Barley on the eye: treatment: how to treat at home

Barley on the eye occurs in the upper and lower eyelid. It is an acute purulent inflammation of the hair sac or sebaceous gland at the root of the eyelash. Barley on the eye is caused by pyogenic microbes - more often staphylococcus.

In this article, we will talk about how to correctly and quickly treat barley at home with folk remedies and on the treatment of barley on the eye with medical procedures and preparations at home and in a polyclinic.


Symptoms and signs

  • External barley
  • Internal barley
  • Complications
  • How to quickly treat barley at home
  • Folk treatment of barley at home: folk remedies
  • How to cure barley with medical preparations and procedures
    • Related videos
      • Barley on the upper and lower eyelid:causes and treatment
      • How to cure barley on eyelids ointment Floxal
  • Symptoms and signs

    Outer barley

    Eyeballs look like this: in a restricted area near the edge of the eyelid( upper and lowerwhether the lower one - where the inflammatory process is localized) appears reddening with a painful swelling. Inflammatory infiltrate rapidly increases, the eyelid swells, and sometimes conjunctivitis( inflammation of the conjunctival-mucous membrane) of the eyeball joins the barley.

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    Somewhere on the second or third day, the infiltrate purulently melts, the tip of the swelling acquires a yellowish color. On the third or fourth day, the head of inflammation - barley bursts outward with the release of pus and necrotic tissues, after which the soreness immediately decreases, the inflammatory phenomena subside.

    Puffiness and redness of the skin come to naught in a week. Sometimes an inflammatory infiltrate consists of several adjacent or merged heads. In such cases, barley is often accompanied by headache, fever, swelling of regional lymph nodes.

    The described clinical picture is characteristic for the so-called external barley.

    Internal barley

    The inner barley on the eyelid has a similar course. It is associated with suppurative inflammation of the meibolic glands, so a breakthrough of pus occurs usually from the side of the conjunctiva and cartilage, that is, inwards. After dissection, granulation often grows. Often, immunocompromised individuals with reduced resistance to barley appear one after another, often with combinations with furunculosis.

    Complications of

    Barley in rare cases can be complicated by phlegmon orbit, thrombophlebitis of orbital age, even purulent meningitis( inflammation of the meninges).These dangerous complications can occur after attempts to squeeze out pus from the abscessed barley.

    How quickly to treat barley at home

    To quickly break out the abscess : at the very beginning of the disease, when only a tingling sensation appears on the edge of the eyelid, you need to find the most painful point and moisten it three to five times a day with 70 percent alcohol orcologne.

    For this you can use a glass rod, the end of which is tightly wound with cotton. In parallel, use dry heat. The easiest way to do this is to boil the hard-boiled egg, wrap it with a clean handkerchief, apply the eyeball to the eyelid. Or pour in a small bottle of hot water, wrap and use it as a mini hot water bottle on the eye. Try not to heat the eyeball itself, if possible.

    Solar baths : when barley appears, or the beginning of local local swelling of the eyelid, sunbathe between 10-11 o'clock in the afternoon every 15-20 minutes.

    Dry heat : when barley ripens, dry heat must also be applied. The heating with high-frequency currents( UHF) is particularly effective. It is also necessary to let in the conjunctival bag 2-3 times a day 20% solution of albucid, 1% solution of erythromycin, 0.1% solution of dexamethasone. Instead of infiltration, the eyelid skin can be lubricated with a 1% alcohol solution of a brilliant green.

    After , : after opening the barley 2 times a day, 20% albucidic ointment( sulfacil sodium), 1% synthomycin emulsion, 1% tetracycline ointment, 1% hydrocortisone emulsion, 1%1% yellow mercury ointment.

    Compress warming not possible !It is not recommended to apply moist warming compress with barley, as wetting the skin leads to its maceration and penetration of the infection into the holes of the excretory ducts of other sebaceous glands, which can give a recurring course of inflammation.

    Antibiotics .If the disease is accompanied by an increase in temperature, a general malaise, it is necessary to use sulfonamide preparations 1.0 g 4 times a day, or even better, tetracycline antibiotics( biomycin 100,000 units 4-6 times a day, tetracycline or terramycin 0.25g 3-4 times a day).

    Do not squeeze out the barley !Sometimes ripe barley must be opened with a cut of thinned skin of pus. In no case should you squeeze out barley. This can lead to the spread of infection in deeper parts of the century and even orbit.

    In relapsing barley, a thorough examination should be conducted to identify common predisposing diseases( diabetes mellitus).Conduct a general restorative treatment to increase the body's resistance. Antibiotics treatment courses, vitamin therapy, sometimes repeated transfusions of canned blood and autohemotherapy are shown.

    To degrease the skin of the eyelid, morning cleansers are recommended with children's or cosmetic soap once in 2-3 days.

    Traditional treatment of barley at home: folk remedies

    . It is applied externally for blepharitis, barley eyes and conjunctivitis. Three teaspoons of leaves of ocharki, pour 2 cups of boiling water. Insist 2 hours, strain. Apply in the form of trays, rinses and rinses.

    With barley, tired eyes that have lost their luster, 3 tablespoons of flowers, blue cornflower , pour a glass of boiling water, insist for two hours, strain. Use for eyebaths and lotions on the eyes for 20-30 minutes.

    Barley, appearing on the eyelids, first treated with cold compresses from boric acid, and then - hot compresses from decoction of flaxseed.

    Tansy. With barley, it is recommended to take 5-6 dry tansy flowers 3-4 times a day, with water. This tool can permanently rid the person of barley before the eyes.

    Aloe ( century).5 g of aloe( one middle leaf), insist 8 hours in a glass of cold water, strain. Infusion use as a lotion on the eyes. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

    Calendula ( flowers).Use the infusion and tincture of calendula. Infusion is prepared as follows: 15 dried flowers fill with a glass of boiling water. Insist 1 hour, strain. Use during illness in the form of trays, lotions. Procedure do 2-3 times a day.

    How to cure barley with medical preparations and procedures

    Treatment: squeeze out the inflammatory focus in no case it is impossible! This will cause pus to enter the brain.

    How to cure barley on the eye( on the upper or lower eyelid):

    1. stain barley area with ethyl alcohol 7 ° C;
    2. Albucid - Bury in each eye 4-6 times a day for 1-2 drops;
    3. dry heat( when used, for example, lotion with tea, baked onions);
    4. ophthalmic ointment with antibiotics( tetracycline, levomycetin, erythromycin);
    5. UHF;
    6. UFO;
    7. tincture of calendula. Pharmacy preparation. Tincture is brewed with boiled water 1:10, make lotions. Calendula is considered a good remedy for pustular lesions of the eyes.

    In the recurrent course of barley - autohemotherapy, vitamins, antibiotics inside. Applying these funds, you will quickly cope with the ailment.

    Related videos

    Barley on the upper and lower eyelid: causes and treatment

    A short video on the causes, symptoms and treatment of barley of the upper or lower eyelid.

    How to cure barley on eyelids with ointment Floxal

    Source: YNGorgov Official and folk medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.