Back bifida: treatment


  • 1The manifestation of the back of Bifida (Spina Bifida) in children and adults
    • 1.1Why does the disease develop?
    • 1.2Main manifestations and diagnosis of the disease
    • 1.3Complications of the disease
    • 1.4Treatment
  • 2Back Bifida in children
    • 2.1What is Spina Bifida?
    • 2.2Causes
    • 2.3Symptoms
    • 2.4Complications
    • 2.5Diagnostics
    • 2.6Treatment of a newborn
    • 2.7Treatment of older children
    • 2.8Prevention
  • 3Bifid's back - what is it? Causes and Treatment
    • 3.1General description of congenital pathology
    • 3.2What is it - the back of Bifid in children?
    • 3.3Classification
    • 3.4Symptoms of Bifid's Back
    • 3.5Anomalies in development
    • 3.6Diagnostics methods
    • 3.7Treatment without surgery
    • 3.8Causes of formation
    • 3.9Pathogenesis in the formation of pathology
    • 3.10Alment factor
    • 3.11Back Bifid: consequences
  • 4Spina Bifida
    • 4.1The causes of bifid spine development
    • 4.2A certain role in the formation of the bifid spin is played by:
    • 4.3The increased risk factors for the formation of spinal bifid include:
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.4Types of spine bifidus
    • 4.5The most characteristic symptoms of bifid spine in children
    • 4.6In newborns, hydrocephalus manifests itself by such symptoms:
    • 4.7In children with the mild stage of spina bifida, there are such characteristic symptoms:
    • 4.8Spina bifida in adults
    • 4.9Diagnostic features of spina bifida
    • 4.10During pregnancy, such diagnostic measures are important
    • 4.11Consequences of the disease
    • 4.12Treatment of spina bifida

The manifestation of the back of Bifida (Spina Bifida) in children and adults

Back bifida in adults - congenital malformation of the spine, in which some vertebral arches are not completely closed.

Pathology is mainly diagnosed in infants, as it forms in the first weeks of pregnancy, when the laying of vital organs and systems takes place.

Splitting of the spine has a pronounced effect on the human musculoskeletal system, therefore it requires immediate treatment or surgical intervention.

Why does the disease develop?

The exact cause of the defect of the bifid spine posterior can not be established. However, there are certain factors that increase the likelihood of its formation. These include:

  1. Genetic predisposition. If there is a child in the family who has an erection of the vertebral arches, at the birth of the next baby there is a high probability of forming the same defect. Women with spina bifida or having close relatives with this pathology are at risk.
  2. Lack of folic acid during pregnancy. Vitamin promotes the formation of the neural tube during intrauterine development of the fetus, therefore its lack is fraught with the birth of birth defects.
  3. Adverse effects of medication. Many drugs are strictly prohibited in pregnancy, because they have a teratogenic effect. If a woman did not know that she was in a position, or for health reasons she needed the use of certain medications, the risk of congenital malformations increases. Especially when it is necessary to take anticonvulsants.
  4. Diabetes. It is a provoking factor for the development of pathology, in particular, when the future mother does not control the level of sugar in the blood.
  5. Excess weight before pregnancy and during childbearing is also capable of provoking birth defects of the neural tube.
  6. The risk factors include an increase in body temperature in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  7. Frequent causes of anomalies are teratogenic effects of the influenza virus, rubella, toxoplasmosis and other fetal infections.

Main manifestations and diagnosis of the disease

The back of the bifidus most often occurs in the lumbosacral section at the level of s1-s2. Clinical manifestations of the disease are due to the degree of severity of a congenital defect.

The main symptoms of uninhibited sacral vertebrae are:

  1. Spina bifida occulta. This is a latent form of the disease, in which clinical signs are completely absent. Of the external symptoms of the back of the Bifidus of the occult, there may be a birthmark, an islet of hair or depigmentation of the skin at the site of the defect. In children at an older age, urinary incontinence appears. Diagnosis of the back of bifidus is possible only with the help of special methods of investigation. On the roentgenogram, defects of the spinal column are visible, leaving no doubt in the diagnosis.
  2. Meningocele. Problems with the back are visible to the naked eye right after the birth of the baby. In the area of ​​the spinal column, a protrusion is shown - the hernial sac. The skin above it is thin, cyanotic or completely absent.
  3. Myelomeningocele. Complex flaw, characterized by severe damage to the spinal column. Between the unshielded arcs pass the spinal cord, its substance and roots. Children with myelomeningocele very rarely survive even after the operation.

Diagnosis of the disease is possible even during pregnancy. Therefore, a woman must pass prenatal screenings, including 2-fold ultrasound and special blood tests. From this, in no case can not be denied, especially in the presence of risk factors.

In infants after birth and in adults, the main diagnostic method is the roentgenography of the spinal column. The method makes it possible to estimate the degree of non-rotation of the arches and the exit of the spinal cord into the formed gap.

Of the additional methods, it is possible to use transillumination, the main purpose of which is to accurately determine the contents of the bag. Contrast myelography was used to assess the degree of underdevelopment and damage to the spinal cord.

Effective and at the same time very safe for the baby's body, the method of diagnosing Bifid's back is MRI. On the photos taken by layer, you can thoroughly consider all the defects and make sure of the diagnosis.

Complications of the disease

The consequences of spina bifida s1 depend on the size and location of the pathology of the spinal column, as well as the degree of lesion of the spinal nerves.

The main complications arising at the back of Bifid:

  1. Violation of physical and neurological development. Impossibility to control the work of the bladder and intestines. Deterioration of the innervation of the limbs, due to which a person can not move independently. Even in the case of surgery, the patient is not able to do without special devices - corset, crutches, wheelchair.
  2. Hydrocephalus. The fluid in the brain accumulates mainly in severe spinal cord injury - myelomeningocele. The child needs immediate surgery to install a shunt to drain fluid.
  3. Meningitis. Infectious complication of the disease, resulting from the penetration of microorganisms through the unprotected spinal cord.

The child perceives and absorbs information poorly. He can not concentrate attention, he starts talking and reading late. Suffered diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary system and skin. It is not excluded the emergence of depression.


Correction of disorders and restoration of the spinal cord are possible immediately after the diagnosis, when the child is in the womb. Prenatal surgery is performed during the period from 19 to 25 weeks of pregnancy.

Surgical intervention is quite complicated, because it carries a certain risk not only for the child, but also for the mother.

With its help, it is possible to prevent the occurrence of hydrocephalus, however, it is not always possible to improve the motor functions.

If the diagnosis of the bifid posterior posterior is established in utero, the delivery should be done by a cesarean section. This will prevent traumatization of the spinal nerves that have fallen into the hernial sac during the passage of the birth canal.

Therapy of spina bifida depends on the severity of the pathology. In the absence of hernial protrusion, conservative treatment is indicated. In other cases, surgical intervention is generally required, which is performed within 24 hours after the birth of the baby.

The main goal of surgical intervention is to direct the soft meninges into the spinal canal and close the portal of the hernial sac.

Provided a timely operation, you can prevent infection of the spinal cord and brain.

If necessary, a shunt is installed in parallel to prevent hydrocephalus.

With significant developmental anomalies accompanied by damage to the spinal nerves, one operation will not be enough. The kid has a long recovery period. Indeed, with myelomeningocele the child often remains paralyzed and is not able to control the work of sphincters.

In the future, surgery may be needed to resolve the complications of spina bifida posterior.

After surgical intervention, a tightened dorsal belt is very often formed, in which the growth of the spinal cord stops due to the scarring.

This provokes a disruption of the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and bladder, and also worsens muscular activity.

The question of pregnancy planning should be approached very responsibly. This will significantly reduce the risk of congenital neural tube defects, in particular, the bifid spine.

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Back Bifida in children

Bifid's back is a violation of intrauterine development, in which the spine is split (meningocele). In this hole, spinal cord and nerves (myelomeningocele) can fall out.

On the back of the newborn there is a large skin formation, unless pathology develops secretly.

Such a clinical picture leads, at best, to neurological and motor disorders, at worst to severe disability, intellectual disabilities, paralysis and death.

In order to begin to combat the deformation as soon as possible, the doctors follow the development of the fetus in detail.

As soon as the baby is born, a surgical operation is performed, helping to avoid complications.

The main preventive recommendation is taking folic acid from the time you started planning a pregnancy and until the end of its first trimester.

What is Spina Bifida?

Doctors believe that this is most often due to a lack of folate during pregnancy.

Already at the beginning of pregnancy the nervous system begins to develop, and under Spina Bifid some part of the spinal cord stops in development. The disease has several levels of severity.

With the help of ultrasound, Spina Bifida is detected during intrauterine development.There are no manifestations of the fact that such a pathology is observed, the pregnant woman usually does not feel.

Physicians may suspect Spina Bifid, based on the results of blood tests and a noted shortage of certain substances in the mother's body.

After the birth of a baby with Spina Bifida, the violation is striking.

It is treated only by surgical intervention, and in these cases the life of the baby can often be saved.

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Sometimes the deformation is hidden, and then it can be seen only by dermatological siptoms - fistulas, hair accumulations, strong pigmentation.

In the worst cases, the spine is opened entirely. Here the symptomatology is the most serious, which in most cases leads to a fatal outcome.

Cystic Bifida Spina in children can manifest itself in the exit from the natural position of the spinal cord or its membranes.

If the skin does not protect the protrusion, a rupture may occur, sepsis may begin. Children with Bifida's Back are born in 1-2 cases out of a thousand.

Quite often after the first child with such a pathology, the second has a similar disease, because there is a hereditary moment.Another risk factor is late labor.

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If the fetus has already once developed in the womb with such a deformity, the likelihood of relapse increases dramatically during a new attempt to conceive a healthy child.

Almost certainly Spina Bifida will develop, if before this happened twice.

In cases where there are relatives who have given birth to children with Spina Bifida, the probability also increases.

Diabetes mellitus of a pregnant woman increases the likelihood of a lack of folic acid and as a consequence - Spina Bifida.

Another risk factor is obesity, pre-pregnancy or even during it.

Some medications, usually contraindicated during pregnancy, can block the flow of folate and interfere with the normal function of the nervous system.


With the latent form of Bifid's Back, the symptoms in children may not be obvious. Below the deformed part of the spinal cord, the child paralyzes, in whole or in part.

The musculature has no connection with the nervous system, which can lead to problems with internal organs, especially the intestines. After birth, dislocation of the pelvic joints and hips, a clubfoot condition, can also be observed.

Curvature of the spine, because of which it is impossible to put the baby on his back. The function of urination worsens, urea is thrown back, which affects hard on the kidney work.


Such a pathological process as Spina Bifida can cause not only physical disability, but also children's problems in intellectual development.

How serious the consequences will be and how comforting the forecast will be is affected by the size and area of ​​the spinal cord lesion, dermatological disorders.As a result of Bifid's Back, children can develop brain hydrocephalus.

In this situation, you need to urgently pump out excess moisture from the head to the abdominal region. Such an operation can be performed already in the first days of life.

The child does not control bowel movements and urination, is completely or partially unable to control and feel with his feet.In many cases it is necessary to resort to the help of orthopedic devices, crutches, wheelchairs.

Other complications may include:

  • Reduced learning ability;
  • Problem reading and speech;
  • Decreased attention;
  • Inability to count;
  • Dermatological diseases;
  • Disturbed function of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Individual intolerance to latex;
  • Inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • Low emotional background.


Now doctors can discover early enough that Spina Bifida is developing in children. Biochemical methods, ultrasound, help in this. Therefore, preventive measures and research are possible. The roots of the problem are complex, it is often impossible to establish them precisely.

But it is possible to make a group of risk and understand whether a particular patient refers to it. Therefore, take the time and planning to have a child, visit the office of a specialist in genetics. This will help to understand whether you need to monitor the level of folate in the body.

Every month of pregnancy, go to a full examination with specialists in gynecology, urology.

During the second third of pregnancy, a blood test on the level of chemical compounds is necessary.

If a pathology of spinal cord growth is detected, it is necessary to consider the possibility of aborting the pregnancy.

If the fact of violations of the development of the spinal cord is confirmed, doctors are often advised to interrupt pregnancy. But even now, medicine does not always find all the irregularities during pregnancy.

Sometimes it turns out that you only know about the presence of pathology, but not about the extent to which it affected the fetus. So, if the spine of children is simply not completely closed, successful therapy, a normal life of the child in the future, is possible.

But if a spinal cord emerges through the aperture, even surgical intervention will not allow a person to develop normally, a lethal outcome is possible, at least a severe degree of disability.

That's why doctors often talk about abortion, if such violations are diagnosed.

Worse is the position of the mother, if she has long been trying to get pregnant, and doing it again will be difficult or impossible.

It is in these cases that MRI is usually used - to see how difficult the situation is.

Then the doctors tell the mother what consequences and complications are possible if there are children with Spina Bifida born.

Treatment of a newborn

Therapy ideally begins even before the baby was born. Even at this stage, it is possible to perform a surgical procedure, to eliminate hernias and other defects in the development of the spine.

Such an operation is rare, but it allows you not to let your nerves deform, keeps the opportunity to develop in the future normally both physically and mentally.

At the moment, such interventions have not been conducted in the Russian Federation.

In most cases, surgeons begin to work almost immediately after the baby was born and it turned out that he had a diagnosis - Spina Bifida. Doctors eliminate the deformation of the bone tissues of the spine, so as not to disrupt the further work of the nervous system.

The hernia cavity opens, the nerves beyond their limits are placed back, as close to their natural location. The cut cavity is sewn.

This helps to relieve the newborn patients from visual protrusion, but those nerves that have already been damaged can not be rehabilitated.

The priority goal of treatment is to enable a person to move normally in the future.After the operation they use prosthetics, physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapy.

In many cases, several operations are necessary - for example, if the first one has an outpouring of the liquor, the fluid of the spinal canal.

And later the spinal cord may appear to be "glued" to the bone, and the surgeon's work will again be required.

If the back is only split, and the spinal cord does not come out through the hole, there is an opportunity to let the patient move normally, to form a full-fledged personality.

If the spinal cord emerges through the hole, and a large number of nerves are damaged, a lethal outcome is possible.

Or, if the therapy is the most successful - the patient will have to live with a lot of incurable complications.

Treatment of older children

Often the paralytic symptoms of cure become already impossible. But the children with Spina Bifida are tormented by another problem - urological.

It is necessary to stabilize urination, artificially removing urea from the bladder. Catheters are used for this.

Approximately from the age of nine the child himself can already perform this procedure.

Modern medicine is progressing, and there are more and more people who have experienced the most severe manifestations of their ailment and were able to live normally in the society, work and study. But this pathology in any case requires constant medical supervision, numerous operations.


To prevent the development of a fetal disorder such as Spina Bifida, you must first ensure the intake and assimilation of a sufficient amount of folic acid.

And take it in the amount prescribed by the doctor before the conception.

Continue reception until the end of the first third of pregnancy - it is at this time that the future spinal cord and its nerve structures are formed.

In the Russian Federation, this practice is not yet common. Therefore, that your children were born healthy, consume more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, greens, berries.

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Bifid's back - what is it? Causes and Treatment

Bifida's back is a disease related to the defects of neural tube formation, and is considered an innate pathology.

The neural tube of the fetus begins its development even at the very beginning of the woman's pregnancy.

In children diagnosed with Bifid, it does not develop completely, which entails a defect in the region of the bones of the spine, as well as the spinal canal.

General description of congenital pathology

Splitting of the children's spine affects the musculoskeletal system.

The diagnosis of "Bifid's back" (what it is, interests many) is found only among five to seven newborns out of ten thousand.

This pathology can not be cured completely, but it is possible to alleviate only a few the state of the child.

Such a defect varies in appearance, as well as severity of pathology. To the child, already since its or his birth, in case of an easy form of disease it is necessary to wear a corset.

And gradually, as he grows up, the size of the corset should change. At the back of Bifid in adults, in the event that the form of the deviation is more serious, you will have to use a wheelchair.

Treatment inhibits the process of deformation, and in addition, keeps the motor activity of such a patient.

What is it - the back of Bifid in children?

There are situations in which the splitting of the spine diverges throughout the entire area of ​​the corresponding column, and is also capable of manifest itself in the form of bulging out a small part of the spinal cord and surrounding tissue outside, and not inward, as it should be.

Approximately eighty-five percent of cases of Bifid's disease can be seen in the lumbar sector and fifteen in the chest and neck area. Against the background of mild or moderate degree of pathology, it is possible to apply surgical intervention.

This method of treatment will only contribute to the restoration of the integrity of the spine.

What is it - Bifid's back? We will go further.


In modern medicine, it is common to distinguish several types of this disease:

  • A hidden form of spina bifida, which is a relatively simple type of Bifid disease. In this situation, only one vertebra changes and there is no bulging of the nerves, as well as the spinal cord. When a child is born, there may be a trough or spot in the area of ​​the anomaly. This form of the disease is mostly asymptomatic, and the defect will be noticed only when examined.
  • Meningocele among small patients is about the third part of the general list of pathologies of Bifid's back. This is a deviation of moderate severity, in which the spinal canal does not fully close, and soft membranes seem to bulge beyond, but the spinal cord itself remains without damage. Newborns with a disease are capable of normal motor functions, but there is a certain probability of a malfunction and normal functioning of the intestine. When meningocele specialists recommend surgery to release the spinal cord by closing the defect.
  • Lipomeningocele is also considered a moderate form of the pathology of Bifid's back (photo is presented in the article). Against her background, the adipose tissue puts pressure on the spinal cord, and nerves are not seriously damaged. But there are also very likely problems with the urinary system and intestines.
  • Myelomeningocele is the most common and, in addition, severe form of Bifid's disease among children. On its soil, the spinal canal is not completely closed, and the protruding mass consists of the meninges, as well as the nerves and the deformed spinal cord. Skin in this area is underdeveloped.
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So, Bifid's back - what is it and how does it manifest itself? Let's consider further.

Symptoms of Bifid's Back

Symptoms of this disease are very different and can depend on the form and severity, for example, when the child is born, the following are distinguished:

  • Against the backdrop of latent cleavage, the presence of a small birthmark or hollow in a child will be a sign of a pathological form.
  • In the case of meningocele, a protrusion of the saccular form may also be present, which will be located on the back, in the region of the spine.
  • With myelomeningocele, protrusion with a different skin cover may occur. In parallel, the spinal cord and nerves can manifest themselves.
  • Against the backdrop of heavier examples of Bifid's back in children (what this is, we explained), the lower extremities can be paralyzed in patients, and the work of the intestine and bladder can be disrupted.

Anomalies in development

In addition to the above symptoms, children with spina bifida may have other abnormalities in development, for example:

  • Hydrocephalus, which occurs most often with myelomeningocele. In this situation, operative endoscopic treatment is necessary.
  • Underdevelopment of the spinal cord in children.
  • Problems in the orthopedic sphere, namely, the patient's back, which will be scoured by scoliosis and kyphosis.

Maturation of genital organs of a premature nature in children with Bifid's back.

  • Obesity and heart problems, as well as dermatological pathologies.
  • Nervous states, mainly associated with depression.

Diagnostics methods

Methods such as ultrasound along with magnetic resonance imaging are necessary. Patients with even minor manifestations of the disease can have the formation of anomalies of the vertebral column at the back of Bifid. X-rays can also help.

Immediately after receiving the diagnosis should be conducted in a timely manner examination of the genitourinary system of the child, and in addition addition, to pass a general analysis and culture of urine in order to study the level of creatinine and urea, plus to conduct ultrasound diagnostics. The establishment of pressure and capacity of the bladder, against which urine enters the urethra, can provide an accurate diagnosis to determine the necessary treatment methods.

Further expediency of carrying out of researches will depend on evident results of the received analyzes and existing anomalies in development. Among adults, spina bifida is diagnosed after carrying out a mass of all sorts of studies and analyzes with the diagnosis of Bifid's back.

Treatment without surgery

Without timely surgical intervention, there is a high probability that the disease will occur progress, and this can lead to disruption of the spinal cord and the corresponding nerves. In this situation, it is necessary to unite the efforts of specialists and doctors of different directions.

First of all, it is important to conduct research with an orthopedist, neurosurgeon, urologist, and pediatrician in particular. In this case, it is required to assess the state of the child, determine the type of illness and location.

In the event that doctors carry out the operation of Bifid's back, its immediate purpose will be to serve the isolation of the hernial sac, as well as its legs from the surrounding tissue area against the background of its further dissection and inspection.

When the hernial sac contains roots from the spinal cord, they must be carefully removed and completely immersed in the spinal canal, after which it is possible to excise and sew up the remains. The formed gap should be closed with a muscular-fascial element.

Thus, the performed operation will help to get rid of visible hernial protrusion.

In the case when children with a diagnosis of the back of Bifid-Occult are paralyzed legs, you will have to turn to the use of a wheelchair. With a certain degree of mobility of the hips, the sick child will be able to move with the help of the supports designed for this purpose.

Causes of formation

The cause, due to which the splitting of the children's spine occurs, can not be completely determined.

A number of specialists believe that this is directly related to genetics, nutrition of a pregnant woman, and besides, the environment plays an important role.

But besides this there are other causes that influence the onset of this disease and provoke it:

  • external factors, for example the harmful effects of the environment;
  • deficiency of folic acid in the body of a future mother;
  • consequences after rubella or flu in women;
  • influence on pregnant hyperthermia in the early stages;
  • use of antibiotics during pregnancy;
  • genetics and age of a woman, as well as obesity;
  • the presence of bad habits.

Identification and treatment of Bifid's back should be timely.

Pathogenesis in the formation of pathology

The pathogenesis of this disease has not yet been accurately established. In the whole history, two theories have been put forward. The first claims violations of the closure of the neural tube, which was proposed by the scientist Röcklenhausen in 1886.

And the second pathogenetic theory, or, as it is also called, hydrodynamic theory, was developed by the researcher Morgani a hundred years earlier.

In addition to these opinions, there is a hypothesis about over-accelerated growth or its complete arrest as the main cause of the dysphasia of the neural tube.

The frequency of occurrence of the pathology of Bifid's back varies from one to two cases per thousand newborns.

And the probability of repeated delivery with the appearance of such a defect is from six to eight percent, which only once again testifies to the genetic factor that is the cause of the development of this terrible disease.

The higher prevalence of this pathology occurs among children who were born from elderly mothers.

True, despite this information, ninety-five percent of newborns diagnosed with Bifid's back appear in parents who did not have this pathology at all. Other factors, such as influenza and rubella, along with teratogenic substances, serve as predisposing variants.

Alment factor

Almentary factor was recognized as one of the first prerequisites of risk in the formation of Bifid's back.

Scientists note the high frequency of adult young people who entered the military and were born in the period of famine at the end of the Second World War, and then acted as fathers in a number of cases of discovering pathologies in their children.

Thus, the causes of development in their offspring of the disease, most likely, was hunger and great stress as a result of the war period.

Later it was also found that women who gave birth to children with neural tube defects during their pregnancy experienced an acute vitamin deficiency. According to their observations, due to the use of multivitamin complexes, the frequency of recurrence with respect to this pathology in subsequent pregnancies was sharply reduced.

In addition to these factors, scientists also suggest the existence of a connection between the failure of folate-dependent exchange processes homocysteine ​​and the formation of a tube defect, while the disagreement ratio is ninety-five percent of confidence interval.

Later studies have established that the risk of developing Bifid's back increases with an increase in homocysteine ​​content in the composition blood, and the use of folic acid in this case significantly reduces the amount of homocysteine ​​in its plasma in pregnant women.

The concentration of this substance in amniotic fluid among newborns that were born with neural tube pathologies was always higher in comparison with the results of the control group.

In the study of methionine metabolism in amniotic and extraembryonic liquids, it was found that the concentration of total the volume of homocysteine ​​in the embryonic substance is much lower than its presence in the blood plasma of the mother of the future child.

As for the amount of methionine, it is four times higher in the coelomic extraembryonic, as well as in the amniotic fluid compared to the values ​​of the woman waiting for the baby.

The risk of developing Bifid's back increases sevenfold with a combination of a homozygous type of mutation in the fetus and in the mother. This once again proves the effect of the failure of the process of homocysteine ​​metabolism in the fetus on the formation of neural tube defects.

In conclusion, it should be said that in recent years, gynecologists have the opportunity to prevent Bifid's back disease, that is, the neurological defect of the unborn child.

For this, women are recommended to take folic acid in the amount of four hundred milligrams a day from the beginning of the planning pregnancy until the end of the first trimester, since it is during this time that the formation of the nervous tube.

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Back Bifid: consequences

Because of violations of the spine improperly develops the intervertebral disc, there is a thinning of the fibrous membrane, its rupture and punching, a hernia is formed. All this leads to a strong pain syndrome.

It can cause the development of a painful focus in the brain, and this is fraught with epilepsy - spontaneous mass activity of neurons, which leads to loss of consciousness, convulsions, death.

We examined what it is - Bifid's back.

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Spina Bifida

The back of the bifidus is a born defect in the development of the spine and spinal cord. With this defect neural tube of the spinal cord is not closed, the spinal cord is underdeveloped.

Vertebrae on the pathological site are also not formed, which ultimately affects the overall functionality of the spine.

The back of the bifid in children is not so rare and it is rare: approximately one newborn per thousand.

The disease has different degrees of severity. An operational solution to this problem is not always effective.

The causes of bifid spine development

At present, medicine does not possess accurate information about the causes of such a defect in the development of the spinal cord.

This pathology occurs with the combined effect on the fetus of hereditary, infectious, toxic and other factors.

However, no theory of the emergence of spin bifid has irrefutable evidence.

The origin of the disease is determined by the influence of environmental factors. For example, in regions with an unfavorable ecological situation, the back of the bifidus occurs more often.

The risk of splitting increases some of the medications taken during this or that period of pregnancy.

Alcohol abuse (especially surrogates) greatly increases the risk of fetal growth anomalies in the spine.

Separately it is necessary to say about diabetes as one of the decisive factors in the development of the abnormal structure of the spine in the fetus.

A certain role in the formation of the bifid spin is played by:

  • region of residence;
  • age of parents;
  • the time of the year in which the conception took place;
  • social and economic conditions in the family;
  • mother's nutrition quality.

The increased risk factors for the formation of spinal bifid include:

  • the presence of a defect in the development of the spinal tube in older children;
  • a woman who has a close relative from the back of the bifid has a good chance of having a child with the same diagnosis;
  • a diagnosis of the bifidus spin can be given to a child whose mother constantly tested a deficiency of folic acid in her diet. Remember that this vitamin is extremely necessary for the fetus;
  • taking valproic acid drugs may contribute to the development of a defect in the spinal tube, as it interferes with the normal absorption of vitamin B9;
  • obesity;
  • increased body temperature during pregnancy.

Types of spine bifidus

The defect of the spinal tube can be divided into three varieties, depending on the clinical manifestations.

Back bifida occult is considered the easiest form of the disease. She does not have visible manifestations. Defect in the spine is not visually determined.

This can only be done by a doctor and only by radiographic examination.

With such a back bifidus there are no hernias, however other pathologies, for example, tumors or cysts of the spine can be detected with the naked eye.

This Spina bifida often occurs with no symptoms. However, they can occur at a later age, when a child, for example, begins to walk. The disease has a latent form and manifests itself in the night incontinence of urine.

More serious pathology is meningocele. It can be seen with the naked eye. Adequate diagnosis is made after birth. However, the cerebrospinal substance at this stage of the development of the disease - without pathologies.

The most complex malformation of the spine is myelomeningocele. Unfortunately, it is this form of Spina bifida that occurs most often among newborns.

There is a protrusion of not only the membranes of the spinal cord, but also its substance and even the spinal roots. The hernia is often open.

Often children die from such a defect, and on the first day after birth.

However, if such a child survives, he will suffer a lifetime of incontinence, urine, feces, paralysis and mental retardation.

The most characteristic symptoms of bifid spine in children

The back of the bifidus is most often localized in the vertebral-sacral spine. Sometimes in this part of the spine you can feel it. It happens that spina bifida does not make itself felt until the baby starts walking, or until an arbitrary urination begins to form.

With meningocele and myelomeningocele, the symptoms of spina bifida are characterized by paralysis, impaired bladder function. As a result of such malformations of the spine, the child remains disabled for life.

Many patients with spina bifida develop hydrocephalus. This condition requires immediate surgical correction in order to restore the normal current of cerebrospinal fluid.

In newborns, hydrocephalus manifests itself by such symptoms:

  • changing the proportions of the child's head;
  • bulging and tension of the fontanel;
  • increased muscle tone;
  • tipping head;
  • disorders of eye movement;
  • incontinence of the head at the required time;
  • lethargy;
  • cry.

In children with the mild stage of spina bifida, there are such characteristic symptoms:

  • impaired speech, swallowing;
  • motor disorders in the lower limbs;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • clubfoot;
  • abnormalities of hip joint development;
  • earlier sexual development (especially in girls);
  • depression;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • skin problems;
  • visual defects.

Spina bifida in adults

Although the back of the bifidus is confirmed almost immediately after the birth of the child, however in some cases this pathology can be in adulthood. As a rule, the back of the bifidus in adults is observed in its mildest form.

First of all, adults face such inconvenient problems as incontinence of urine or feces. In some cases, a person can notice on his back a section of hair, a large birthmark or a speck of white color. In this area, just split the spine.

In adulthood, there may be a violation of the innervation of the lower extremities. Often it leads not only to loss of pain or temperature sensitivity, but to paresis, paralysis. As a result, adults can not normally use their foot or hand.

Since incontinence of urine or feces remains for life, such a person is forced to constantly use diapers. This is due to the fact that he is often unable to control the physiological needs of his body.

And finally, many adults with spin bifidus there is a curvature of the spine of different degrees. It causes a variety of dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system.

Diagnostic features of spina bifida

Despite the fact that medicine has recently made significant progress in the treatment of diseases of this kind, nevertheless, in order to reduce the incidence of spina bifida, effective preventive Events. A woman should visit a geneticist during pregnancy planning. Important is the consultation of the therapist, urologist, neurologist.

During pregnancy, such diagnostic measures are important

  1. Amniocentesis. At the same time, a thin needle is inserted through the abdominal cavity to collect the amniotic fluid for later examination. The liquid must be analyzed in order to confirm or reject the presence of a neural tube defect. This type of diagnosis does not make it possible to see small defects of the spinal tube.
  2. Ultrasound - the procedure is absolutely harmless and reliable. It allows you to examine the condition of the internal organs of the fetus, including the spine. It is distinguished by a high degree of reliability in the diagnosis of spinal bifida, as well as other associated pathologies.
  3. Blood tests. The doctor usually recommends a blood test at 15 and 20 weeks of gestation. A blood test must be done for all women.

When confirming the pathology of development of the neural tube, the doctor usually recommends that the pregnant woman terminate the pregnancy.

Consequences of the disease

The consequences of the bifid spin are serious and often affect later life. First of all, it is difficult for a person to live with scoliosis and incontinence. All this leads eventually to disability.

Another dangerous complication of the spinal bifida is hydrocephalus. And in certain cases it can be detected only in adulthood. Often the patient has to live with a kind of shunt to drain the fluid that accumulates in the brain.

A person with a back bifid often can experience difficulties in mental activity, he is allergic to many substances.

Treatment of spina bifida

If the child is diagnosed with a back bifida treatment should begin as soon as possible. The only way out is an operation. This applies to severe cases of the disease.

The operation can be carried out only in cases where the child has no contraindications to it.

Newborns with mielocel and meningomyelocele should be operated within 24 hours.

However, the operation can not solve all the problems that arise as a result of this disease. And this is primarily associated with paresis and paralysis.

They will remain for life, and the doctor's task in this case is to achieve a minimum of symptoms.

If necessary, the doctor prescribes curative gymnastics and corrective treatment procedures.

Sometimes the patient may require orthopedic treatment. It is carried out in those cases when it can not walk normally.

There are clinics where prenatal surgeries are done. However, they have not found use at present.

Treatment of spinal bifidus in adults is aimed at preventing possible complications.

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