Drug treatment for alcoholism at home

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Alcoholism is a serious illness, which affects not only the alcoholic himself, but all members of his family. If at the beginning of the disease you can cope without medical help, using traditional medicine, then at a later stage, you will still have to apply to a hospital for qualified help. Many inveterate alcoholics are on inpatient treatment, but the treatment of alcoholism at home with medicines is also very important.

  • Methods of treatment of alcoholism
  • Specificity of drug treatment
  • Drugs for the treatment of alcoholism
  • Who will benefit from home therapy?
  • Advantages and disadvantages of alcohol dependence treatment with medicines
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Methods of treatment of alcoholism

There are several ways to treat this ailment:

  • medicamentous;
  • psychotherapeutic;
  • popular.
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Important!The patient may be on inpatient treatment or outpatient. Optionally, if medication and psychotherapeutic treatment is prescribed, it is necessary to lie in the hospital.

To treat this ailment is possible at home, if the patient will comply with all the doctor's recommendations:

  1. Completely eliminate the use of alcoholic beverages. To the patient did not want to drink, alcohol should be completely removed from the house and abandoned to the whole family.
  2. Clearly monitor the intake of medication.
  3. Correctly and in a timely manner to eat.
  4. Maintain a healthy sleep (8-10 hours).
  5. To go to the sessions to the therapist.
  6. To consume more vitamins.
  7. Drink plenty of liquids (water, compote, juice, mors, loose tea). Do not less than two liters per day.
  8. Exercise, exercise. This is necessary for the acceleration of metabolism, the normalization of immunity.
  9. More to be outdoors (2-4 hours).

Only in this case, treatment will give a result, if clearly adhere to all the rules.

Specificity of drug treatment

Whichever type of treatment is chosen, the principles of struggle are similar and as a result the patient ceases to think about alcohol, the craving for it ceases. Drugs that relieve dependence on alcohol, are effective in complex treatment - this should be remembered.

Treatment with medication:

  • reduces the craving for alcohol;
  • it disgusts him;
  • reduces the negative impact of alcohol.

Drugs for the treatment of alcoholism

This list will tell you about what preparations are available from alcoholism and what drugs help, that is, the most effective.

Reducing the craving for alcohol have: Vivitrol, Finlepsin, Barrier, Lorazepam, Pentobarbital, Akaprosat, Proproten-100, Balansin, Diazepam, Chlordiazepoxide, e. Most drugs are disgusted with prolonged-action drugs: Esperal, Abstinil, Teturam, Lidevin, Antabus, Tetlong 250, Kolme. The negative impact of alcohol reduces: "Biotredin", "Zorex", "Glycine".

The most popular drugs used in the treatment of chronic alcoholism:

  1. "Teturam" - is used to treat chronic alcoholism and for preventive purposes. Contraindicated in tuberculosis, pregnancy, diabetes, erosions, ulcers and bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, oncology, asthma, breast-feeding, nervous diseases. In the form of side effects are observed: headaches, itching of the skin, nervous breakdowns, digestive tract diseases, memory loss. With simultaneous reception with alcohol, a person can fall into a coma.
  2. "Colme" - the presence of cyanamide leads to severe intoxication with simultaneous reception with alcoholic beverages. Causes them to disgust with one smell. Contraindicated in breastfeeding, pregnancy, individual intolerance of components, cardiovascular disease, kidney and liver, respiratory system diseases. Feature of this drug is incompatibility with alcohol. If you drink alcohol together with the drug, then there will be: nausea, vomiting, loss of vision, excessive sweating, rashes on the skin, palpitations, tinnitus, heavy breathing, low blood pressure.
  3. "Proproten-100" - the pills take away the symptoms of a hangover, are taken out of the binge. Very quickly normalize brain activity, eliminate headaches, normalize sleep, tremor of hands. After a systematic intake of craving for alcohol disappears. Do not take with breastfeeding, lactation and individual intolerance.
  4. "Esperal" - due to the active substance disulfiram, alcohol got into the body contributes to the increase of toxins and the appearance of poisoning. Contraindicated in epilepsies, diabetes, pregnancy and lactation, with liver and kidney disease, individual intolerance, mental disorders. Can lead to thrombosis, psychosis, gastritis or coma in case of an overdose and prolonged admission.
  5. "Lidevin" - with a joint admission with alcohol causes a vomiting reflex, heart palpitations, malaise, increased pressure, which further promotes a complete refusal of the alcoholic drinks of the patient. Contraindicated: the age category after 60 years, with any acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, with endocrine and cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, asthma, mental disorders, tumors, pregnancy and lactation.

In addition, other means may be assigned.

"Vivitrol" - from the powder make a solution for intramuscular injections, which are administered once in 30 days. The drug blocks opioid receptors. As a consequence, there is no desire to drink alcohol, because it does not bring any pleasure. "Akaprosat" - suppresses the desire to drink alcohol. Side effects: poor appetite, abnormal work of the gastrointestinal tract, numbness and burning of limbs, rashes, dizziness.

The modern barrier drug "Barrier" - forms the immunity to alcohol dependence. If you do not combine with a visit to the therapist, the result will be temporary. Pentobarbital should be used with caution. It is not attributed without a complete examination, as it can cause complications.

Also often used "Balansin" - the drug removes intoxication and a desire to drink. And "Finlepsin" belongs to the category of psychotropic drugs, it affects the problem psychologically. The drug "Tetlong-250" - also contains dusulfiry, but is administered by intramuscular route. "Biotredin" removes intoxication, facilitates relief during alcoholic intoxication.

Effective drug Zorex - capsules have a detoxifying effect, help to treat alcoholism and warn it. Glycine tablets - normalize the work of the nervous system, remove it from depression, quickly eliminate toxic substances.

Many people ask themselves, what drugs can be bought from alcoholism in the pharmacy? You can buy everything, but, unfortunately, many of them are not given without recipes.

Each person needs a different amount of time for a full recovery, so you need to gain strength and patience and in no case do not stop treatment.

Remember!Any drug can be taken only with the permission of a doctor, self-medication can lead to serious consequences.

If a patient, along with drugs, takes alcohol, then:

  • there will be severe nausea and vomiting;
  • headache;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • dizziness;
  • impaired breathing;
  • death.

Attention!To treat without any consequences, be extremely careful and refuse from alcohol forever.

Who will benefit from home therapy?

First of all, those who do not want to be treated, or vice versa, those who are ready to fight to the last and comply with all the prescriptions of the doctor. If the alcoholic is against treatment, then the family can treat it in secret, but it needs to be done carefully. Pour some medicine or other so that the patient does not see it. Doctors prescribe in this case drops or syrups, which can easily be poured unnoticed into the food. Be sure to make sure that he does not drink alcohol.

Keep in mind!The narcologist can prescribe drugs in the form of tablets, powders, syrups, drops, tinctures, capsules, sometimes injections are prescribed.

Advantages and disadvantages of alcohol dependence treatment with medicines

In the presented method of treatment there is a mass of positive moments, this treatment:

  • controlled by a doctor;
  • rapid therapeutic effect;
  • does not depend on strong-willed efforts of the patient;
  • you can treat a patient without his knowledge.

The disadvantages of therapy are that if you use only drugs in treatment, the effect will not be long. It is necessary to visit the psychotherapist several times a week. He will adjust the patient to the need for recovery. Will make it clear to a person that alcohol spoils not only his life, but also the lives of all the people around him.

Drug treatment in conjunction with the psychotherapeutic, is able to rid of alcohol dependence once and for all. The main thing is support of relatives and friends, then everything can be overcome and enjoy life in the future.

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