How to cure a protracted cough

Tip 1: How to treat a prolonged cough

A prolonged cough may be a residual cold and a sign of chronic bronchitis or pneumonia. If he does not respond to treatment within 2 weeks, it is necessary to visit the therapist. Until then, try to make every effort to cure an annoying cough that does not go away.

You will need

  1. - Mustard plasters;
  2. - black radish and honey;
  3. - Essential oils or soda;
  4. - mustard powder;
  5. - expectorant drugs.


  1. Buy mustard plasters in any pharmacy. Do compress twice a day. Wash the mustard in warm water and put on the chest and back. The best option - put mustard plaster once a day on the chest, and the second on the back. The course of treatment should depend on your condition. But after several procedures, you will notice that the sputum began to recede.
  2. Make a round hole in the black radish. Fill the notch with honey and put in the refrigerator to insist for about a day. Obtain the juice for 1 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals. In fact, the medicine you received is harmless, but beware of taking it if you have an allergy to beekeeping products. Children can drink radish infusion with honey, too.
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  3. Inhalations soften the respiratory tract and promote the production of sputum. Breathe over the hot steam, wrapped in a blanket several times a day. To enhance the effect, add essential oils of cedar wood, soda or sea salt. Not bad helps and decoction of potatoes.
  4. Warm your feet in hot water with the addition of mustard powder. Do this in the evening, and then wear woolen socks and lie down under a warm blanket. Be careful and avoid drafts after thermal procedures. If you have very sensitive skin, do not add mustard to the water, although with it the efficiency of the procedure is slightly higher.
  5. Take expectorants. Not bad helps ledum swamp, lungwort, thyme. If you brew the herbs you do not really want, buy bromhexine, ambrobene, ATSTS or similar drugs.
  6. If the cough does not stop, go to the therapist. You need to undergo a complete examination of the lungs, take tests, and then the doctor will prescribe you a complex therapy, possibly with antibacterial agents. Do not pull with a visit to a specialist, a protracted cough can develop into a serious illness - asthma or obstructive bronchitis.

Causes and treatment of prolonged cough in adults

The treatment of prolonged cough in adults is a long process. Cough often accompanies catarrhal diseases, but sometimes it remains for a long time. It takes several weeks, and he is still with you. To the aid come medicines, medicinal plants and physiotherapy.

What is a cough?

Coughing is a reflex contraction of the respiratory muscles causing a sudden expulsion of air from the lungs in response to irritation of the mucous larynx, pleura, trachea and bronchi. As a result, the respiratory tract clears from foreign particles or accumulated mucus. Cough, which does not cause a bronchial secretion (sputum), is called dry or unproductive. A peculiar opposite is a cough accompanied by excretion of phlegm. It is called wet.

Depending on the time during which a cough is observed, it is divided into:

  1. Acute - lasting less than 2 weeks.
  2. Prolonged - lasts up to 4 weeks.
  3. Subacute cough - lasting for 2 months.
  4. Chronic cough - uninterrupted for more than 2 months.

Causes of protracted cough

  1. The most common cause is the complication of infectious and viral diseases, when the pathogen settles and actively multiplies in the bronchi.
  2. Untimely or incorrect treatment of cold and flu is accompanied by a chronic cough. For example, if the disease was initially viral, and it was treated with antibiotics. As a result, the disease worsened and complications developed. Often adults try to suffer a cold on their feet, justifying their workload and other excuses, thus delaying treatment. They consult a doctor only after they have been knocked down by a fever and a complete malaise. The launched disease "gave roots" in the bronchi and lungs.
  3. Postnazalnoe flowing discharge from the nose into the larynx, developing with allergies or chronic infectious diseases.
  4. Chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma and gastroesophageal reflux disease are also accompanied by a prolonged cough.
  5. As one of the side effects of some drugs for heart failure and hypertension, for example, Enalapril.
  6. Chronic and protracted cough quite often appears in smokers with experience after the transfer of cold or viral diseases. The mucous airway of a smoker differs from that of an ordinary person. Smokers have reduced immunity to respiratory infections.
  7. A prolonged dry cough can develop against a background of allergies. Receptors on bronchial mucosa and larynx become incredibly sensitive to irritants: dust, tobacco smoke, pollen of plants and animal hair.
It is worth mentioning that a cough, lasting several weeks or months, in the absence of other symptoms can signal the presence of serious diseases: tuberculosis and lung cancer. In addition, without adequate treatment, chronic cough in adults can go to pneumonia (pneumonia), bronchial asthma, pleurisy or lung abscess, which is a danger for life.Doing self-medication can be dangerous, it is better to go to a consultation with an experienced therapist, an ENT doctor and a pulmonologist.

To establish an accurate diagnosis, a specialist will assign a series of tests and examinations: blood tests, analysis sputum, fluorography, tests of the function of external respiration (tussography, bodipletizmography, spirography and spirometry).

How to cure a chronic cough

Depending on the patient's condition, clinical symptoms and examination results, the doctor will recommend one or another treatment regimen. Chronic non-productive cough is tried to convert into productive, that is, in the one where sputum goes away. To do this, prescribe expectorant drugs that contribute to the removal of bronchial mucus. In addition, they recommend drugs that stimulate expectoration: preparations of reflex or resorptive action, as well as those that dilute sputum. These include mucolytics, cysteine ​​preparations and proteolytic drugs.

In accordance with the nature of the chronic cough and the disease that provoked it, antiviral drugs, antibiotics and antihistamines are prescribed.

With a dry, unproductive cough, at night, preparations containing codeine are recommended, as well as Sinekod. At night, the thorax and back can be smeared with warming ointment.

Inhalation is a very effective method of treating cough. They can be carried out using an ultrasonic or compressor inhaler. The vapors of the drug together with the air flow enter the bronchi. This helps to restore the mucosa, increase blood circulation and improve the excretion of sputum. Folk remedies testify to the usefulness of inhaling the fumes emanating from a hot pan, where they insisted on collecting medicinal herbs. An example is a strawberry with elderberry, raspberry with lime color and mother-and-stepmother, as well as raspberry with sage and mother-and-stepmother.

Inhalations with aromatic oils have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Take a shallow wide container and pour water into it with a temperature of no higher than 40 ° C. Pour 2-3 drops of eucalyptus, menthol or mint oil into the water. Cover yourself with a towel and inhale the couples for 5-7 minutes. Half an hour later, this procedure can be supplemented with a warm-water inhalation.

In the treatment of chronic cough, it is very useful to do similar inhalations. The thermal effect accelerates the dilution and excretion of mucus from the lumen of the bronchi. Plus, the dryness of the mucous membranes decreases. To the pharmacy physiological solution, heated to 38-42 ° C, antibiotics recommended by the doctor, sulfonamides, hormones or other components are added. In some cases, inhalation is carried out with a warm soda solution or alkaline mineral water. The procedure should last no more than 10 minutes.

Folk remedies

People's remedies for a protracted cough may be inhalation with infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants. For this, in 2 liters of boiling water, sprinkle 2 tablespoons of dry grass (chamomile, eucalyptus leaves, fragrant violet, sage, and others) and cover with a lid. Wait for the solution to cool slightly, and then breathe for 5-10 minutes.

Folk remedies for coughing recommend breathing hot infusion of onion and garlic. Onions and garlic are peeled, cut and poured to ¼ of the volume in a ceramic kettle. Boiling water is poured into about a third of the tank. Inhale the vapors coming from the teapot spout.

Banks are another means for fighting cough. It is desirable to find special small jars with a rounded bottom. Note that the procedure requires an assistant.

Drink a decoction of linden flowers. Pour 3 tablespoons of dry inflorescences with a glass of boiling water and hold in a water bath for 15 minutes. Dumb a cooled infusion filter and drink warmly 3 times a day.

Infusion of thyme has expectorant properties. 2 tablespoons of herbs pour a glass of boiling water and heat on a water bath for 20 minutes. Strain and drink thrice a day three times a day.

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To soften the cough and excrete sputum, you can make a decoction of the grass of the violet tricolor. For this, a glass of boiling water is poured into one tablespoon of chopped herb. Keep in a water bath for half an hour, the solution is filtered and consumed half a cup 3 times a day.

In the treatment of acute and protracted cough, an infusion of flowers and leaves of mother-and-stepmother is prepared as an expectorant and an anti-inflammatory agent. Add one tablespoon of dry herbs to a glass of boiling water, insist for an hour. Take infusion of a quarter cup 4 times a day.

Along with this expectorant action is famous plantain, from which the infusion is prepared. A teaspoon of boiled water is 1 teaspoon of crushed leaves of plantain. After a lapse of 30 minutes, the solution should be filtered and drunk 1 tablespoon three times a day. To raise immunity and accelerate recovery, the doctor can recommend alcohol tincture of ginseng, echinacea, rhodiola pink or eleutherococcus.

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Treating a chronic cough with folk remedies is possible, but only as an addition to the medication prescribed by the doctor.

It is important not only to stop the cough, but also to destroy bacteria that multiply on the mucous membrane of the bronchi, withdraw all sputum and improve immunity.

Tip 1: How to cure a protracted cough in a child

Many mothers are familiar with the situation when the baby very often gets cold and coughs then two weeks in a row, or even more. Do not expect that this will change by itself. To help a child get rid of a protracted cough can be various means.


  1. Frequent signs of a coldchildis the temperature and drycough. After a few days of illness he should become wet. That the child could quickly recover, it will be necessary to take medications that softencoughand thinning phlegm. They should be recommended by a pediatrician. If the baby continues to cough for two weeks in a row, ask the doctor to give him a massage, breathing exercises and physiotherapy.
  2. Cope with a protracted cough will help and steam inhalation. Use steamed leaves of plants, for example, eucalyptus, sage, linden, mint, as well as pine needles and fir. A good action for the infection of the upper respiratory tract is thymus and mother-and-stepmother.
  3. Effective with cough and application of aromatic oils: 1 drop of eucalyptus oil and tea tree or thyme; a mixture of a single drop of eucalyptus, lavender and tea tree oil (2 drops each). Be sure to cover your eyes during the inhalationchildhandkerchief.
  4. To reduce seizures, try at night rubbing the baby's breast with a small amount of eucalyptus or myrtle oil. From 3-4 years oldchildYou can drive into the bath, adding to the water in the steam room all the same aroma oils. Stay in the steam room start from 3-5 minutes. The result is noticeable already the next day -coughbecomes smaller.
  5. Ifcoughdoes not pass regardless of the methods of treatment (from special medicines to folk remedies), examinechildon various infections. Cough can be caused by microorganisms that are good at hiding from the immune system of the baby: pneumocysts, mycoplasmas, candida fungi or chlamydia. They fall into the bronchichildairborne, usually accompanying a cold and flu. Treatment for each of the four infections requires a different. If you do not go to a specialist on time, the baby can develop a protracted bronchitis.

How can you cure a protracted cough in a child?

Many parents think about how to cure a protracted cough in a child. This is due to the fact that very often cough does not disappear for a long time, even despite the use of all drugs that the doctor prescribed. Such a phenomenon should not be left without parents' attention. The doctor should conduct an additional examination of the patient. Assign other drugs. Cough is considered protracted if it lasts more than 3 weeks, even with the use of medications. After 3-4 weeks, parents are advised to see a doctor for additional diagnosis.

What are the causes of a protracted cough in a child?

The main thing in the treatment of a child's cough is to find out the cause of the ailment.Only after this, you can choose the appropriate treatment. Constant coughing is a signal of the body about pathological changes, so medical intervention is required. A prolonged cough can be caused by various causes, but parents should not be engaged in independent treatment of the child and try to determine these factors without a doctor.

Most often, the problem with a protracted cough is due to infectious diseases, which are accompanied by inflammatory processes. Examples are otitis and sinusitis, when the infection is localized. Common inflammatory pathological changes appear with mycoplasmosis, chlamydia and whooping cough. Recurrent diseases can also cause coughing.

With allergies, some children develop a cough. It will last until the contact with the allergen has been eliminated. Asthma is also accompanied by this symptom.

In addition, there is a fairly rare disease - gastroesophageal reflux. With it, the esophagus begins to contract itself. Food from the stomach begins to return to the esophagus. This leads to the patient coughing.

In some cases, foreign bodies enter the respiratory tract. The person will often cough, because this prevents him. Cough can be with frequent contacts of the respiratory tract with cold objects, with physical exertion and at night. External factors can also irritate the mucous membranes. For example, smoke from cigarettes, dust, fluff or wool act like this. With frequent nervous disorders, stress and anxiety, this symptom may also appear.

So a prolonged cough can be caused by various internal and external causes. All these factors are quite specific, so that they can be confirmed only after laboratory tests and diagnostics. That's why it's important to go to the hospital if the cough lasts long enough for no apparent reason. Only identifying the right reasons can help in the treatment of ailment.

What is the cough treatment

Cure can be cured by various methods in each case. It depends on the duration of the disease, the diagnosis and the very form of cough. If it is dry, it indicates that the small patient has problems with the dilution of mucus and sputum in the lungs and the airways. If the cough is wet, then the problem is getting the sputum and mucus out. In both cases, different medications are prescribed. With a dry cough, medications are prescribed that help dilute sputum. With a damp cough, substances that belong to the group of mucolytics are required, they excrete phlegm.

If decoctions and tinctures are prepared for treatment, then it is necessary to pay attention to the proportions of all the ingredients and the dosage when taking the remedy. Otherwise, the child can be harmed, but not cured. When preparing the broth, it is allowed to brew from 3 to 12 herbs together. If you use more herbs, the broth will lose its properties. By the way, such broths can not only be drunk as a decoction or medicinal tea, but also used for inhalation.

It is very useful when you cough to drink tea with raspberries. You can brew mint and linden. In tea, you must add lemon and honey.

It is desirable that the composition of the decoction included chamomile, thyme, mint or sage. All these herbs have anti-inflammatory properties. Allergies are saved by a string or St. John's Wort. In tea, however, there must be linden, dog rose, marigold or oregano. These natural components are the best natural immunomodulators.

How to treat dry cough in a child?

When children cough dry, they can be prescribed funds that relate to the antitussive group, but they affect the part of the brain in which the center responsible for coughing is located. These drugs include Butamirate and Tusuprex.

In addition, you can use Robotussin. It is designed to block the reflex, which causes a cough.

The doctor can appoint Delsim. This is a special suspension with a prolonged effect on the patient's body. It relieves a person from a dry cough.

Libexin can reduce the susceptibility of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, so there will not be such a strong stimulus as a response to external and internal factors.

The doctor can advise you to take homeopathic remedies. However, dosage may be prescribed only by a specialist in this field. But in any case, you can mix honey with lemon juice.

A dry cough is perfectly handled by Ledum. You can use viburnum. It is used for decoction. In this case, you need the leaves and berries of the plant. In the broth you need to add a little honey. You can just rub berries with sugar. In addition, you can use cabbage juice and honey. From a dry cough saves herbal collection based on oregano, raspberries and coltsfoot.


How to treat a wet cough?

To withdraw phlegm, the child needs to drink more water. It can be replaced with warm tea, decoction, compote, juice. The doctor prescribes various medicines, herbs and phytopreparations that have anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. In addition, we need funds with bronchodilator and enveloping properties. All these medicines will help to reduce the irritability of the mucosa.

It is required to carry out inhalation procedures. To do this, you can use special vegetable decoctions and tinctures. The doctor may prescribe ammonium chloride, benzoate chloride or sodium hydrogen carbonate. All these products help moisturize the mucous membrane. In addition, they have anesthetic properties.

The child will need mucosal preparations. They dilute sputum and stabilize the secretion in the bronchi. Such agents include Ambroxol, Acetylcysteine ​​and Carbocysteine.

With a damp cough, you can use various vegetable decoctions and infusions. It is best to cook them on the basis of althea, plantain, thyme, pansies or mother-and-stepmother. All these components can be mixed or used separately. These are the best antitussive decoctions. In addition, they give an enveloping effect.

Inhalation with cough

Inhalation in the home is carried out over a saucepan or over a kettle. The procedure lasts an average of 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the ingredients. For example, you can use conventional saline. Fir or tea tree oil is also used. By the way, essential oils are perfectly suitable for grinding. They need to rub the baby's chest.

Boiled potatoes are good. Over the pan you need to breathe, covered with a thick towel.

You can cook a decoction based on pine buds.

It will take only 10 grams of raw materials. After the product has been boiled for 15 minutes, it should additionally be still for half an hour.


Treatment of protracted cough in children can occur on the basis of drug therapy. Also very effective are traditional medicine products, which are produced on the basis of natural components. By combining these two techniques, as well as using various physiotherapy procedures, you can achieve a quick recovery of the child and restore his body.

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