Frostbite in children: what to do and first aid

In this article we will talk about the first first aid for children with frostbite. Frostbite in children occurs under the influence of low temperatures in winter. The main role in frostbite is played by three factors: cold( low ambient temperature), wind( especially windy weather), and the state of humidity.

The colder, more windy and the humidity of the environment is increased, the greater the probability for the child to frostbite the nose, cheeks, ears, lips, fingers when on the street. How to provide first aid in case of frostbite? Consider the recommendations of pediatricians.


The first sign of frostbite: what to do?

The first sign of frostbite: the skin becomes white, and when it gets into a warm room it becomes cyanotic. On the site of frostbite there is burning, tingling, numbness and swelling.

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If frostbite is seen on the street, cover the affected area with a collar, scarf, mitten and hurry to the shelter. Do not rub the frostbitten place of with mitt or snow: the damaged skin is sensitive to physical impact and can be easily injured by snow crystals or coarse cloth. The sensitivity of the skin in this area is reduced, and the victim can not calculate the force of friction.

First aid with frostbite

After returning home, immerse the frostbitten hands or feet in warm water( not hot!), Gradually increasing its temperature, which contributes to a uniform warming of the tissues. Do not rub the frost-bitten areas so as not to damage the skin. Take a hot drink inside: tea, milk, broth. It is recommended to take a vasodilator drug( no-shpa, papaverine), which increases blood flow to the affected part of the body and accelerates the warming up.

If, after warming up after a few minutes, the sensitivity was restored and movements in the limbs are not violated, then frostbite was superficial, and the troubles ended there. With deep frostbite, specialists need help, you may need surgery.

What not to do

Do not expose frost-bitten parts of the body to the radiator of steam heating, a stove, a fireplace. Remember that the sensitivity of the skin is reduced, and you can get an additional burn.

Prevention and prevention of frostbite

To prevent frostbite, in cold weather, especially accompanied by strong wind, wear the baby according to the rules: underwear should be made of natural materials( cotton, wool), and clothing - multilayered: the air layer between the clothes keeps wellown body heat. When choosing outerwear, give preference to jackets and overalls made of dense, windproof and waterproof material. Instead of elegant leather gloves, offer a young fashionista mittens, knitted from thick wool or sewn from warm material, fur. Ears cover with a hat or scarf. If the girl wears earrings, advise to take them off during the winter cold or close your ears with lobes.

Metal( even as noble as gold) freezes in frost, contributing to frostbite of the ears.

If the child's shoes are getting too small by the end of the winter, and you are delaying the purchase of new ones until the next season, do not forget that in a tight shoe your foot lacks blood circulation, and therefore is susceptible to cold exposure. In our climate Siberian frosts can return in March, so the desire to save on a pair of shoes can go sideways. It will not hurt to put on an extra pair of socks( multilayered): first cotton, woolen on top, or put an extra insole in shoes.

Warm comfortable insoles can be cut from an old fur coat or hat.

Special attention should be paid to the clothes of adolescents, who in their fierce frost sport without headgear and gloves, in light jackets that barely cover the lower back. Try to force your young offspring to put on a knitted or fur hat, and stumble upon stubborn resistance. In the best case, dressings on ears or a hood, thrown on the head, go into play. But in cold windy weather, the hood does not save, the wind blows into all the cracks. Therefore, a cap, even a thin knitted, and a scarf must be worn.

About 70% of the body's thermal energy is lost through the skin of the uncovered head, and hypothermia quickly occurs.

In addition, cold air causes blood vessels to narrow, saving heat, therefore, hair follicles lack nutrients and die. And this threatens young fashionistas and women of fashion with hair loss and early baldness.

Before going out to frost, you must always get warm from the inside - eat tightly to provide the body with energy. The cheeks and nose of a young child should be protected from cold and wind by a thin layer of fat.

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