Cough syrup without sugar

List of effective syrups for children's cough

cough for a child to choose a cough medicine

Choosing the most effective and maximally natural cough syrup, many parents seem to be a priority. This opinion is a little erroneous, because the recovery of syrup affects only indirectly, and with the focus of infection another antiviral drug or antibiotic is fighting. Cough syrup will help to speed up liquefaction and sputum discharge from the bronchi and lungs, but with a particularly painful and dry cough it is due to the syrup that the most painful symptom is removed. That is why it is worthwhile to seriously and responsibly approach the choice of a suitable drug and not engage in self-medication. Cough syrups for children list can be seen by reading the article below.

How to use a cough syrup during pregnancy Dr. Mom, is indicated in this article.


cough syrups for children list

The medicinal form of the syrup is very convenient, because the mixture is ready and it remains only to accurately measure the dose and give the child. A great advantage of syrup will be a pleasant taste, children are usually very willing to take this medicine and even ask for supplements. Along with this, there are also shortcomings, which these medicines also have. More details can be classified as follows.

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Pros and cons of syrups

Benefits disadvantages
  • Ready mix that does not require cooking.
  • To maintain consistency, special chemicals are used.
  • Sweet taste that children love.
  • Often, the composition includes unnatural sugar substitutes.
  • Good efficiency in complex treatment.
A doctor's consultation is required to determine the causes of cough.
A wide range of pharmacy products. Difficulty in choosing the right drug.
Varied price range. The cost of many syrups is artificially inflated by marketing techniques and advertising in the price.

What syrup from an allergic cough for children is best used, is specified in the article.

This list can be continued indefinitely, the main thing is that every parent should understand the basic theses himself and do not trust the blindly advertised drug that helps the TV hero win-win. Before buying a suitable drug, it is necessary to find out the cause of the cough, and only then to choose a remedy that can contribute to the treatment of this disease.

The video tells about the causes of cough and ways to treat it:

Causes and possible treatment

children's cough and struggle

Coughing is not an independent disease, but simply a symptom that is caused by a number of reasons. Correct diagnosis is already half the journey on the way to a speedy recovery. Sometimes, in order to defeat a cough, cough syrup can and should not be taken, it will be enough to change some environmental factors or resort to other procedures, such as inhalations or rubbing.

How to use and what is the dosage of the cough syrup Erespal for children, you can find out by reading this article.

By its nature, a cough can be:

  • Allergic: in this case, conventional means will be powerless, should be removed if possible allergen and take special antihistamines, which can also be in the form of syrups.
  • Drycaused by a bacterial or viral infection. Dry cough can manifest itself at the very beginning of the disease and it should be treated only if it does not go into the "wet" stage itself. To do this, use antitussive drugs that stimulate the formation of mucous secretions. The more and more sputum is secreted and coughing up, the faster the organism will cope with the disease.
  • Wetcough suggests that the process of recovery is progressing naturally and the main task is to create optimal conditions for an early correction. Syrup from a wet cough will ensure maximum excretion of sputum, but if you take antitussive drugs, you can aggravate the situation. In this case, a large sputum discharge will lead to serious problems with mild and complications of the disease.
  • Cough can be caused by a specific disease -pertussis.

What is the price of the cough syrup Dr. Mom, you can find out from this article.

Apparently, there can be several options, and this, if not yet go deep into the medical jungle and not classify possible catarrhal diseases. Causes may be caused by parasites, as well as by strong dustiness of premises, for example, at work. Dry air can also provoke periodic attacks of cough, so it is so important to maintain a comfortable level of humidity, especially if the family has small children.


There are many variants of cough syrups in pharmacies, they all differ in composition and principle of action, so it is rather difficult to classify these drugs. If the characteristics take into account the price category, it will be a little easier to decide on the choice. But the principle of choice remains the same: all medicines must be prescribed by a doctor, because sometimes even a similar drug may not cope with the cause of the cough due to a slightly different principle actions.

What is the price of syrup from a dry cough Herbion, you can find out by reading this article.


  • Propane - a product of plant origin, can be used to treat children from birth, the price is from 708 rubles per bottle 200 ml, homeopathic remedy.Sprouted vegetable cough syrup
  • Herbion plantain for dry cough, the cost of 221 rubles, 150 ml.
  • Herbion primrose for a wet cough, the cost is from 223 rubles, 150 ml.
  • Dr. Tys syrup with plantain: price 187 rubles per 100 ml.
  • Doctor Mom on herbs, the cost is from 145 rubles, 100 ml.
  • Gedelix syrup, can be used for children up to a year old, contains exclusively natural ingredients. The price is 352 rubles per 100 ml. Quite cheap in the ratio of price and quality.
  • Stoppussin phyto - a collection of natural herbal extracts, 100 ml costs only 186 rubles.
  • Tussamag 200 ml for 206 rubles.
  • Phytolor is a two-component preparation, the cost per 100 ml is 121 rubles.Phytolor from a child's cough

What price of cough syrup Stodal, you can learn from this article.

Optimally affect the cough of different types of syrups with a combined effect. Usually they are at least two-component, so they have such an effect on the causes and symptoms of coughing.

Combined action

  • Ambrobe, a good mucaltic effect is due to the active substance - ambroxol, 100 ml 124 rubles.Ambroben
  • Lazolvan analogue of an amber, but with a lower concentration of active ingredient, 100 ml can be bought for 266 rubles.
  • Ambrohexal also has a similar effect, 100 ml of 112 rubles.
  • Ascoril - a combination of bromhexine, salbutanol and guaifensin, is often used in the treatment of bronchial asthma. The cost is from 328 rubles for 200 ml.
  • Bronchipret price of 295 rubles per 100 ml.
  • Omnitus 200 ml of 158 rubles.
  • Suprima Broncho a wide range of effects, 100 ml of 130 rubles.
  • Travisil syrup, 100 ml - 180 rubles.
  • FLUIFORT - an active substance carbocysteine, which has a strong mukaltic effect, the cost per 100 ml 289 rubles.
  • Halixol - 100 ml, active substance ambroksol. The cost is about 470 rubles.
  • Terasil D is a three-component preparation with an additional antihistamine effect. The cost is from 261 rubles per 100 ml.
  • Erespal, active substance fenspiride, the price is from 244 rubles for 150 ml.
  • Libexin Muko is in children's and adult dosage. The cost for 125 ml of a child's drug is 312 rubles, the adult - 349 rubles.Libexin Muk

There are also special categories of medicines without sugar. They are designed primarily for people with diabetes, but they are also great for children, because usually the sugar substitutes are more useful for the developing organism.

How to properly use the cough syrup with laryngitis in children, you can find out by reading the article.

No added sugar

  • Linkas, a special formula without sugar, 120 ml, cost - 181 rubles.Lincas - for children and without sugar
  • Tussamag without sugar 175 g 222 rubles.Tussamag

For children in the first year of life, a lot of cough syrups have also been created, but their use requires strict medical supervision, so do not risk the health of a little man and prescribe medication yourself or by advice friends.

What syrup with laryngitis in children to choose and use, is indicated in the article.

The most safe for treatment


  • Prospan: can be used to treat children from birth, the price is from 708 rubles per bottle 200 ml.
  • Linkas for children from six months, 90 ml 148 rubles.
  • Eucabal is also applied from six months, 100 ml to 201 rubles.Eucabal
  • Sinecode can be used from two months, it helps from a dry cough of 200 ml of 318 rubles.
  • Gedelix syrup, can be used for children up to a year old, exclusively natural ingredients, on herbs. The price is 352 rubles per 100 ml.

Many of us remember the taste from childhood: Soviet cough syrups cope with any disease faster and more efficiently. Most people now trust precisely proven recipes, so they buy inexpensive analogues of foreign preparations.

What syrup with a barking cough is most often chosen, is indicated in the article.

The most inexpensive "Soviet" cough syrups:

  • Altea syrup, 125 ml - 45 rubles.Althea syrup
  • Pertussin - a combined herbal preparation, 100 ml of 26 rubles.
  • Syrup of licorice is an inexpensive and effective drug, 100 ml costs only 45 rubles.
  • Broncholitin - 125 g. 85 rubles.
  • Bromhexine is a good help to get phlegm, the price is about 124 rubles per 100 ml.Bromhexine

What syrup from barking cough in children is the most effective, indicated in the article.

Apparently, the choice is really huge and constantly updated with all new drugs. Most of them already have analogs, some are absolutely unique. An integrated approach in the treatment of cough will be a reliable and responsible decision, in which there is no place for thoughtless "self-activity". Do not abuse and prescribe yourself and children drugs on the advice of friends or by choosing at random from the pharmacy showcase.Cough syrups are also medicament preparations and contain many active ingredients in the formulation.If the disease is not properly diagnosed, they will not bring anything but harm.

Burnt sugar: does it help with coughing?

burnt sugar from cough

The appearance of a cough is more often associated with seasonal colds that cause viruses and infections. And, not all colds are accompanied by a cough. However, if it does, it is necessary to take all measures to be cured as soon as possible.

The pharmaceutical industry is full of all kinds of drugs and their medicinal forms - these are tablets, syrups, medicines, candies. Their action is aimed at alleviating the condition of the patient and curing the cough.

The action of medicines is not always justified for human health, because they cause side effects: affecting the liver, kidneys, blood vessels.

Properties of burnt sugar

burned sugar from coughing

Under the influence of high temperature, sugar takes on medicinal properties

A softer and more gentle action is provided by recipes and methods known long ago and tested by our ancestors.The method that is used for coughing is burnt sugar.

Usually, a cold begins with a dry cough, which subsequently becomes wet. Particularly useful is the consumption of burnt sugar with a dry cough, to soften it and transfer it to the moist one. This facilitates the separation of sputum and clears the airways.

Sugar is a natural product that is used universally. A fast and prompt source of carbohydrates and energy, which is necessary for a weakened body to fight the disease, more accurately with a cough.

how to make burnt sugar from a cough recipeCommon sugar has a crystalline, scratching structure. If it is taken in its pure form, then it is easy to injure the tender mucous membranes of the throat, esophagus. Burnt sugar is plastic, viscous.As a result of chemical reaction under the influence of high temperature, sugar acquires therapeutic properties.Under the influence of saliva, it softens even more.

Ways of preparation

You can prepare the medicine in several ways, and there is no need to prepare a lot at once, because a freshly prepared product is always more useful, and a variety of recipes will please.

Recipes will allow you to prepare from the burnt sugar dosage forms for all tastes: lollipops, semi-liquid medicine, syrups.

All recipes are prepared based on one tablespoon of sugar.


how to cook burnt sugar from cough

Burnt sugar from a cough is convenient to use in the form of sugar candies

  1. Sugar is heated in a frying pan or a stainless steel saucepan, stirring continuously over a slow fire to give a caramel color. As melting, the sugar from the light amber color becomes brown-caramel. After cooking, pour into the mold without corners, so as not to injure when resorbing the mucous tissue in the mouth. You will get a lollipop, which can dissolve during coughing attacks.
  2. Milk-caramel candies will be obtained if melted sugar caramel shades drop into a glass with cold milk. Due to the temperature difference, the candies are filled with air bubbles. Care should be taken with resorption so as not to get injured.

Pasty medicine

burnt sugar from a cough recipe

Burnt sugar with butter and cream becomes a paste-like medicine-treat

If the resolution of hard candies is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, it is recommended to take the mass in semi-liquid form.At the end of cooking, a lightly cooled molten sugar is added with butter, cream and a little water. Get pasty medicine-delicacy.

treatment of dry cough at homeHow dry cough is treated at home is indicated in this article.

How to cure a smoker's cough with phlegm, you can find out by reading this article.

Find out why pershit in the throat and cough, you can go to this article:


  1. A drink in the form of a syrup will also do a great job. At the last stage of cooking, when the melted sugar gets a caramel shade fill it with 1 glass of warm boiled water. Syrup boil, cool. Store in a refrigerator in a sealed glass container. Take half the glass in a warm, every time the cough begins.It will be useful to reinforce a weakened organism with vitamins and microelements.
  2. The melted sugar of the caramel shade is poured in 1 glass of warm boiling waterhow to make burnt sugar from coughwater with the addition of half a lemon juice. You can also add a spoonful of honey.For the prevention of bacteria in the mouth and respiratory passages.
  3. The melted sugar of the caramel shade is poured with 1 glass of warm boiled water with the addition of the onion juice, grated on a fine grater and pressed under a press. The sight of that,
    that this medicine is unpleasant to the taste, it is recommended to take one sip every half hour.
  4. The melted sugar of the caramel shade is poured with 1 glass of warm boiled water. Content boil, cool and add three tablespoons of vodka.Take one tablespoon in 5 to 6 doses.Steady expectorant effect is obtained by combining the burnt sugar and herbal decoction.
  5. For herbal decoction, you can use such herbs: licorice root, althea root, plantain, leaves of mother-and-stepmother, thyme.
treatment of throat dry coughWhat kind of cure for the throat of a dry cough is the best, you can find out by reading the article.

What to do when a child has a prolonged dry cough, this article will help to understand.

What drugs with a dry cough are the most optimal, indicated here:

One tablespoon of herbs, previously shredded, pour a glass of hot boiled water. Infuse in a water bath for 15 minutes. Cool and drain. The volume of broth to bring to a glass. Melt the sugar to a caramel shade and pour into a decoction. Shake before use.Prepared broth stored in ready form no more than 2 days.Take in a warm form 2 - 3 times a day after meals:

  • adults and children from 14 years- for ½ cup;
  • children 12 - 14 years old- 1/4 cup;
  • children 7 - 12 years old- 2 tablespoons each;
  • children 3 - 7 years old- 1 tablespoon.

Limitations and contraindications

coughing with burnt sugar in children

Sweet medicines-delicacies will please even the most capricious children

The use of sugar within reasonable limits will not cause an allergic reaction or other side effects. Burnt sugar can not only benefit, but also cause harm. Especially cautiously should eat sugar when:

  • diabetes;
  • propensity to allergy to refined sugar and its derivative;
  • problems of the cardiovascular system.

If you are contraindicated in the use of sugar, you should refer to other recipes for coughing at home. For children all of the above recipes are acceptable, except for recipes with onions and vodka. Sweet medicines, delicacies will please the kids rather than upset them. Yes, and parents will be calm for the children. Do not forget about other effective means of dry cough for children, for example, tangerine peel, tea with berries of the viburnum and others.

During illness, children become capricious and it is very difficult to persuade them to take a standard medicine from the pharmacy, especially if it is bitter.


burnt sugar from cough отзывыCatherine, Samara:"I was horribly tortured by a cough. Usually I feel sluggish, pershit in the throat, the infection "nests" in the nose or throat. Falling into the lower divisions, the infection affects the trachea and bronchi. Here, and I have a terrible cough that serves as an outpost for the lungs. But I found a way out! My grandmother advised me this cure for cough. Burnt sugar in the form of sugar candies! The effect is simply stunning, coughing as it never happened! I recommend to all!"

Polina, Kazan:"On the advice of a friend, I tried one cough, a pasty tasty thing. In the sugar add butter, cream and a little water. Get a pasty drug-such delicious, and the result of what! Coughing did not happen! I advise everyone!"


Other effective cough recipes you'll learn from this video:

It is important to remember that burnt sugar is not a 100% method that will cure a cough. Only applying methods in the complex, including. recipes based on burnt sugar can defeat the cough and guarantee its cure.

During the illness, do not neglect the advice of a doctor and only self-medicate.

Cough is tricky because it can easily move into a more complex form or chronic condition. The doctor diagnoses the disease and indicates the direction of treatment. A reasonable and balanced approach guarantees a qualitative cure for cough. Be healthy!

How to take Lindas cough syrup

linkage cough syrup user's manual

A cold can appear at any time, no one is immune from it. Often it is accompanied by coughing attacks, which without timely intervention can go into severe form. Therefore, when choosing a remedy for its treatment, it is necessary to take into account that it is not easy to act on the cough itself, but also effectively eliminate the cause of its occurrence. One of the effective drugs is Linkas. This tool is in the form of syrup or lozenges. They can be treated as adults and children.

How does the instruction for the cough syrup for Linkas children look like in this article.

Action, composition

There are three varieties of this syrup: normal, Lincas without sugar (intended for people suffering from diabetes) and Plus Ekspectorant (containing a shock dose of expectorants).

linkas cough syrup

They are slightly different in composition, the basis of each of them are natural components:

  • Liquorice root, which contains flavone glycosides, glycyrrhizic acid together with potassium and calcium salts, vitamins and essential oils. Its compounds act on the sick organism as anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antioxidant and immunostimulating substances;licorice root of cough
  • Nightshade yellowishis valuable in the content of vitamin C, mucopolysaccharide and steroidal alkaloids. It softens the cough, has an anti-allergic effect on the body and stimulates the rapid withdrawal of sputum from the respiratory system.
  • Flowers of marshmallowcontain pectin, fatty oils, asparagine, lecithin, starch, phytosterol, mineral salts, polysaccharides and sugar. The natural compounds of this plant envelop the mucous membranes with an invisible film and protect them from of altar from cough
  • AdhadotaVascular includes essential oil compositions, alkaloids and useful vitamins. Thanks to them, it has expectorant action, which increases the motor reflexes of the epithelium receptors, accelerates the production of sputum and improves the activity of the alveolar cells. It is also able to relieve the contractions of the bronchi and facilitate breathing. In this case, prevent the manifestation of asthma.
  • Fruits and rhizomes of long pepperthey have vitamins of group "B alkaloid piperine and carotene. The plant itself can have antiseptic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effects on the sick body.Fruits and rhizomes of long pepper from cough
  • Basilhas ascorbic acid, glycosides, fiber, tannins, phytoncides and flavonoids. Therefore, it has antiseptic, anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effects. Increases the activity of a depleted organism and normalizes breathing.
  • Cordy broadleafacts on the diseased organ, as an antispasmodic and analgesic.
  • Flowers of violets fragrantcontain phenolic carboxylic acids, triglycerides, fatty oils, alkaloids and leucoanthocyanides. It acts soothing and antipyretic, softens the cough and stimulates rapid withdrawal of phlegm.Flowers violet fragrant from a cough

All active ingredients of Linkas consist of dry extracts of natural plants and do not contain synthetic chemicals.They are aimed at treating cough, removing symptoms of the disease and eliminating its causes.The following are the auxiliary tools:

  • glycerol;
  • purified water;
  • peppermint oil and cloves;
  • sucrose;
  • methylparahydroxybenzoate;
  • propyl parahydroxybenzoate.

This article describes how to get rid of cough during pregnancy.

All components of the syrup provide complex treatment. Linkas is able to calm and soften the cough, remove swelling and inflammation on the bronchial mucosa, improve immunity. It dissolves phlegm, makes it less viscous and promotes its quicker removal from the respiratory system.



Syrup "Lincas" is prescribed for inflammatory processes of the respiratory system, which occur with a complex mucus compartment. It is used as an independent agent, and in conjunction with other drugs.

linkas cough syrup instructions

In his testimony to use is listed:

  • pharyngitis;
  • dry cough, which is accompanied by stiff seizures;
  • tracheitis;
  • when pneumonia he goes in duo with an antibiotic;
  • bronchitis;
  • with various inflammatory processes occurring in the respiratory tract;
  • from a cough during the flu, ARI and ARVI.

For what reason there is a cough and vomiting after eating, you can learn from this article.

Syrup "Linkas" is taken orally. It should not be diluted and washed down with water. The medicine is consumed regardless of the meal. Duration of admission depends on the severity of the disease, the dose of the drug is prescribed by the doctor individually to each patient.

severe perspiration in the throat and dry coughWhat to do when there is a severe perspiration in the throat and dry cough, you can learn from the article.

What to do when there is a prolonged dry cough in an adult is indicated here.

Than to treat a dry cough and what preparations, it is possible to learn from article here:

Treatment of children

This syrup is not recommended for children under the age of six months. This is due to the lack of clinical studies in this age group, so there is no guarantee of safety. The only contraindication for this drug is individual sensitivity to one of the components of the drug.

syrup for a child during a cold

For effective treatment, Linkas should be taken to children 15 minutes before meals or the same time after meals. It is better to maintain equal intervals of time.Do not give it to the child right before going to sleep, so that the coming out phlegm does not prevent him from sleeping.For children, the course of treatment should not exceed seven days. Most often, the result will be visible already on the third day. If no improvement is observed after a week of applying the syrup, then replace it with another remedy, having consulted a doctor beforehand.

From this article you can learn how to treat a very dry cough.


  • crumbs from 6 months and up to three years of age - half an hour. spoons two to three times a day;
  • children from three to eight years - 1 teaspoonful. three times a day;
  • children from 8 to 12 years - one hour. spoon four times.

It is not necessary to zealous and exceed these indicators, it is possible to cause an allergic reaction with an overdose.

There is also Lincas in the pastilles. He is appointed to children who have reached the age of five. They remove the perspiration in the throat and have the same properties as the syrup. Pastilles can not be chewed or swallowed immediately. It must be kept in the mouth and wait for complete dissolution.

What symptoms of a smoker's cough may be indicated in the article.

The dosage of this drug for children and adults is the same - from three to six lozenges per day. If necessary, people of adulthood can increase the number to 8 pieces.

Application for adults

In the treatment, the recommended dose is 10 ml, this is about two hours. spoons at a time. It is necessary to repeat the reception of the medicine four times a day. In some cases, at the initial stage of the disease, it is practiced to apply the medicine six times a day. And when the condition improves, go to the recommended number of receptions. With a decrease in cough, they can be reduced.

syrup for an adult during a cold

Pregnant women and women during lactation drug is appointed if the probable benefit from its use is higher than the threat to the fetus or baby.

How to treat perspiration in the throat and cough, you can learn from this article.


  • Elvira, 32 years old:"The eldest daughter always treated for cough with proven means, but when the youngest son appeared. Faced with the fact that their crumbs up to three years can not be used. The pediatrician ordered us Lincas syrup. For me it was a new tool, and I did not know about its operation. Therefore, buying this medicine, asked the pharmacist how often it is bought, and whether it is effective for one-year-olds. She said that she heard only positive feedback from customers. I was relieved to give it to my children. Maximum after three days they cough began to subside, and the fifth and completely gone. To the bottle with syrup was attached a measuring cup, with which it was very convenient to pour doses for each child separately. According to the instructions, the medicine can be used for children from the age of six months, whose cough was accompanied by difficult-to-separate sputum. It can be purchased at the pharmacy without a prescription. The volume of the bottle is 90 ml. "
  • Galina, 26 years old:"When I get sick I'm used to using an inhaler, but my daughter prefers sweet syrups to them. Therefore, when she again fell ill, I acquired Linkas. He has a sweet and vegetable taste, the child drinks with pleasure. And I am satisfied that it contains natural herbal ingredients. The cost is acceptable, of course, there are cheaper analogues on sale, but I did not want to test fate. The daughter is prone to allergies, but this drug was taken without any problems. Syrup bought twice already, always as prescribed by a doctor. The effect of its effect on the cough was pleased. The child did not get used to it. Absolute sputum removal within the first four days. "
  • Larisa, 39 years old: "If someone in the house gets sick, then the kids immediately pick up the baton. Therefore, I always give preference to the means that can be taken by the whole family. Because usually viral diseases occur in all my household members equally. In a drugstore, I was advised somehow by an inexpensive herbal cough medicine called Lincas. And here already two years at us any disease connected with a dry cough does not pass or take place without participation of this medicine. It is an excellent expectorant. Usually, I take it together with other medications: outdoor walks, inhalations and a generous warm drink with raspberry jam or honey. And every time the disease receded after a week. This syrup has a pleasant mint flavor and a greenish tinge. It is easy to drink and does not cause a cloying aftertaste. "
  • Oksana, 33 years old:"In the children's polyclinic, waiting for their turn, they read posters on the walls with their little son and saw the description of Linkas. After that, I asked the doctor about his application, and he said that our cough remedy will be cured at a time. It turned out to be right for one hundred percent. This miracle - the syrup contains many useful herbs, from the complex use of which the cough takes place on the third day. Syrup saves my baby even with asthmatic signs of suffocation. Makes his breath free. Cough decreases after the third dose of medicine. I recommend it to all moms! "

Cough syrup

The main effect of the cough syrup is expectorantIt is difficult to imagine the treatment of cold without syrup from coughing. This drug has not only a traditional expectorant effect, but also often anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-allergic action. Unlike bitter tablets and boring inhalations, the syrup is a pleasure. The main wonderful quality of this product is sweet taste. This feature makes syrup almost the only method of cough treatment in children.

When it makes sense to use syrup

If the patient begins to worry about coughing, first of all he should consult a doctor for advice on the treatment of the underlying disease. By receiving therapy for lung diseases, you can simultaneously improve your condition, alleviate the symptoms of the disease with the help of a sweet remedy.

You can not treat the disease with just one syrup, it is an additional method of treatment.

What is the effect of cough syrup?

The main effect of cough syrup is expectorant. This means dilutes sputum, reducing its viscosity. As a result, the patient begins to get rid of sputum and, hence, from coughing faster. Also, syrup can help dry cough to translate into productive.

When lung diseases are recommended to drink abundantly. It is proved that the restored water balance in the body will promote better sputum production and lung drainage. The syrup acts in a similar manner due to the substance contained in it, guaifenesin.

In addition to the usual expectorant syrups, there are combined. They differ from the first in the presence of additional substances, the combined effect of which will contribute to a more complete and comfortable recovery. For example, a syrup can relax an allergic reaction, thereby reducing the swelling of the bronchial mucosa and expanding their lumen. Another possible property is anesthesia. The "minus" of such drugs is that sometimes these properties are superfluous and carry only an additional burden on the body. Therefore, you need to carefully study the instructions when buying a cough syrup, carefully considering all the criteria for choosing a particular remedy. Of course, the ideal option is to consult a competent doctor.

Contraindications to the use of syrup

  1. Useless will be the use of syrup in the treatment of cough caused by prolonged smoking.
  2. Do not use syrup for asthmatics and patients with emphysema.
  3. Caution should be applied to the use of the syrup for patients suffering from depressive disorders and therefore taking MAOI, an inhibitor of monoamine oxidase. In this case, a compulsory medical approval is required. Dangerous for such patients will be a remedy containing dextromethorphan.
  4. Another dangerous category of patients with regard to the use of syrup - people with hypertension and other heart diseases. They should be cautious about preparations that contain anti-edematics - anticongestants. They can aggravate the patient's condition, causing an even greater increase in blood pressure.
  5. Of course, the classic risk group is pregnant women and women in the lactation period. Although there are many syrups that are absolutely safe for them, it is still necessary to discuss with the attending physician all aspects of the drug choice.
  6. In some syrups added sugar and alcohol, so people with diabetes should either take into account the units obtained with the medicine, or choose non-carbohydrate drugs.
  7. Strongly acting cough syrups, which contain chemical compounds, have a pronounced toxic effect, so they are used with caution by patients with liver and kidney pathology.
  8. Contraindication to the use of syrup is the intolerance of some of its components, including a tendency to severe allergic reactions.

Review of the most famous cough syrups

Plantain syrup

The most popular such syrup is produced by the Red Army Company. The product is natural, a noticeable effect is visible after two or four days of use. Has a pleasant, not cloying taste. Perhaps the best way for children. Good with a dry cough, quickly translates it into productive. To start taking better with a minimal dose, gradually increasing it. The advantage of the drug is also that it is possible to increase the dose considerably, but there will be practically no side effects. The product is suitable even for smokers.

You should not use psyllium syrup for children under two years. With caution, you should treat the drug with diabetes mellitus, since the drug contains sugar.

Syrup on the root of licorice

A long-known drug with a mild effect. Suitable for not very strong cough, at the initial stages of the disease. But with severe forms of respiratory illnesses, the remedy is not always effective. To optimize the reception of syrup based on licorice root, it is recommended to use as much liquid as possible. It is advisable, along with the syrup, to use additional means for excretion of sputum.

Among the undoubted merits of this syrup, of course, its low price, virtually no toxic effect on liver and kidney tissue.

Syrup "Broncholitin"

It is a preparation combining natural plant components and synthesized chemicals. Its composition includes basil oil and glaucin, combined with ephedrine. Due to the combination of active substances, it acts quickly and effectively, but along with it can cause a number of undesirable side effects. Therefore, before buying "Broncholitin" you should always consult a doctor.

The actions performed by the syrup are as follows:

  • decongestant;
  • suppression of the cough center in the medulla oblongata;
  • easy soothing effect;
  • expansion of the airway lumen - upper and lower;
  • dilution of sputum.

The drug can be widely used, it is effective to work with pathology of any severity, it is the most "fast" syrup from cough.

It should be remembered the possible high toxicity of the syrup at its inadequate dose, the development of dependence, age restrictions of use - it is forbidden to children under three years old.

Lazolvan - syrup

The drug is completely chemical. The composition of it is led by the widely known expectorant ambroxol. Syrup is better than tablets due to flavor additives. It is worth using when all natural herbal remedies have been tested and in case of acute bronchitis. The syrup dilutes sputum well by increasing the production of mucus by the wall of the bronchial tree. In addition, the drug produces a substance that strengthens the structure of the walls of the respiratory tract and reduces inflammation.

"Lazolvan" acts quickly enough, it suits children. The disadvantage of the drug is its too high price, unpleasant bitter taste, the presence of side effects.

Syrup "Doctor Mom"

cough syrupA preparation consisting of a set of plant extracts. Effective in the treatment of laryngitis, dry cough. The agent gradually accumulates, then manifests a therapeutic effect. Slightly disturbs the balance in the body, but it has a significant effect.

Syrup Doctor Mom is used for serious illnesses, even with pneumonia. All this is due to the presence of antimicrobial components in the formulation.

Advantages of the syrup are undoubted proven effectiveness, impact on both the cause and symptoms of the disease.

Among the shortcomings of the drug - a high price, contraindications for small children and patients with diabetes. In addition, another "minus" is the slow manifestation of the first signs of impact.

Syrup "Gedelix"

Quality natural preparation. The action is fast and very effective. It does not contain sugar and alcohol, so it is suitable for people with diabetes and people with small children. Virtually no contraindications. It is used for dry cough, facilitates its flow, helping to stand out sputum. Due to the content of the extract, ivy has an anti-inflammatory effect. Has a noticeable effect on the first three days of use. Another undoubted advantage of Gedelix syrup is spasmolytic action. That is, the drug reduces the excessive stress of the bronchial wall and leads to a normal tone of its muscles. This effect of the syrup manifests itself in the first ten hours.

Almost the same drug - "Prospan"

Advantages of Gedelix - universality, efficiency and safety. Disadvantages - sometimes causes too much and abundant sputum, which deprived Prospan.

Cough syrup based on primrose extract (RKKA)

Means of predominantly expectorant action. It is better to use as an additional drug when combined with other medications curing cough. Soft, so almost safe. It is sensitive to the action of other drugs, it is required to carefully study the instructions for use, so as not to suppress the action of the syrup with an unsuccessful combination.

Contraindicated in patients with diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma. With caution should be used for children and pregnant women.

Cough syrup during pregnancy

Pregnancy not only pleases the woman with future prospects, but makes you take seriously the level of your own health and the health of the expected baby. Some improperly selected or dosed medications during pregnancy can harm a woman. Choosing medicines for future mothers is very carefully. The cough syrup was not an exception in this respect either.

It is possible to identify a number of general recommendations concerning not only cough and syrup treatment, but also ways to protect your body from adverse effects.

First, pregnant women should avoid potential sources of infection in every possible way. This is especially true for pregnant women who are in the first trimester. It is this period that is most unfavorable for the administration of medications and the effects of infectious agents. If, after all, the infection has occurred, the cough syrup is recommended to be used only after the doctor's approval.

Secondly, having symptoms that indicate a cold or other diseases of the pulmonary system, treatment should begin immediately. Timely treatment of the initial stages of the disease will prevent its complication, which may entail reception of even more dangerous drugs - antibiotics and antiviral agents.

The first aid for a cold should be provided using propolis preparations, steam inhalations, while remembering to drink more liquid.

Thirdly, with ineffectiveness of home methods of cough treatment, it is still necessary to start taking medications. In any case, they will be safer than antibiotics. Lozenges for resorption, cough syrup and some tablets can help. Again, all medicines can be drunk with the consent of the doctor.

The fourth rule calls for vigilance and carefully read the composition of the drug in order to exclude the presence of allergic agents in it. An allergic reaction during pregnancy is, to put it mildly, "undesirable". In addition to harm to the mother's body, it will harm the child. The baby risks being born with the already intolerable food and drugs.

Home-made syrups

The wealth of knowledge of traditional medicine makes it possible to produce practically any medicine at home, protecting your body from chemicals and side effects.

A cough syrup at home is not expensive, and the effect of its use is sometimes not inferior to that of pharmacy products.

Onion syrup

So, for a cough syrup, you need one bulb, preferably large, and sugar. The bulb should be cleaned and cut large. Place it in an enamel bowl and sprinkle with sugar. Cover the dishes with a lid and leave it for three hours. Onions let the juice go. A mixture of secreted juice and sugar and is a curative syrup. Take it is recommended after two hours for a couple of tablespoons, if the cough is strong. In case of a mild symptom, the syrup should be consumed five times a day in a tablespoon. The product is stored in the refrigerator. Continue taking the syrup until the condition improves and the cough is eased.

A variant of such a syrup may be a remedy in which sugar is replaced by honey, preferably lime. In this case, the effect of the drug will be much better.

Milk with cough sage

You will need milk - 150 ml., Sage - 1 tbsp. l. Stir the milk with the herb, bring it over a small fire to a boil, but do not boil. After turning off the fire, add a teaspoon of interior fat to the liquid, you can replace it with butter. Cover the pan and add the mixture for 10-15 minutes. Next, strain the milk, add a tablespoon of honey to it.

This tool is suitable for adults and children alike. Drunk at night. Already in the morning you can see the positive effect of the medication - cough relaxes, the general condition improves. The combination of taking such syrup with compresses on the chest will give an even more pronounced curative effect.

Lemon, honey and glycerine from cough

For such a syrup you need to take the juice squeezed from one lemon, add to it two st. spoonful of glycerin. In the resulting mixture, enter a glass of lime honey, liquid fresh or simply warmed. The syrup is ready.

It is good for coughing, especially in children. Drink 7-8 times a day for 1 teaspoonful to kids and on the dining room - adults.

This syrup is also used with a dry cough, contributing to the removal of stagnant sputum.

Radish with honey

A cough syrup based on black radish juice is familiar to everyone. The recipe for this syrup is simple.

In the radish, the tip is cut off, a depression is made in the center. In the resulting dimple is put honey. After 5-7 hours from the radish begins to stand out juice, mixing with honey. Radish with honey use one teaspoonful four times a day for adults and children. The effect will not make you wait long.

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