Spray in the nose of the cold which is better

What is the best spray for a cold? protsyl, a runny nose has tortured, advise a spray from a rhinitis



Bioparox is an antibiotic
so get involved in the use of this drug without much need for yourself more.

It is better to wash the nose at least in the morning with a weak solution of salt (sea ray) \
If you want to get a quick effect, try otrivin

But any drops in the nose is better not to get carried away, it is usually recommended to use no more than 3 days
Try in combination with any antihistamine (suprastin, parasitic, etc.) ) It will help to remove the edema.

Well and an ideal variant in a complex with all advice which to you will be to visit the otolaryngologist (an ear, a throat, a nose)

Be healthy!

Irina Simonova

Pinosol is good at helping, although it is not a spray.


bioparox instantly helps


Sprinkle Navizin!!! Sanorin is normal, but for Nos foollo !!

Julia Julia

Sanorin is a cool spray, tizin-xylon.

Shin Sh

nazivin spray is not bad. Coryza for cold because how... you treat passes or takes place in a week, you do not treat in 7 days. and if prolonged, then to LOR, he can and a / b appoint.

instagram viewer

Zhamilya Shataevna Arinova

The cheapest and most affordable means is hydrogen peroxide: take a glass of water and 40 drops and retract in turns in the nostrils, effective when the water will spit out iso-mouth, then throat rinse!
A day for half an hour before a meal several times you can do the procedure.
From the nose everything will flow, then stop. You can lubricate with some kind of oil, a pink one, what kind of house is there.

Ksenia Kozhenevskaya

(with the content of sea salt)
great thing


I cleaned even the genyantritis folk remedy - take the market root horseradish wash, take a grater and bowl, sit on the bed with your legs, cover the sheet with a head three on a grater horseradish and breathe through your nose., then your mouth... eyes closed... 5 minutes.... and so for 2-3 days every evening.... a little will bake, but be patient... everything will pass without a return.... with angina too... he treats even bronchitis and tuberculosis, only to do this procedure longer... (the remaining root in a polietil bag and in the refrigerator in the door to the bottom, so as not to dry up.


Vibrocil. In general, the runny nose should be treated not only with a spray. Heal yourself to complications. You need at least an aspirin for the night, otherwise you'll drink antibiotics.


Balsam "Revival" - anoint them with nasal passages, red beet juice diluted 1: 2 with warm boiled water and drip them for 3-5 drops in every nostril, you can make garlic oil - crush 2-3 cloves of garlic, pour them with unrefined sunflower oil and let stand in closed potatoes at least 15-20 minutes, then drain this oil and dig in the nose - 1-2 drops in each nostril 2-4 times a day. There are a lot of such recipes - but here they have resulted most effective and tested both on themselves and on their loved ones.
Simple prophylaxis - frequent airing of the apartment, the use of multivitamins, beekeeping products (honey, propolis, pergah, pollen), garlic, onions, lemons for food, reception BAD, frequent walks in the open air, general hardening - and you and your family will be under reliable protection, believe me - checked on my family and all my relatives and friends.

What spray from nasal congestion is the most effective?


Larissa Abdullina * - *))

Try the Strelnikov's breathing roller full! Everything else is muffled


Naphthyzine, it dries, but does not heal. Vibrocil - the most good and heals and the nose is not laid))))))))


pure nose - silver

Acid Burn

I advise you to take any one based on xylometazoline. Otryvin, ximelin, pharmacoline.. . Their Tuyev Hucha. Act the same.

*** Naglaya Belka ***

It is better to give up sprays like Naftizine, Ximelin, and so on. His sinusitis (manifested autumn - winter - spring) cured Aquamaris - sea water, washing every day, or how I feel discomfort. Excellent!!! And mucous does not dry, and it helps)))


on the basis of xylometazoline the longest-lived is a rhinome

but in general the best remedy for a cold is washing the nose with a strong saline solution from iodized salt. So I would pour into one nostril, and on the other it would follow. In 2 weeks if every day to do, a runny nose and stuffiness disappears.

Kitten named Woof

Knox-spray well penetrates, but the treatment will be delayed. Isopra cures, but does not break right away. You can do inhalations over boiled potatoes, with an asterisk. Soar your feet, because everything is interconnected. You can soar with mustard dry, and you can simply in hot water, periodically topping up boiling water. The main thing is to keep your feet warm.

Igor velaskes

Vibrocil. Good swastika drops. Only it is necessary to apply carefully as well as all drops and sprays. And it's better to breathe gymnastics and washing with salt water especially for prevention.

Love of Karanov

Nazol-edvans! Also does not dry and the nose breathes! Although it is better to turn to Laura!

What kind of spray for a cold for children to choose?

Rhinitis in the babyA stuffy nose or runny nose often disturbs young children. Even colds are susceptible to colds, so parents should know which spray for the children's cold will help to remove unpleasant symptoms. This form of the drug has a number of advantages, among which - ease of use and the ingestion of the active substance on the inflammatory focus, become a priority in the choice of the drug.

Varieties of medicine

Children's spray from the coldSpray for children for the nose is prescribed depending on the origin of the common cold, namely, on the factor that triggered the development of the disease. In rhinitis of an allergic nature, preparations based on sea water are prescribed, if the formation of mucus is caused by the penetration of bacterial microflora, antibiotics can not be avoided.

When using a spray, much less drug is consumed than when dropping drops, which is due to the presence of a dispenser. Specialists highlight such advantagesthis form of the drug, as an accurate dosage and getting the medicine into hard-to-reach places of the nasopharynx;

Sprays for washing the nasopharynx

Among the sprays for washing the nose in children, doctors prescribe such nasal drugs:

  • Aqua Maris;
  • Aqualor;
  • Humer;
  • Merimer;
  • Dolphin.

Such means are intended for the treatment of mild forms of the common cold, as well as for its allergic character or for liquefaction of thick mucus.It should be noted thatsuch a drug is not a medicinal product, it includes only sea water, rich in useful salts.Such children's sprays from the common cold are not addictive, they are recommended for daily use for hygiene of the nasopharynx cavity. You can use salt solutions for washing the nose for children, starting from the year.

ChildAqua Maris - one of the most effective means, which not only thoroughly cleans the nasal cavity, but also has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane. The benefit is due to the fact that the preparation is made on the basis of the Adriatic Sea water and is a source of elements such as calcium, magnesium and sodium ions. Aqua Maris - this is truly a children's drug that allows you to eliminate the common cold at the initial stage of its development. For children up to a year, you can use Aqua Maris drops.

Almost the same properties are endowed with other sprays against the common cold for children from year to year. They eliminate irritation of the mucous membrane, relieve dryness, improve nasal breathing and reduce the amount of mucus produced.

Vasoconstrictor sprays

Mom treats the childCoryza often causes nasal congestion, making it difficult for the baby to breathe.To remove puffiness, pediatricians prescribe vasoconstrictor drugs in the form of sprays. However, parents should understand that vasoconstrictors are directed only at the narrowing of blood vessels, so they do not have a therapeutic effect.

To remove for a while zalozhennost a nose application of such children's sprays from a rhinitis will help or assist:

  1. VibrocilVibrocil.The drug provides an anti-allergic and mild vasoconstrictive effect due to such components as dimethindene and phenylephrine. Phenylephrine is part of many antiviral tablets and powders designed for adults, but Spray has a local effect, so it does not affect other organs of the child's body. Vibration immediately after the first application will remove puffiness with any kind of rhinitis. The instruction states that you can not take a spray in the treatment of children under 6 years, but some doctors prescribe it at an earlier age.
  2. XimelinXimelin.Local vasoconstriction after injecting the drug into the nose is achieved by the action of xylometazoline. The agent acts immediately after its introduction into the nasal cavity and retains the vasoconstrictive effect from 8 to 12 hours, so it is good to use it at night. Ximelin is prescribed to treat colds in children from 2 to 6 years, while taking it more than 3 times and lasting more than 7 days is prohibited.

Among vasoconstrictor sprays, which facilitate nasal breathing, Otrivin, Nazivin, and Galazolin are popular.

Coryza in the girlIn the case when the cold was not cured at the initial stage of its development, or bacteria got into the nose, antibacterial sprays will help get rid of the signs of the disease. Pediatricians prescribe mostly pediatricians Isofra and Bioparox.

Currently, many parents are trying to cure children with homeopathic remedies. Well-proven Pinosol, is made on the basis of essential oils of pine needles and eucalyptus. The product has a mild anti-inflammatory, enveloping effect on the mucosa, improving the nasal breathing of the baby.

Correctly selected drug from the common cold will help to speed up the treatment process, excluding the development of dangerous complications.


The most effective sprays from an allergic rhinitis: a complete list

spray from an allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is a health condition not associated with viruses or infections. Most often this phenomenon affects children and young people, but recently, statistics confirms - an allergic rhinitis (rhinitis) is now diagnosed in patients of different ages.

Types / Symptoms

best allergy spray

Allergic rhinitis may be seasonal or year-round

In medicine, it is accepted to differentiate two main types of the disease under consideration:

  1. Seasonal allergic rhinitis.It is also called hay fever, occurs only during the flowering period of certain plants - for example, in August can develop an allergic rhinitis in the hay fever for ragweed blooming, and in June - for poplar fluff.
  2. All-year allergic rhinitis.In this case, the problem in question is present in a person all year round and means that the allergen is permanent - for example, house dust, animal hair.

Please note: an allergic rhinitis develops only if the allergen - the pollen of the plant, the animal's hair - enters the nasal passages or in general the person's airways. That is, if during the flowering of ragweed the patient is sent to the region where this phenomenon does not exist, then an allergic rhinitis will not occur.

cheap allergy spraySymptoms of this condition are very simple and easily distinguishable:
  • itching in the nose and eyes;
  • nasal congestion, difficulty breathing - this sign is short-lived and has nothing to do with the usual (viral / infectious) rhinitis;
  • tear;
  • frequent sneezing;
  • drowsiness.

Note: even after careful removal of accumulated mucus in the nasal passages (blotting out or rinsing), the stuffiness does not disappear.

To ease the condition, you can use a variety of medications - antihistamines are presented on the market in a wide range, but with allergic rhinitis the most effective will be special sprays:

  1. First, sprays act localized and instantly alleviate the condition of the patient.
  2. Secondly, sprays are convenient to carry around and use even in the environment of people at work.

Spray Treatment

The use of sprays is considered the most effective method of dealing with an allergic rhinitis.It is necessary to "remove" the allergen / irritant and only then it will be possible to achieve optimal results.But sometimes it's impossible to do - do not change the same residence because of the ragweed blossom once a year! For such patients, sprays have been developed that will help cope with the unpleasant symptoms of the disease in question.

Steroid / hormonal agents

The most effective drugs are glucocorticosteroids, which will help to quickly cure a runny nose in an adult. Sprays on this basis can help almost instantly after inserting them into the nasal passages.One injection of the drug will be enough to ease the condition for 6-8 hours.

The most common steroid sprays for the treatment of allergic rhinitis (a list of the names of the most effective means):

  • hormonal sprays from allergiesFliksonase.It has not only anti-allergic, but also anti-inflammatory effect - this is important, because even at the considered condition the inflammation of the nasal mucosa will be present necessarily. Produces Fliksonase in special bottles with a dispenser - when using a clearly defined dose of the drug, therefore there can not be an accidental overdose.
  • Avamis.The drug, similar in its effect to Fliksonase, but its effect occurs only after 6-8 hours, whereas the above-described The spray against allergic rhinitis has an antiallergic effect within 2 hours after injection into the nasal passages. Avamis can cause side effects - excessive dryness of the mucosa, increased thirst and nosebleeds.
  • Nazonex.A steroid drug that can be used to treat allergic rhinitis and in patients of childhood. It is necessary to do once a day 2-3 injections in each nasal passage - this is enough to ease your condition for a day.

Your doctor will help you choose the right spray for your efficiency and price.

Antihistamines / nonhormones

sprays from a new generation of allergies

Of non-hormonal sprays with an allergic rhinitis, "Allergolid

Such a group of medicines can be used long before the onset of an allergic rhinitis. For example, with hay fever (seasonal allergic rhinitis), the patient always knows at what time the first signs of the condition in question will appear. For 2-4 weeks you can start using antihistamines - the body will strengthen immunity and prepare for the "invasion" of allergens. As a rule, non-hormonal drugs are presented in the form of tablets, but with an allergic rhinitis the spray "Allergodil" showed the greatest efficiency.

cure for a cold for a nebulizer for childrenWhat remedy for a cold for a nebulizer for children is used most often in the article.

How does the nebulizer work with a runny nose is indicated in the article.

How to properly apply Lazolvan in a cold through a nebulizer, is indicated here: http://prolor.ru/n/lechenie-n/rastvory-dlya-ingalyacij-nebulajzerom-pri-nasmorke.html

Allergodyl can be used in long-term therapy (up to six months), 15-30 minutes after the injection of the drug into the nasal passages, an anti-inflammatory effect- this means that the swollen mucosa returns to normal, the patient's breathing is restored, the stuffiness of the nose disappears.


sprays for allergic rhinitisSprays that relieve congestion and significantly relieve the patient's condition, have a vasoconstrictive effect.Many patients prefer them - they have a quick effect, it lasts up to 6-8 hours.But it is worthwhile to know the negative aspects of the application of vasoconstrictor sprays:
  • they become addictive - literally after 5-7 days the body stops responding to them and the patient's state of health deteriorates sharply;
  • vasoconstrictive agents act symptomatically and do not have a therapeutic effect;
  • they can not be used in the treatment of young children and pregnant women.

Features of application of sprays

Indications for the use of these agents are signs of an allergic rhinitis. Those patients who are not the first time to face the development of hay fever,

spray for allergiesdecision on the use of this or that means. Nothing wrong with that:
  • a random overdose is not possible - the spray makes it possible to inhale during a single injection a certain dose of the drug;
  • sprays have a local effect, the drug does not penetrate into the blood - it reveals a minimum number of components of the drug;
  • they can be used during pregnancy and during breast-feeding;
  • if necessary, the sprays can be used constantly (with a year-round allergic rhinitis) or simply for a long time (when the therapy is carried out 3
    -6 months in a row).

Dosage should be calculated by the attending physician, but even with the independent use of the medicines under consideration, one can not worry about the negative effects of drugs on overall health. It is enough to follow the instructions or to be guided by your own state of health.For example, some patients note that it is sufficient to inject the spray into the nasal passages once a day - the relief will be prolonged.And for some of the single-dose medication will not be enough - in this case, it is advisable to do injections twice a day.

runny nose and cough with teethingWhat to do when there was a runny nose and cough with teething is indicated in the article.

What antibiotics for coughing and runny nose appoint doctors, you can see in the article.

Than to treat a sneezing and a runny nose without temperature, it is specified in article here: http://prolor.ru/n/simptomy/nasmork-bol-v-gorle-bez-temperatury.html

Note: if the trip is to a place where external stimuli / allergens are massively located (for example, fields with flowering herbs, nursery for animals), the usual dosage can be increased.

What is dangerous allergic rhinitis

allergy spray in the nose

Otitis, sinusitis, conjunctivitis - three severe complications of allergic rhinitis

Many believe that an allergic rhinitis is not dangerous and you just need to wait out the period of exacerbation. In fact, this condition can lead to serious complications:

  • suppurative inflammation of the maxillary sinuses- a genyantritis;
  • allergic conjunctivitis- it interferes with working and living a normal way of life;
  • otitis- inflammation of the middle ear.

According to statistics, in people with an allergic rhinitis in the event of failure to provide professional assistance, bronchial asthma develops with a probability of 50%.


The video will tell you more about the treatment of an allergic rhinitis:

Allergic rhinitis is an unpleasant phenomenon, but it is completely controlled. If you approach the selection of medicines with knowledge of the assortment in the market, you can independently alleviate your condition. Choosing nasal sprays, it is necessary to focus not only on the cost, but also on the quality characteristics - they should not only have a vasoconstrictive / anti-inflammatory, but also antihistamine action. With their regular application, you can count on the passage of a period of exacerbations of seasonal allergic rhinitis and year-round manifestations of allergies easily and quickly.


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