Why does the child look faint, what should parents do, what to treat at home

When a child's eyes are very festering and eyelids are glued together in the morning so that they are not easily molded without the use of home or medicines, this begins to present a real problem for parents of children of any age, from newborns, after a year, preschoolers, to pupils.

Question of : Why do eyes fester at all - sour during the day, but stick in the morning hours, closer to waking up?

Answer : The matter is that with the infectious inflammatory process in the conjunctival sac, during sleep, when the eyelids are closed for a long time, the slime that is intensively produced by the body accumulates, this is certainly our defense mechanism, but the mucus is not ordinary tears, the mucus contains a lot ofdead leukocytes, dead in the fight against the disease, so it's sticky. At the slightest contact with the air - the mucous discharge from the eye dries up. Therefore, dry crusts are formed, grasping eyelashes and the edges of the eyelids with each other.

Recommendation of

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: Without knowing exactly the type of infectious agent causing inflammation of the conjunctival sac, the peculiarities of treatment and the reaction of the body to medications and home remedies - take the child to a doctor for an oculist. Because the ophthalmologist has the ability to correctly diagnose the disease and to prescribe an adequate and effective treatment.

And most importantly: do not panic, this condition is completely curable!


Reasons: why do children's eyes fester?

Effective treatment of the festering eyes is possible with the proper selection of medications and folk remedies. At home, it is quite possible to cope with this problem, but. .. keep in mind that while the cause of the disease is unknown, the antidote against it will not be exactly picked up. This one, the other - the disease can be contagious, both for the healthy eye and for the rest of the family, so - visit the eye doctor and use a separate towel for a sick child or adult.

At one time, I - the author of this site, came across severe cases when treating patients with bacterial conjunctivitis, so that the courses of some antibacterial drugs had to be changed to others, even the issued period of the sick leave sheet - the hospital one - was not enough until the end of recovery!

The first thing you need to know exactly is why the child's eyes fester, which could provoke the disease in question. Then the right treatment will be prescribed, which is brought inevitably to recovery.

See possible causes of festering eyes in infants:

  1. Conjunctivitis in acute or chronic form - inflammation of the mucous membrane( conjunctival) of the eye, is the most common cause of pus formation;
  2. dacryocystitis in a newborn - violation of the patency of the tear duct, which did not open at birth;
  3. bacteria : meningococci, pneumococci, staphylococci, streptococci;
  4. viruses : influenza, adenovirus infection( more than 90 species - ARVI), herpes, measles;
  5. chlamydia ( protozoal infection);
  6. allergens : flower pollen, smells, archival dust, pet hair;
  7. diseases not treated - angina, adenoiditis, sinusitis, cold, measles;
  8. infection via birthmarks or non-sterile medical instruments - for this reason every second newborn child suffers from festering eyes on the 2nd or 3rd day of his life;
  9. cilia , caught in the eye( any foreign body);
  10. attack of glaucoma ( increased intraocular pressure);
  11. Inflammation in the deep mucosa of the mucosa , which can threaten vision loss;
  12. violation of hygiene rules : eyes often fester in children who rarely wash their hands and constantly rub their eyes with them;
  13. Deficiency of the immune defense .

Most often, children's eyes fester due to conjunctivitis , which can be bacterial or viral in nature. Then conjunctivitis is contagious, so a sick child needs to be isolated from other children. This disease is typical for children 2-3 years and older.

There is one more causal disease of the inflammatory process in the eyes of children of an earlier age - newborns and infants - dacryocystitis , or inflammation of the lacrimal sac.

An ophthalmologist will prescribe a survey, find out the real causes of the disease, which can take their toll in the mother's pregnancy period( infection of the birth canal).The sooner the provoking factor becomes clear, the faster the baby's condition will improve.

Child's eyes are festering: concomitant symptoms of

Consider the features of inflammation, the attendant symptoms and signs:

  1. purulent discharge accumulating in the corners and preventing the child from opening eyes in the morning;
  2. photophobia;
  3. with adenoviral conjunctivitis may increase temperature, decrease appetite, headache, lymph nodes increase, runny nose, bother throat;
  4. reddening of the mucosa;
  5. tear;
  6. characteristic vesicles on the edges of the eyelids - so shows the herpetic conjunctivitis;
  7. edema of the eyelid;
  8. film on the mucous membrane, which in no case is recommended to be removed at home;
  9. if a child's eyes are very festering, he complains of itching and a simultaneous runny nose is observed - these are signs of an allergic reaction;
  10. disorders of sleep, appetite;Caprice, irritability;
  11. glued in the morning eyelids;
  12. formation of yellow crusts;
  13. pain, burning complaints;
  14. deterioration of visual acuity.

Of course, not all of the above will be manifested in the specific case of the disease. But this is quite enough to know what to do to parents, if their child's eyes are festering - just go to the ophthalmologist.

The child has much festering eyes: what to do, than to treat at home

Treatment is prescribed by the eye doctor depending on the causes of the disease, the diagnosis, the age of the child, his individual characteristics. He will tell parents in detail how to treat, how to take care of the sick eyes of a baby at home: what can you do, what can not.

To avoid complications and severe consequences, medications such as

  1. adenoviral conjunctivitis : interferon , half-life , 0,25% tebrofen or florenal ointment ;
  2. herpetic conjunctivitis : acyclovir for external and internal use;
  3. dacryocystitis in neonates: anti-inflammatory local preparations , massage of the lacrimal canal ;
  4. if the child constantly festering eyes in the spring, most likely the case is in the allergy : in this case, immunosuppressants ( such as dexamethasone or hydrocortisone ) are prescribed, as well as all kinds of antiallergic drops ( allergophthalic , lecrolin , , spsallerger , allergodyl , dimedrol in solution);
  5. removal of crusts with eyelid tampon moistened in chamomile or solution of furacilin ;
  6. disinfectant drops : solution albucid 10%( if eyes fester in the infant), 20%( over 1 year), 0.25% levomycetin , eubital , futsitalmik , vitabact , colbiocin ;
  7. ointments - erythromycin , tetracycline , tobrex .

Simple care: recommendations

Eyes should be rinsed well with chamomile broth or furacilin. It is important not to transfer the infection from one eye to another. Therefore, tampons should be separate for each eye. Rinse with a warm solution, gently peeling off the crusts. This procedure should be done often - every 2 hours for 1-2 days.

How can you bury the eyes of a child if they fester? Every 2-4 hours it is recommended to use disinfectant drops: the most sparing and at the same time effective 0.25% solution of Levomecitin.

The child's eyes are festering in 2-3 years, when exactly go to the doctor!

It is important to know that self-treatment is contraindicated if:

  1. more than 2 days eyes fester and no improvement;
  2. for your child up to 1 year;
  3. has symptoms of photophobia;
  4. the child complains of pain in the eyes;
  5. the kid became worse to see;
  6. appeared a vial on the upper eyelid.

In these cases, you must immediately go with the child to the oculist.

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Is the child crying and constantly rubs his eyes or complains that the eye looks like a sand, or does his eyes look faint? Running to the doctor, this is conjunctivitis!

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane that covers the inner surface of the eyelid. The causes of conjunctivitis can be bacteria( staphylococcus, meningococcus, streptococcus, pneumococcus, etc.), viruses( influenza virus, ARVI, measles, herpes, adenoviruses) and chlamydia. There are allergic conjunctivitis, the causes of which are pollen, dust, smells and other allergens.

What should I do if my eyes have a sinusitis - a child or an adult?

Moscow Eye Clinic. If the adult's or the child's eye has been pinched, what should I do? The doctor speaks the ophthalmologist of the Moscow Eye Clinic.

The telephone of the Moscow Clinical Hospital in Moscow for information and appointment: 8( 499) 322-36-36( daily from 9:00 to 21:00).

Dear parents! At whatever age a child is, when he has festering eyes, do not run the problem. Self-medication is good for you, but not always justified for a child.

Treatment should be accurate from the very beginning, without an ophthalmologist you can not cope with the exact choice of medical medicines for medical use. In turn, "shove" in the eyes of one medicine - it did not help, the other - no, but suddenly help. This will not work!


  1. http://www.vse-pro-detey.ru/u-rebyonka-gnoyatsya-glaza/
  2. http: //womanadvice.ru/ gnoyatsya-glaza-u-rebenka-chem-lechit-doma