Preparations for coughing during pregnancy

Cough in pregnant women: what medications will help

The body of pregnant women becomes more sensitive, because he has to spend his immunity not only on himself, but also on the future child. It is more prone to allergic reaction, to the effects of viruses and bacteria. For this reason, pregnant women often have a cough, which is a symptom of a disease or allergy. Treatment of a cough is simply necessary, because it can carry negative consequences. However, this treatment should be correct, because not all cough remedies can be used while the child is waiting.

Cough during pregnancy: what is it

Cough is a reflex response to irritation of respiratory organs. If there was a cough, it means something in the body is unsuccessful, and you just need to contact the doctor about this. Usually we perceive cough as a symptom of colds, but this is not the only cause of coughing in pregnant women.


  • ARI or ARVI; and what to do, when the cough does not pass after ARVI, is indicated in this article.
  • instagram viewer
  • Bronchitis;
  • Pneumonia;
  • ENT diseases;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Allergy; what is the treatment of the allergy of nasal congestion with folk remedies indicated in this article.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders;
  • Stress;
  • Smoking. From this article, you can find out whether smoking is possible during a sore throat

It is very important to determine the cause, because it will depend on the treatment.

Types and features of the disease

It is customary to distinguish two types of cough: dry and wet. When dry, there is no separation of sputum from the respiratory system.If it is caused by viruses or bacteria, this kind of cough can be more dangerous, as pathogens and products of their vital functions are not removed from the bronchi and lungs.Dry cough usually occurs at the onset of the disease. Gradually, he goes into the wet, at which the woman can clear her throat, and with sputum the body gets rid of pathogens.

If the cough remains dry for a long time, and its character does not change, then, perhaps, it is allergic. In this case, treatment should be completely different.

How to cure cough with eruption of molars is indicated in this article.

What to do when a baby has a wet cough without fever, is indicated in the article.

How to do inhalations with a dry cough in a child is indicated here:

Especially dangerous are coughing attacks, which can develop with certain diseases. Paroxysmal cough causes a significant tension in the muscles of the abdomen, spasms of the musculature of the uterus, which is unsafe for the unborn child.

Pregnancy is usually divided into trimesters, each has its own characteristics. Cough and its treatment during pregnancy also have features depending on the period.

First trimester

During this period immunity is especially reduced, at the same time, the development of the basic organs and systems of the future baby is taking place. This is a very important and dangerous period.It is in the first trimester that a woman is most susceptible to developing colds and infectious diseases.These can be diseases of the ENT organs, pneumonia, bronchitis. It is not unusual for cases of allergy during this period of pregnancy. All this causes a cough.

So, in the first trimester a pregnant woman is trapped by a triple danger:

  • At first, the diseases themselves threaten the normal development of the fetus.
  • Secondly, such a symptom as a cough, is dangerous by overstrain of muscles and increased tone of the uterus.
  • Thirdly, during this period it is extremely dangerous for the fetus to use a lot of drugs.

Chamomile turn, sage - popular folk remedies that can be used in the first trimester. However, before using it is better to consult your doctor

In the first trimester of pregnancy, no potent drugs can be taken.Treatment should be gentle. It can be inhalation of herbal decoctions or essential oils and taking these broths inside, compresses and wraps and other recipes from cough at home. The choice of herbs should only be done by a doctor, since he can take into account their side effects and contraindications.

Most often in the first trimester, chamomile, sequin, sage is used. Of essential oils - mint, eucalyptus. For the compress it is good to use cabbage leaves, smeared with honey.

Second trimester

It means 12-24 weeks gestation. This period is calmer for a woman. Her body has already adapted to a new state, so immunity becomes higher, and the risk of colds and infections decreases.However, stress, GI disease, heart, allergic reactions can still cause a cough.

The future child is already a little stronger: his organs have already formed and only continue to develop, in addition, the fetus is already under the protection of the placenta. Therefore, viral infections are no longer so scary, and during this period, a wider range of remedies can be used for treatment.

The most dangerous in the second trimester are 14 and 16-17 weeks. Cough during this period can lead to impaired fetal nutrition and oxygen hunger.

Hazards of the second trimester:
  • Fetoplacental insufficiency,
  • The risk of premature birth,
  • Wrong formation of the nervous system and bone tissue.

All these dangers can be provoked by an ordinary cough, if it is not treated or does it wrong.

Third trimester

The last trimester of pregnancy is the least dangerous for the fetus in terms of disease and the effects of drugs. The placenta is already aging and becoming less permeable to both pathogens and medicines.However, the diseases of the mother speed up the aging of the placenta, and therefore worsen the nutrition of the fetus in the last weeks of development.Coughing is a symptom. Most often in the third trimester, its cause is a cold. Treatment during this period is individual, as it is necessary to take into account a multitude of factors of the woman's condition, the fetus and the course of the previous weeks of pregnancy.

Treatment of cough

The most important thing in treating pregnant women is not to harm the fetus. Self-medication is unacceptable.

Strongly contraindicated many drugs. This prohibition is especially strict in the early stages, it is based on the fact that these drugs can cause severe flogging in the development of the child. Also, not all the treatment procedures that are customarily prescribed for the treatment of various diseases are suitable for pregnant women.

What can not be pregnant

  • Antibiotics;
  • Such cough remedies as Linkas, Codelac, ACC, Bronholitin, Pertussin;
  • Inhalation at high temperature;
  • Mustards;
  • Hot foot baths;
  • Physiotherapy.

Tablets and lozenges

Any cough medicine for a pregnant woman is selected with a view of the minimum risk for the unborn child.

From solid dosage forms are tablets, lozenges and lozenges. One of the most common means for coughing during pregnancy is Mukaltin (an extract of an althaea). In addition, you can use extracts of other herbs, produced in the form of tablets.

For pregnant women, extracts of mother-and-stepmother, plantain are considered effective and at the same time relatively safe.

Tablets from a cough with a medicinal plant Thermopsis can also be used for pregnant women

Prescribe to pregnant women and tablets for coughing thermopsis with soda, which are usually called "From a cough". This plant has a good expectorant effect.The composition of the tablets also includes sodium bicarbonate, which dilutes sputum.However, you need to take these pills with caution and taking into account individual characteristics, because large doses of thermopsis can provoke miscarriage.

Of drugs that suppress the cough reflex is allowed Tusuprex in tablets.

From the 14th week of pregnancy, if necessary, tablets and dragées containing butamirate may be prescribed: Intussin, Stoptussin.

Lozenges and lozenges are convenient in that they not only help cough, but also soften the sore throat, improve nasal breathing with a cold. Most often these preparations contain extracts of sage, eucalyptus, plantain, chamomile. It can be: Travisil, Dr. Theiss.


For the cough syrup can be prescribed. They can be based on the same herbs as in tablets, for example, marshmallows. Such means are considered safe for pregnant women:
  • Syringe althea (analogous to Muciltin with a damp cough);
  • Syrup of licorice;
  • Syrup Doctor Theiss.

You can meet recommendations for the treatment of cough in pregnant women with the help of Gedelix, Bronhicum or Sinekoda.However, manufacturers of these drugs in the instructions warn that there is not enough clinical practice for this. Therefore, the doctor in each case decides whether to prescribe drugs.

Consequences and complications

The usual cough, which seems quite harmless, can lead to complications - miscarriage, premature birth

Danger can be both the cough itself and the disease that caused it. An ordinary cold without proper treatment can lead to complications such as bronchitis or pneumonia that require serious treatment.

Cough, especially severe paroxysmal, causes tension in the muscles of the abdomen and uterus, which may serve to increase its tone and increase the risk of miscarriage.

Also, the tension on coughing can provoke a detachment of the placenta. It threatens with premature birth and hormonal failure.


In this video, even more recipes for cough during pregnancy:

To avoid unpleasant consequences, a woman needs to be attentive to herself, when a cough occurs, immediately consult a doctor and take all the recommendations for treatment seriously.

Effective medicines against cough in pregnant women

Pregnant women do their best to protect themselves from colds because they are aware of the possible danger of such a process for the child. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, first of all, because of the weakened immunity of the future mother. Cough is a common symptom of colds, it can also occur for other reasons: as a result of allergic reaction, diseases of the nasopharynx - rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, or as a protective reaction of the body to certain irritants. During this period, it is very important to choose the right and safe cough remedy for pregnancy.

Than to be treated?

It is known that during pregnancy, the use of any preparations of synthetic origin should be ruled out. However, do not overestimate the safety of many herbs, because not all herbs are equally useful for the mother and child.The choice of drugs should only be a specialist, while he must take into account the type of cough.

Treatment with medications

If a woman is concerned about a dry cough, you should take medications to moisten the mucosa, develop and dilute sputum. Among these drugs for cough during pregnancy are the following drugs:
  • Bronchicum;
  • Sinecod;
  • Stoptussin.

Stopoutsin is forbidden to take in the first trimester, but in the second and third it will safely cure a cough from a future mother without harm to her and her baby.There are no contraindications to the use during the period of bearing a child and such drugs as Falimint, Coldrex Knight, Libexin.However, they are rarely prescribed, which is explained by the insufficient study of the effects of drugs on the woman's body.

It is strictly forbidden to take such antitussives:

  • Glycodine;
  • Broncholitin;
  • Kodelak;
  • Codterpine.

Carry out treatment during pregnancy with those drugs that are allowed for children under 3 years. In addition to syrups and potions, tablets such as Muciltin, Biseptol, Bonchipret and others can also be used.From lollipops against coughing, it is better for a woman to refuse, since synthetic ingredients are usually used in their manufacture.

Do not take medicines containing dangerous substances such as ethylmorphine and codeine. To be sure of the safety of the prescribed drug, you need to carefully study its composition.

Homeopathic Remedies

Despite the relative harmlessness of homeopathic remedies for pregnant women, one should not take them without appointment or agreement with the doctor, because some medicinal plants can have a detrimental effect on the embryo. Known and often used homeopathic medicines for cough during pregnancy are such drugs:

  • Bronchogran;
  • Pertusin;
  • Pulsotilla.
For effective treatment it is important to follow all the recommendations given by the doctor, not exceeding the dosage and not skipping the drug intake. Also, choosing this method of treatment, you should not expect a quick result. The most common homeopathic antitussive drug is StoDal syrup. It is used to alleviate the symptoms of the disease with a cough of various origins, exerting an expectorant, bronchodilator, mucolytic and anti-inflammatory effect on the body.

Among the components present in the drug, there is alcohol, so be completely confident in the safety of Stodal syrup, do not. For this reason, it is important to exclude the independent use of the drug, because a specialist will be able to calculate the dosage so that the amount of alcohol delivered to the woman's body will not cause harm.

Folk methods

Most pregnant women try to conduct the most safe treatment, which will not cause serious complications for her and the child. That is why the methods of traditional medicine for cough are so popular nowadays. To help cough cough can such treatment methods:

  • inhalation;
  • gargling;
  • abundant warm drink;
  • thermal compresses;
  • use of some teas.
Inhalations are considered the most effective way of treating a cough, with which you can speed up recovery. It is especially useful to conduct such treatment procedures at the beginning of the disease, when there is a dry, debilitating cough. Vapors of medicinal plants moisturize the mucous membrane well and eliminate the inflammatory process that takes place in the respiratory tract.During this period, it is useful for a woman to breathe fumes of boiled potatoes, onions and garlic, soda, saline, decoctions of chamomile, calendula and eucalyptus.

Currently, this method of treatment as aromatherapy is often used. Aromatic oils can be used both for thermal inhalations and for cold inhalations. For cold inhalations, apply eucalyptus oil or other antitussive oil on paper or a handkerchief and breathe for 10 minutes.

With a dry cough, also do not give up gargling, use the same solutions as for inhalations. The procedure should be 5 times a day between meals.

It is very important during a period of illness accompanied by a cough, to drink a warm liquid. He has a curative effect on the organs of the respiratory system warm milk with honey and butter. If you follow the "grandmother's" recipes, then in this drink you still need to add baking soda at the tip of the knife, however, during pregnancy, getting into the body of soda is undesirable.It is also good to drink decoction of lime-colored, sage and plantain, but they should be diluted with water, because at high concentration these plants are very dangerous for the future mother and her baby.You can prepare the following beverages to relieve coughing attacks:

  1. Take 4 fruits of ripe figs, pour 2 cups of milk, cook until it turns brown. Drink such a medicine before going to bed.
  2. 500 g of peeled onion chop, add 2 tablespoons of honey, 400 g of sugar, pour a liter of water and cook for 3 hours. Store the finished medicine in the refrigerator in a glass container with the lid closed. Take a spoon in a warm state 5-6 times a day.
  3. 10 onions and 1 head of garlic, peel, finely chop and cook in a liter of milk, until they become soft. Strain, cool to 40 degrees and add honey, drink on a spoon every hour.
  4. 50 g raisins pour a glass of boiling water, insist in the heat for 30 minutes, drain the infusion, add 3 spoons of fresh onion juice. Drink the medicine at a time in a warm state before going to bed.

It is important to know what to treat cough during pregnancy, to choose a safe medicine and not to harm the woman and baby. At the same time, the sooner the help is provided, the sooner the recovery will come, and the illness will pass easily and without serious complications.

What is dangerous cough during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester

In the last trimester of pregnancy, the fetus is intensively growing. A future mother in later terms is very susceptible to infection with various diseases, the concomitant phenomenon of which is a cough. He can deliver many unpleasant moments to the pregnant woman and cause various critical conditions.

Causes of danger during the last trimester of pregnancy

Reflex forced forced exhalations are only a symptom accompanying certain diseases:

  • ARVI.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Allergies.
  • Inflammation of the lungs.
  • Dysfunctions of the thyroid gland and other ailments.

No pathological process can be favorable for bearing a baby.

As an independent phenomenon, cough is also extremely harmful for a pregnant woman in the last trimester. It can cause irreparable damage to the health of mother and child.

Cough at 7 months of pregnancy

After 27 weeks, there is a high risk of fetoplacental insufficiency resulting from the blocking of various infections that cause cough during pregnancy. Such an anomaly leads to hypoxia and a delay in intrauterine development of the fetus.

From 28 to 30 weeks the child moves a lot and becomes cramped, as the uterus strongly envelops him. It rises high and presses against the diaphragm. At this time the uterine musculature continues to prepare intensively for childbirth, periodically contracting. Cough during pregnancy on the 3rd trimester serves as a powerful provocateur, greatly enhancing such reflexive urges. They can develop into real bouts and cause premature termination of pregnancy.

Cough at 8 months of pregnancy

From the age of 32 the baby can already hear well. Mom's strong cough prevents him from falling asleep. The uterus in this trimester rises to the ribs and the woman often lacks air. During the attacks at 33, 34 weeks pregnant begins to suffocate. This causes oxygen starvation of the child.

The rhythm of the baby's heart at the 8th month can reach 120-160 beats per minute. Because of cough during pregnancy on the 3rd trimester, his blood pressure rises and arrythmia arises, which causes congenital pathologies.

From 32 to 35 weeks, the maximum stretching of the uterus occurs. With constant attacks of convulsive forced exhalations, she can react spontaneously with cramping movements. This increases the risk of premature birth, increases the likelihood of rupture of an inferior rumen, if a woman previously had a cesarean section. Therefore, treat the disease as soon as possible.

Cough at 9 months of pregnancy

From 36 weeks, the production of placenta progesterone is reduced. Occurrence of its relative insufficiency occurs. The child begins to lack the components necessary for proper nutrition and breathing. During coughing attacks during pregnancy in late terms, the tone of the uterus greatly increases. This further reduces the flow of blood to the placenta and provokes venous congestion. In the third trimester between mother and child organisms, gas exchange is disrupted, oxygen supply, useful substances are slowed down, and the process of excretion of metabolic products is destabilized.

By the 37th week the placenta is aging and becoming very thin. At sharp forced exhalations there is a big risk of its exfoliation and outflow of amniotic fluid.

At 38-39 weeks, the uterus covers the child more closely. His adrenal glands begin to intensify the production of cortisol. Coughing attacks during pregnancy, causing an increase in blood pressure of the mother and child, provoke an even greater increase in the release of the stress hormone. This negatively affects the state of the nervous system of the baby.

How to treat cough during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester

It is only the doctor who can determine the cause causing the attacks of sharp reflex exhalations and their nature. The main thing is to contact him in a timely manner. After the appointment of a specialist, you must carefully follow all the prescriptions and forget about unauthorized use of medications.

It is recommended to avoid the use of antibiotics and antiviral drugs. Doctors put emphasis on the application:

  • Rinse throat with soda solution.
  • Inhalation with herbs or boiled potatoes.
  • Abundant drink fruit fruit, tea with raspberries and currants, milk with butter and honey, herbal decoctions.
  • Various compresses.
  • Mandatory consumption of mashed potatoes with the addition of a large amount of milk, as well as sour cream with a grated radish.

It is strictly forbidden to treat the disease:

  • Soar your feet, put cans and apply mustard plasters.
  • Attend physiotherapy.
  • Take drugs that have alcohol in the composition.
  • Use funds from cough during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester containing chemicals.

During the last trimester of pregnancy, after agreement with the doctor, it is allowed to treat the ailment with certain types of syrups from coughing, as well as breastfeeding.

A future mother needs to remember that she must carefully monitor her health. Incorrect or belated therapy can be a serious enough threat of pregnancy. It is necessary to observe measures to prevent diseases that cause coughing. After all, her future baby is formed, and she is obliged to take care of that he is born strong and healthy.

Cough during pregnancy 2 trimester - treatment

Treatment for a cough that has occurred during pregnancy, including in the 2nd trimester, should be done only under the strict supervision of the doctor and according to the appointments made by him. At the same time, it is very important to turn to specialists in due time. any disease in the bearing of a child can adversely affect not only the condition of the fetus, but also the most pregnant. Let's take a closer look at such a violation and tell you how to cure cough during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester and what medicines can be used at this time. Features of cough treatment in the period of 12-24 weeks of pregnancy

A woman, whose pregnancy has reached this period, may be calmed down a little, because in most cases of cough at this time can not cause a particularly strong blow to the small body, as in small terms. The fetus is already under the protection of the placenta, which serves as a guide for the intake of nutrient substances, oxygen and, moreover, is a barrier to the pathway of various pathogens and viruses.

If we talk about how to treat cough in pregnant women in the 2nd trimester and what drugs from this disease in this case to use, then it must be said that any use of the drug should necessarily be agreed with the doctor.

What drugs can I use when I have a cough in pregnant women in the 2nd trimester?

For the treatment of cough in pregnant women in the second trimester can be used, and syrup, and pills that help get rid of such a violation during pregnancy. So, from syrups doctors often appoint Stoptussin-Fito. This particular remedy is used for treatment if a woman has a dry cough during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester.

If we talk about the tablet form of drugs, it is most often Mukaltin, Bronchistrest, Herbion, Tussin. Everything depends on the particular case and the exact period of pregnancy.

Separately, it must be said about the inadmissibility of using traditional methods of treatment. This can adversely affect the condition of not only the baby, but also the most pregnant. Whatever medicinal herbs seem harmless, they can be used only after consulting a therapist.

Thus, it must be said that there is no universal remedy to help get rid of cough during pregnancy in its 2nd trimester. After all, quite often this phenomenon can be regarded only as a symptom of a viral or infectious disease requiring complex treatment and medical supervision.

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