Eye gymnastics to restore vision

Vision can be considered the main sense organ, through which a person learns the world around him.Loss of hearing or smell is not as terrible as complete blindness, so preventive measures to normalize vision are given great attention. One of the ways to keep sight, which is available to all age categories, is eye gymnastics.


  • 1General Provisions and Objectives
  • 2The authors of the complexes of ophthalmic exercises
    • 2.1The Bates Methodology
    • 2.2Norbekov's eye exercises
    • 2.3Practice Zhdanov
    • 2.4Eye gymnastics of Avetisov
    • 2.5Exercises Corbet
  • 3Rules for doing eye exercises
  • 4Exercises for myopia
  • 5Expedited Exercises
  • 6Exercises with astigmatism
  • 7Exercises with strabismus
  • 8Exercise to relax the muscles
  • 9Contraindications for ophthalmic gymnastics
  • 10Video
  • 11conclusions

General Provisions and Objectives

It should not be considered that eye gymnastics can restore an ideal vision after detachment of the retina or with strong astigmatism.Many serious eye diseases lead to such lesions that even surgical intervention allows not to restore good vision, but at least to preserve what is left.

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The main goal of eye gymnastics is precisely prevention of possible visual impairments that can occur at any age.In addition, gymnastic exercises of the eye muscles can provide invaluable help in the rehabilitation period after various ophthalmic operations.

If a child has mastered the skills of simple exercises for the eyes from an early age and, in the process of growing up, regularly uses eye gymnastics, there is a very high probability that eye deviations will affect him in a much later period age.In modern ophthalmology is considered useful a number of sets of exercises for the eyes.There are complexes designed to improve vision in hyperopia, myopia, astigmatism, strabismus and other pathologies.

Types of strabismus

It is not recommended to use any special exercises for the eyes without consulting an ophthalmologist. Exceptions are relaxation exercises. Relaxing techniques can be used independently.

The authors of the complexes of ophthalmic exercises

There is a sufficiently large number of different techniques that have been developed by ophthalmologists in different countries and at different times.There are as many as different diets for weight loss. Some of them, in fact, copy each other and differ only in minor nuances. In medicine, several sets of exercises are used, which over a long period have proved their effectiveness.Doctors are very wary of the Tibetan and Taoist methods, as well as to the exercises from the yoga system.The following authors were the founders of the most effective methods of eye exercises:

  • Bates;
  • Norbekov;
  • Zhdanov;
  • Avetisov;
  • Corbet.

The Bates Methodology

was the first development. .The theoretical background of William Bates was later found to be incorrect, but some of his exercises provide effective help in many eye pathologies. The basis of his eye gymnastics is the exercises for relaxation of the eye muscles, as well as psychophysical training.

William Bates Methodology

In particular, Bates suggested that the rejection of corrective optics and regular exercise will contribute to the complete restoration of vision. Soon the statement was partially disproved, tk. there was a positive dynamics of improvement in visual function, but did not give 100% of the results.

The author suggests closing his eyes, imagining beautiful landscapes, which causes relaxation of the eye muscles, or also mentally drawing something on an imaginary piece of paper.

Norbekov's eye exercises

In this technique, there are exercises for the development of various eye muscles.Exercises for the eyes of Norbekov - These are the rotational movements of the eyeballs, the orientation of the sight upwards and left to right. Some exercises are designed to switch the focus of the eye from near objects to distant and vice versa. Part of the exercises is borrowed from the techniques of William Bates.

Gymnastics for Norbekov

Practice Zhdanov

The exercises developed by him allow to restore to a certain extent normal vision in the eyes pathologies, relieve fatigue from the eyes and help in the rehabilitation period after surgical operations.Exercises by Zhdanov's method are divided into separate complexes for myopic and far-sighted patients.

The Zhdanov method

Just like Norbekov, Professor Zhdanov borrowed some of the exercises from the Bates method, supplementing it with the main provisions of the psychoemotional model of Shichko.

Eye gymnastics of Avetisov

Gymnastics for the eyes developed by Avetisov is primarily intended for schoolchildren, who often and often strain their eyes. This technique is used to prevent and improve vision. Complex Avetisova consists of three groups of exercises:

  • first group- It improves blood circulation in the tissues of the eye;
  • second group- designed to strengthen the eye muscles;
  • third group- improves accommodation.
    Gymnastics of Avetisov

Exercises Corbet

Austrian doctor ophthalmologist Margaret Corbet has developed her theory of improving eyesight, by which you can independently change the point of focus of the eye and, in the end, learn how to do without glasses.There are no specific exercises, but there are certain rules, observing which one can achieve a significant improvement in vision.

Rules for doing eye exercises

In order to get maximum efficiency from performing eye gymnastics and especially not to hurt yourself, you need to follow certain rules:

  • You can not do exercises without desire;
  • facial and cervical muscles should not be involved in the process;
  • eyes should be relaxed as much as possible;
  • move the eyeballs smoothly and gently;
  • Do not let fatigue in your eyes;
  • breathe should be smooth and even;
  • Before performing the exercises glasses and contact lenses should be removed.

Exercising the principle of "just to do" will not do any good. You need to adjust yourself to achieve the goal and remember that the exercises are being carried out to help not someone but yourself.

Muscles of the neck and face should be as relaxed as possible. When performing eye exercises, they do not take any part. Immediately it can not work, so the relaxation of the facial muscles will have to be trained.

When performing an exercise on the movement of the eyeball, they should be performed smoothly. No jerks are allowed.

Since the exercises, according to the method, are performed repeatedly, the eyes can get tired, especially at the very beginning of the session.In this case, you should take a short break and let your eyes rest. During the exercises, eye gymnastics should breathe smoothly and not too deeply, because deep breathing makes the muscles of the cervical region tense.

Neck Warm-up

All exercises are performed without glasses and contact lenses. Before classes start, you should sit for a while with your eyes closed and try to relax as much as possible.

Exercises for myopia

Myopia is more characteristic of young people, while hyperopia usually occurs in people over forty.With this pathology, exercises for improving blood circulation can well help. It is noticeable to improve and in some cases even restore the vision is possible only if the exercises are performed systematically.Gymnastics of the eyes with myopia includes a number of exercises, each of which must be performed 6-7 times.Between individual exercises, you should take a break for 15-20 seconds. The entire complex is performed daily, at least once a day.

  • move your eyes horizontally left-right. After the eyeball reaches the extreme point, it should be for 3-5 seconds to stay in this position;
  • similar images move your eyes vertically up and down lagging at the peak points;
  • Do rotational movements with eyes clockwise and counterclockwise.Before changing direction, hold your eyes strictly in front of you for 3-5 seconds;
  • very tightly squeeze the eyes for 3-5 seconds, then looking in front of them to open them and relax;
  • move your eyes diagonally first from the bottom left corner to the upper right corner, then vice versa;
  • Put your finger on the bridge of the nose and maximally reduce your eyes to the center, while the tip of your finger should be visible with two eyes;
  • quickly blink 20-30 seconds.

Expedited Exercises

A special set of exercises allows you to keep in the tone of the eye muscles and increase blood flow in the organs of vision.

  • sitting in a level position with a straight back, you need to slowly turn your head and direction of sight to the left until it stops.For 2-3 seconds, lock in the end point, then return the head to its original position. Carry out a turn in the opposite direction. Make the exercise 12-15 times;
  • place a finger about 25 centimeters from the eyes.Carefully consider the tip of the finger for 10-15 seconds, then sharply look at the distant object. Perform 15 reps;
  • massage the hands of the occipital region of the head and neck, combining rubbing with light strokes. Perform 3-5 minutes;
  • Draw eyes with circles and eightes clockwise and vice versa. Perform the exercise for 2-3 minutes.

Positive dynamics when performing exercises for the eyes is not observed immediately. Improvement of vision is confidently observed in 80% of patients later, -2 months after the beginning of the session.

Exercises with astigmatism

With astigmatism, the patient may have several points of focus. This is due to the uneven curvature of the cornea and lens defects. The following exercises can help:

  • Apply a small dot on the window glass with a marker.Stand at the window and try to focus your vision at a distant point. Then sharply look at the point on the glass and look again at the distant object. Perform repeatedly;
  • To develop eye muscles by rotating the eyeball clockwise and counterclockwise.Lead time 30 seconds;
  • squint very tightly for 5 seconds, then open your eyes and relax.

Exercises with strabismus

Eye exercises with strabismus allow you to enter the eye muscles into tone. In addition, such exercises help to remove swelling and remove redness of proteins.

  • you must try to make the mowing eye look in the opposite direction.A healthy eye is recommended to be covered with the palm;
  • It is very useful to observe the mowing eye behind a rhythmically moving object.It can be a clock pendulum or a metronome.You can imitate such an object with your finger;
  • close one eye, while others draw an imaginary eight in a clockwise direction, then vice versa.Repeat the exercise with the other eye and both eyes simultaneously.

Exercise to relax the muscles

Such exercises can complete the complex of eye gymnastics or use them to relieve the fatigue of the eyes after a long work on the computer.

  • Perform slow turns head to the left and right, while the muscles of the eye should be relaxed;
  • Try to write the tip of the nose letters of the alphabet and numbers;
  • quickly and often blink 5-10 seconds.

Contraindications for ophthalmic gymnastics

Exercises for the eyes can provide invaluable help in many eye pathologies, but there are a number of contraindications that limit the use of such gymnastics.You can not do eye exercises in the following cases:

  • after a surgical operation;
  • with established retinal detachment;
  • with increased intraocular pressure.

Perform eye exercises after surgery is possible only after the completion of the rehabilitation period.



Many underestimate the importance of ophthalmic gymnastics, believing that only radical methods can help with vision pathologies.This is completely in vain. World practice shows that almost 90% of patients who have had a long time and regularly performed special exercises for the eyes, showed a pronounced positive dynamics.

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