The first teeth of a baby: when, for how many months does the child's teeth have teeth and in what order

After the birth of the baby, the first months of his life, you probably rejoiced his extraordinary toothless smile! But here, a slight whitish bulge became visible on the gum. What does it mean? It's simple, the first teeth begin to be cut from the crumbs.

First it's the first tooth, after a couple of weeks, it's next to it. And children, by the time of their three years of life, acquire almost all milk teeth.


The first teeth of a child when cut?

The moment of eruption of the first teeth in the baby will depend on such factors as:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Baby food. It is necessary that the amount of calcium is supplied in sufficient quantity to the body.
  3. instagram viewer
  4. Climatic living conditions. In a hot climate in children, teeth erupt earlier.
  5. The sex of the child matters. Girls' teeth are cut earlier than boys( between 6 and 7 months of life).

Doctors-pediatricians note that the very first cut the lower incisors. Rarely, but it happens that the first and foremost erupt and other teeth, there is nothing terrible in this, because we are individual.

The appearance of the teeth: the first signs and symptoms

How to recognize, understand and see that the child starts to be cut teeth can be immediately understood by the state and behavior of the crumbs:

  1. on the gums marked redness and swelling, they itch and hurt;
  2. increases salivation;
  3. appears sour smell from the mouth, caused by the decomposition of mucosal particles;
  4. swells are swollen;
  5. the child all pulls into the mouth and scratches the gum;
  6. appears irritability and tearfulness.

It happens that there are other symptoms, because the immunity of the child during this period is reduced. His own immunity is just beginning to work out, and already the immune protection given by the mother is used.

Bear in mind that teething is a significant blow to the body, it can be accompanied by the following manifestations:

  1. rash on the gums in the form of red vesicles that contain fluid, after the appearance of the tooth, the rash disappears;
  2. , an increase in temperature caused by gingival inflammation should not last more than three days;
  3. diarrhea is due to the presence of foreign objects in the mouth of the child;
  4. lack of appetite is caused by painful sensations of the gums;
  5. worsening of sleep;
  6. runny nose.

If during the period of teething deterioration the child's state of health deteriorates for a long time, it is necessary to call a local pediatrician at home to exclude other possible pathological causes of the disease state. Suddenly, the crumb was actually sick, and the symptoms do not directly connect with the eruptions of the teeth?

What is the general outline and timing of dentition?

See how much teeth are cut:

  1. The first four teeth( upper and lower incisors) appear to 7-10 months.
  2. The next four incisors come out on the first birthday.
  3. The first molars on the top and bottom will appear from year to year and a half.
  4. Fangs erupt in the second half of the second year of life.
  5. Second molars complete a row of milk teeth by the third year.

I can not tell from the list the exact date of teething. See another pattern of teething:

  1. lower central incisors 6-7 months.
  2. upper central incisors 8-9 months.
  3. upper lateral incisors 9-11 months.
  4. lower lateral incisors 11-13 months.
  5. upper first molars 12-15 months.
  6. lower first molars 12-15 months.
  7. fangs 18-20 months.
  8. second molars 20-30 months.

Most often, the first teeth begin to show about seven months.

Later, teething should not be a reason for panic. Earlier it was considered the appearance of teeth as a sign of the appearance of rickets or a lack of calcium. Modern pediatricians consider the delay of teething to be normal for completely healthy children.

Some atypical dates for the appearance of teeth may be indirect symptoms of disorders in the body of the child:

  1. teething after two more months or more may be a consequence of an infectious disease, metabolic disorders or bowel disorders.
  2. eruption of the first tooth earlier for two months can talk about endocrine disorders.
  3. eruption outside the gum is a consequence of the wrong position of the tooth axis.
  4. birth of a child with teeth occurs, although rarely;These teeth are removed to make it convenient for mother to breastfeed.

However, only a thorough thorough examination of the child will confirm the presence of certain violations.

If a one-year-old child does not begin to grow teeth, you should contact your dentist. Most often, during examination, the doctor will detect swollen and reddened gums. You just need to stimulate the appearance of teeth with a massage. In rare cases, a diagnosis is made - an adentia, confirming the complete absence of teeth rudiments.

What to do and how to help the child during teething?

In this difficult period, you need to know how to help your child, to ease his pain and discomfort. The methods are simple and worked out over the years:

  1. Gum massage will relieve the pain syndrome .It should be done with a finger, before washing your hands thoroughly. Massage carefully so as not to injure the gum.
  2. Give the child a toy-teaser .The choice of such rubber, silicone or gel accessories is large and can be purchased at a pharmacy or a children's store( teethers).
  3. Cold helps to remove the itching and pain of the gums .It is necessary to moisten a soft cotton napkin in cool water, put it in the refrigerator and let the baby chew. You can use a decoction of chamomile instead of water, it will help to remove the inflammation. You can also cool the gel eraser or pacifier.

The above proven methods can be significantly supplemented with modern pharmaceutical products. Now in pharmacies a large selection of special gels and during painful sensations in the child, you can choose any and lubricate the gums:

  1. Dentinox;
  2. Холисал;
  3. Calgel;
  4. Baby's doctor;
  5. Kamistad;
  6. Denthol-baby;
  7. Pansoral.

Dental gels do not affect the process of teething. They only relieve the pain, because lidocaine and menthol are included in such agents.

When using these drugs, it is necessary to observe the reaction of the child, since they can cause an allergic reaction. The action of gels lasts no more than 20 minutes, they can be applied no more than five times a day and no longer than three days.

If you have severe pain, you can resort to an anesthetic. Before giving your baby a medicine, you should always consult your doctor.

Abundant salivation irritates the delicate skin of the baby on the chin. It is necessary to constantly wipe the saliva and lubricate the skin with baby cream. During this period, it is necessary to remove from the environment of the child all small and fragile items. The baby pulls everything in his mouth and can get hurt, swallow an object or suffocate. All toys of the baby must be disinfected for the same reason.

First teeth and care for them

The baby's first teeth require new responsibilities from the parents. Even one tooth should be cleaned already - it is a hygienic necessity, and the formation of a useful habit to take care of the cleanliness of the teeth.

To do this, buy a special silicone attachment on the finger or use a bandage soaked in boiled water. The procedure is carried out regularly: after breakfast and in the evening, before bedtime, carefully rubbing the teeth, gums and tongue.

A little later they start using a baby toothbrush with soft bristles and toothpaste with a minimum content of fluoride. Change the brush every month. Use it carefully, because the enamel of the first teeth is thin and it is easy to break its integrity. Parents should brush their teeth, after only two years the child can begin to brush his teeth himself, but only when controlling adults. It is important to immediately teach your baby regularly and properly brush his teeth - this will save him and his parents from many dental problems in the future.

Diary of erupting teeth: fixation of scissors and growth

You can download this example-image diary for fixing the term and order of teething to keep the point of the report.

Source of publication:

  1. Article editor
  2. dentition from http: // 3-goda-lezut-zuby-mozhet-byt-temperatura /