Gangrene: dry and moist: treatment of gas gangrene of skin

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Gangrene(phlegmon) - a kind of necrosis - necrosis of tissues, there are two types - dry and wet.Dry gangreneIt develops if the dead tissue is not colonized by putrefactive microbes and dries up.Wet gangreneoften develops in the internal tissues of the body (lungs, intestines), but it can also develop on the limbs, if external conditions do not favor the drying of the tissue, and also when necrosis occurs under the influence of secondary stagnation, and the necrotic area is massive.

Sometimes in the healthy tissue surrounding the healthy area, a granulation barrier limiting it, prevents the further development of the process of dying out. If such a barrier does not form, then bacteria and decay products enter the blood, causing a general infection of the blood.

In life, gas gangrene of the skin often occurs after traumas on the lower limbs.


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Gas gangrene: pathogen - source of infection

Gas gangrene- Disease dangerous acute course, requiring surgical treatment. It develops when the infection enters the open wound, the more damaged, the tissues are shattered, the more favorable the environment for reproduction and growth of microorganisms.

The causative agent of gas gangrene are anaerobic bacteria of the genus Clostridia (multiply without access to air). Infection with anaerobes occurs as a result of injuries, accidents, frostbite, burns, when in violation of the integrity of the skin and severe soft crushing additional contamination of the wound with earth, scraps of clothes, dust.

As we have said, the development of gas gangrene is provoked by microorganisms of the genus Clostridium:

  1. Clostridium perfringens,
  2. Clostridium novii,
  3. Clostridium septicum,
  4. Clostridium oedematiens,
  5. Clostridium fallax,
  6. Clostridium histolitycum.

Normally, they live in the intestines of domestic herbivores, with their feces these microorganisms fall into the ground. Therefore, the contamination of an open wound is very dangerous!

Gas gangrene initial stage: photo

Gas gangrene on the leg after a hip injuryGas gangrene on the leg after a hip injury
The initial stage of gangrene on the toesThe initial stage of gangrene on the toes
Gangrene on the toes with diabetes - the initial stageGangrene on the toes with diabetes - the initial stage
The initial stage of gangrene on the lower extremities of the toesThe initial stage of gangrene on the lower extremities of the toes
Wet gangrene of the upper extremities - hands in an adultWet gangrene of the upper extremities - hands in an adult

Symptoms of gas gangrene of the lower extremities, as it develops

Symptoms of gas gangrene appear on the first day after infection, less often on the second or third day. In the absence of treatment, after infection, death occurs in a few days.

Around the wound quickly there is swelling, dying tissues secrete malodorous vesicles, the patient experiences general intoxication:

  1. headache,
  2. chills,
  3. nausea,
  4. vomiting.

Gradually gangrene captures healthy areas of the tissues of the lower limb, skin color becomes brown, sometimes with spots, tissues die, the bottom of the wound sometimes takes on a greenish tinge.

From the place of necrosis, a cadaveric odor emanates, pressure on the gangrene site provokes an intense release of gas bubbles. Pus may be attached.

The patient quickly after infection increases the body's overall temperature to 38-39 degrees, he is excited, gossipy. The volume of urine released per day is markedly reduced.

Diagnosticsgas gangrene is performed on the basis of the clinical picture of the disease, radiography (determination of gas in tissues), isolation of the causative agent - clostridia.

Treatment of gas gangrene of the lower extremities

Treatment should begin as early as possible, including surgical and therapeutic methods.

All the wound and doubtful in the norm parts of the leg open with long lamp slits for free gas escape and air access from the outside, so that the wound "breathed". When air is accessed, anaerobic bacteria lose their strength and are neutralized.

Dead tissue is removed, the wounds themselves are cleaned without sewing, drained with gauze tampons, impregnated with hydrogen peroxide or manganese. In the beginning, once every 2-3 days, and then the wound is washed every day and swabs are changed.

If the leg tissue can not be saved, the limb is amputated. The wound is also not sutured, lamplastically cut, drained.

In the treatment of gas gangrene on the legs must be administered in high doses intravenously, intra-arterially antibiotics, use infusion therapy (inject albumin, palm, solutions of proteins and electrolytes). After the operation, enter anti-gangrenous serum, prescribe hyperbaric oxygenation.

Possible treatment regimen:

  1. Penicillin to 2,000,000 units per day (Streptomycin, Oletetrin);
  2. sulfanilamide preparations (Sulfadimezin, Norsulfazol, Etazol, Sulfadimethoxin, etc.);
  3. locally: copper sulphate 1: 1000, sintomycin emulsion;
  4. when detected in the pathogenic microbes to be separated, specific sera are used.

It should be cautioned against the use of heat, as warming of the ischemic tissues increases oxygen consumption, aggravates oxygen deficiency.

Preventiongas gangrene consists in careful treatment of wounds, reception of antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action.

The main prevention of gas gangrene is the careful treatment of the wound after an injury, as well as the administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics, which are always prescribed in cases where the wound has been heavily contaminated or there has been severe crushing or crushing of tissues.

Whennegativegangrene, with initial signs, treatment is primarily aimed at a disease that threatens gangrene (obliterating endarteritis, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, embolism, frostbite), and is mainly reduced to the restoration of blood supply - the main or collateral.

Traditional medicine advises

This article is given in fact-finding and reference purposes, treatment of gangrene at home by folk remedies, I consider unacceptable.

The popular name for gangrene is "Antonov fire".

In the practice of healers and traditional healers, there are many means to avoid surgical intervention and save from limb amputation.

In one of the oldest hospitals says:

"Heals the Antonov fire alsoclove oil,if you apply a rag soaked in this oil, or take it inside a few drops or in powder for 8-10 grains. "

The carnation and its oil have a burning acuity and when the bones are bent, just as in the case of anton fire, old people with great use use it. "

"Tie yerk to a contaminated member and change it often. On the assurance of those who use this remedy, the effect of this sour milk was so rapid that they did not have time to change the bandage several times, how all the rotten body fell from healthy and the fire did not go any further. "

"Take a piece of lamb or beefliverfrom a freshly killed animal and, without washing it, put it in its place, affected by gangrene. It is necessary to keep this piece for an hour or two or, in general, until there are pimples or some kind of scrapes under the liver, then repeat the application of the bloody liver piece and repeat until there are still scavengers that should all be pierced with a sterile needle. One unshakable rule: an infected scratch or wound should be opened before applying a piece of liver and tying it to a sore spot. "

"Takefresh live crayfish, pound them in a mortar until this mass becomes a dough, and it must be applied to a sore spot until this place is white. Then the patient will be saved. "

Antonov fire is treated with "the use of grass and flowers of rosemary, in the form of a liqueur or broth from a single spool with four ounces of water, and outside use lotions."

"To catch in the swampgreen frogsand, pounding each in half, put it to the sore spot until this place, where the Antonov fire was, completely whitens and the pain subsides. "

"Recipe for healing internal and external Antonov fire. The internal is cured by ingestionjuice of sour sorrel.Drink three times a day at will, how much thirst requires. The external is cured by applying from the outside in the place where the patient feels the heat,crushed sorrelin the form of a plaster. "

"Doctors with gangrene almost always resort to a knife. In the case of gangrene and abscesses, the healers of Russian folk medicine use the following means: they takeblack, freshly baked breadand, having plenty of it, thoroughly chew. A sore spot is covered with a thick layer of chewed bread and salt and bandaged. This remedy is true and unusually strong. Several Russian doctors of official medicine tried to improve this "wild" way of people's healers by eliminating chewing bread. To the black bread and the salt of the doctor tried to add something from the apothecary wisdom, which, in their opinion, was to replace the chewing of bread. All such attempts did not lead to anything. When chewing bread and salt mixed with saliva and the latter, apparently, plays an important role in treating gangrene and abscesses. "
Note to the above method: the old healers recommend to cover the topped chewed cabbage leaves with a few layers and then bandage. This technique is great for panarits (all types) and boils. Relief comes in two or three hours.

Juniper leaf powderis used externally as a powder on the wound.

Source: O.G.G.G. N. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia. - Moscow: Publishing house Eksmo, 2012.

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