Doctor Mom Cough Syrup Price

"Doctor Mom" ​​(cough syrup): price, user manual and customer reviews

As soon as a child becomes ill and has a cough, anxious parents immediately try to help him and relieve unpleasant symptoms. However, this is not so easy, because a developing organism can be harmed by a variety of medications. In the fight against the defeat of the respiratory tract, the leading place is occupied by the widely known drug "Doctor Mom" ​​- cough syrup. Consider what this means is and how it has earned its popularity.

Pharmacological properties

Effective medicine "Doctor Mom" ​​(cough syrup) is a homeopathic remedy. It includes many medicinal plants. In this case, the syrup does not contain alcohol and narcotic components.

Pharmacological properties of the drug determine the ingredients that make up its composition:

  1. The basil is sacred. This component has antipyretic, expectorant, antiseptic and diaphoretic properties.
  2. Licorice is naked. The plant has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, sedative and expectorant effects.
  3. instagram viewer
  4. Turmeric is long. The component has a clear antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. Ginger medicinal. It is a strong anti-inflammatory ingredient.
  6. Justice of the adathode. It has an expectorant, mucolytic and antispasmodic properties.
  7. Nightshade Indian. Known as an expectorant and antipyretic.
  8. Nine racemose. Has antiseptic, expectorant and antispasmodic effect.
  9. Pepper cubebe. The ingredient has expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  10. Terminology of the white man. Has an expectorant and anti-edematous effect on the body.
  11. Aloe barbados. Possesses anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties.
  12. Menthol. The component is characterized by antiseptic, excellent antispasmodic and high analgesic effect.

As can be seen from all of the above, a very rich composition has the drug "Doctor Mom." Cough syrup provides elimination in the body of inflammatory processes, getting rid of cough. He perfectly stimulates sputum evacuation.

Indications for use

Homeopathic medicine refers to the means of symptomatic therapy, perfectly eliminating cough. With a variety of ailments of the respiratory system, accompanied by the above feature, the drug "Doctor Mom" ​​is prescribed. Cough syrup recommends the use of the cough for the control of the following pathologies and manifestations:

  1. Acute or chronic lesions of the respiratory tract (pharyngitis, ARVI, tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis).
  2. Pneumonia.
  3. Professional laryngitis (so-called lecture). The medicine eliminates hoarseness.
  4. Bronchitis of the smoker.

The patient quickly gets rid of an unpleasant symptom. Viscosity of sputum is rapidly decreasing, there is a slight easing. The main thing is to use the drug as recommended by the instruction enclosed in "Doctor Mom" ​​(cough syrup). The price of this tool is low, which will also pleasantly please the consumer.

Side effects

As an effective and almost safe tool, which in most cases does not cause complications, the drug "Doctor Mom" ​​(cough syrup for children) has proved itself.

The instruction contains a list of possible side effects. However, they are extremely rare. Sometimes you can meet:

  • allergic reactions, manifested by a rash, itching, slight swelling and redness;
  • failure of the functioning of the intestine, characterized by heartburn, diarrhea, nausea.


Despite the high efficiency, unfortunately, not all people are suitable medicine "Doctor Mom" ​​(cough syrup). The instructions for use give a list of contraindications.

Initially, it should be remembered that babies and toddlers under 3 years of age are not prescribed. The syrup is not recommended for lactating women and pregnant women, since there is no information on the safety of treatment for this category of patients.

It is forbidden to apply the drug to people who are hypersensitive to its components.

Dosing recommendations

"Doctor Mom" ​​(cough syrup), the price of which is quite affordable, is allowed for admission to children who have reached the age of three. For infants, as noted above, the drug is not applied.

Recommended dosage:

  • to children at the age of 3-5 years three times a day for half an hour. spoons;
  • children under 14 years three times a day for one hour. spoon;
  • adolescents from 15 years and adults three times a day for one to two hours. spoons.

It is necessary to take the medicine before eating. The syrup has a pleasant taste and is therefore used undiluted.

Typically, the treatment period lasts from two to three weeks. However, in their responses, many consumers note that this tool effectively relieves symptoms in just a couple of days, of course, if the reception is started in time.


It is very important to understand that the drug "Doctor Mom" ​​(cough syrup) is prescribed exclusively for symptomatic therapy. The product excels from signs of respiratory diseases. However, it is not capable of influencing microorganisms that live on the mucosa. That is why such a medicine should not replace a medication prescribed by a doctor.

Use syrup with antimicrobials only after consulting a doctor. It is undesirable at the same time to take the above-mentioned remedy with other antitussive medicines. Such a combination can lead to unpleasant consequences, for example, to disturb the loss of diluted sputum. As a result, the process of recovery will be sufficiently prolonged.

special instructions

The medicine contains sugar in its composition. This should be taken into account for patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, as well as for people who are on a hypocaloric diet. One dose for adults (5-10 milliliters) contains, 5 grams of sucrose.

Cost of medicine

Consumers are happy that the price for the drug "Doctor Mom" ​​(cough syrup for children) is low. The cost of the drug varies depending on the regions and retail chains. The role and form of the release also plays a role. So, how much is the drug "Doctor Mom" ​​(cough syrup)? The price of such a tool is on average 124 rubles.

Those patients who want to buy ointment "Doctor Mom will have to spend 62-72 rubles. The cost of pastilles is about 63 rubles.

Customer Reviews

Quite contradictory people characterize the drug "Doctor Mom" ​​(cough syrup). The testimonials of some consumers indicate that this is an effective remedy to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Quite often, parents give their drug "Doctor Mom" ​​to their colds. In most cases, the results from the application are positive. Children quickly get rid of an unpleasant cough and sleep peacefully at night.

Some patients, despite contraindications in the instructions, used the drug during pregnancy (solely for the doctor's prescription). They notice that they have gotten rid of the cough, but not as fast as they would like.

However, there are absolutely opposite opinions. Some parents consider the syrup to be completely ineffective. They say that the medicine did not eliminate the symptoms and did not help the children. At the same time, after a while, more serious diseases were diagnosed in babies, as the infection in the body without prompt treatment progressed rapidly.

What is DrMoM: an ideal way to get rid of unpleasant symptoms in the form of a cough or a brand that does not help at all with ailments?

Having carefully studied the feedback of consumers, it can be concluded that the remedy helps those patients who start taking it before the pronounced manifestations of the common cold. The medicine should be used at the first signs characterizing the impending disease. In doing so, use the drug according to the instructions.

Many consumers note that they combined the intake of syrup with the use of no less than the healing ointment "Doctor Mom". They did not refuse from pastilles. As a result, such patients quickly and easily got rid of the oncoming cold, which completely gives them reason to talk about the drug as an effective cure for cough.

The drug "Doctor Mom form release, indications, composition and side effects

Whatever the controversy over the treatment of a child's cough, no mother is able to calmly watch how her baby is suffering seizures during the day and during a night's sleep. Choosing a cure for the aforementioned disease, it is difficult to decide on a remedy that would not only save the children from this unpleasant symptom, but also not harm the body. According to experts, cough for colds, as well as for viral infections is best treated using expectorant medicines of plant origin. Such a natural drug for children and adults is the drug "Doctor Mom." To understand what distinguishes this drug from the rest, we will tell about it in more detail.

Forms of release

Currently, the drug for coughing "Doctor Mom" ​​is made in the form of:

  • pastilles (lozenges);
  • syrup;
  • ointments.

Cough syrup

Syrup "Doctor Mom" ​​is a preparation of vegetable origin, rendering bronchodilator (eliminates bronchial spasms) and mucolytic (liquefies existing sputum) effects.

Indications for use

Use of such a syrup follows for symptomatic therapy of chronic and acute respiratory diseases, which are accompanied by dry or with a hard-to-separate sputum cough (for example, with pharyngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis and etc.).

Structure of the preparation

The composition of this drug includes the active components of such medicinal herbs as adatode basil, basil, aloe, turmeric, licorice, nightshade, ginger, terminal, elecampane, etc. As for the auxiliary substances, they can include sucrose, glycerol, monohydrate of citric acid, sodium benzoate, sodium methylparahydroxybenzoate, sorbic acid, sodium propyl parahydroxybenzoate, pineapple flavor, colorant and purified water.

Dosage and route of administration

  • Children syrup "Doctor Mom" ​​should be given depending on the age: from 3 to 5 years - half spoon (or, ml) three times a day, from 6 to 15 years - on a full dessert spoon (5 ml) three times a day day.
  • Adults, as well as children over 15 years of age, are recommended to use the drug in the amount of 10 ml three times a day for 3 weeks.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the fact that the syrup "Doctor Mom" ​​consists mainly of natural ingredients, it is allowed to use it only after 3 years. You should also pay attention to the fact that some components of this drug can cause allergic reactions.

Lollipops for Coughs

Complex therapy of such a disease as cough should be supplemented by symptomatic treatment, which is aimed at alleviating the patient's condition. Lozenges or lozenges for resorption quite effectively eliminate all the signs of this unpleasant diseases (coughing, pain and perspiration in the throat), and also have expectorant and anti-inflammatory act.

Structure of the preparation

1 lozenge of the drug "Doctor Mom" ​​includes such active ingredients as dry extracts, extracted from the fruits of the embryo, the roots of licorice naked, levomentola and rhizomes of ginger medicinal. Depending on the excipients, candies can be with:

  • orange flavor(sucrose, orange flavor, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, citric acid monohydrate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, dextrose liquid, glycerol, mint essence and yellow dye "sunny sunset");
  • lemon flavor(sucrose, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, lemon oil, citric acid monohydrate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, glycerol, mint essence, yellow quinoline dye, dextrose liquid);
  • crimson taste(sucrose, methylparahydroxybenzoate, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, glycerol, raspberry flavor, dextrose liquid, dye ahorubin);
  • strawberry flavor(sucrose, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, citric acid monohydrate, strawberry flavor, glycerol, dextrose liquid, colourant dye);
  • pineapple taste(sucrose, mint essence, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, dye, citric acid monohydrate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, glycerol, pineapple flavor, dextrose liquid);
  • fruit flavor(sucrose, methylparahydroxybenzoate, citric acid, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, glycerol, fruit flavor, dextrose liquid, grape dye);
  • berry flavor(sucrose, methylparahydroxybenzoate, citric acid, glycerol, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, berry flavor, dextrose liquid, dyes: azorubin and brilliant blue).

Lozenges "Dr. Mom instructions for use

For adults it is recommended to dissolve such sweet candies (slowly) in the oral cavity in the amount of 1 piece every two hours. The maximum dose of this drug per day should be 10 lozenges. Duration of treatment - 2 or, weeks.

Contraindications and side effects

Presented lozenges are made from medicinal plants. But, despite this, it is extremely undesirable to accept people under 18 years of age. Although in pediatrics such candies are actively cured and effectively eliminate all the unpleasant signs of respiratory diseases, even in children older than 11 years. But due to the presence of dyes in candies "Doctor Mom" ​​and the lack of data (clinical) about contraindications, this drug should be given to the child with extreme caution. Otherwise, the baby may experience allergic reactions.

Ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​with a cough

Ointment or balm for colds for children and adults is made on the basis of medicinal plants. It effectively removes the existing inflammatory processes, and also has a distracting and antiseptic effect.

Indications for use

Use this tool only externally. As a rule, the ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​is used for acute respiratory diseases (for symptomatic therapy), which are accompanied by a runny nose, muscle aches, a feeling of nasal congestion, as well as with headaches and pain in back.

Structure of the preparation

For the production of a therapeutic ointment for cold and cough use dry extracts, isolated from camphor, levomentol, thymol, muscat, turpentine and eucalyptus oils. To the auxiliary substances that make up this product, you can include soft white paraffin.

Dosage and route of administration

Ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​is intended for external use only. Use it is necessary in the following cases:

  • With congestion or runny nose. For this, the drug is required to apply a thin layer on the skin of the wings of the nose.
  • With headaches. In this case, the ointment should be applied to the skin of the temporal region.
  • With pain in the back and muscles. To do this, it is recommended to apply ointment to the painful area. And to achieve a better and faster result, the affected area should be bandaged with a warm bandage.

Contraindications and possible side effects

Like other pharmacy products, the ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​has its contraindications. These include increased sensitivity to constituent components, as well as any diseases skin and damage to the integrity of the skin at sites where it is a drug. In addition, it is highly undesirable to use it for children under 2 years old.

Doctor Mom (pastilles, syrup, ointment) from a cough

Everyone, regardless of age and state of immunity, at least once in his life was ill. Of the most common ailments, persecuted people need to allocate catarrhal diseases, accompanied by a cough. This symptom can be manifested in the form of dry or moist reflex spasms (with sputum discharge), which exhaust and torment, not only the sick person himself, but also the people surrounding him.

To quickly get rid of cough, you need to choose the right medicine and take it on the advice of a doctor. One of the most common and effective drugs is Dr. Mom. It is a combined expectorant on a plant basis. It has a mukalitic, anti-inflammatory and local-diluting effect.

Forms of the drug Dr. Mom

The drug is produced in many forms, which makes its use even more convenient.

Dosage form



In 100 ml of syrup contains extracts: seeds and roots of basil, licorice, ginger, elecampane, aloe, nightshade indian. Menthol is also included in the stat.


In 20 g of ointment contains: menthol, thymol, camphor and oil (turpentine, eucalyptus, nutmeg).

Pastilles (orange, lemon, raspberry, pineapple, berry, fictitious).

The preparation contains: an extract of a root of licorice, ginger, an embryo, and also menthol.

Syrup Doctor Mom

The most common dosage form is Dr. Mom syrup. It is usually prescribed to children for the treatment of dry cough or a symptom that manifests itself in the form of strong reflex acts with little sputum discharge.

The effectiveness of the syrup is due to its unique composition. It has a bronchodilator, mucolytic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. Syrup Doctor Mohm effectively softens the throat, promotes the dilution of sputum and its excretion of their respiratory organs. After taking medication, the effect of congestion and pain is quickly eliminated.

Indications for the use of syrup Dr. Mom

The drug is prescribed for the treatment of cough of various etiologies. Dr. Mom syrup is effective in treating a cough that has arisen in the background:

  • ARI.
  • Laryngitis.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Abuse of smoking.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Trachitis.

Cough syrup does not contain alcohol and narcotic substances, so it is prescribed to treat the symptom not only for adults but also for children. The suspension has a pleasant taste and aroma.

Ointment Doctor Mom

Cough ointment has a local warming and anti-inflammatory effect, due to the influence of essential oils, resulting in a decrease in the frequency of coughing, and swelling of the bronchial walls. Ointment Doctor Mom soft massaging movements are applied to the chest and neck of the patient, after which you need to take cover.

Ointment Doctor Mom is effective for acute inflammatory processes of the bronchi and mucous membranes of the nose, larynx. It is also used for a strong, debilitating cough with pain.

Pastilles Dr. Mom from cough and sore throat

Lozenges effectively relieve pain in the throat, eliminate the effect of stuffiness. They also help to reduce the frequency of reflex acts, due to their mukalitic and anti-inflammatory effects. They are assigned to adults and children of different ages. Lollipops are struggling with a smoker's cough, and also arose against a background of acute respiratory diseases.

Why many doctors with a cough appoint a drug Dr. Mom

Today, there are many drugs that are effective for coughing different etiologies. Many prefer this particular drug, because it has excellent reviews and its price is low, compared to other drugs from strong reflex acts.

Despite the fact that Dr. Mom is a plant-based preparation, one should consult a doctor before using it. Since there are still some caveats on its application:

  • Syrup and lozenges should not be taken together with medicines that block the cough reflex (kodelak, sinecode, libexin, etc.).
  • The daily dose of taking candies should not exceed 10 tablets.

Cough syrup Dr. Mom

Such a medicine, like Dr. Mohm's cough syrup, is familiar to adults and children. It is quite actively advertised. Pediatricians and therapists often seek help. And this is explained by the fact that the medicine, in addition to effective action, has many other advantages.

Composition of syrup from cough Dr. Mom

Dr. Mom is a very good bronchodilator. Its effect begins almost immediately after administration. The accumulated sputum gradually liquefies, and the bronchi contract more intensively. Due to this, mucus leaves the body faster and recovery comes. In addition, the cough syrup Dr. Mom is able to exert an anti-inflammatory, local irritating and distracting effect.

At the heart of the composition of the drug are mostly natural ingredients, among which are levomenthol and dry extracts:

  • the root of naked licorice;
  • fetuses terminology beleriki;
  • the sacred basilica;
  • adatodes of the wasiki;
  • roots of long turmeric;
  • roots of medicinal ginger;
  • aloe barbados;
  • fruits of pepper cubebe;
  • Indian nightshade.
  • As auxiliary substances in syrup are used:
  • purified water;
  • methyl parahydroxide sodium benzoate;
  • sodium benzoate;
  • glycerol;
  • monohydrate of citric acid;
  • a mixture of dyes of yellow and brilliant blue colors;
  • pineapple flavor;
  • sorbic acid.

Thanks to all these components, Dr. Mom became a unique medicine - not only useful and effective, but also pleasant to the taste.

From what cough syrup treats Dr. Mom?

As a rule, it is prescribed for symptomatic treatment of chronic diseases developing in the respiratory tract. Since the medicine has the ability to dilute sputum, use Dr. Mohm syrup from a wet cough is not possible - only from dry.

Assign a medication for such diagnoses as:

  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • laryngitis (including the so-called lecture);
  • pneumonia;
  • pharyngitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • acute respiratory diseases.

Among other things, Dr. Mom can be used to eliminate dry cough of smokers. Sometimes the medicine is also used to control spasms caused by mechanical irritations of the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract.

How to take syrup from a dry cough Dr. Mom?

Usually it is recommended to drink syrup 5-10 ml three times a day. But depending on the individual characteristics of patients, the dosage may vary slightly.

The duration of treatment should be at least two to three weeks. In particularly difficult cases, therapy may be delayed or a repeat course will be required.

Analogues of cough syrup Dr. Mom

Since Dr. Mom is a natural medicine, he has few contraindications. And yet, like any medicine they are available:

  1. Do not give syrup to children under three years old.
  2. The remedy is categorically contraindicated to those who suffer from increased sensitivity to its individual constituents.
  3. With special care Dr. Mom should take diabetics and patients who adhere to the hypocaloric diet - the syrup contains sugar.

To avoid the appearance of possible side effects, it is better to find Doctor Moe an alternative. Due to the fact that there are many analogues of the medicine, it will not be difficult to do this. The most effective substitutes for syrup are:

  • Chest fee;
  • Linkas Lor;
  • Herbion;
  • Thoracic elixir;
  • Eucabal;
  • Liquorice root;
  • Syrup of Althea;
  • Mukaltin;
  • Pertussin;
  • Travisil;
  • Thyme;
  • Thermo-sol;
  • Tincture of plantain;
  • Sinethos;
  • Amtersol;
  • Tussin;
  • Prospan;
  • Phytolor;
  • Fitantis.

Cough syrup Dr. Mom, reviews

Dr. Mom is a combined natural preparation. It has a large number of useful properties, helps to remove inflammation, dilates blood vessels, has expectorant action. With the help of syrup, a cough can be cured, in which sputum is difficult to leave. Use it for pharyngitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, pertussis, bronchitis. Relieves symptoms in bronchial asthma.

Reviews of syrup Dr. Mom

About syrup Dr. Mom positively respond, it is used to treat a professional laryngitis, also when a person's upper respiratory tract has been affected by chemical, mechanical way. It differs from other topics, has no side effects on the body and contraindications.

Scientists have proven that this is the best cure for a child. For the study, up to 60 children of different ages, from 3-14 years old, were invited. All were selected on the basis of symptoms. The children were divided into equal groups.

The first one used syrup Dr. Mom, another syrup with one component. Then we watched how effective the syrups were in both groups. Children who drank Dr. Mom at the age of 3 to 6 years, got rid quickly of cough. They proved that the syrup alleviates the symptoms of a cough that disturbs at night. A small number of children experienced side effects - allergic reactions in the form of hives, digestive disorders.

Dr. Mom useful composition

Has a thick consistency of brown color, it smells of pineapple. In the pharmacy you can buy Dr. Mom 100 ml. The composition of the syrup includes such plant components:

1. Basil, with the help of it you can withdraw phlegm from the respiratory organs, improve the secretion of sweat, stop the inflammatory process, with the help of it you can withdraw phlegm.

2. Turmeric stops inflammation, relieves the pathogenic microflora.

3. Licorice has an anesthetic effect, with the help of it you can relax your throat, stop the inflammatory process, quickly bring out phlegm.

4. Ginger has an anti-inflammatory effect.

5. Adatode relieves bronchospasm, dilutes and removes mucus from respiratory organs.

6. Nightshade is a febrifuge, it helps to bring out phlegm.

7. Deviciled carbaceous kills germs, displays phlegm.

8. Pepper stops the inflammatory process, so the sputum is rejected.

9. The terminology will help to withdraw phlegm, relieve tissue puffiness.

10. Aloe will help restore the mucous membrane in the respiratory tract.

11. Menthol relaxes the respiratory muscles, relieves the pathogenic microflora.

Also in the syrup, a large amount of citric acid, glycerol, sodium, food color, sorbic acid, pineapple flavor.

Application Doctor Mom

Syrup should be used in ARVI, which is accompanied by a strong cough, while sputum is not excreted. With the help of a drug, you can heal tracheitis, bronchitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis. It alleviates symptoms in whooping cough, smokers who like to abuse nicotine, also relieve the load from the ligaments.

If cough is the result of a trauma to the respiratory tract, you need to use syrup Dr. Mom. Apply it after 3 years, inside, undiluted. Up to 5 years, half a teaspoon is enough three times a day. From 6 years to 14 can be a teaspoon in the morning, at lunch and at night.

In addition, you can use troches, with the help of them you can soften the pharynx, the larynx, get rid of unpleasant sensations in the throat, cough, and withdraw phlegm. Pastilles need to dissolve, you can not swallow them, so there will be no curative effect. Use the medicine only for children from 14 years of age.

In addition to the syrup, Dr. Mohm's ointment is used, with the help of it you can alleviate the condition of the patient. The composition of the ointment includes turpentine, which has a warming effect. With the help of an ointment you can get rid of headaches, muscle pains. Apply it to the area of ​​the back, chest, on top you need to put something warm, so the chest area warms up. Ointment can not be used for infants, often children may experience allergies.

Recently, a roller pencil is popular, it is one of the best anti-inflammatory, analgesics. It is useful to inhale vapors, with the help of them you can get rid of swelling of the nasopharynx, which occurs in ARVI. Roller pencil is used as an external means. Do not treat damaged skin.

Doctor Mom's intake of syrup during pregnancy

Please note that the syrup contains a large number of plant components, they can be used to dilute sputum, stop inflammatory process, it is important to make sure that there is an allergic reaction to certain components so that the product does not harm during pregnancy.

Carefully you need to use the ointment Dr. Mom. Indeed, with the help of it you can get rid of the pain in soft tissues, improve the condition of the respiratory organs. Do not use on damaged skin. It is forbidden to use the pastilles of Dr. Mom, they contain a large number of dyes, preservatives, which can adversely affect the fetus. Use syrup, pastilles need only under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Contraindications Dr. Mom

Prohibited admission for children who are under 3 years old, in early pregnancy, with renal and hepatic insufficiency. Pregnant and lactating mothers need to use cough syrup with extreme caution, the embryo does not need syrup some components can lead to a hematoplacental barrier, it can do much harm the fetus. Prohibited reception in the first trimester of pregnancy.

In some situations, Dr. Mom can lead to serious allergic reactions, skin problems, if you use syrup for a long time, nausea, vomiting, intoxication of the body may occur.

So, Dr. Mom has positive reviews, but sometimes can hurt.

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