Scoliosis of the thoracic spine: symptoms and treatment


  • 1Scoliosis of the thoracic spine of 1-3 degrees: symptoms, exercises, treatment
    • 1.1Causes of the disease
    • 1.2Signs of the development of pathology
    • 1.3How is the treatment performed?
    • 1.4Methods of prevention of disease
  • 2Scoliosis of the thoracic spine: treatment, symptoms, other signs
    • 2.1Etiology
    • 2.2The causes and types of acquired scoliosis
    • 2.3Scoliosis of the thoracic spine: severity
    • 2.4Manifestations of cervicothoracic curvature of the spine
    • 2.5Clinic of Thoracic Scoliosis
    • 2.6Diagnostics
    • 2.7Treatment of scoliosis
    • 2.8Physiotherapy
    • 2.9Massage
    • 2.10Operative treatment of scoliosis
  • 3Scoliosis of the thoracic spine: causes, symptoms, treatment
    • 3.1Causes and Symptoms
    • 3.2Consequences of scoliosis
    • 3.3Congenital scoliosis
    • 3.4Diagnosis and treatment
    • 3.5Sport and scoliosis
    • 3.6What is the use of exercise therapy?
    • 3.7Gymnastics in scoliosis
  • 4Scoliosis of the chest: is it possible to have a treatment without surgery?
    • 4.1Types of the disease
    • 4.2Why there is scoliosis of the thoracic region
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.3Thoracic scoliosis in children
    • 4.4Thoracic scoliosis in adults
    • 4.5How to recognize chest scoliosis
    • 4.6Visual signs in adults
    • 4.7Visual signs in children
    • 4.8Internal signs
    • 4.9Diagnosis and treatment of the disease
    • 4.10Therapeutic exercises for scoliosis of the thoracic region

Scoliosis of the thoracic spine of 1-3 degrees: symptoms, exercises, treatment

Scoliosis of the thoracic spine is a rather insidious disease, because in the early stages of development The pathological condition is practically not manifested by the expressed symptomatology, capable to force the person to be engaged in the health and visit a doctor. However, it should be noted that scoliosis without directional treatment has a persistently progressive course, leading to an aggravation lateral curvature, the appearance of pronounced deformations and disturbances in the work of internal organs in the late stages of their development.

In fact, scoliosis of the thoracic and other parts of the spine is one of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

As practice shows, even if scoliosis was timely identified and full-fledged treatment was conducted, in most cases those changes that occurred in the structure spine, remain with a person for life and can serve as a springboard for the development of other diseases, including osteochondrosis and other disorders in the intervertebral discs and vertebrae.

Causes of the disease

Scoliosis is a fairly common disease of the spine, but depending on the factors that led to its appearance, it can be both congenital and acquired.

Congenital scoliosis can be a consequence of genetic abnormalities that caused the wrong formation of the spine during the period of intrauterine development.

Such a variant of scoliosis, as a rule, is diagnosed in the first years of a child's life.

Acquired scoliosis is most often diagnosed in children aged 6 to 17 years, although a later manifestation of symptomatic manifestations of the disease is not ruled out.

The acquired form of scoliosis is now considered to be the most common, and the causes its appearance is in the person's existing diseases or the unfavorable influence of the external environment.

The most likely predisposing factors for the appearance of acquired scoliosis are:

  • incorrect posture;
  • non-observance of hygiene of reading and work at the computer;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • asymmetry of leg length;
  • consequences of traumatic spine injury;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • loosening of the ligament apparatus;
  • muscle tone disorders;
  • deformity of pelvic bones;
  • tumors of the spine;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • inflammatory processes in the spinal cord;
  • rickets;
  • myositis.

The appearance of scoliosis can be associated with a hereditary predisposition. Often, several generations of people from the same family develop scoliosis, and this happens almost always at the same age.

In rare cases, developing scoliosis of the spine can be associated with an incorrect and unbalanced diet.

In addition, to provoke the appearance of curvature of the spine can engage in sports, in which the load is transferred only to one side.

Signs of the development of pathology

The clinical manifestations of scoliosis in most cases depend on the degree of severity of the curvature.

Symptoms and signs of the disease, as well as their intensity, depend on the cause of the onset curvature, rate of disease progression, orientation of curvature and chronological signs.

Currently, there are 4 stages of scoliosis development, each of which differs in the degree of severity of curvature.

At the first degree of scoliosis, the curvature of the spine does not exceed more than 10 °.

As a rule, scoliosis of the 1st degree does not manifest itself with the expressed symptomatology, while there is no noticeable deformation of the back for the person. In the prone position, the spine can be leveled.

As a rule, a scoliosis of 1 degree is revealed during an x-ray examination or a routine examination.

At the 2nd degree of scoliosis, the spinal curvature is 10 to 25 °. In this case, the alignment of the spine in the prone state is no longer observed. At the 2 stages of scoliosis development, a small hump can be observed.

At 3 degrees of scoliosis, the curvature of the spine may range from 30 to 60 °. This stage is extremely severe, and the deformation is already clearly visible, and the hump can be seen with the naked eye.

At 4 degrees of scoliosis development, the spinal curvature is more than 60 °.

At this stage of the development of the disease, not only a serious deformation of the spine structures is observed, but also various complications, including disruption of the internal organs due to their compression by altered structures of the spine and ribs.

A set of symptomatic manifestations of scoliosis can vary significantly in patients. With scoliosis of the thoracic spine, the symptoms can be the following:

  1. visible hump on the back;
  2. pain syndrome;
  3. change in the norm of the breast;
  4. impaired breathing;
  5. violation of the heart;
  6. tension of the muscles of the back;
  7. weakening of the abdominal press;
  8. change gait;
  9. skin folds on the back and sides.

As a rule, with the development of scoliosis, there is an aggravation of the situation and an increase in symptomatic manifestations. In the future, the situation may worsen due to complications.

Hernias of the intervertebral discs may appear, which often cause the jamming of the nervous endings or spinal cord, as a result of which there may be a disruption of the innervation of various bodies.

The severe consequences of scoliosis include a decrease in lung volume and a worsening of their drainage function. Often against the background of such changes in the lungs, frequent bronchitis and pneumonia are observed.

Heart compression can cause a violation of its function Heart failure often causes premature death of scoliosis patients.

With scoliosis of the thoracic spine, gastritis, chronic pyelonephritis, enterocolitis, urolithiasis and reflux can develop.

Many people, after the appearance of a hump and other obvious deformations, develop protracted depression and other abnormal psychological conditions caused by an understanding of the severity of the existing spinal problems and cosmetic defect, which every day is swept up by all More clearly.

How is the treatment performed?

To determine the strategy of scoliosis treatment, it is very important to conduct a full diagnostic. If there are signs of developing scoliosis, you should see a doctor for a full examination.

First of all, the doctor must collect anamnesis and conduct a human examination to determine the asymmetry of the shoulder blades and forearms, the degree of deformation of the back and chest. Computer tomography and radiography are carried out.

These visualization tools allow you to determine the degree of curvature and the location of the vertebrae.

The treatment of scoliosis of the thoracic spine depends on the degree of mixing of the vertebrae. At the initial stages of the disease development treatment can be carried out by conservative methods. To eliminate discomfort and improve the patient's condition, such drugs can be prescribed, such as:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • angioprotectors;
  • biogenic stimulants;
  • vitamin complexes.

In addition, it is important to organize proper sleep on hard orthopedic mattresses. In addition, a course of massage and physiotherapy is required.

Massage and other physiotherapy can increase the tone of the back muscles, reduce the existing deformities and improve the nutrition of the tissues, thus stopping the progression of the disease.

An important aspect is exercise therapy, which must be performed not one month, but sometimes a year. The complex of exercises allows to substantially level the existing curvatures of the spine.

Exercises for scoliosis of the thoracic spine can develop vertebral structures and restore the muscular framework necessary to prevent the progression of the disease.

Physiotherapy and swimming, combined with some passive rehabilitation measures, allow the situation to be completely corrected at levels 1 and 2 of the scoliosis.

First exercises exercise are performed jointly with the instructor-physiotherapist, and then can be studied by the patient independently at home.

In more severe stages of the development of the disease, surgical intervention, together with physiotherapeutic procedures and exercise therapy, can solve the problem.

Methods of prevention of disease

Given that when the scoliosis of the thoracic spine was diagnosed, treatment requires a lot of energy and energy, many prefer to use some preventive means, which are aimed at preventing the development of this disease.

People who have a wrong posture, it is desirable to use special chairs, providing support for the back while working, and, in addition, a special corset that does not allow change of posture.

In order to prevent scoliosis should be engaged in swimming and doing daily exercises. Active lifestyle and proper nutrition, wearing comfortable shoes also apply to the prevention of the development of the disease.

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Scoliosis of the thoracic spine: treatment, symptoms, other signs

Scoliosis refers to the deformation of the spine, in which its lateral curvature and simultaneous rotation of the vertebral bodies develop.

As a rule, this disease is diagnosed in childhood. With the growth of the child, scoliosis can progress.

Pathological changes become more pronounced.

Quite often this disease is confused with a violation of posture, when there is a curvature of the spine, but the bodies of the vertebrae do not change their position. To expose this diagnosis, such violations are mandatory.

It should be noted that scoliosis of the cervicothoracic spine can develop, as well as a curvature in the chest, lower back and sacrum.


In 80% of cases the causes of the disease remain unknown, therefore, they speak of idiopathic scoliosis. If we indicate the etiological factors that lead to an innate curvature, we should name the following:

• fusion of vertebrae;

• fusion of the ribs (with the development of scoliosis of the thoracic spine);

• the presence of underdeveloped vertebrae, the wrong development of their processes and arches (such pathological changes lead to the fact that the spine develops asymmetrically).

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The causes and types of acquired scoliosis

As a result of the action of factors that affect the body from the outside, the curvature of the spine develops, which is diagnosed after birth.

The following types of congenital scoliosis can be distinguished:

1. Neurogenic - occurs with lesions of the nervous system.

Develops after poliomyelitis, dystrophic spinal cord injury, with cerebral palsy or myopathy.

These diseases cause paralysis of the motor nerves. This leads to a disruption of the muscles that support the correct position of the body.

2. Ricky - is observed with a lack of vitamin D, characterized by muscle hypotension, deformation of bones, osteoporosis.

3. Static - is associated with deformities of the legs, when the pelvis is placed in the wrong space, which leads to deformations of the entire spine.

4. Idiopathic - as a rule, is diagnosed in children after 10 years.

Scoliosis of the thoracic spine: severity

Normally, the spine has physiological curves, as a result of which it resembles the letter S. With scoliosis, there are curvatures of the spine of different sizes. The greater the angle of displacement from the main axis, the more difficult this pathology can be corrected.

In most cases, a right-sided scoliosis of the thoracic spine is diagnosed. Depending on the angle of curvature, these degrees of severity are distinguished:

• light - the angle of curvature reaches no more than 10 °;

• medium severity - this indicator is 10-25 °;

• heavy - the curvature can reach 50 °;

• Very heavy - characterized by deformation of the ribs and angle of curvature, which is more than 50 °.

It should be noted that at the beginning of the disease you can see only one bend of the spine to the side, but then another is formed, which is localized below the first, but is directed to the opposite side. Left-sided scoliosis of the thoracic spine has no fundamental differences (the difference is only in the direction of the scoliotic arch).

Manifestations of cervicothoracic curvature of the spine

This scoliosis is also called an upper thoracic spine. This form of the disease is characterized by the fact that the primary arc of curvature is short and steep, and the secondary arc is quite sloping and long.

It should be noted that such scoliosis is rare, but has a characteristic clinical picture that is associated with involvement in the pathological process of not only the cervical vertebrae, but also the bones of the facial skull.

Upon examination, the doctor may notice a sharp torticulum, asymmetric placement of the eyes or oblique localization of the nose.

In addition, the deformities of the upper chest and upper arms are diagnosed.

The neck of the patient looks shortened, the edge of its trapezius muscle abruptly protrudes, which is difficult to correct, especially with the late onset of therapy.

With severe deformation of the thorax and thoracic vertebrae, one speaks of thoracic scoliosis. It is important to identify this pathology by the time the formation of the spine is completed (by the age of 20-21 years). Otherwise, treatment may be hopeless.

Clinic of Thoracic Scoliosis

This disease can be detected by evaluating the data that is obtained when examining the patient.

So, if there is scoliosis of the thoracic spine, you can visually notice the curved in the side line spinal column, asymmetric placement of the shoulders, raised scapula, as well as a protruding abdomen due to violation of posture.

In addition to visual symptoms, thoracic scoliosis is characterized by certain complaints from the patient.

As a rule, people with such a curvature of the spine note unpleasant sensations in the chest and pain in the area between the shoulder blades, which can be explained by the infringement of the nerve processes.

In severe cases, patients have abnormalities in the work of the respiratory system, the heart.

With further progression, both left-sided and right-sided scoliosis of the thoracic spine leads to anatomical violations in the structure of not only the thoracic but also the abdominal cavity, which is accompanied by pathological changes in organs digestion.


Scoliosis of the thoracic spine, the symptoms of which may be mild, requires the attention of doctors, because therapy of such abnormalities on the part of the skeleton is more effective in the early circulation of medical help.

In the early stages of the disease, fluoroscopy in two projections allows not only to confirm the presence of scoliosis, but also to determine the most optimal methods of treatment.

It should be remembered that with the curvature of the spine may be associated with serious illness.

Incorrect distribution of body weight in scoliosis leads to degenerative changes in the vertebrae, dorsopathy of the spine, as well as to osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia.

Scoliosis can also be diagnosed with the naked eye. When viewed, the different height of the shoulders is noticeable, as well as the curved vertebral line, which becomes even more noticeable if the patient leans forward.

If you are wondering what the scoliosis of the thoracic spine looks like, the photo of this pathology is presented below.

Treatment of scoliosis

The success of therapy depends on timely diagnosis. The faster this pathology is detected, the more likely it is that positive results will be obtained.

It should be noted that for each patient an individual plan of therapeutic measures is prepared. In this case, the stage of the disease and the peculiarities of its course are taken into account. As a rule, when the scoliosis of the thoracic spine is diagnosed, the treatment is carried out in three stages:

• direct influence on the parts of the spinal column, in which lateral curvature was found;

• procedures aimed at correcting scoliosis;

• fixing the correct position of the spine after treatment.

It should be noted that the most difficult is the last stage. Patients do not give him due attention, so scoliosis develops repeatedly.

That is why it is important to comply with all the prescriptions of the doctor, develop the muscles of the back and carry out a correction of posture.

Therapy should be comprehensive and include conservative methods of treatment, and if necessary - surgical intervention.


One of the main conservative therapeutic methods is exercise therapy.

Especially effective is a specially developed complex of exercises, which in childhood has not only rehabilitation, but also therapeutic effect.

Its main goal is to reduce the load on the spine, eliminate muscle imbalance, strengthen the ligament apparatus and form a correct posture.

As a rule, it is recommended to perform exercises that strengthen the group of muscles supporting the spinal column, and also have corrective influence on its curvature, improve the function of external respiration, and exert a general strengthening effect on organism.

Most often it is recommended to perform the following types of exercises:

• lie on your back, bending your knees, raise your pelvis, bending in the thoracic area;

• a positive effect is caused by hanging on the crossbar, at which it is necessary to slowly turn the trunk to the sides;

• lie down on the abdomen and lift the trunk so that the thoracic spine bends;

• that the curvature does not progress, you need to attach a stick at the shoulder level, grab it with your hands and walk with it every day for 2 hours;

• The exercise "bicycle" also has a positive effect on the curvature of the spine.

When there is scoliosis of the thoracic spine, exercises should be performed at a slow pace. After classes it is useful to rest for 20 minutes, lying on its side.

Patients, in addition to exercise therapy, are also recommended to wear special corsets, to go swimming.


At once it is necessary to tell, that in cases when the patient suffers a scoliosis long enough, and in a backbone there are the expressed pathological changes, massage will not give a positive result.

As a rule, it is prescribed at 1 or 2 degrees of curvature. Massage is performed in a polyclinic or in a hospital.

The complex of exercises is selected individually depending on the form and severity of the disease, appointing it every 6 months.

When a scoliosis of the thoracic spine is detected, massage is carried out with a mandatory consideration of the direction of deformation.

Since on one side of the scoliotic arches the muscles are in constant tonus, the masseur uses techniques that promote relaxation.

On the other side, the muscle fibers are stretched and weakened, so we need a massage technique that would lead them to tone and strengthen.

It should be noted that self-massage in scoliosis is contraindicated, since an incorrect tactic of its conduct may provoke an increase in deformation and worsen the patient's condition.

Operative treatment of scoliosis

Despite the high level of modern medicine, severe forms of scoliosis are difficult to correct. The most effective treatment is the use of implants from metal.

Operative intervention is carried out by two methods:

1. Anterior mobilization of the spine (or multi-level discectomy with simultaneous correction of deformity). Such a surgical procedure is performed under general anesthesia. The most optimal results after the surgery are a decrease in the angle of the scoliotic arch from 30 to 54 °.

2. Galpelviktraktsiya in conjunction with the correction of deformations. This surgical intervention is even more effective and helps to reduce the angle of the bend of the spine to 22 °.

When a scoliosis of the thoracic spine is diagnosed, surgical treatment always reduces the costal hump. This is due to the fact that after the operation the intercostal space expands, and the deformation decreases.

The most difficult is the surgical treatment of scoliosis among children, since their spine is constantly growing, and the use of metal structures can lead to the "crankshaft" syndrome. That is why in the treatment of scoliosis in childhood, special dynamic designs are used, which can be increased as the patient grows.

A source: http://.ru/article/137518/skolioz-grudnogo-otdela-pozvonochnika-skolioz-grudnogo-otdela-pozvonochnikalechenie-skolioz-grudnogo-otdela-pozvonochnikasimptomyi

Scoliosis of the thoracic spine: causes, symptoms, treatment

The problem of lateral curvature of the spine is most acute in children. Not yet strengthened, the back in the process of growth is subjected to numerous loads. Children often sit incorrectly during class, leaning forward shoulder and bending over the notebook.

Scoliosis of the thoracic spine is not just a disease of children.

Often the curvature is found in a fully formed person, when the time optimal for rehabilitation, has already been missed, and in addition the patient "earned" osteochondrosis and the pathology of internal bodies. What to do in this situation? First you need to understand what scoliosis is and how it arises.

The lateral curvature of the spine in the area of ​​the thoracic vertebrae to the right or to the left or immediately to both sides is a scoliosis of the thorax. The initial stage is almost invisible, so the symptoms are absent or insignificant (mild pain, fatigue, tingling in the limbs).

Excess loads on the intervertebral discs on one side are fraught with dystrophic processes, the appearance of osteochondrosis, protrusions and hernias.

In severe forms, the curvature of the thoracic vertebrae does not spare the person at all - an intercostal hump grows.

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From a medical point of view, this is explained by the fact that the thoracic region has a great mobility and carries a significant burden on itself.

The disease is diagnosed by an experienced physician-vertebrologist or orthopedist. The complex of medical measures is developed individually for each patient.

Causes and Symptoms

The disease usually manifests itself in adolescents. Thoracic scoliosis often occurs in children who have a sedentary lifestyle. In children who do not follow the posture during the performance of the homework, the lateral curvature of the spine appears already in the first class.

Unfortunately, the disease develops not only in people with a sedentary lifestyle. It can also suffer athletes who are engaged in asymmetrical sports, for example, throwers of the core or hammer.

The load falls on the side with which the thrower throws a sports projectile. Add to this the torque at the jerk.

The disease can arise as a compensatory reaction of the body to maintain equilibrium under such conditions:

  • trauma of the spine;
  • incorrectly fused fracture of the leg (one limb shorter than the other);
  • trauma to the muscles of the chest;
  • constant weight lifting on one shoulder;
  • dystrophy of the back muscles.

Small deviations are almost imperceptible, and the curvature is revealed quite accidentally during the passage of a planned medical examination.

The first symptoms appear in a teenager in the form of pain in the chest or back. The schoolboy begins to complain of quick fatigue and distracted attention in the lessons.

With pathological curvature up to 25 degrees, it becomes apparent that the shoulders are at different levels, the lower ribs are asymmetrical, and the upper part of the trunk is inclined in some direction.

If the scoliosis of the thoracic spine progresses, the following symptoms appear:

  1. pain behind the sternum, which patients often associate with the heart;
  2. difficulty breathing - the result of compression of the lungs;
  3. tingling in the hands (violation of blood supply);
  4. intercostal neuralgia;
  5. severity in the liver, if scoliosis is right-sided.

Consequences of scoliosis

In adults, thoracic scoliosis can be formed under abnormal working conditions (wearing gravity on one shoulder, hours of work on the computer, scrupulous work in one and the same position). Curvature of the body in one direction, the body compensates for the twisting of the vertebrae. At the same time, many vital systems in the body are affected - digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular.

Congenital scoliosis

Congenital curvature of the spine occurs in the process of metabolic disorders in its tissues and intervertebral discs.

Dysplastic scoliosis is accompanied by a rotation of the vertebrae around the axis and manifests itself in children from the age of 3. The disease can manifest itself against the background of the pathology of the development of connective tissue (dysplasia).

The consequence of the disease is the formation of a rib hump, which appears due to the displacement of the ribs.

There is dysplastic scoliosis in children from three to six years.

The initial stage passes unnoticed (pain is absent), so both parents and doctors often miss an inborn curvature.

Over time, the load on the spine increases and the pathology becomes visible to the naked eye.

At the third stage, a rib hump is formed, one of the legs is shortened, the pelvis tilts, the back pain intensifies after physical exertion.

Diagnosis and treatment

A dysplastic scoliosis is diagnosed by an orthopedic doctor after a visual examination and a spine X-ray. In special cases, an MRI is performed.

Treatment is mostly conservative. Surgery is shown in 4 stages. Conservative treatment is acceptable at the initial stage.

It is important to create individual conditions for the development of the child.

If the basic rules and requirements are met (correct mode, feasible load), the spine is gradually straightened. However, you can not stop seeing a doctor. Conservative treatment is carried out for a long time. The main approaches to treatment:

  1. Massage, exercise therapy, swimming and even exercising on the simulators can be prescribed.
  2. It is possible to wear a corrective corset and conduct physiotherapy procedures.
  3. Drug treatment is also necessary - these are replenishing complexes (vitamins and minerals).
  4. Surgery is required in advanced cases.

Sport and scoliosis

Scoliosis of the thoracic spine is not an occasion to lead the life of a disabled person. It is necessary to engage in sports. Do not forget to undergo a survey and get an exhaustive consultation about the types of sports that are allowed to engage in lateral curvature of the spine.

This will preserve the flexibility of the spine, postpone osteochondrosis. Gymnastics will provide you with cheerfulness for a whole day.

What is the use of exercise therapy?

Prevent scoliosis of the thoracic spine is much easier than curing its neglected form. Therapeutic physical training (exercise therapy) is an effective method, the most effective at the first and second stages of the development of the disease.

The exercise complex exercise is performed daily. Initially, slowly, between exercises, rest is required, then the pace can be gradually accelerated. The complex is not designed for sharp and rapid movements. The rest time between the cycles (lying on the side) is 10-15 minutes. The scheme of exercises is something like this:

  1. The preparatory part is designed for maximum unloading of the spine. Dorsal muscles and the press work.
  2. The basis of the entire training is the power work of the muscles of the press and back. Some elements help restore breathing. The main position of the body is lying on the floor or kneeling.
  3. The final part is breathing exercises. It's walking, easy running, and coordination exercises.

Gymnastics in scoliosis

Referral to the exercise therapy is given by a doctor. It is he who chooses a set of exercises for each patient, taking into account the characteristics of his body. After classes with the coach, you can study at home yourself.

Thoracic scoliosis requires caution in rehabilitation, so the exercise complex exercise is not just for training, but for the health of the whole body. Pros of exercise therapy:

  • the metabolism in the body is normalized;
  • the general condition of the body is stabilized;
  • The muscular corset around the spine is strengthened;
  • there is a correction of scoliosis;
  • the work of the internal organs is gradually normalized.

After working out for a while under the supervision of the physician-coach of the exercise gym and having understood the technique of performing exercises, you can start independent training.

To visit a doctor will still have to record progress / regress during the course of the disease.

The complex of exercises LFK, available for self-study, is as follows:

  1. We lay on the rug, pull the right leg to the stomach, bending it in the knee (inhaling), unbend and lower (exhale). Repeat with the other leg. The number of repetitions of 5, after a week, gradually increase to 10.
  2. We lay on our backs, bending our knees. We tear off the pelvis from the floor and try to bend so that the thorax completely opens.
  3. Exercise "fish". We perform it, lying on our stomach. Hands in front, legs straight together. We raise simultaneously direct arms or hand and legs or foots, as much as possible we curl in a loin (we do an inhalation). We put our hands and feet on the floor (exhale). We repeat the minimum 5 times.
  4. We lay face down on the rug. One hand on the back of the head, the other on the ribs on the side of the curvature, tear off the head from the floor, try to bend. The arm on the ribs makes a slight effort against the curvature (inhalation). Again, lie face down (exhale) and repeat with the other hand. Repeat 5 times, after a week start to gradually increase to 10.
  5. Exercise "truncated fish". Bending, leaning hands on the floor (straighten elbows), legs tear off the floor (inhale). We lay down on our belly on the rug, hands along the body, legs together (exhalation). We repeat the minimum 5 times.
  6. We get on all fours. Pull forward the right hand, raise the left leg parallel to the floor, stay for 10 seconds, repeat with the other leg / hand. At least 10 times.

Scoliosis of the thoracic spine is a serious disease that can occur if the improper treatment to reward a person with a whole bunch of diseases, including osteochondrosis and pathology internal organs. To prevent this from happening, regularly undergo scheduled medical examinations, and at the slightest indisposition, consult a doctor.

Pay special attention to children, especially infants and newborns. The earlier the curvature is revealed, the faster and more efficiently the rehabilitation will be.

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Scoliosis of the chest: is it possible to have a treatment without surgery?

Various violations of posture can take different forms depending on the specific department of the spine.

For example, questions are often asked about what is scoliosis of the chest, and most importantly - why it arises.

In order to better represent the symptoms and treatment of this pathology, it is necessary to properly understand the general nature of its development and the factors that provoke abnormalities of posture from the norm.

Types of the disease

Scoliosis in general is the most common violation of posture, in which the spinal column is curved, shifting to the left, to the right or both at the same time, making a kind of arc.

Accordingly, the following bends are distinguished:

  • left-sided;
  • right-sided;
  • S-shaped.

The deformation of the chest is most often observed in childhood and adolescence: the curvature of the spine in of the adult is diagnosed less often, because with age the bones acquire greater stability, and elasticity, on the contrary, decreases.

Most often, in the scoliosis of the thoracic spine, the patient not only has a pathological displacement of the whole column, but also a partial rotation of the vertebra bones around its axis.

This is fraught with the fact that there is a squeezing of the spinal cord, located in the spine, as well as internal organs.

Similar consequences occur only in the most extreme, neglected cases and, as a rule, require surgical intervention.

Depending on the degree of curvature, in the scoliosis of the thoracic spine, several 4 degrees of disease are isolated, the clinical signs of which are described in the table.

degree of disease angle of curvature Clinical signs
1 up to 10 degrees Painful sensations are absent or extremely insignificant, it is possible to visualize only a slight stoop
2 from 10 to 25 degrees visually visible strong stoop: the shoulders and shoulder blades are at different heights, quite severe pain with prolonged sitting and lying
3 from 25 to 50 degrees distinct position of the level of the shoulder blades, shoulders and pelvic bones is clearly visible - as a result, a hump appears, and the spine describes a strong arc; such a scoliosis of the chest is manifested by severe pain in any position and rapid tiredness
4 more than 50 degrees as a rule, the spine is strongly shifted not only in the thoracic, but also in other departments - develops cervical scoliosis, internal organs, including the brain, suffer, the pains become permanent and intolerable

Why there is scoliosis of the thoracic region

Like many other disorders of the back, the scoliosis of the thoracic spine develops against a background of a number of factors, has a wrong way of life, associated with a permanent failure to comply with the rules of maintaining the posture, excessive strain on the spine and m.

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It is established that in childhood and in adulthood, the causes of the development of pathology can be very different from each other. Therefore, they are usually grouped according to age categories.

Thoracic scoliosis in children

Especially severe form is congenital scoliosis of the thoracic spine, which is associated with hereditary complications or violations of embryonic development:

  • the bodies of two or more adjacent vertebrae are completely or partially obstructed, as a result of which the vertebral column has less developed bends, which should be normal;
  • the appearance of superfluous vertebrae (normally from 32 to 34), which are often underdeveloped - much smaller in size;
  • a violation of the development of vertebrae - the absence or underdevelopment of the arches or processes on some of them;
  • Splice several ribs together (full or partial).

Such significant violations lead to the fact that, already in the first year of the baby's life, the deviation in the posture is visually well seen: in the standing position, the body seems to "tip" in one direction.

One of the most complex forms of the congenital form of the disease is dysplastic, which arises from the inferior development of the entire vertebral column (vertebral bones are less than the norm by weight and size) or because the arches do not join into the proper time. The complexity of this pathology is due to the fact that it is detected in younger school age (7-10 years), and it progresses very intensively.

Along with congenital abnormalities, there are also acquired disorders, which occur much more often.

Here is a list of these diseases:

  1. Scoliosis on the background of rickets.
  2. Neurogenic - are formed in connection with various forms of poliomyelitis, cerebral palsy, syringomyelia, myopathy.
  3. Radial scoliosis is associated with a bone disorder due to the anti-cancer radiation therapy.
  4. Finally, a whole group of reasons is associated with a systematic violation of the child's posture during sitting or while playing musical instruments, other occupations.

Apparently, all of them are formed either against the background of already transferred diseases of bones or other parts of the body, and also in connection with the fact that the child does not know how to maintain a posture.

PLEASE NOTE - Violation of posture in childhood and adolescence is particularly frequent.

Since the child is most often unable to monitor the correct position of the body on his own, parents should constantly monitor it.

Thoracic scoliosis in adults

The development of the deviation of the thoracic spine, the symptoms of which are described in detail in the next section arises either on the background of specific diseases, or in connection with harmful habits that have a long-term character:

  1. Injuries to any area of ​​the back.
  2. Injuries of muscles directly supporting the vertebral bones of the thoracic region.
  3. Osteochondrosis - destruction of bone tissue.
  4. The emergence of hernias, the mixing of the vertebral bones of the thoracic region.
  5. Inflammatory processes in muscles.
  6. Wrong splicing of vertebrae after fracture.
  7. Harmful habits associated with permanent violation of posture, improper bearing of weights (always only on one shoulder), as well as with malnutrition, characterized by a deficiency of calcium and substances that provide it assimilation.

How to recognize chest scoliosis

In a disease such as thoracic scoliosis, the symptoms have a pronounced character only from the 2nd degree of development.

In many ways, therefore, patients turn to the doctor rather late, when the curvature of the spine acquires a pronounced character and, accordingly, requires a longer treatment.

There are symptoms of scoliosis of the thoracic spine in different ways, so the overall clinical picture for each patient will be quite different.

In general, all the symptoms can be divided into 2 groups:

  1. External (defined visually for severe deviations).
  2. Internal - i.e. pain and discomfort in the internal organs.

Visual signs in adults

At visual inspection even the layman can define such infringements:

  • the bend of the spine makes an arc in the thoracic region - instead of a straight line, which should be normal;
  • the space between the ribs is visually slightly enlarged from the protruding side of the back, and on the other hand, it sinks;
  • if the patient also has flat feet, the thoracic scoliosis of the spine is almost always accompanied by a violation of the gait.

Visual signs in children

Separately, it is necessary to highlight the visual deviations that can be detected in toddlers of primary school age.

All of them are defined easily enough if you ask the child to bend forward a little:

  • all the processes of the vertebrae are not clearly along one line, but at different levels: with small hills and pits;
  • The lower edges are located slightly at different levels: there is no ideal symmetry;
  • it is clearly seen that the shoulders do not go parallel to the horizontal line: one of them is lower than the other; and downwards it looks exactly that shoulder, on the side of which there is a curvature;
  • stoop - shoulder blades and shoulders are located at different levels;
  • asymmetric position of skin folds on the back.

Separation of symptoms into adults and children is relatively arbitrary - in fact, such symptoms are observed in almost any age, it is simple in children they can be expressed more vividly due to the fact that their bones have not yet formed, and therefore more are elastic.

Internal signs

Since the spine serves as the most important supporting support of the trunk, the displacement of its bones in the thoracic region or any other in the advanced stages always reflects on the internal organs:

  • disorders of lung function;
  • heart rhythm disorder;
  • disorders in the work of the digestive system - due to the fact that the volume of the cavity decreases;
  • memory and attention impairment;
  • headaches, dizziness, increased fatigue;
  • mood swings, irritability, drowsiness.

In addition, at almost all stages of scoliosis of the thoracic region, the patient feels aching or sharp pains in the sternum. They can give to all other departments and even to the limbs.

This is explained by the fact that almost along the entire spine in the corresponding cavity is located the spinal cord, which provides movement and sensitivity of the limbs.

Therefore, pain in one department can go to others.


Self-diagnosis of such a complex disease is almost impossible. Therefore, you need to see a doctor in any case.

For obvious reasons, it should be done as soon as possible.

Prolonged disregard for the disease leads to abnormal disruption of the internal organs - due to the pressure of the displaced bones, they can not work in normal mode.

Diagnosis and treatment of the disease

Perform a professional diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment can only an orthopedic doctor.

To do this, along with the patient's survey, the following survey methods are used:

  • visual inspection;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • CT scan.

In the case of the appointment of the operation, additional tests are also performed. Treatment is appointed depending on the degree of development of the disease, as well as on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Conservative treatment is performed using the following methods:

  1. The use of medications - usually a patient is prescribed a special diet with a high content calcium containing substances and vitamin preparations that promote the absorption of these substances by bone cloth.
  2. Wearing a corset - this measure allows you to reduce pain and a feeling of increased fatigue, reduces the load on the muscles and helps to correct the position of the vertebrae.
  3. Physiotherapeutic procedures are aimed at accelerating the restoration of bone tissue.
  4. Massage sessions and therapeutic exercises (including swimming) can reduce the burden on the back, improve blood flow, restore muscle tone and have a beneficial effect not only on the bones, but also on the whole body generally.

Therapeutic exercises for scoliosis of the thoracic region

A specific course of exercises is developed and approved by the doctor, but later the patient can continue to study at home, since the exercises are simple and do not require special adaptations:

  • In the prone position, hands should be wound behind the back of the head, and the elbows should be diluted as far as possible during inspiration and reduced as you exhale.
  • Further, in the supine position (on a firm, level surface), it is necessary to bend the legs in the knees and lift them in turn, combining with breathing: raise during exhalation, lowered for the time of inspiration.
  • Continuing to lie on your back, take your arm away from the side that protrudes more, and lift the other hand up and repeat it several times.
  • Next, you just need to bend back as much as you can, stretching after waking up.
  • Without changing the position, put your hand on the side of the protruding side on the chest, and the second - under the back of the head. In this position, bend and unbend the back.
  • Now we need to do the same exercises, but the hands will simply lie along the body, and the leg on the side of the convex half of the body is set aside. The second is raised upwards.
  • The last exercise - you need to lie on your side in the direction where the bulge is observed. Then, put your hands behind your head and lie on your back. Repeat several times.


Exercise should be done regularly, following the prescriptions of the doctor. But increase the rate should not be. At the same time, one must constantly orient oneself to one's own feelings: after classes there should be a feeling of pleasant fatigue, not pain.

Any back disease develops quite a long time, unless it is caused by trauma. Therefore, in case of thoracic scoliosis, it is necessary to consult a doctor and possibly at the earliest stages - then the treatment will be quick and effective.

It is also important to note the constant prevention of the disease: if you are engaged in swimming and other activities, monitor so that in the food constantly there are products containing calcium, and also to maintain a correct posture, pathologies are certain to succeed to avoid.

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