Eye drops Gilan - features of use, indications and contraindications

Eye drops are used in many cases, but one of the most common is the impairment of the effectiveness of the lacrimal mechanism. Thus, drops replace tears, play their function - and even go a little further. Drops Gilan is a qualitative example of a similar preparation. Consider the principle of its action, key features of use, as well as indications and contraindications to use.


  • 1Description of the preparation
  • 2Pharmacological action and group
  • 3Indications and contraindications in use
    • 3.1In pregnancy
    • 3.2To small children
  • 4Possible complications caused by the drug
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Description of the preparation

Gilan is an ophthalmic preparation that reproduces the effect of tear fluid, helps moisturize the surface of the eye, lubricates and protects it.Helps relieve dryness of the eyes due to impaired secretion of tears, problems with tear film, with age-related changes or with the impact of external irritant factors that adversely affect lacrimation. Such factors may include, for example, cold, smoke - and even fluorescent lamps, which also have a fairly negative effect on the activity of the eyes.

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The drug is a slightly viscous colorless odorless liquid, which is distributed in sterile polyethylene tubules (so-called unidoza) volume, ml. In one package, as a rule, ten pieces of such disposable tubes are contained.

Pharmacological action and group

Gilan (also containing in the title "Ultra Comfort" and similar subscriptions) is an aqueous solution of the substance under name of sodium hyaluronate, a physiological polysaccharide contained in a number of tissues of human organism.The chemical feature of sodium hyaluronate is the ability to bind to water molecules, which explains its effective moisturizing effect in the preparation.The solution of the substance in the water is sufficiently mated and has good adhesion, that is, good adhesion to the tissues of the eye. Accordingly, when instilled on the surface of the cornea, a smooth and smooth film is formed, which reliably protects the eyes from the development of inflammatory processes, drying out and other uncomfortable sensations associated with insufficient hydration.

A serious advantage Gilan Ultra Comfort - this drug is almost instantaneous, and therefore, is applicable in situations where the eyes need quick help.This need can be conditioned by the ingress of foreign bodies, prolonged visual stress, the wearing of contact lenses, work with electronic devices or increased contamination of the environment (the presence of a large number of particles of dust, coal, pollen and so Further).

Thus, the pharmacological effect of drops is the effective and prompt elimination of dryness of the cornea and her irritation, manifested in sensations of burning, the presence of sand in the eyes, itching and increased lachrymation. The drug can be used alone or as part of complex therapy for various eye diseases or rehabilitation after surgery.

The composition of the preparation is as follows:

  1. Sodium hyaluronate.
  2. Sorbitol.
  3. Disodium hydrophosphate.
  4. Water for injections.

Remember that the tube in which these eye drops are sold is oriented only to one-time use. If you have unused contents of the tube. it is forbidden to reuse it.

Indications and contraindications in use

There is a whole range of situations in which this drug will be shown. Often it is recommended to use with active wearing contact lenses to facilitate the condition. But that's not all. It also applies:

  • with dry eye syndrome(a very common problem in people who spend a lot of time in front of computer screens);
  • for moisturizing the eyes(this is especially important after the transferred ophthalmic surgery, including laser refractive surgery (this may be LASIK and some others);
  • for the prevention of xerosis(it occurs as a consequence of environmental contamination, for example, prolonged exposure to smog, smoke, dust, etc.);
  • to eliminate excessively high dry eye in case of systematic use of such drugs as anti-inflammatory, hormonal agents, antibiotics;
  • to eliminate excessively high dryness, sensation of sand in the eyes, in view of the transferred diseases, including conjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivitis and other problems associated with the eyes;
  • in the complex therapy of chronic blepharitis, accompanied by dry eyes;
  • in the complex therapy of blepharitis of a chronic type;
  • with the syndrome of Shenger;
  • with a constant strong visual load.

In addition to indications, there are also contraindications, the main of which is an allergic reaction. If you know that you have problems with tolerability of a particular component of the drug, then it is necessary to avoid using these drops as much as possible, replacing them with more neutral ones.

A number of eye drops have restrictions on driving after instillation, but Gilan is deprived of these restrictions, you can start driving the vehicle at once.

If you apply not only these eye drops, but also any other, then in this case It is necessary to wait half an hour between different drugs to avoid the occurrence of side effects. effects.

Be sure to read the instructions before applying drops. It is usually necessary to dig in a conjunctive bag 1-2 drops at a time, the procedure should be repeated up to six times a day, depending on the current problem and the condition of the person.

In pregnancy

There are no restrictions on the use of the drug during pregnancy or lactation.

To small children

Although in a reasonable dose, the drug can also be administered to children. Keep it out of the reach of children to avoid problems with occasional incorrect use.

We also recommend that you read the instruction of eye drops Artelak Vsplesk.

Possible complications caused by the drug

Complications and side effects in the application of these drops are rare and of little significance.Sometimes a person can feel the effect of gluing the eyelids, but this simply arises because of the high viscosity of the drug, To take any measures because of this is strongly discouraged, it is necessary to continue the planned reception of this preparation.

In some situations, when drops are applied incorrectly, an allergic reaction may occur. In this case, it is necessary to suspend the appointment and contact the attending physician who will help replace the drug with another.


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These eye drops can be very effective in a wide range of problems and pathologies. They can help as easy as people who wear contact lenses, and for those who sit in front of a computer or people whose tearing was violated for age reasons. But only be sure to consult before use with your doctor. Although contraindications of drops are minimal, they are. In addition, they can not replace the full-fledged treatment that is necessary in a number of situations.

Read further about eye ointment VitA-PIC with the instruction and eye drops Vizallergol.

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