Otitis in a poodle

The puppy has otitis! help the experienced board


Anna Prokofieva

You need to take a smear from the ear to the tank. sowing and ear mites and treated based on the result of the analysis. Otitis can not be treated by poke, it will go into a chronic form and you will be tortured all your life. Go to the doctor, saving now, then you will be spent on treatment for life and a lot, about the pain that the dog feels I generally keep quiet. Yours faithfully


Drops of OTIUM. As a small child. And it is better to bring to the verifier.

Olga Solomatina

mozrya which otitis-purulent or caused by kleshchem-they are all treated differently-and it is impossible to treat purulent as tick-like, it can only be made worse, if the ear flows try otonazol

Konstantin Konovalov

Most often, dogs have diseases of the external and middle ear; Inflammation of the inner ear, fortunately, are relatively rare.

In otitis, the following symptoms are usually observed: the dog shakes its head, tilts it towards the lesion, scratches the ear. Obviously feels discomfort. Worried about light pressure on the base of the ear.

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The ear to the touch can be hot, when viewed, noticeable hyperemia (redness) or swelling. Allocations can be from catarrhal, almost transparent, to purulent. At an acute purulent otitis the general condition of a dog worsens. She is depressed, sluggish, appetite is lowered, body temperature is increased.

Often the bacteria are caused by otitis (staphylococci, streptococci, protheus), of which the leader is Staphylococcus aureus (golden staphylococcus aureus) and fungi. This microflora is conditionally pathogenic: it can be present in the dog's body and under certain circumstances can cause various diseases, including otitis media. The triggering mechanism can be hypothermia, decreased immunity. Not the last role belongs to allergic reactions and improper feeding. Unbalanced diet, improper selection and use of dry food, abuse of sweets - these are provoking factors. One day a bloodhound with a heavy otitis, which started the day after the dog stole and dabbed the whole cake, was brought to the reception.

Another reason that can cause otitis - an ear mite (in Latin it is called Otodectes synotis). This microscopic mite parasitizes on the inner surface of the skin of the auricle, causing the strongest inflammation. In otodectomy, the dog experiences severe itching, the ear is covered with crusts, the surface of the skin is ulcerated. Mites usually infect dogs when they come in contact with patients with otodectosis by dogs and cats.

There is a breed predisposition: otites often suffer from Eastern European shepherds, cockerels, poodles. Sheepdogs, mainly - because of the wide open ear canal, where dust, bacteria easily gets. But, of course, the "palm tree" belongs to the Fold Dogs. Poor ventilation of the ear contributes to the rapid development of pathogenic microflora.

Dogs with small semi-standing and erect ears, including docked ones, are hardly susceptible to disease.

Otitis should be treated by a doctor. Only correctly diagnosed with an accurate definition of the pathogen ensures recovery. In clinics for diagnosis, laboratory tests are used - sowing microflora to identify the pathogen. When suspected of otodectosis, a microscopic examination of earwax is performed.

Treatment is assigned depending on the results of the tests. But taking into account the factors causing the disease, it should still be comprehensive. For successful treatment, medical supervision is necessary. Especially with chronic otitis, because in this case it is possible to attach a secondary infection, a change in the pathogen. Do not self-medicate. Attempts to cure otitis "by eye" or on the advice of "all-knowing" neighbors are not only unsuccessful, but also fraught with various complications.

First aid in otitis: drip into the ear of "Sophradex", "Ottinum" or "Ottypaks." These drops will not do harm and do well to relieve pain, itching.

If the dog strongly combed the ear, crusts were formed, then they can be carefully removed with a swab with hydrogen peroxide and processed with a solution of brilliant green. "Sloshing" ear can be gently sprinkled with powder consisting of one part of streptocide and five parts of boric acid. At an elevated temperature, you can give analgin: 0.5-1 tablets, depending on the weight. And, of course, do not delay the visit to the doctor.

Periodic inspection will save many problems. This is an effective measure of prevention. Naturally, the dog from childhood should be accustomed to both inspection and cleaning of the ears.

Ada / Raya

First - to clean your ears regularly. Especially lop-eared. After cleansing - tetracycline ointment. Wipe the turkey rubbed and pushed deeply. Dogs have a long ear canal. 2 times a day to change. Bury hydrocortisone or prednisolone up to 4 times a day. in the mouth - ketotifen (tablets) 2 times a day. Push deeply, otherwise it will spit out. Treat until the complete disappearance of the symptoms, otherwise the infection will return. Tetracycline ointment after a week, replace with erythromycin, for example. In complicated cases, antibiotics are pricked.

The Snow Queen

I do not know how there is in dogs, but the anatomy of a man is similar. Or man - on animals. People drip warm (hotter! ) camphor oil in the ears. Even to children. It helps.

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My dog ​​was very well helped by the children's Ciprolet + drops of Normax. 5 days gave antibiotics, only need to calculate the correct dose for weight. I gave a 15 kg dog for 1 tablet in the morning and in the evening. For half a year there are no exacerbations. Drops dripped according to the instructions. The veterinarian prescribed the medicine for us. This is with pure otitis, if there is a tick or fungus, then another treatment.

Marina Blizstanova

there is a site http: // sharpei-online. com / forum /
clean the spaces.... there in the section of health-there are topics with otitis.... there are a lot of options, I too can not cure my otitis for several months, there is a suspicion that otitis due to food allergies to the component of the feed.... And with the doctors, we also were unlucky - now I go only to the laboratory of vet clinics (I do earwax tests).... but after each course of antibiotic-take a break.... otherwise, put the dog in health.

The poodle otitis. Than you can obezbalivat



Trauma-gel well relieves pain and swelling in otitis.


Who has diagnosed such a diagnosis? lead to the vet, there about the treatment and find out

-) dikyagoda (-

Watching what, middle or inner ear, you need to contact the veteranar, and not only anesthetize, you need immediate treatment, otherwise the disease will reach the brain.

Natali Mur)

It is necessary to treat!!! And not obezbalivat
the best thing for a veterinarian

Tetechka Olechka

Do not practice self-medication. And until the chronicle, and very painful not far away. Go to the clinic, find out the reason. There are not only one of them. And then heal. Who then drops the course, then blockade. This doctor will say

Jelena Moravcsik

before treating otitis, you need to look into the ear with a special device, often inflammations and pain cause dry particles plants that fall into the ear and, of course, they must be taken out, otherwise you will be treated endlessly

vet. doctor

How to handle the ears of a poodle? The wool is plucked, and what else besides the water still needs to be processed, it really hurts from there.



Smell is a sign of otitis. At me it is a headache, t. To. Ears are stopped. I drip the oricine. It is sold in pet stores. Two or three days and all.


we process the chlorhexidine coker

Olga Babkina

Actually... normal... from the ears should not smell strongly ...

Iryna Adler

"I have a headache, because my ears are docked. I drip the oricine. It is sold in pet stores. Two or three days and all... probably, it's not about growing wool, but in some tick or otitis... "
but in general it is not clear who has a headache? if Natasha, then-the pressure, most likely, and if the poodle, then: tick, otitis or... better-to the doctor ...!

Natalia Osipova

Not with water, for God's sake.
If there is a bleeding and an unpleasant smell, shakes his head scratching his ears, whimpering.
Urgent to the veterinarian, he is obliged to show you how to clean the ears and what. Assign the right treatment.
If everything is fine, but the smell is embarrassing - vseravno to the vet. And let him teach you how to look after the ears of a dog.

Alisa Vilkanova

This is called "otitis", go to the branch.
And so-
1. moisten the cottonwool with chlorhexidine or dioxidine and wipe the auricle, BUT DO NOT DEEP DEEPLY, only pour the sulfur inside. can be slightly wadded with a stick.
2. in the vetaptek, ask the powder for the ears (the release is stopped, but still ask, "BAKsotsid-P", a brilliant thing), (ONLY NOT STRETTOCID, HE OTOTOXIC), dry your ears with dry cotton wool, and fall asleep.
And from the ears do not wring out anything, the fur in the ears is a means of protection against snow and water. besides plucking is a painful procedure.


The smell from the ears is a sign of poor care and inflammation (otitis)! Ears do not wash water and do not pinch the hair, for the hygiene of the ears, there are preventive and therapeutic drops. Show the dog to the doctor and he will prescribe the necessary procedures. Why a doctor? Yes, because it seems you do not know the basic rules of hygiene!
The simplest thing is to buy drops for the ears (Bars) and most CORRECTLY clean the ears and propath their necessary period (according to the annotation), but my advice to you is to the doctor, so it will be safer, you will at least explain how to care for the dog's ears.

Alyona Angelok

If it smells - then it's not just a selection, it can be like an otitis, or an ear mite. Be sure to show the dog to the veterinarian! Water can not be treated with ears!! There are special lotions and drops for the ears - lotions - cosmetic products, drops - medicinal. Wool in the ears of poodles is plucked or cut because it is dense there and prevents the ventilation of the ear, but if this is not done correctly, otitis and inflammation of the auricle may occur!! On the good - you need hands in the legs and running to the veterinarian, self-medication you can only make worse.

Irina Shimanskaya

If there is no otitis - I clean Barsom without anti-malignant effect. He creates a thin film, through which sulfur comes out easier.

A dog (black poodle) has ears.



What fleas?!? This is a real otitis (there is inflammation of some kind, the veterinarian needs it), ears are the most vulnerable place in poodles, we are also suffering with ears, veterinarians are powerless, I have an average poodle (also black by the way), said otitis in a neglected stage (although we almost inspect her ears almost every day) prescribed drops "anandin" (special for animals, in veterinarians and pet stores are sold, temporarily helped us, then again.. Do not forget to clean your ears once every 2 weeks with a wand sticks, but not deeply, without a diagnosis, you can not start treatment, you can not hurt, we do not see the dog, we took samples from the ear, looked under a microscope, well, it was shorter there that was determined what and how, wait for the veterinarian, it was not an emergency, but it's not worth delaying



Svetlana Pam

ear mite, fungus.

to the veterinarian urgently, and then to the meat will be severed

Olga Vasilyeva

Depending on the cause, there may be different treatments. It is best to take the tests in the clinic and then treat it, based on the results.

New day

On Saturday, doctors take at least until 14.00. No need for treatment on the Internet, only do harm. Ears are serious.

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