Recovery after removal of the meniscus

The meniscus in the knee joint (ISS) is very important, because it plays the role of shock absorber and stabilizer, which helps reduce friction between the contacting bones. However, the injury does not always involve a meniscus operation (recovery after a fairly rapid, but complicating life).

Usually, conservative methods of treating such injuries as bruises and ruptures are sufficient. Urgent intervention of the surgeon requires a meniscus rupture (incomplete / full, longitudinal / transverse), accompanied by pain, blockade of the joint, in the worst case - detachment of the ISS.


  • 1Operations to remove the knee joint meniscus - meniscatectomy and arthroscopy
  • 2Rehabilitation after meniscus arthroscopy - exercises
  • 3The first
  • 4The second
  • 5The third
  • 6Fourth
  • 7Fifth
  • 8The Sixth
  • 9Seventh
  • 10Eighth
  • 11The ninth
  • 12Physiotherapy after surgery with ISS rupture

Operations to remove the knee joint meniscus - meniscatectomy and arthroscopy

If most of the ISS was torn down,meniscus

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(it is impossible to heal the injured area alone, there is swelling and severe pain syndrome, severely restricting the movement of the joint due to its blockade).

In modern medicine, this type of surgery is performed using arthroscopic equipment capable of Reduce the risk of additional damage to the limb, reduce recovery time after removal meniscus. Because of surgery, complications can develop, this method reduces the risk of their occurrence.

Arthroscopy of the knee joint (removal of the meniscus)- the operation is easier and more sparing, due to which it became popular among specialists.

It is more convenient purely technical - the doctor, performing certain actions, can look at the joint from the inside, using a light bulb and a video camera, fixed on the tube of an arthroscope. The second tube receives a sterile liquid (if necessary), the third one performs the input of a special tool with the help of which the ISS will be removed.

The doctor makes three incisions in cm, to enter the apparatus (after them no visible damage remains), pumped out the accumulated liquid, removed the technique, sewed the incision and closed it with a sterile the bandage.The operation lasts at least 2 hours.

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Rehabilitation after meniscus arthroscopy - exercises

Since the goal of surgical intervention was to return the patient to normal and active life, it is important to start all the exercises as early as possible.

The patient is in the hospital for 1-2 days, where he is followed by doctors and nurses. After thatit is recommended to perform isometric exercises(muscles involved, the knee does not bend), providing tension without movement.

The first

The patient needs to take a recumbent or sitting in the bed position, after which strain the quadriceps femoris muscle in such a way that the toes on the leg are directed upwards, and the calyx is pulled in the same direction. Alternate rest with a tension of 10 seconds 10 times.

The second

The patient is in the same position, with the back of the thigh straining (similar to the desire to bend the shin). Alternating voltage and rest is similar to the first option.

The third

Taking a lying or sitting position on the bed, the patient withdraws the leg at a distance of 20 to 30 cm, raising the heel.

Then the limb returns to its original position.

Repeat ten times.


Sitting (if it's hard to sit, then lying down), the man straightens his leg and lifts it up to a height of 10-20 cm to 10 times. This position should be held for 10 seconds. If there is pain, the height of the leg or its retention time should be shortened.

On the second day of rehabilitation after resection of the meniscus, the doctor usually recommends starting the exercises, where the knee itself is directly involved.


The patient sits or lies, while pulling up the heel (the operated leg works) to himself, keeping this position for about 5 seconds, then straightens it (the starting position).

It is necessary to make up to 30 repetitions. If this exercise does not cause any difficulties, you should raise the heel to a height of 3 to 5 cm above the bed, while bending the leg in the knee area.

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The Sixth

Under the knee, a ball or roller is placed (a blanket folded into a roll). The patient raises his lower leg, maximally straightening his leg. This position should be maintained for at least 5 seconds (up to 10 seconds). Repeat 30 times.


This exercise after the operation on the meniscus involves the development of flexion in the joint, using the weight of the shin. The patient should sit on the edge of the bed, hammer the shin, and then, gradually relaxing the front femoral muscles, bend the leg in the knee area.

Actions must be performed slowly, exerting gravity resistance with the muscles of the thigh. The role of insurance is performed by a healthy leg.
To lift the operated leg should be healthy, setting the second under the first, straightening it. The amplitude of extension should be maximum (as far as possible).

To shorten the rehabilitation period after a meniscus rupture, it is better to perform all the above exercises, supplementing with the following two.


Here you will need a walker or a chair with a back. The operated leg needs to be bent at the knee and hip joint. At the same time, they, as well as the stop, are directed forward. The leg returns to its original position without changing the posture. Repeat about ten times.

The ninth

Relying on a chair or walker, it is necessary to unbend a painful leg in the same places as in the previous case, only now with the intention of reaching out to the buttocks. The direction of the hip, knee and foot is similar. In the starting position, the leg is returned unchanged in the pose. The number of repetitions is ten.

Here one must be especially careful, since too much extension can lead to gastrocnemius muscle cramps. If this still happened, you need to quickly pinch yourself for it and then perform all the actions not so intensely.

All these rehabilitation exercises will become highly effective and will help restore knee joint movements after meniscus arthroscopy ifperform them regularly and at least 5 times a day(doctors recommend increasing the number of repeats up to 8 times).

If a person feels sharp or sharp pain during exercise, which is hard to endure, you should immediately seek advice from a specialist. If it is easy and tolerant, you can continue to do (hurt the damaged muscles).

Physiotherapy after surgery with ISS rupture

The purpose of using physiotherapy during the rehabilitation period- improve blood circulation, as well as metabolism in the knee, accelerate the regeneration process. Effective for such purposes will be massage, magnetic and laser therapy, muscle electrical stimulation. However, massage is performed only with limited mobility of the knee or swelling, the joint itself is not recommended for massage by doctors.

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After removal of the meniscus by the surgeon, the longest problem is intra-articular edema, which interferes with the normal restoration of the functioning of the foot. In this case,lymph drainage massage. It must be performed by a specialist, since experience is very important here. If the massage is done manually, the doctor makes wavy movements, starting from the lower part of the leg, gradually moving upwards (the direction of the lymph vessels).

As a medicamental symptomatic treatmentanti-inflammatory, painkillersandaccelerating the process of repairmedicines.

An alternative but no less effective way to restore meniscus after arthroscopy is to The use of power simulators designed to train absolutely all muscles, including damaged. The most popular option is the veloergometer. In addition, swimming is practiced in the pool.