Cheshut legs below the knees: the causes and treatment


  • 1Feel the legs below the knees
    • 1.1Causes of discomfort, not related to pathology
    • 1.2Scratching legs below the knees: possible ailments and pathological conditions
    • 1.3Feel the legs below the knees: how to treat?
    • 1.4Physio- and psychotherapy
    • 1.5What can I do at home?
  • 2Tips for a healthy lifestyle
    • 2.1The reasons why the feet are lower than the knees
    • 2.2Feeling of legs below the knees in winter
    • 2.3Cheshut legs below the knees in men
    • 2.4Feel the legs below the knees in women
    • 2.5Cheshut legs below the knees during pregnancy
    • 2.6What kind of ointment is needed?
  • 3Cheshut legs below the knees: the causes, treatment, what ointment to smear
    • 3.1Why are my legs lower than my knees?
    • 3.2Folk remedies if the feet are itchy below the knees
    • 3.3Varicose veins
    • 3.4Diabetes
    • 3.5Psoriasis
    • 3.6Fungal infection
    • 3.7Scabies mite
    • 3.8What to do if peeling and itching
    • 3.9Treatment if itches feet below the knees, what ointment to smear
  • 4Itching in the legs
    • 4.1Etiology
    • 4.2Symptomatology
    • 4.3Diagnostics
    • 4.4Treatment
    • 4.5Prevention
  • instagram viewer
  • 5Cheshut legs below the knees: the causes of itching of the skin on calves, treatment
    • 5.1Itching below the knees: what could be the cause?
    • 5.2External causes
    • 5.3Diseases accompanied by itching of the legs below the knees
    • 5.4Feeling of legs below the knees in winter
    • 5.5Than and how to treat an itch of legs below the knees
    • 5.6How to get rid of the itch below the knee folk methods

Feel the legs below the knees

The desire to scratch some part of the body arises in every person. And there's nothing wrong with this, unless you have to do it all the time. When such a need arises with increasing frequency, it is obvious that something went wrong in the body.

This also applies to the discomfort of the lower extremities. When the feet begin to itch so intensely that in a short time they can be combed to the blood - it is necessary to identify the causes and neutralize them immediately.

Causes of discomfort, not related to pathology

The lower part of the legs can itch for reasons that do not in the least threaten health. In this case, unpleasant sensations are temporary and pass when the irritant disappears. We are talking about such factors:

  • Insufficient water intake. Because of its deficiency, the skin dries up, flakes and itches.
  • Cold season. In the winter and autumn months, itching occurs more often. It is a reaction of the body to a too low air temperature, its differences when going to the room from the street and vice versa.
  • Cosmetic products that are not suitable for a particular person. Shower gels, milk, creams may contain substances that irritate the skin and cause allergies.
  • Incorrect food. The body often reacts with a rash and itching for a simple reason: it can not digest harmful foods. It is necessary to watch to use only fresh and healthy food. It is not superfluous to refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol.

Scratching legs below the knees: possible ailments and pathological conditions

There are pathological conditions and diseases that cause, among other symptoms, a sensation of itching in the lower part of the legs.

The most frequent reasons for it are:

Skin diseases. They are the most common reason that the feet begin to itch, there are rashes and hyperemia.

The most famous skin ailment is dermatitis. It is characterized by inflammation of the skin, its redness, burning and itching. The temperature of the affected area often rises, it becomes blistered.

Dermatitis can choose any part of the body, including legs lower than the knees. The disease often becomes chronic. Its appearance on a certain part of the body is quite natural, if a person has this disease in childhood or in adolescence.

Dermatitis can occur on a background of stress and hereditary predisposition. It arises under the influence of external factors of a different nature: biological, physical or chemical.

Dermatitis can appear due to obligate stimuli, such as acids, alkalis, temperature, certain plants.

2. Another skin ailment that can cover the skin on the lower part of the legs is thepsoriasis. This chronic non-infectious disease manifests itself in the form of skin peeling and rashes on it, which you always want to scratch.

3. Allergic reaction- The frequent reason that the skin on legs or foots below knees starts to be scratched. The list of allergens is impressive, and the sensitivity to them increases if a person's immunity decreases. Irritants combine in such groups:

  • food (oranges, strawberries, chocolate, eggs, seafood);
  • household (wool, animal saliva, synthetics, dust, detergents);
  • medications;
  • wounds from an insect bite;
  • flowering and pollen of plants.

The body reacts to the allergen with a rash - hives. Gradually, the rash merges into a single whole, covering significant areas of the skin that itch.

In order not to comb them, a person needs to strain all his willpower.

Otherwise, you can put an infection that will only exacerbate the discomfortable condition.

4. Vascular pathology. Varicose veins like to develop on the lower part of the legs.

The main cause of vascular pathology is a violation of venous outflow, resulting in trophic changes in the tissues.

The disease is mainly characteristic of elderly people and those who are in middle age. Skin at the same time and itch, and give pain when they are slightly disturbed by fingers.

5. Diabetes. The disease manifests itself on the outer cover of various unpleasant sensations. Itching is one of them.

Itches skin not only on the lower limbs, but on any other site. There are other changes: stains, dryness, loss of elasticity.

The skin on the legs is easily injured, with a slight impact or touching the convex surface.

6. Liver and kidney problems. The pathologies of the liver appear externally in the form of rashes on the skin. They can not help itching, as they irritate the surface of the epidermis.

In addition to these unpleasant sensations, the patient has bitterness in his mouth, weakness and heaviness in the hypochondrium on the right, on the skin - vascular "stars".

Similar symptoms are observed with hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholelithiasis.

With the development of renal insufficiency, salts from the body can be excreted through the mucous membranes and outer covers. The skin gradually becomes too dry, pale, starts to itch. Swelling of the lower extremities and face are observed.

Among other reasons for discomfort in the lower legs, it should be noted:

  • blood diseases (lymphoma, polycythemia);
  • helminthic invasion;
  • neurological pathologies (osteochondrosis, neuropathy, multiple sclerosis).

Legs below the knees can also itch on the nerves. Provoke such an unpleasant symptom capable of stress, anxiety, phobia and neurosis.

Psychosomatic disorders - the body's response to the emotional shake that he had to endure.

The legs will be combed immediately or after the problems are left behind.

The appearance of itching sensations in the lower part of the legs, which cause a constant desire to scratch them, may indicate the development of serious ailments. In time to identify and cure them, you can not do without an examination of the body.

Feel the legs below the knees: how to treat?

Before embarking on therapy, the main reason for why the lower leg is to be scratched should be established. Depending on the pathology, different methods of treatment are used. The main among them is taking medications.

Medicamentous treatment includes the reception of such drugs:

  • antihistamines;
  • detoxification;
  • complexing agents;
  • antioxidants;
  • vitamin complexes.

With varicose veins, venotonics are effective, as are medicines that improve the vascular state.

The greatest result is obtained with simultaneous use of ointments and tablets. It is advisable to take venotonics for preventive purposes.

Improve the condition of antiaggregants, in particular, aspirin.

When a diabetes mellitus is prescribed, the intake of insulin, other hypoglycemic drugs. The protocol of treatment depends on the type of diabetes and individual characteristics of a person.

Liver pathologies are successfully treated with hepatoprotectors - medications that have a positive effect on its functions. They help restore the cells of the body and protect them from any damage.

Helminthiasis can be eliminated with the help of antiparasitic drugs.

With psychogenic itching, antidepressants and tranquilizers are prescribed.

Dermatitis therapy consists of several stages. Ointments and creams are used, anti-inflammatory and antihistamines are taken. Physiotherapy, a special diet are prescribed. Not bad help with medicinal compresses.

In addition, the doctor can prescribe psychotherapy.

Physio- and psychotherapy

Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are prescribed only when there are no contraindications. Many procedures are prohibited for inflammatory changes in the skin. The doctor takes this into account and prescribes depending on the diagnosis:

  1. Reflexotherapy.
  2. Low-intensity laser therapy.
  3. Balneotherapy.
  4. UV radiation.
  5. Electrophoresis.

The greatest effect of such procedures are given in the treatment of psoriasis, diabetes mellitus, varicose veins.
When, due to prolonged stress, anxiety, depressive conditions, the balance of mediators of the nerve endings of the skin is disturbed, the help of the therapist will be needed.

Until the psychological state of a person normalizes, the sensations of itching in the lower limbs will not cease to irritate him.

They can periodically subtle, but then come back again. In this case, psychotherapeutic sessions are very appropriate.

A psychotherapist can prescribe medication that will help balance the emotional state.

What can I do at home?

In order to relieve unpleasant feelings, without leaving home, you need:

  • Apply a cold compress to the affected area.
  • Lubricate the skin with a moisturizer. Do this at least once a day.
  • Use only natural cosmetics.
  • Do not wear clothes made of synthetic and rough fabrics.
  • Do not take too much bath or shower, as this helps the skin dry out and itch. The water in the shower or bath must be moderately warm, but not hot.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Do not comb your feet, as there may be scratches and scars that will heal for a long time.

Many of the causes of carding of the legs below the knees can be detected during the preventive examination. This will contribute to the rapid administration of treatment and will help to avoid the appearance of such a symptom in the future.

During severe itching, one should adhere to the rule - not to scratch your legs, otherwise you can put an infection and only aggravate the situation.

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Tips for a healthy lifestyle

Itching is an unpleasant symptom associated with irritation of nerve endings. It causes a wild desire to scratch the problem place.

Some people notice that their legs are very much scratched below the knees. What can it talk about? Is this symptom dangerous? What to do in case of its appearance and how to get rid of itching.

We will discuss all these issues now.

The reasons why the feet are lower than the knees

The reasons why you can scratch your legs below your knees are very diverse. It can be both physiological causes, and pathological, indicating the development of the disease. Among the etiological factors that do not pose a health hazard are:

  1. supercooling;
  2. irritation of the skin with a fleecy cloth;
  3. non-observance of hygiene rules;
  4. application of ointments and creams for the legs, provoking itching;
  5. recently performed hair removal;
  6. dry skin due to old age;
  7. Tan.
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Among the pathological causes are:

  • Allergic reactions.
  • Infections.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Chemical irritation of the skin.
  • Dermatological diseases.
  • Fungal skin damage.
  • Diabetic complications.
  • Insect bites.

If you notice that other parts of the body are also itchy, this indicates that the itching is generalized. In this case, there are many more reasons, and they are very diverse.

For example, it can be jaundice, diabetes mellitus, medication, kidney failure, systemic connective tissue damage.

The cause of generalized itching should be checked with a doctor, since it is very difficult to identify or even suspect at home.

Feeling of legs below the knees in winter

In the cold season, the legs may be itchy for various reasons. Among them:

  1. allergy to the material from which your winter clothes are made;
  2. cold dermatitis;
  3. allergy to cold (occurs without an allergen, against a background of histamine release due to hypothermia);
  4. exacerbation of chronic dermatological diseases.

To determine if the skin reaction is the response to hypothermia, test. Attach an ice cube to a limited area of ​​skin on one leg. See if morphological elements, redness of the skin or itching appear in these areas.

Cheshut legs below the knees in men

Look carefully at your feet. Especially if you are a man with abundant vegetation on the lower limbs. In the hair can hide carpet fleas. They are very common in high-rise buildings, as they easily migrate from an apartment to an apartment.

These fleas jump on your feet and suck blood. Then on these places inflammatory foci are formed, which itch and blush. Combing them, you can bring an infection.

To detect fleas, you need:

  • carefully examine the legs;
  • Put your bare feet in the basin with water - the fleas will loosen and float to the surface;
  • like a day or two with trousers tucked into your socks, so that the fleas had nowhere to hang on, and to see if the itching passes.

If you find that this is the main reason, all you need to do is to etch the parasites with dichlorvos.

Close the windows and doors, splash all the carpets and cracks in the house with insecticide, and go for a walk. In 2-3 hours from fleas there will be no trace.

But their eggs can remain, therefore, after 2-3 weeks it is desirable to re-treat in order to destroy the progeny of parasites. Do not forget to ventilate the apartment!

Feel the legs below the knees in women

Another common cause of itching of the legs below the knees is varicose veins. More often this disease is observed in women. Often it manifests in the course of pregnancy or after childbirth.

Itching may occur at different times:

  1. before appearance of visually observed enlarged veins;
  2. immediately after vasodilation;
  3. a few years after the onset of varicose veins, at the stage of trophic complications.

In the most unfavorable case, the itching below the knees with varicose is indicative of trophic disorders. The skin of the lower legs swells and is poorly supplied with blood. Initially, this leads to hair loss, then - to thicken the skin, and then - to the occurrence of trophic ulcers.

To determine varicose veins as the cause of pruritus, at the initial stage of the disease, when the enlarged veins are not yet, pay attention to the accompanying symptoms:

  • rapid fatigue of the feet;
  • swelling of the legs at the end of the day, independently passing by the morning;
  • the presence of vascular asterisks on any leg segments (not necessarily lower than the knees);
  • pain in the legs;
  • night spasms of calf muscles.

In case of signs of varicose veins, it is necessary to observe and be treated by a phlebologist - to take medications, to wear compression jersey, and, if necessary, to have surgery.

Cheshut legs below the knees during pregnancy

In pregnancy, itching below the knees may be a sign of beginning varicose veins. At the same time, the symptom does not necessarily indicate the development of any disease. In pregnancy, pruritus can have physiological causes, and be conditioned:

  1. changes in the hormonal background;
  2. stretching the skin on the background of puffiness and weight gain;
  3. increased sweating.

In any case, in order to prevent varicose veins, it is better to wear a compression knitwear during the period of pregnancy. Especially if the cases of this disease have occurred in your family, or you are already observing the first signs of a pathological process.

What kind of ointment is needed?

If your legs are very badly scratched below the knees, and you comb them to such an extent that the skin develops wounds, you should always consult a doctor.

A visit to the doctor is also necessary if there are other alarming symptoms (enlarged vessels, itching of the skin in other places, pain syndrome, severe reddening and the appearance of a rash).

Depending on the reason why the feet are lowered than the knees, you can use ointments to eliminate this symptom:

  • troxevasin- if itching is provoked by chronic venous insufficiency;
  • antihistamine ointments(Fenistil gel) - with allergies, insect bites, mechanical irritation (fleecy clothes, hair removal) or the appearance of an itch of unexplained etiology;
  • ointments with hydrocortisone- in case of dermatological diseases (it is undesirable to apply if they were not previously prescribed by a doctor);
  • clotrimazole- if there are signs of fungal damage (redness and flaky skin, unpleasant odor);
  • ointments with antibiotics(gentamicin, tetracycline, erythromycin) - if the disease is caused by a bacterial flora (used under the supervision of a doctor).

If you are sure that the itching is not provoked by the disease, you can be treated yourself, at home.

In most cases, any antihistamine ointment will work for the removal of symptoms.

If you are worried, it is better to see a doctor to find out the reason for the itching, because it can indicate a dangerous disease.

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Cheshut legs below the knees: the causes, treatment, what ointment to smear

Many diseases of organs and body systems can affect our skin. In this case, there may be ecdysises, redness, and sometimes the feet are strongly scratched from the knee to the foot. What is the reason for this discomfort?

Why are my legs lower than my knees?

According to experts phlebologists, these symptoms indicate the onset of the development of such a disease as varicose veins. Initially, this is of little concern, but later the veins swell under the skin and the legs below the knees begin to itch strongly. There are a number of other causes of itching on the skin:

  1. The cause of irritation can be an allergic reaction to plants, foods, medicines.
  2. If the calves of the feet are strongly itching,then it can be a erysipelas, a rare disease that provokes streptococci. The disease is accompanied by a temperature, red spots on the calves and feet. At the site of the lesion, a red swelling stain appears, which itches.
  3. Scabies - affects not only the skin of the hands, but also the legs and can cause irritation.
  4. Psoriasis - a chronic disease that represents scaling of the skin and itching.
  5. The fungus of the foot causes an unbearable itch between the toes. The skin of the foot begins to peel and become covered with papules. Only a strong remedy for the fungus on your feet will help get rid of the illness forever.
  6. The scanty nutrition and deficiency of vitamins also affects the skin.
  7. The next provocative cause is the hormonal imbalance inherent in pregnant women and during menopause.
  8. Diabetes mellitus - causes itching all over the body and legs.
  9. Endocrine, nervous and mental diseases.
  10. Dermatitis is a disease of the skin and its main lesion is the legs and arms.
  11. Dryness of the skin.
  12. Violation of the functions of the hepatic gland.
  13. Nervousness, stress and overexcitation.

Folk remedies if the feet are itchy below the knees

In order to determine the true cause of the disease, it is necessary to undergo a survey. But you can try to alleviate the condition and prescriptions of alternative medicine. Here are some tools that will help get rid of itching in certain diseases.

Varicose veins

Legs are treated with hormonal ointments. After bathing procedures, wipe the eggs with a weak solution of boric acid or lemon juice.

Help the bathroom procedures with vinca. Prepare the infusion. 1 tbsp. pour a glass of hot liquid, keep it on low heat for 10-15 minutes. During the bath procedure add gradually infusion.


Regular use of diabetes in the diastolic fraction of the second fraction inside will help to improve the health of a diabetic.

And to get rid of the itching on the body recommended baths with infusion of nettle.

It is also useful to use an infusion of 1 serving of violets and turns and 2 servings of currant leaves. Make tea and drink during the day.

You can mix a glass of warm water, 2 pills of diphenhydramine and 1 hour. l. baking soda. This solution can eliminate the itching for a while.

Effective infusion of the collection of herbs: the root of valerian, burdock, licorice, flowers of burdock and violets, a sheet of dark blue, elecampane.

All herbs take in the same proportion, grind on a coffee grinder. 2 tablespoons pour, l hot liquid and keep on water steam for 5 minutes. Let the night brew.

Then strain and drink twice a day for 1 tablespoon. 3 months.


In this disease, folk healers are advised to take fruits and leaves of black nightshade, rub and add vegetable oil. Rub the ointment in problem areas.

Fungal infection

For the treatment of fungal infection, do foot baths. Dilute 100 hydrogen peroxide in 2 liters of hot water. Duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

You can wet the cotton wool with peroxide solution and apply to the affected nail, fixing with an adhesive plaster.

After that, the softened nail is peeled off and the clotrimazole ointment is applied.

Scabies mite

The bay leaf is grinded to powder and combined with vegetable oil in the following proportions:. This mixture rubs the affected area.

Ointment with birch tar is an effective tool in the fight against the itch mite. 1 tsp is mixed. tar, 1 tbsp. grated laundry soap and melted fat. The disease will recede on the third day.

What to do if peeling and itching

If the feet are scratched below the knees, the skin is very dry, peeling off, it is recommended to regularly moisturize the eggs with moisturizing cream, ingestion of herbal infusions, making baths and compresses.

As a means for ingestion can be 1 tbsp. l. Melissa pour hot water in the amount of 1 glass. Use instead of tea.

The bathroom procedure with juniper will be useful. Dry or liquid juniper extract is used for bathroom procedures. Liquid extract to pour 3 tbsp.

on the bathroom, and dry 2 tablets.

Contribute to skin cleansing compresses:

  • 2 tsp. marjoram pour a glass of hot liquid, wipe the solution with problem areas.
  • Root the burdock cook in clean water for 30 minutes, then crush it and make compresses.

You can take dill. Seeds of dill to grind on a coffee grinder and take a little at the tip of the spoon inside.

Treatment if itches feet below the knees, what ointment to smear

In order to apply the ointment, you need to know the cause.

For example, with venous insufficiency, Ointment TROXIVAZIN is used, with dermatitis zinc ointment, fungal lesions are treated with Clotrimazole.

Ointments with antibiotics are used for viral infection. For example, erysipelas can only be treated with an antibiotic.

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To the situation is not further exacerbated, you need to know what to do if the legs are being scratched below the knees:

  1. Apply cold compress to the damaged site.
  2. Do not wear clothes made of synthetic fabrics.
  3. Eat more fluid.

And most importantly, do not comb your legs, because there may be injuries and get an infection.

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Itching in the legs

Itching on the legs is a specific clinical manifestation that can accurately point to a rather limited range of pathologies. The emergence of such a sign is not limited to the age or sex of a person - absolutely everyone is subject to it.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, such a symptom indicates the course of an illness, but is isolated completely innocuous sources of such a disorder, for example, it very often occurs during pregnancy.

The clinical picture will be the most characteristic signs of a pathological etiologic factor. The main ones are considered reddening, burning, dryness and peeling of the affected area of ​​the skin.

The establishment of the correct diagnosis requires an integrated approach, which is based on physical examination and instrumental laboratory studies.

In the treatment of the symptom itself, conservative methods predominate, in particular, the use of medicinal substances and traditional medicine.


To lead to the fact that the leg is itching, not only can the disease, but also the physiological factors. It is for this reason that all sources of such a characteristic are divided into the appropriate groups.

Among the pathological processes taking place in the body, it is worth highlighting:

  • diabetes mellitus - with such a disease itching is often observed throughout the skin, but most often this is manifested in the legs in the area below the knees;
  • ailments of the liver - hepatitis of any nature or cirrhosis of the liver leads to the fact that bile enters the bloodstream. Against this background, the skin becomes yellowish, and almost all patients complain of skin itching, in particular in the lower limbs;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • varicose veins of the lower extremities - itching with varicosis of the legs arises from the prolonged course of such a disorder. This is due to a violation of the venous outflow process on an ongoing basis. In turn, this leads to the fact that an unpleasant sensation is observed at any time of the day;
  • infectious diseases, for example, chicken pox and lichen, rubella and measles, and scabies;
  • pathologies of the nervous system, which are most often caused by the course of the inflammatory process in the nervous tissue or poisoning with toxic or toxic substances;
  • vasculitis;
  • the presence of a degenerative process in the knee joint;
  • Skin diseases, for example, dermatitis, psoriasis, fungal infections or eczema;
  • allergy - as a stimulant often means household chemicals, as well as improperly selected means of household chemicals;
  • the course of cholinergic urticaria, which is more commonly known as sweating. With excessive sweating, itching of the feet can last from thirty minutes to two hours;
  • deep vein thrombosis;
  • restless legs syndrome;
  • diseases of the blood vessels that cause the fragility of the capillaries and small hemorrhages, which is the source of the itching;
  • disruption of the normal functioning of organs such as the liver, kidneys and gallbladder;
  • blood diseases, namely true polycythemia - is considered the most rare etiologic factor of why the legs are itching.

Varicose veins - a possible cause of itching of the skin of the legs

Physiological causes of itching of the skin of the legs are:

  1. prolonged influence of stressful situations or strong nervous overstrain;
  2. reception too hot a shower or a bath. It is noteworthy that the stronger the effect of heat, the more fingers or toes will scratch;
  3. abuse of certain groups of medicines;
  4. the period of gestation of the child - most often the itching during pregnancy occurs from the third trimester. In such cases, such a manifestation is not common and develops against the background of an increase in the level of the hormone estrogen, which, in turn, inhibits the progression of bile in the liver;
  5. bites of insects;
  6. a wrong diet - this reason often causes the development of an allergic reaction, which is called food allergy. The most common allergens are citrus fruits, exotic fruits, tea and dairy products, eggplant, carrots and cabbage. Often, the emergence of an allergic itch leads consumption of fast food and drinking alcoholic beverages;
  7. allergy to domestic animals or plants;
  8. wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes, as well as socks sewn from substandard fabrics;
  9. deficiency in the body of vitamins and dehydration of the skin, which is most often in the cold season.

All the above reasons can be attributed to both adults and children.


Strong and persistent itching on the lower extremities will rarely act as a single clinical manifestation. Most often the main symptom is accompanied by:

  • redness and swelling of the skin;
  • burning;
  • increased dryness and peeling of the skin in the affected area;
  • the formation of cracks;
  • pain syndrome caused by skin damage;
  • the appearance of erosion and wounds;
  • the formation of vesicles in which there may be purulent or transparent exudate. If a person breaks the integrity of the bubbles or they burst themselves, then after a while a crust forms on their surface. In some cases, the discharge may be supplemented with a fetid odor.

If the cause of the appearance of the main clinical sign was an allergy, then in addition to the above symptoms will be observed:

Symptoms of an allergy

Such manifestations are often mistaken for a cold, so that contact with the allergen does not stop, which can lead to deterioration of the patient.

All of the above symptoms are most typical for itching on the legs, but it is possible that other specific symptoms of a particular ailment can be attached.

For example, with diabetes mellitus, there will be constant thirst and rare urge to emit urine, and with diseases of the nervous system, frequent mood changes, depression and apathy.


To clarify the reason for the severe itching, an integrated approach is required. First of all, the dermatologist must independently perform several manipulations, among which:

  1. familiarization with the history of the disease and a life history of the patient - quite often it helps to detect the most characteristic etiologic factor for a particular patient;
  2. careful physical examination of the affected area;
  3. a detailed questioning of the patient - in this case, this exercise is of primary importance, since it helps to establish the first time and intensity of the manifestation of the main symptom and, importantly, to ascertain the presence of additional symptoms.

Laboratory research involves the implementation of:

  • general and biochemical blood analysis - for the possible detection of a bacterial or infectious disease;
  • clinical analysis of urine;
  • microscopic studies of stool;
  • laboratory studies of a small part of the patient's skin, taken by scraping directly from the affected area. Such a procedure will make it possible to identify a variety of fungus, which could lead to such unpleasant symptoms.

Instrumental surveys are aimed at revealing a violation of the functioning of an internal body, why it is necessary to conduct:

  1. radiography and ultrasound;
  2. CT and MRI;
  3. endoscopic diagnostic procedures.

After the dermatologist has examined the data of the primary diagnostic measures, the doctor may prescribe additional counseling and examination in:

One or another specialist will prescribe specific laboratory-instrumental measures of diagnosis and will make a scheme of how to remove such a symptom.


Elimination of the itch of the foot skin is conservative and often includes:

  • use of medicines in the form of ointments or creams;
  • observance of a sparing diet;
  • physiotherapy;
  • application of recipes of traditional medicine.

For each patient, depending on the etiologic factor, individual therapy tactics will be made. For example, during pregnancy, you can get rid of itching by:

  1. regular shower intake two or more times a day;
  2. treatment of feet in troubled areas with cosmetic oils;
  3. daily use of activated carbon on the basis of the fact that one tablet weighs ten kilograms;
  4. drinking a lot of liquid, but not sugary drinks;
  5. timely moisturizing the skin.

If itching occurs with varicose veins, what to do will tell the attending physician. Often such patients are shown:

  • wear compression stockings or stockings;
  • as much as possible to walk;
  • treat affected areas with hormonal ointments or creams.

Compression underwear with varicose veins

In addition, itching can be treated by:

  1. use of antifungal drugs;
  2. changes in eating habits;
  3. careful selection of detergent powders and shower gels that will not cause allergies;
  4. Wearing clothes made of natural fabrics.

As physiotherapeutic procedures can be appointed:

  • medical electrosleep;
  • cold and hot shower;
  • Baths and applications with medicinal mud and other components.

Drug treatment aimed at eliminating such a clinical manifestation suggests taking:

  1. sedatives;
  2. antihistamines;
  3. anxiolytics.

In addition, patients are prescribed ointments, gels, powders, creams with antipruritic effect.

If the above funds are ineffective, Novocain blockades are used.

Also good results can be achieved with the help of techniques of traditional medicine, suggesting the preparation of medicinal broths and infusions, which are used for foot baths or lotions. To cure itching on your legs, you can use:

  • apple cider vinegar;
  • the root of valerian and licorice;
  • burdock and burdock;
  • violet and lemon balm;
  • juniper and marjoram;
  • garlic and dill;
  • baking soda.

Use the recipes of traditional medicine must be twice a day - in the morning and in the evening until the symptom completely disappears. In the treatment it is best to use an integrated approach.

It is worth noting that the above recommendations are aimed at neutralizing the itch, and not the disease caused by it.


To avoid the appearance of problems with itching on the legs:

  1. to lead a healthy and active lifestyle;
  2. to eat properly and balanced;
  3. whenever possible avoid emotional shocks;
  4. completely avoid contact with the allergen;
  5. wear only comfortable shoes;
  6. to take medicine strictly following the prescription of the doctor;
  7. several times a year undergo a full medical examination.

With regard to the prediction of itching on the legs, a comprehensive approach ensures that the patient is relieved of this clinical manifestation in a fairly short period of time.

Angiopathy - the defeat of blood vessels with various ailments, which violates their full functioning and destroys the walls.

The pathological process can affect different areas of the body and vessels of various sizes - from small capillaries to large vessels.

If angiopathy will progress over a long period of time, then it is fraught development of irreversible changes in the organs in the human body (due to chronic disruption of their supply blood).

Restless legs syndrome is a neurological disorder characterized by the appearance of unpleasant symptoms in the legs, in the form of burning, tingling, itching, etc., which deliver a lot to the person inconveniences.

Usually, the disorder manifests itself in the evening and at night, as a result of which a person is disturbed by sleep, which affects the quality of life.

Trophic ulcer is an inflammatory wound on the skin of the upper and lower extremities, which does not heal for six weeks or more.

It appears because of insufficient blood circulation and nutrition of tissues that arise against the background of varicose veins.

Such a disease can not occur on its own, but becomes an unpleasant and severe consequence after some diseases.

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Cheshut legs below the knees: the causes of itching of the skin on calves, treatment

Itching below the knees not only causes discomfort, makes you restrain in crowded places from combs, not allows you to wear your favorite clothes in summer, but also indicates a possible ongoing disease of internal bodies. Therefore, when the legs are scraped lower than the knees, the reasons for this condition must be established without fail. In this article, we will look at the factors that trigger the onset of this symptom, and also how to treat the itch.

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Itching below the knees: what could be the cause?

If the legs are scraped lower than the knees, the reasons can be "superficial not indicative of the need anxiety that can be easily eliminated on their own, or requiring competent examination and timely treatment. It is much easier to cope with the itch, which is caused by external factors.

External causes

  • Mechanical damage. Itching of the skin on the legs below the knees can appear after improperly performed hair removal or as an allergy to a shaving aid. Movements should be carried out in the direction of hair growth. Otherwise, the cuticle is damaged, new hairs do not break out, but grow into the epidermis, causing severe itching.
  • Dryness of the skin. The skin becomes dry when it loses moisture. This can be caused by frequent showering with soap, swimming pool, insufficient water intake. The skin begins to peel and itch.
  • A tan. Damage to the epidermis during sunburn in the sun or in the solarium. As a result, the upper layers exfoliate, causing discomfort. This means that the sun baths were taken incorrectly.
  • Insect bites. Insect bites are more often subjected to the legs from the knee to the foot. Moss smear the epidermis with saliva, which is an analgesic, then bite off some of the skin. As a result, the site of the bite is condensed, redness, edema and severe itching appear. The feet are constantly itchy, but they can not be combed so as not to infect the infection.

Diseases accompanied by itching of the legs below the knees

If the feet are itchy from the foot to the knees, it can be a signal about the ongoing illness. The reasons are many, and the disease can be determined by the characteristic symptoms.

Cause Symptoms
Vascular pathology Varicose veins are more common in middle-aged and older people. Veins and nodules shine from knees to ankles, puffiness and fatigue of legs are observed. With a slight pressure, there is pain, itchy skin on legs. Symptoms are aggravated after a long walk, physical overwork.
Allergy It appears in the rash of small pimples of red color or redness in the place of contact with the allergen. The skin on the legs reacts rarely to food. Allergies can cause a residue of detergents on clothes, synthetic materials.
Dermatitis It manifests itself in the form of an allergic reaction to the usual food products, caring for cosmetics. The leg is scraped below the knee along the front side of the shin. There are pink spots, there is a tightness of the skin. Provoke exacerbation of stress, lack of sleep, the use of sweets, spicy food, alcohol.
Psoriasis At an early stage, scaling and itching are noticeable in the ankle region. Then there are papules and plaques having a convex shape, joints hurt. Itching increases with nervous experiences, drinking alcohol and fatty foods.
Eczema There are severe redness on the legs, vesicles, which then burst, followed by suppuration. Strongly itching the legs below the knees, itching bothers during sleep and rest. On the affected area, the temperature rises.
Hives It shows a small red rash as after a nettle burn. Causes severe itching and burning. It is possible as an allergic reaction to certain products, cosmetics, medicines.
Scabies Itching in the legs below the knee and throughout the body causes a microscopic tick that is transmitted when in contact with a sick person. Itchy itching sites you want more after taking a shower, bath, while you sleep. Most often, outbreaks are observed in the second half of the calendar year.
Glistular invasion The risk group includes everything, many people get sick, but do not even know it. Symptoms are itchy feet, fast fatigue, irritability, drowsiness, disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. To determine the presence of worms is not always possible, because it is necessary to pass the tests at least 10 times to make a diagnosis with confidence.
Neurological disorders (neuropathies, osteochondrosis, multiple sclerosis, tumors) There is muscular hypotrophy, sleep disturbance, itches the limbs, fatigue comes quickly, lumps joints.
Pathology of the kidneys and liver With kidney failure, the legs swell, itching is felt. This is associated with a decrease in excretory capacity and the release of salt through the skin.

In diseases of the liver, in addition to the itching of the feet, dryness and bitterness in the mouth are felt, vascular asterisks appear throughout the body.

Diseases of the blood (polycythemia, lymphoma) With high bone marrow activity, there is an increase in erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets. As a result, blood flow is disturbed, the cells are supplied with oxygen and necessary elements. It is expressed by the itching of the legs from the knees to the feet, the pain in the calf muscles.
Endocrine diseases (diabetes, hyperthyroidism) There is dry skin, a sensation of crawling, a long healing of wounds of different nature. There may be severe itching and pain. Due to the thinning and dryness of the skin, it is easy to injure.
Psychosomatic disorders (depression, anorexia) Itching and heaviness in the limbs, fever, headaches, fever, nausea.
Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) I feel itching, the desire to move my legs in a state of rest. Neurological disease is more often diagnosed in women, but it also occurs in men. The reason may be a lack of calcium and magnesium. A special risk group is made up of pregnant women.

A slight periodic itching throughout the body at this time is a normal phenomenon associated with stretching the skin and hormonal changes. But if the itching becomes strong, it can indicate a restless legs syndrome, diabetes mellitus, or varicose veins.

Fungal infections Most fungus affects the feet, but can spread to the shin and calves. The skin becomes pale on the affected areas, an unpleasant putrefactive odor appears. If you do not carry out treatment, extensive areas can be affected. The fungus gets on the skin in the wound, mechanical damage, use of some hygiene items with a sick person.

Feeling of legs below the knees in winter

Sometimes the pathology presents a seasonal character, and itches the legs below the knees only in the winter. In order to understand what to do, we need to find out from what it is happening.

  1. Allergy to the material from which winter clothes are made. Warm clothing, warming in the cold, is mostly synthetic. The legs may not freeze, but they also get irritation from contact. Or maybe a double reaction: itching from hypothermia and friction with synthetics.
  2. Cold dermatitis. Inflammatory reaction to cold, which is expressed by red itchy spots, cracks in the skin. It manifests itself in most cases in open areas of the body, as well as on the knees and below.
  3. Allergy to cold. In the cold there is a release of histamine, resulting in itching of the calves of the legs.
  • Exacerbation of chronic dermatological diseases. In winter, chronic diseases can become aggravated, and apart from the usual course of treatment, no measures will help.

Than and how to treat an itch of legs below the knees

Can cause itching of the legs below the knees different reasons, treatment and recovery are completely dependent on correct and timely diagnosis. To entrust the appointment of a course of therapy is necessary only to the attending physician.

Causes Course of treatment (medication, dosage, duration of admission)
Dryness of the skin To get rid of the disease you need to drink at least, liters of water a day. Suitable is the usual or mineral without gases, green or white tea without sugar. For taking a shower you need to choose moisturizing cosmetics (milk, gel). With increased dryness, nourish the skin with natural oils.
A tan To avoid discomfort before sunbathing, you need to apply sunscreen, and then smear the skin with lotion after sunbathing. With proper care, the epidermis will be protected from ultraviolet rays, overdrying and burning it, and well moistened. Also, the treatment of the affected area with drugs: Panthenol, Bepanten 3 times a day.
Insect bites Treat the wound with boric alcohol, brilliant green, furatsilina solution, menthol ointment 2 times a day, until the itching passes and the swelling subsides. Good help alcohol tincture, Menovazine or cream Menovazan. Apply them 2-3 times a day until the problem is eliminated.
Allergy To block the release of histamine, Ketotifen is prescribed 1 tablet 2 times a day. It is also recommended to treat the site of the lesion with antihistamines. Good antihistamine tablets Cetrin, gel Fenistil.
Skin diseases The correct course can be prescribed only by the attending physician after a complete examination. In psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, eczema, Skin-cap aerosol is used. In complex diseases, hormonal drugs can be prescribed: Prednisolone, Dexamethasone. Take them longer than 10 days can not.
Psychosomatic disorders To eliminate itching, you need to determine the cause correctly. In the case of disorders of this nature, only a doctor-psychotherapist can correctly diagnose. Self-medication can lead to the fact that the problem will be aggravated.

In a complex prescribe sedative preparations, fizioprotsedury, electrosleep.

Parasites From helminths help preparations: Mebendazole, Pirantel, Deparasite. The course of admission: 30 days. Scabies help well with scabies. At the initial stage the disease passes from one application. Emulsion Benzylbenzonate - for the treatment of pediculosis and scabies. It is applied 2 times with a periodicity of 2 days. Safe for children.
Liver The doctor appoints Essentiale 3 times a day for a month, Lipoic acid the same course.
Phlebeurysm Troxevasin, Detralex. Also, doctors recommend using ointments and gels: Venoruton, Venitan, Ginkor Gel, Lyoton.
Fungus Clotrimazole cream is applied to the affected areas of the skin in a thin layer 2-3 times a day for 2 to 4 weeks.

In addition to taking medications to eliminate symptoms and reduce the itching, simple rules help:

  • Apply a cold compress to the area of ​​the skin that itches.
  • Do not be nervous, it's good to get enough sleep. If it does not work, you need to take sedatives, drink tea with mint and melissa.
  • Take vitamins, especially - groups B and C. You can prepare a broth of dogrose and drink it instead of tea. There are lemons or squeeze juice into drinks.
  • Use natural cosmetics. Until the itch passes completely, you can buy a child care series.
  • Wear comfortable clothes made of natural fabrics.
  • Drink more water.
  • Adhere to a simple diet, eliminating the acute seasonings, preservations, sweets, alcohol.

How to get rid of the itch below the knee folk methods

In addition to the main treatment, you can make home remedies according to folk recipes.

  1. In equal amounts, mix St. John's wort, chamomile and mint, boil it with boiling water and add to the bath. The procedure should be carried out daily.
  2. Lubricate the affected area with castor oil or sea-buckthorn oil
  3. 3 times a day to make lotions from apple cider vinegar.
  4. Boil the dill seeds. After cooling, take the broth 3 times a day for half a cup.

It is important to first establish why the feet are lowered than the knees, and then decide how to cure the disease. Independently prescribe drugs can not.

The legs below the knees are scraping: the causes of the itching of the skin on the calves, treatment. Link to the main publication

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