Inhalation in wet cough in children

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What inhalations are used when coughing in children?

Inhalation is one of the most effective and reliable ways to treat cough in children, with the help of them you can heal dry and wet cough. Inhalation helps the child to withdraw excess phlegm, get rid of dry cough, stop the inflammatory process. This remedy is the best substitute for medicine, injections, which adversely affect the child's body, causing serious pathological processes in the liver, kidneys, heart.

Features of inhalations in the child

At the beginning of the disease, the nebulizer reliably saves from further complications. With the help of his breathing system is filled with the right drugs. Steam, enhances the effect of drugs, with the help of it can remove spasm from the respiratory system, dilutes sputum.

Types of inhalers for children

1. Home - to breathe above a kettle, a pan.

2. A vapor form of the inhaler, it uses herbal preparations, soda, aromatic oils.

3. The oil inhaler can not be used for children who suffer from allergic reactions. Essential oils are used for inhalation.

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4. An effective device is an ultrasonic inhaler, Borjomi, honey, herbal decoctions, Kalanchoe, lazolvan, furacilin are used for it.

5. The use of a compressor inhaler, with the help of its medicines, is turned into an aerosol, while they do not affect the stomach, intestines, liver.

Modern medicine uses inhalations for a child of two kinds:

1. Using an ultrasonic nebulizer, can be used for a small child, can destroy medicinal active particles, therefore it is impossible to apply for hormonal therapy, antibacterial means.

2. With the help of a compression nebulizer, small particles of drugs are produced. When choosing the type of camera, you need to pay attention to the age category of the child, diseases. The best is an inhaler that produces particles no more than 10 microns.

Preparations for inhalation for children

To cure a dry cough, you need to remove the inflammation from the throat, get rid of the viscous mucus, as much as possible to clear the sputum of the lungs, bronchi. With a dry cough, Berodual, Salgim, Berotek, Trent

If a child has a wet cough and needs to get out sputum as soon as possible, use Lazolvan, Fluimitsil, Abbroene, Borjomi, Narzan, Sinupret, Pertussin, Mukaltin for inhalation.

If a child's airways become inflamed, you need to use Rotokan, Malavit, Propolis, Eucalyptus, Calendula.

Using a nebulizer, a bacterial bronchitis can be cured in a child using Furacilin, Fluimitsil, Chlorophyllipt, Dioxydin, Miramistin.

Self-medication can not be done, the dosage should be prescribed by the treating doctor.

Sequence of inhalation in a child

1. First you need to do inhalation with medications that will help extend the bronchi.

2. After 20 minutes you need to use a remedy that will help to thin the sputum.

3. After 30 minutes, an inhalation is performed with an antiseptic drug.

3. After that, anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

4. In the end, administering inhalation with drugs to strengthen the immune system.

Always after each use, the nebulizer is thoroughly washed out, it is possible to use only authorized solutions for it, they must be preheated first.

Inhalation for a child at home

It is hard to force to breathe the steam of a small child, but you need to try to do it. If there is no nebulizer or other inhaler, you can use home-made tools. In this situation, it is important to follow certain rules:

1. Use inhalation carefully for children who are not yet 2 years old.

2. It is best to put the child in a bath and fill with useful steam or a bath that is ventilated.

3. Teach the child to inhale the potato steam, covering it with a towel. You can put boiled potatoes, open the umbrella and get him to breathe. Inhalation should be conducted no less than 20 minutes.

4. Popular and this way, take a teapot, put a paper tube on his nose, start to gradually draw in pairs. The procedure should last no less than 10 minutes. For inhalation, chamomile, calendula, sage, soda are used.

If a child has laryngitis, sore throat, tracheitis, you need to use a specially prepared infusion. It will require a small amount of sage, eucalyptus, chamomile, pine, elecampane, mint, thyme. Pour all 700 ml of boiling water, insist. After it is heated and inhaled by the child.

When a child suffocates when coughing, you need to use soda, with the help of it you can thin the sputum and quickly remove it, also helps alkaline mineral water "Borjomi "Essentuki."

At home, if the child does not suffer from an allergic reaction, he does not have bronchial asthma, it is possible to use inhalation on the basis of coniferous tree - fir, spruce, juniper, pine, larch. With the help of it you can get rid of painful germs, clean the airway.

When the child has a barking cough, steam is used, for this child it is necessary to take them to the bathroom, open hot water and breathe. So you can get rid of croupous cough.

Also used for inhalation is garlic, peppermint. In order to prepare the infusion, it is necessary in the water, which boils to add peppermint, all warm up to 5 minutes, after chopped garlic.

If the child is not allergic to essential oils, you can perform inhalations with the addition of cypress oil, eucalyptus, bergamot, ginger, sandalwood, rosemary.

So, inhalation for a child is an effective method of treatment, with the help of it you can quickly cure diseases of the upper respiratory organs, alleviate the symptoms of coughing. Despite the useful properties of inhalation, solutions, broths should be used with extreme caution, they can cause a serious allergic reaction and further exacerbate the disease.

Cough Inhalation

In the treatment of cough often use an old proven method, whose name - inhalation. It has long been known that by inhaling the vapors of different broths, infusions of plants, herbs and essential oils, a moist internal environment that promotes the formation and excretion of sputum, which is especially important in dry coughing.

Science does not know the name of the one who first thought of using this method of getting rid of cough, the method has taken root, has gained popularity and at this stage there are many types of inhalations. Let's consider the main ones. Inhalations can be divided into two main types - natural (natural) inhalation and artificial inhalation.

By natural inhalation can be attributed to the inhalation of fresh sea, alpine, and even completely soaked in the needles of the forest air. When found in such favorable conditions, the human body, along with air, receives a lot of useful microelements that most favorably affects the general condition of the body, and serves as a good prevention to prevent unwanted diseases.

Residents of large megacities with high content of harmful emissions and car exhausts in the atmosphere are forced to resort to artificial methods in the absence of natural inhalations. Recently, manufacturers of various household appliances, on the market began to appear conditioners with a cleansing and ionizing effect, but these are individual copies. As a result, as mentioned above, it is necessary to resort to the help of special medical devices, popularly called inhalers. The main effect of which is the provision of access to the human body specially developed for each individual case of medicinal substances.

In the course of evolution, inhalation devices from complex bulky mechanisms turned into compact and convenient daily use of the device - nebulizers, which can be carried with you and used in the case of necessity.

The most common home inhaler is a regular pot, filled with hot water, with a content of essential oils, chamomile, thyme, sage, pine, eucalyptus, menthol and fir oil, depending on the preferences and the type of respiratory disease ways.

With the observance of simple rules, it is easy to achieve a certain result from treatment, and not to waste one's strength and health for nothing.

  • Rule one - all inhalations are performed an hour before meals;
  • rule two - after performing the inhalation procedures should refrain from eating and loading the vocal cords;
  • rule three - we treat a nose-breathing nose;
  • rule four: we treat the throat and cough - we breathe in with the mouth, and breathe out through the nose;
  • rule five - do not abuse the time spent on inhalation, an average of 5-15 minutes is enough;
  • rule six - a course of treatment usually consists of ten procedures;
  • rule seventh - do not forget that self-activity in treatment can lead to negative for health consequences, since allergic reactions to various components used in inhalation.

Hence it follows that, first of all, direct consultation with a specialist is needed.

More information about inhalations for coughing can be found in this article.

Posted on: 3/6/2015

Cough inhalation

Cough is a common companion of many colds. At the first manifestations of signs of acute respiratory disease, inhalation is most effective. They have a curative effect achieved by the action of moist warm air on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Inhalations improve blood circulation, dilute viscous mucus, reduce unpleasant sensations in the throat.

Inhalation with dry cough

With dry cough, inflammation occurs directly in the walls of the respiratory system. Infectious agents constantly multiply and are not excreted from the body.

During the destruction of the superficial mucous layer of the respiratory tract, the products of disintegration and inflammation of the tissues begin to be excreted from the bronchi. Together with them are deduced and causative agents of the disease, which leads to the purification of the bronchi from the infection and their recovery.

Therefore, we must try to translate dry cough into wet. This is very successful in the use of inhalation.

With a dry type of cough, during the inhalation, medicinal solutions are used, which contribute to the excretion of sputum from the bronchi. One of these drugs is ambroxol.

Ambroxol is a medicinal product with expectorant and mucolytic properties. For inhalations, a solution is used that can be used orally.

A solution of ambroxol, the necessary dosage together with saline solution, is poured into a special reservoir, and the inhaler is turned on. They inhale the vapors with a mask that is placed on the face or with a tube that fits in the mouth. During the procedure, it is recommended not to take deep breaths, as this can provoke a cough and breathe normally.

The smallest particles of the solution coming from the inhaler penetrate and linger on the walls of the bronchi, helping them to develop a surfactant.

Ambroxol is usually well tolerated, but sometimes manifestations of such reactions as - nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, allergies. Further use of inhalations in this case is possible only after the conclusion of a doctor.

The use of inhalations with a drug solution is considered the most effective treatment for dry cough.

Inhalation with a damp cough

With a wet cough, it is recommended to carry out steam inhalations. Their task is to warm, moisturize and contribute to the further spitting of phlegm. The main medicinal properties of steam. But for the necessary effect, it is advisable to use various medicinal plants. It can be - chamomile, mint, mother-and-stepmother, thyme.

For inhalation take 2 tbsp. herbs, steam it with 2 cups of boiling water, inhalation, then the broth is insisted and filtered. In the future, it is drunk about half a glass 3 times a day.

To make inhalation even more effective, in the decoction of herbs you can add a few tablets of Validol or a little balsam of the Golden Sprocket. Decoction with these drugs can not drink.

You can administer inhalation in several ways:

  • Use special inhalers;
  • Collapse the paper from the paper and breathe through it;
  • Cover your head with a towel and breathe over a bowl with broth. In this case, you need to be very careful not to overturn a bowl of boiling water on yourself.
  • Categorically it is impossible to breathe over boiling water, and also at the raised arterial pressure.

Inhalation with nebulizer for coughing

Inhalation using nebulizer is one of the most effective means used to treat and prevent cough.

The advantage of the nebulizer in front of other inhalers is that it can release a vapor cloud that is saturated with medicines. The size of the particles emitted by the nebulizer is 1 micron. It is this size that is necessary that drugs can get into the alveoli. Getting into the body, the drugs immediately begin to act without causing harm to other human organs.

Using a nebulizer, you can use various medications for inhalation. They can also be combined with each other.

Clinical trials have proven that using a nebulizer helps to speed up recovery several times.

This device is very convenient to use in patients suffering from bronchial asthma. Inhalation with a nebulizer for a short time is able to relieve the attack of suffocation and facilitate breathing.

The procedure is absolute, noiseless, it can be performed even during the sleep of the patient.

Especially for the nebulizer, there are a number of ready-made solutions for the procedures.

Solutions for inhalation with cough

Solutions for inhalation can be completely different. Their components depend on the characteristics of the cough type.

With a dry cough, for the purpose of sputum discharge, inhalations should be made using soda or mineral water. At the very beginning of the disease you can breathe over the potatoes. Such inhalation will help to remove hoarseness of the voice, soften the throat and make the cough productive.

With bronchial disease, it is effective to carry out inhalations with garlic or turpentine. Good properties are oil inhalations based on fir oil, eucalyptus, basil, which stop attacks of suffocation in bronchitis and bronchial asthma.

For inhalations using a nebulizer, solutions are used:

  • Composed of drugs that dilate the bronchi (bronchodilators). The most effective drug from all bronchodilators is beryl. It has the least side effects and is used for the prevention and treatment of asphyxiation and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Preparations that dilute sputum (mucolytics) and excrete phlegm (secretion secretions expectorant). The most common are - Flimucine, ATSTS. They contribute to the sputum from the lower respiratory tract.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. These include Rotokan. This drug is based on herbs, on alcohol. Inhalation with such a drug is used in acute inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Anti-inflammatory hormonal drugs (Glucocorticosteroids) and drugs (Antihistamines) The most common drug is Pulmicort. Inhalations with such a drug are used in diseases of the lower respiratory tract, which require treatment with hormonal drugs.
  • Antimicrobial and antibacterial drugs (Antibiotics and antiseptics). Flimucin is an antibiotic with an active ingredient acetylcysteine ​​and thiamphenicol. It is used in the form of powder for inhalation and injection. It is necessary to simultaneously use an antibiotic with preparations that dilute sputum.
  • Antitussives. With an intrusive dry cough, inhalations are carried out with Ledocaine. It has a local anesthetic effect.
  • Antiseptic solutions. Aloe or Kalanchoe juice has good properties, mixed with honey. Such inhalations are effective for the prevention and treatment of ARVI, as well as other colds. Of the available remedies, which have an antiseptic effect, can be considered pairs of onion, garlic and eucalyptus.

Cough Inhalation in Children

Carrying out inhalations with cough in children, have a positive effect on the entire body. With their help you can get rid of not only a cough, but also a cold. The most important advantage of inhalations is that they affect only the respiratory tract, without affecting other organs.

Inhalation in children should be done very carefully:

Regardless of how you conduct the inhalation, you need to explain to the child what it is needed for. This is important to ensure that the child is not afraid and thus helped make the procedure even more effective.

If the procedure is carried out with a kettle, the temperature in it should not be too hot. A cardboard funnel is inserted into the tip of the kettle, through which the therapeutic pairs are inhaled. For small children, the funnel should be long. At an elevated body temperature, this inhalation can not be carried out.

It will be more convenient and safer to purchase a device for inhalation - a nebulizer.

The time of inhalation should not exceed 5 minutes.

How to do inhalations from cough for children

Cough inhalations for children are an effective treatment.Most common colds occur in the fall and spring. During this period, as usual, immunity decreases, there are some signs of beriberi. The first factors and harbingers of colds are: cold winds, rains and bad, very unstable weather. Everyone knows that the first and main symptoms of colds are coughing and sneezing. Hence the common cold appears.

Cough is a protective reaction of the body and it occurs in the process of irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. This most irritation can cause sputum, which has its beginning in the bronchi. It's a wet cough.
But there is one that does not form excreta and sputum. This cough is called dry.

What is inhalation?

Inhalation is the process of inhaling all kinds of active medicines, which are presented in the form of steam. Even the smallest particles of any drug can penetrate the body at the moment of inhalation of steam. Moreover, some drugs are able to penetrate even the circulatory system. Treatment with this method is much more effective than taking various medicines, tablets and much more.

Inhalation can be divided into two types: it can be both artificial inhalation, and natural.
In our time, very rarely, one of the parents makes inhalation when coughing in children. This is an old and long-forgotten way to cure cough.

A dry cough in both an adult and a child is much more painful than a wet cough. That is why the main task in its treatment is to soften it, after which the process of recovery will go much faster.

Wet cough is much easier and faster. He in a short time is able to get out of the child's body and thus ceases to disturb him.

Of what to do inhalation?

If the child is very strong and for a long time torments a dry cough (in case such cough is not caused some inflammatory process), then in this situation, for the inhalation of a cough, alkaline Components. To prepare such a composition, you only need to add two or three teaspoons of baking soda to the inhalers. For inhalation from cough, so that the effect was better, you can add a couple of drops of oregano in the composition.

With this kind of cough, inhalation according to the old good "grandmother's method" is also perfect, namely: inhaling potato vapors cooked in a uniform.

If the child has a wet cough, then in the boiled water is best to add a variety of medicinal herbs, essential oils.

If, with a wet cough, there are complications, namely a runny nose, then inhalation with a small addition of eucalyptus or propolis is necessary. These herbs can not only remove puffiness in the nose, but will act as an anesthetic.

How correctly to do inhalations at a cough at children?

Steam inhalations must be performed over a pot of boiling water, the volume of which should not exceed one liter.

It is also necessary to add the necessary medications. Children in this case, you need to tilt your head over the pan so that the inhaled steam directly gets into the respiratory tract. In doing so, it must be covered with a large bath towel on top, so that the vapors do not leave and their temperature remains at the level that is necessary.

When preparing for inhalation from a cough, it is worth remembering that you should inhale all the vapors only with your mouth. For children, this procedure should last from three to eight minutes. Equally important is that it must be carried out only two hours after the child has eaten. The frequency of inhalations should not exceed two times a day.

It is worth noting that for inhalation of cough in the home, parents should follow the temperature of the water. If adults can perform inhalation over boiling water, then it should be noted that by doing the same, children can get a burn of both the oral cavity and the respiratory tract.

For inhalation from coughing to a child up to one year, the water temperature should not exceed 30 ° C, and for children whose age is from one to three years, the temperature can only increase by ten degrees, namely 40 ° C.

It is worth considering that inhalations are strictly contraindicated for those with elevated body temperature, there are heart diseases or propensities to nosebleeds.

Carrying out such procedures, it is necessary to consider the following nuances:

  • When inhaling during inspiration, it is only necessary to hold your breath for a couple of seconds;
  • The clothes in which the child is placed should not restrain him, should be free;
  • after the procedure was carried out, for a while, namely not less than an hour, it is necessary to hold in a quiet state, so as not to strain your throat.

What are the recipes of herbal inhalations?

For inhalation of cough from peppermint and garlic, you need to add only two teaspoons of peppermint to boiling water. Warm up the composition on a low heat for 5-7 minutes. After this, you need to strain the composition and add a prepared chive of garlic.

In order to prepare inhalation from cough from chamomile, you need to add in boiling water just one tablespoon of chamomile flowers. The solution should be heated on low heat for 20-30 minutes.

Several recipes for inhalation from a cough containing essential oils:

  1. Option 1. For one liter of water, you need to add two or three drops of essential oils of incense, ginger or cypress.
  2. Option 2. For one liter of water, you need to add three to five drops of essential oils of rosemary or bergamot.
  3. Option 3. For one liter of water, you need to add five to seven drops of essential oils of eucalyptus or sandalwood.

What are the positive aspects of inhalation at home?

  1. Heat. After this procedure, the child is undesirable to go out and inhale the cold air. And when you go to the hospital, it's just guaranteed.
  2. Peace. Provide the necessary rest for children after the procedure is possible only at home.
  3. No stress. A small patient in an out-patient department can be scared by inhalers, and he can completely refuse to perform the procedure.
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It is worth remembering that before you carry out the procedure for a child, you need to check all available medications on yourself. After consulting with a doctor, you should also find out if the baby can be in the sauna. If the answer is positive, then before going should you bring along the necessary herbs for breathing fumes.
Be healthy!

Inhalation with a nebulizer with a dry and moist cough

One of the modern methods of treating dry and wet cough is nebulizer inhalation. They can be prescribed in the inflammatory process in the respiratory organs. With the help of procedures it is possible to withdraw phlegm, get rid of dry cough, improve overall health and recover faster after the disease.

The effectiveness of inhalation nebulizer

This is a gentle and safe method of treatment for children. It is recommended to use instead of syrup, injections, tablets, which often cause side effects. Using a nebulizer, you can penetrate deeply into the respiratory system. The nebulizer emits vapor molecules, so the effect of the drug is further intensified, the spasm from the respiratory system is removed, and phlegm is diluted.

Most often use such types of nebulizers:

1. Ultrasound, which is small, works silently, it is convenient for them to treat children up to one year. It destroys the medicinal active elements, so hormones and antibiotics are not used.

2. Compression, is overall, noisy, but more effective. With the help of the inhaler, small particles are produced.

Nebulizers have different cameras, they are used for children of different age categories, it is recommended to choose the optimal one at 10 micrograms.

Preparations for the nebulizer from dry and wet cough

With the help of inhalations with special medications with a dry cough, it is possible to stop the inflammatory process in the throat, to withdraw phlegm from the pulmonary and bronchial system. Recommend the use of such drugs:

1. Berodual is used for children who are more than 12 years old, necessarily divorced with saline.

2. Berotek can be used for a child of 6 years, take into account the dosage. Pre-dilute with saline solution.

3. Salgim, for inhalation nebulizer requires, mg of the drug, to perform three times a day.

4. Ambrobe is used for wet cough, when it is necessary to withdraw a large amount of sputum.

Also for the treatment of cough, Flumucil, Lazolvan, alkaline mineral water Borjomi is used.

Sometimes prescribed inhalation with phytopreparation - Sinupret. You can use it for children 2 years. Effectively, inhalation with Mucaltin helps, for this the tablet dissolves, make sure that no precipitate forms.

Adults and children are prescribed inhalation with a nebulizer for which the drug is used - Pertussin, it must be done three times a day.

Recommend to use in the inflammatory process of such drugs:

1. Rotokan in the composition, which includes herbs. With the help of a nebulizer you can remove redness from the throat, get rid of perspiration and other unpleasant sensations in the respiratory organs.

2. Propolis is one of the best anti-inflammatory drugs, but it can not be used if a person suffers from allergic reactions to bee products.

3. In bronchitis, angina, laryngitis, inhalation with eucalyptus, calendula is prescribed. Contraindicated procedure for bronchial asthma, bronchospasm.

Also used are anti-inflammatory drugs for nebulizer inhalation - Tonzilgon, Malawit, Calendula.

Bacterial bronchitis can be cured with the help of such medicines that are used for the nebulizer:

1. Antibiotics Fluimitsil prescribed for children only after 12 years.

2. Furatsilin, for inhalation is taken saline and dissolves in it a tablet.

3. Dioxydin, 4 ml of the solution is used for one inhalation.

4. Use Chlorophyllipt, diluted in 15 ml of saline.

5. Effective inhalation with Gentamycin, Miramistin.

Dosage and frequency of treatment should be selected by the treating doctor, he takes into account how a particular disease is taking place, whether a person carries a certain apparatus.

Conducting inhalation with nebulizer using different drugs

1. Always the first to use bronchodilators.

2. After 20 minutes, apply medication, with which you can dilute sputum.

3. When it's half an hour, you can use antiseptic inhalation.

4. At once, you do not need to wait, you can perform an anti-inflammatory inhalation.

5. For the prevention of drugs used to strengthen the immune system.

Often, the doctor can prescribe: first make inhalation from alkaline mineral water with the addition of saline or Lazolvanom, Rotocan. After you must breathe an interferon. After each use, it is important to carefully wash the inhaler with soda. It is forbidden to use unsuitable drugs for a nebulizer.

Which nebulizer to choose for inhalation?

Advised to use aerosol, which does not increase the temperature of the solution. For the treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, it is advised to use a medium-dispersed aerosol nebulizer. In it, the drug breaks up into small particles of about 4 μm, they are deep in the lower part of the respiratory tract, in the upper part does not linger.

Laryngitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis, runny nose are treated with a large-dispersed aerosol. Particles up to 20 μm are allocated, they do not get deep into the respiratory organs, get on the trachea, pharynx, nose. Advised to use specially prepared for inhalation drug medications, which are selected depending on the type of cough, general well-being.

So, with inhalations the nebulizer uses different medications, always diluted with saline. To fill the nebulizer, you need to use a syringe, needle. If you are treating bronchi, the lungs should breathe as deeply as possible. With tracheitis, laryngitis, angina, you need to breathe in steam with your mouth, then hold your breath and exhale through your nose. Despite a large number of advantages, the procedure must be treated with extreme caution, it can not be used for individual intolerance. Carefully select the drugs, they should not harm, consider all the side effects.

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