not to confuse it with a bruise, you need to make an X-ray. It is necessary to help the victim very carefully, since the fragments can be easily disconnected.

Young people can be splinted or simply bandaged the arm to the trunk. Elderly people with severe heart and vascular disease should only be put on a wide kerchief and slightly bandaged.

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Signs of a shoulder fracture in the middle:

  • change of form;
  • shortening of the shoulder;
  • impossibility of movements;
  • hemorrhage in the fracture site;
  • severe pain when feeling and tapping on the elbow;
  • abnormal mobility of fragments.

For immobilization, the Cramer tire is used, which is applied from a healthy shoulder blade to the middle of the forearm. Then the victim must be taken to the emergency room.

Symptoms of a fracture in the lower third:

  1. deformity above the elbow;
  2. the arm is bent at the elbow, the elbow process protrudes back;
  3. a bone protrusion is probed above the elbow;
  4. movements in the elbow cause pain.

With such a trauma you need to immobilize your arm with Cramer's tire and take the injured person to the hospital.

When blood vessels are compressed, blood circulation is disturbed. Appears blue and swelling of the fingers, hands, numbness of the forearm. With such damage, you need to put the patient on your back, raise your hand. Densely to fix a hand by a bandage to the tire is not necessary.

Bandages and tires

If the shoulder injury is accompanied by bleeding, first finger press the artery to the bone on the upper inner surface, and then apply a hemostatic tourniquet to the upper third of the segment. Then impose a sterile bandage and fix the limb.

Bandages are usually done with a bandage, but with small damages, you can use an adhesive plaster.

If there is no fracture, you can apply a spiral bandage on the shoulder from the elbow to the shoulder joint.

With fractures of the shoulder, a rather complicated Dezo bandage is used, which is difficult to do without prior training. Non-compliance with any of its stages reduces the effectiveness of fixation.

How to make a dressing Dezo:

  • make a cotton-gauze roll, putting inside a long strip of bandage to form ribbons;
  • put the roller under the arm, tie the ribbons on a healthy shoulder so that it does not slip;
  • make several rounds of bandage, going from the sick arm through the chest and covering the body and shoulder;
  • while the arm is bent at the elbow, slightly retracted, and the shoulder is gradually raised when bandaged;
  • the first circular tours go from top to bottom, and then from bottom to top;
  • put a cotton pad on the collarbone;
  • the bandage goes from the healthy armpit diagonally upwards to the damaged shoulder, from there on the back surface of the arm to the elbow, lifting the shoulder;
  • Through the elbow, lifting his forearm, the bandage goes along the front surface into the axillary region;
  • from there they lead obliquely to the shoulder, then through the elbow along the front surface of the shoulder and on the back to the axillary region;
  • make several such triangles, tightly pribintovav limb and lifting the elbow.

Then, the forearm and the wrist are suspended on a bandage bandage.

If possible, instead of Dezo's bandage, you can use Cramer's tire. It is covered with cotton wool, bent in a trough and modeled on a healthy arm. The arm is bent at the elbow.

The tire is placed from the base of the fingers through the elbow and shoulder to the healthy shoulder-strap. The shoulder is slightly withdrawn to the side and forward, a shaft is placed in the axillary region. The ends of the tire are fastened with ribbons, it is gently fixed to the limb with a bandage.

The hand is strengthened with a kerchief or is bandaged to the body.

To which doctor to apply

The first aid for injuries of the shoulder and shoulder joint is provided by a traumatologist.

It may be necessary to consult a neurologist or a vascular surgeon for nerve or vascular injuries, respectively.

During treatment, rehabilitation with massage, physiotherapy and physical therapy is important.

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Shoulder bruise

At first glance, the bruise of any area of ​​the human body does not seem to be as serious as the wounds of soft tissues, fractures of bones or dislocations. However, it is the bruises with incorrect treatment often lead to various complications and as a consequence to an increase in the duration of treatment and rehabilitation of a person.

In traumatology it is customary to divide by localizing the reception of trauma, bruising the shoulder to the bruise of the shoulder joint (due, direct impact on the joint, for example, when falling on an elongated arm) and on the bruise of the shoulder area (in this case only soft shoulder tissues are injured, the function of the joint is not violated). Although the main measures for the treatment of such trauma will be similar, however, understanding the mechanism of development of pathological process and mechanism of injury, allows the doctor to avoid complications associated with impaired function of the shoulder the joint.

Symptoms of shoulder contusion

The main circumstance that will make it possible to suspect a bruised shoulder is the presence of a previous injury.

In other cases, all the symptoms that are characteristic of the bruise of the shoulder, but not accompanied by trauma, may indicate the disease of the joint or surrounding structures.

The main symptoms of a shoulder and shoulder injury are:

  1. Pain in this area at rest, which is enhanced by palpation, physical activity, as well as when trying to move in the joint.
  2. Change in the color of soft tissues, formation of cutaneous and subcutaneous hematoma (impregnation and accumulation of blood in the skin and subcutaneous tissue).
  3. Edema of the skin and shoulder region
  4. Reduction of the function of the shoulder joint, but with the preservation of the full amplitude of motion. If the amplitude of motion in the joint is impaired (the patient's impossibility, for example, to raise his arm above his head), it is very likely that the shoulder joint will be dislocated.

Diagnosis of shoulder injuries

The main task of the doctor when examining a patient with a shoulder injury is to eliminate a heavier pathology:

This is due to the fact that with more severe injuries, special therapeutic measures are necessary.

To exclude more serious injuries, if a shoulder injury is suspected, an x-ray of the traumatized area is performed in at least two projections.

This allows you to quickly and accurately answer the question - it's just about a soft tissue injury or another, more severe injury.

To exclude the severe injuries that were written above, the X-ray of the shoulder joint and humerus is performed.

If there is a suspicion of fluid accumulation in the shoulder joint, a diagnostic joint puncture can be performed to determine the type of fluid in the joint. Also, puncture can reduce intraarticular pressure, thereby easing the patient's condition.

At what or doubts in the diagnosis is shown the performance of MRI study, which will show the pathology is not only bone tissue but also soft tissue structures such as tendons, ligaments, muscles, and even the thickness of the cartilage the joint.

First aid with shoulder bruise

It is not difficult to give first aid in case of a shoulder injury, however, most patients often either ignore the symptoms, or cardinally wrong help with this type of injury. This all, in turn, can affect the duration of treatment and the degree of manifestation of symptoms.

First aid for shoulder contusion is:

  • Immobilization of the damaged limb. For the shoulder, enough kerchiefs, which supported the arm and would reduce the load on the damaged limb.
  • Admission of non-steroidal pain medication (nimesulide, ketorolac, etc.).
  • Apply cold for 15 minutes 3-4 times during the first 6-12 hours (on the second day the cold is no longer effective, as the swelling has already grown);

To exclude a more serious injury, with the severity of pain or swelling of the tissues, you need to see a doctor and conduct diagnostic tests.

Treatment and rehabilitation with shoulder bruises

Treatment of a shoulder injury is carried out in this way:

  1. Apply a bandage bandage, thereby creating peace and limiting movement (with severe bruises and severe pain syndrome);
  2. Kinesiotherapeutic teips;
  3. Painkillers (NSAIDs), for example, one of the drugs: Movalis, Naise, Nurofen, Ketorol, 1 tablet up to 2 times a day, not more than 5 days;
  4. Anesthetic ointments, for example: Dolobene gel, Traumeel, Voltaren smear locally 2-3 times a day until the symptoms come to a stop (disappear);
  5. Physiotherapy can be prescribed to accelerate the reduction of edema and pain;

Rehabilitation of a person with a bruised shoulder includes holding after the disappearance of severe pain sensations of physiotherapeutic treatment (microwave, magnetotherapy, etc.), as well as therapeutic gymnastics and massage.

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What are shoulder injuries and how to treat them?

Injury of the shoulder is a concept that combines all possible injuries of the joints of the shoulder girdle. Violation of the functional peculiarities of this department can be caused by a variety of reasons, based on which the classification of shoulder injuries is also structured.

Anatomy of the shoulder

The shoulder is between the shoulder and elbow joints of the arm. It refers to the upper limb and includes two muscle groups:

  • Front (here it is possible to carry a beak-like, humeral, double-headed);
  • Back (it is possible to carry an ulnar, three-headed and joint-ulnar).

Both groups of shoulder muscles are responsible for the operation of the forearm, allowing him to perform all the necessary movements: lead and lead, rotation and lift.

The upper part of the shoulder is communicated with the supraspinous, subacute, small round, deltoid and other muscles that provide movement in the joint of the shoulder girdle.

Under the muscles is a long bone, which is attached to the scapula and forms the joint of the shoulder. The connecting head is the head of the humerus. The lower part of the shoulder bone is connected with the radial and ulnar bones of the forearm.

In the region of the shoulder girdle, there is a nerve plexus, axillary and brachial arteries connected to the aorta through the subclavian arteries.

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Classification of shoulder injuries

Damage to the shoulder girdle may be minor, but can be extremely serious. The type of injury depends on the nature of the lesion and on the anatomical structures that have suffered as a result of aggressive external influences. The main types of clinical cases:

  1. broken shoulder injury (fracture);
  2. dislocations;
  3. sprains;
  4. micro and macro ruptures of muscle fibers;
  5. bruises.

Both superficial anatomical structures and deeper tissues can be damaged: skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments, bone tissues, articular structures, vessels and arteries, nerve endings.


There are injuries due to:

  • shoulder damage during fall;
  • a strong blow to the shoulder;
  • increased compression;
  • road accident;
  • injuries in the workplace;
  • strong load on the shoulder joints;
  • non-compliance with safety rules;
  • employment in all kinds of sports activities;
  • weather conditions.


Fracture of the shoulder is one of the rare injuries. This problem is more relevant for people of retirement age, as the joint structures are subject to degradation processes. Fracture can occur when falling with a landing on the elbow or a bent arm.


Symptom can include a cutting pain in the shoulder area, increasing when trying to make movements by hand.

As a rule, the patient has a strong swelling in the fracture region, and any movements of the hand, reported with an injured shoulder, are given with great difficulty and are accompanied by bouts of pain.


Injury of the shoulder, complicated by a fracture, requires long-term treatment. Methods of damage correction:

  1. operative intervention (in case of displacement of bone fragments);
  2. gypsum immobilization of the hand;
  3. immunomodulators and calcium-containing drugs.


Proper rehabilitation after a fracture is as important as treatment.

Since the joint is immobile for a long time, arthrosis may appear after a short time after removal of the gypsum.

A simple self-massage of the upper limb and a complex of exercise therapy (curative physical training) will prevent the development of joint diseases.


The dislocation is the displacement of the cartilaginous segment into an anatomically incorrect position with respect to the scapula.

The reason may be forced movement in an unnatural direction for the hand or a sharp collision with an object.

Restore the function of the joint without the intervention of a doctor as well as a fracture - it is impossible.


When dislocation, the skin becomes blue or gray, the shoulder changes shape, and movements of the upper limb are difficult or impossible.

When trying to bring your hand and shoulder into dynamics, you can hear a characteristic crunch. Pain sensations are dull, but can also give into the elbow or fingers.


With the classic dislocation of the shoulder joint, the treatment is divided into several stages:

  • first aid;
  • restoration of the anatomically correct location of the joint (repositioning);
  • fixation of the injured limb (with bandage or bandage);
  • rehabilitation procedures.

Temporary immobilization of the limb and rehabilitation gymnastics are very important, since they allow the joint to "grow together" with the connective tissue and fix in the correct position.

Patients who ignore post-treatment measures often become victims of recurrence (a dislocation in this case can occur even with mild physical activity and reliance on a sore hand).

Muscle Tearing

Violation of muscle tissue - this is more the result of the lack of physical activity.

Due to insufficient dynamics of the shoulder region, the supply of muscles with blood is broken and the fibers "dry up".

And with a sharp and rough impact on the upper limb, the tissues, which have lost their elasticity, simply tear.


Damage to muscles can be associated with anatomical features of the structure of the humerus (congenital anomalies in the location or shape of the cartilage). But it can be provoked by very abrupt movements or "stretching" of the hand.


The most important symptom is loss of sensitivity in the forearm and hand. Muscle fiber ruptures are accompanied by pain (the more extensive the lesion is, the greater the pain), the loss of functional features (the inability to perform simple movements).


A patient with suspected muscle rupture should undergo an x-ray and visit a surgeon. And only after a thorough analysis of the degree of damage the doctor will decide how to treat the injured person.

  1. a local rupture (partial) is treated with special exercises, dosing of loads and local anesthesia;
  2. complete separation is treated by surgery, during which the muscles are sewn together.


Stretching does not apply to dangerous injuries. It is the result of motor activity (most often sports), but it can also occur in a domestic environment with a relatively weak traumatic factor.


Symptomatics is manifested in pain sensations and loss of limb dynamism. There may be swelling and small bruises. The injured department loses its functionality.


Special treatment for stretching is not provided. It is enough to anesthetize the shoulder girdle with the help of pharmaceutical preparations and to ensure the immobility of the limb, by imposing a bandage or bandage.

But to visit a traumatologist is simply necessary, since stretching can be complicated by concomitant injuries (rupture of ligaments, dislocation, etc.).


In case of bruises, the skin is damaged, vessels and nerve fibers in the immediate vicinity of them. Very often bruises are accompanied by bruises that appear 1-2 days after getting injured and do not pass for 3-10 days in a row.

Possible formation of bruising, in which blood is impregnated subcutaneous fat and muscle. Injuries are treated at home, by cooling the injured area and taking pain medications. Bruises are reduced with the help of chemist's products (for example, a sponge or warming cream)

Inflammation of muscles

One of the variants of complications after a bruise is myositis (inflammation of muscle fibers). It manifests itself in the form of severe pain, which victims are often confused with dislocations and fractures.


With the usual myositis, it is necessary to take anti-inflammatory and pain medications, you can apply ice. If the case of muscle inflammation is severe (complicated by infection or autoimmune processes), the attending physician prescribes a detailed diagnosis and treatment plan.

Sports injuries

In a separate category, it is possible to distinguish sports injuries that arise as a result of incorrect technique of performing certain exercises. Dangerous exercises for the shoulder joint:

  • barbell press (from the chest and from behind the head);
  • the cultivation of dumbbells in opposite directions;
  • thrust to the thoracic region;
  • giving the ball (volleyball and tennis).

Physical training and sports with shoulder injuries are possible only after the completion of treatment (at the stage of rehabilitation). The load must be minimal.

On the treatment of injured shoulder

Treatment of shoulder trauma is prescribed depending on its severity.

In case the injury is the most simple and harmless, then on the first day cold compresses made with the help of ice wrapped in any accessible cloth are applied to the injured area. Keep a similar compress about 25 minutes and the gap between procedures should be no less than half an hour.

It is also necessary to try to exclude all the loads, minimize the movement and give the victim complete rest. After 2-4 days, the shoulder will fully recover.

If, along with the damage, bruising, bruising and swelling form, the shoulder joint injury is slightly more difficult to treat.

In this situation, the first two days also need to use ice packs that will help reduce the pain and prevent the formation of bruising and edema.

Use them can not be longer than 20-25 minutes and the break between sessions should not be less than three hours.

Also, in addition to such a popular method of therapy, the attending physician prescribes the reception of special medicines, which serve as analgesic agents and contribute to the inhibition of various inflammatory processes.

If a bruise has formed in the place of the bruise, it is necessary to get rid of it with the help of lotions made on the basis of iodine, apple cider vinegar or salt.

Shoulder for the period of treatment requires immobilization and rest.

After the completion of therapy, it is necessary to undergo a rehabilitation course designated by a specialist, so that the joint fully bounced back.

In some severe cases, a complete examination of the injured area and surgical intervention is necessary. This is required if:

  1. with the help of conservative intervention, it is not possible to restore the previous state of the shoulder;
  2. the victim had a complete or incomplete rupture of ligaments, in which the motor functions significantly worsened;
  3. serious fractures or dislocations of the joint.

After the completion of the treatment, the doctor prescribes the beginning of rehabilitation, which consists of exercise therapy, massage and special exercises for the shoulder joint. With its help, the motor function comes back to normal, and the appearance of various complications is reduced to a minimum.


After trauma to the shoulder region, such complications can arise:

  • the occurrence of periarthritis or arthrosis;
  • permanent aching pain in the area of ​​trauma;
  • periodic pain during exercise;
  • incomplete recovery of motor function.

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