Inhalation in the genyantritis at home

Steam inhalation at home with genyantritis

Inhalation of steam at home with genyantritisBecause of the weakened immune system during the cold, flu and other diseases of the nasopharynx, sinusitis often occurs. This is called inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. If it lasts more than three weeks, the sinusitis is already chronic.

Often sinusitis can last for several months, and sometimes - years.

And although it can be successfully treated at any stage, it is better to "catch" the disease at the beginning of development.

The earlier you start to treat sinusitis, the less likely that it will go to the neglected stage.

The most common cause of sinus infection is a common (not completely cured) cold or respiratory viral infection (measles, influenza, etc.), transferred "on their feet."

Also the causes of chronic sinusitis may include:

  • allergic reactions;
  • curvature of the nasal septum;
  • infection with fungus;
  • chronic rhinitis;
  • immunosuppression;
  • foci of chronic infection (dental pathology and chronic tonsillitis);
  • permanent residence in a polluted environment.
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Any of these causes lead to swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and sinuses, a violation of natural ventilation in the nasal sinuses, which contributes to the stagnation of mucus. And this, in turn, favors the spread of microbes.

Traditional medicine can offer many tools that can help in case of acute or chronic sinusitis.

It is important to know

In order to avoid various complications, treatment should be under the supervision of a doctor and in conjunction with traditional means.

Inhalation at home with genyantritis is one of the safest treatment options for the disease. It helps to clear blocked nasal passages. Steam inhalations also help with irritating cough and dryness of the airways.

How to do steam inhalation with potatoes:

  • Boil potatoes in a uniform.
  • After the potatoes are cooked, take a towel, bend over the pan, cover your head with a towel.
  • 10 minutes to inhale the potato steam first with the nose, then with the mouth.
  • At the end of the procedure, it is advisable to drink tea with honey and lemon.

Sage, calendula and chamomile as a remedy for sinusitis:

  • Put in a saucepan for 1 tablespoon of the above herbs, pour very hot water and boil.
  • Slightly cool and apply for inhalations using the same method as for potatoes.

Eucalyptus steam inhalation at home in genyantritis is recommended as an alternative to drugs for nasal congestion. Eucalyptus essential oil can be found in many pharmacies.

It should not be confused with camphor oil, application and instruction are different. Eucalyptus oil can not be ingested, it is applied directly to the skin.

Materials for inhalation with sinusitis:

  • kettle;
  • water;
  • eucalyptus oil (eucalyptus globular);
  • large towel;
  • large bowl.


  • Fill the kettle with water and bring to a boil.
  • Place the bowl on a stable surface, for example, on a table.
  • Turn off the kettle and gently pour about 5 glasses of water into a bowl.
  • Add 2-5 drops of eucalyptus oil to the water.
  • Lean over the bowl, cover your head with a towel. Do not bring your face too close to the water.
  • Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Continue inhalation for 10 minutes.


  • Do not add a lot of eucalyptus oil to water. Side effects may occur, such as headache and nausea.
  • Keep small children away from themselves by doing steam inhalations.
  • Be careful to avoid burns from hot water or hot steam.
  • Some patients in the treatment of sinusitis at home should avoid steam inhalations with eucalyptus. This applies to people suffering from heart disease, disorders of the central nervous system and pregnant women. Infants, children and the elderly are not able to respond adequately to the heat.

Keep in mind that self-treatment by natural means alone and refusal of qualified medical care can be detrimental to your health. Read also "How to choose an inhaler for home use".


Inhalation with genyantritis

inhalation with genyantritis

SinusitisIs an infectious-inflammatory disease in which the maxillary sinuses of the nose are affected. It is accompanied by such unpleasant symptoms as intense pain in the area of ​​the affected sinus, irradiating in the forehead and jaw area and increasing with the head tilted forward, runny nose, increased temperature. Treatment of this disease is carried out in a complex way, including inhalation can be recommended for sinusitis, which are promoted by:

  • removal of edema in the nasal sinuses;
  • liquefaction and prompt removal of mucous secretions;
  • relief of nasal breathing, etc.

When you can do inhalation with genyantritis?

Inhalation of sinusitis can not be performed without medical evidence, these procedures should appoint a specialist after the examination. First of all, the doctor reveals whether the patient has contraindications to the administration of inhalations in sinusitis, including hypersensitivity to drugs that can be used for procedures. In the appointment of inhalation takes into account the age of the patient, the nature of the course of the disease, the presence of concomitant pathologies, etc.

Especially effective are inhalations at the initial stage of the disease, but it is worth remembering that this method must necessarily be combined with other methods of treating sinusitis.

What inhalations to do at a genyantritis?

With genyantritis, both steam and aerosol inhalations can be recommended. Steam inhalations are the simplest and most affordable way of treatment, for which kitchen utensils (pots, kettles) or special steam inhalers can be used. However, this method has its drawbacks:

  1. The inhalation of hot steam can cause uncomfortable sensations.
  2. There is a risk of a burn of the nasal mucosa.
  3. It is forbidden at an elevated body temperature.

The use of a nebulizer for inhalations is preferable because of the safety and minimum contraindications. Inhalation nebulizer means uniform spraying of the drug, which easily wilts in the airways, without causing any uncomfortable sensations.

Inhalation should be performed after cleansing the nasal cavity twice a day for 10 to 15 minutes. The course of treatment is not less than a week.

Solutions for steam inhalations for sinusitis

At home for inhalation with sinusitis, you can use the following recipes:

Treatment of sinusitis with inhalations with laurel leaf:

  1. 30 large bay leaves pour a liter of boiling water.
  2. Cook over low heat for 5 minutes.
  3. Leave to infuse for an hour.

Inhalations with decoctions of medicinal plants. To conduct the inhalation, you need 4 tablespoons of one of the following herbal preparations boil over low heat for 5 minutes:

  1. Leaves of plantain, mint grass, herb celandine in the ratio 2.
  2. Calendula flowers, eucalyptus leaves, raspberry leaves in the ratio 3.
  3. Grass of St. John's wort, chamomile flowers, yarrow herb, celandine grass in the ratio: .

For the inhalation procedure with essential oils, add 4 to 7 drops of one of the essential oils per liter of hot water:

  • fir;
  • pine trees;
  • eucalyptus;
  • tea tree;
  • peppermint;
  • geraniums.

Inhalation with genyantritis nebulizer - recipes

For maxillary sinusitis, inhalation with a nebulizer should be performed with a particle size of 10 μm or more. For the procedures most often used such medicines:

  1. Vasoconstrictive drops (naphazoline, xylometazoline, etc.) - 4 - 5 drops of the drug to dilute 2 - 3 ml of saline. Inhalationinhalations for sinusitis with nebulizer recipesspend twice a day, the course of treatment - no more than a week.
  2. Nasal spray Isofra (antibiotic) - one injection of the drug in a container with 2 - 3 ml of saline. The procedures are conducted 2 to 3 times a day for up to one week.
  3. Nasal aerosol Bioparox (antibiotic) - the method of application is the same as in paragraph 2.
  4. Nasal Spray Polidexa (a combined preparation that has vasoconstrictive, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect) - the method of application is the same as in points 2 and 3.

Inhalation of sinusitis: all recipes and tips

how to do inhalation with genyantema

Genyantritis is an inflammatory process, localized on the mucosa of the maxillary sinuses. It can be one-sided and bilateral, proceed in acute and chronic form. This pathology can develop in patients of any age, causes of inflammation process in the maxillary sinus can be any other diseases of closely located ENT organs and infection.

Types of genyantritis

inhalation for sinusitis at homeThere are several types of diseases, the classification of which depends on the location of inflammation, the causes of sinusitis, morphological signs.

By location:

  • unilateral- The inflammatory process is diagnosed only from one side;
  • bilateral- pathology affects two maxillary sinuses simultaneously.

Due to the occurrence of:

  • viral- genyantritis develops due to the ingress of viruses into the body;
  • bacterial- this means getting into the body of pathogenic / pathogenic microorganisms;
  • fungal- The inflammatory process was provoked by the growth and reproduction of fungal colonies;
  • allergic- sinusitis of this kind occurs only when allergens are inhaled by the nose;
  • traumatic- the inflammation begins either when an injury is caused, or when a foreign body enters the maxillary sinus.
whether it is possible to do or make inhalations at a genyantritis

Inhalations will significantly ease the condition of the patient with sinusitis

According to the flow pattern:

  • acute- occurs suddenly, proceeds quite hard, is characterized by high temperature;
  • chronic- is necessarily a consequence of untreated acute sinusitis.

In addition, medicine distinguishes catarrhal, purulent, polyposis sinusitis.

Any of the listed types of the considered inflammatory process should be treated with the help of antibacterial drugs (effective antibiotics for sinusitis), doctors also prescribe general restorative therapy, immunomodulators.But the most effective method of quickly getting rid of signs of sinusitis is inhalation.They can be carried out with the help of special equipment (nebulizers), and according to the experience of our ancestors (a teapot or any dishes with a blanket).

Before starting inhalation, you need to know which solutions will safely and effectively affect the maxillary sinuses.

Inhalation by nebulizer

Inhalation with fluimycil for maxillary sinusitis

For inhalations, a nebulizer requires a drug specifically designed for inhalation procedures

Nebulizer allows drip micro-irrigation of maxillary sinuses -the drug will have a direct effect on the pathologically altered mucosa.How to conduct inhalation with a nebulizer?

You can do inhalations with genyantritisFirst, it is necessary to purchase a drug specially designed for inhalation procedures - a specific name will be indicated by the attending physician. Such means for nebulizers are sold in special vials in a dosage of 5 ml.

Secondly, 2-3 ml of saline or ordinary water should be poured into the special compartment of the equipment, but in no case distilled! If the distilled water is used in the inhaler, the patient may experience a spontaneous attack of suffocation.

Thirdly, directly the drug is added in small amounts - no more than 2 ml for one procedure of inhalation.

than it is better to treat a runny nose to the child 2 years.From this article, you can find out the better to treat a cold for a child 2 years.

What effective treatment of a common cold in children 3 years old is most often chosen, is indicated here in the article.

How does the inhaler for cough and coryza omron look like:

Pay attention: it is possible to treat sinusitis even by inhalation with the use of phys. solution - the mucous membrane will be moistened, purulent clusters - liquefied and removed from the sinuses. Perhaps, specifically, the therapeutic effect of such inhalations and not have, but that greatly accelerate the process of recovery - the truth.

Rules for inhalation by a nebulizer

In order for this procedure to be really effective, it is necessary to carefully follow the recommendations:

  1. Inhalation can be carried out only 2 hours after active activity, not earlier.
  2. Breathing should be deep and calm.
  3. Immediately after inhalation, you must remain at rest for at least an hour.
  4. The number of inhalations per day - from 3 to 5.

It is advisable to carry out inhalations at night - this will ensure a calm / deep / healthy sleep to the patient.

Classic inhalations

inhalation for sinusitis at homeIf the nebulizer drips the drug drastically, steam inhalations operate more extensively -steam with medicinal broths or solutions literally envelops the oral cavity, and the maxillary sinuses, and nasal passages.Classical inhalation with genyantritis can be much more effective than using a nebulizer, but only if they are carried out at the initial stage of development of acute inflammation or relapse chronic.

Recipes for solutions for classical steam inhalations:

  1. Chamomile pharmacy / sage / thyme.These medicinal herbs can be used as an independent agent and as a dry "cocktail". Decoction is easy enough: take 2 tablespoons of "mix" or an individual plant and pour two glasses of water, heat on a water bath to a boil, then cook for 3 minutes. From this article it becomes clear whether it is possible to wash the nose with chamomile to the child or not.
  2. Propolis.For inhalation, you can use propolis tincture - it is sold in pharmacies. Take 30 ml of tincture, dilute in 300 ml of water.
  3. Horseradish and garlic.These two vegetables have powerful antimicrobial properties and therefore inhalations with their use will have the optimum effect - they will purify the maxillary sinuses from accumulated pus and mucus. It is necessary to grate the root of horseradish and garlic on a small grater, take 1 teaspoon of the mass and add half a liter of hot water to them.
  4. Essential oils.The usual addition of a few drops in the hot water of eucalyptus essential oil, tea tree, cloves will also have the expected effect. How to use the essential oil of thuja for adenoids is indicated in the article.
inhalation for sinusitis at home

Horseradish has powerful antimicrobial properties and therefore inhalation will have the best effect - will clear the maxillary sinuses from accumulated pus and mucus

Features of the classical inhalation:

  • It is impossible to carry out this procedure at a high body temperature;
  • if the patient has hypersensitivity or an individual intolerance to any listed component, then inhalation with it is contraindicated;
  • with steam procedures you need to deeply inhale the medical pairs with your nose, but breathing should be calm at the same time;
  • If the genyantritis is accompanied by catarrhal symptoms or sore throat, alternately inhale the steam with the nose / mouth.

Inhalations with steam can be carried out 2-3 times a day, after them you just need to wrap yourself in a blanket / plaid, but in no case go out on the street or balcony, do not stay in a cool room

Possible complications

Treatment of the inflammation of the maxillary sinuses should be carried out in full and within the prescribed dosage and duration. Otherwise, complications develop - for example, meningitis, frontalitis, otitis media, sepsis.

Acute sinusitis in the absence of competent treatment always turns into a chronic form.


In this video - all methods and rules of inhalation:

Sinusitis can be treated with inhalations, and, within the framework of home conditions. But you need to consult with your doctor, get permission from him to conduct the procedure and clearly adhere to the instructions issued to him. As a rule, inhalations in the considered inflammatory process can shorten the duration of treatment by almost two times. And do not forget about the prevention of sinusitis.

Inhalation with sinusitis and sinusitis: can I do at home

If there was difficulty breathing and stuffy nose, an effective means of preventing further development of the disease will be inhalations in sinusitis alone and at home.

You can use various tinctures and decoctions of medicinal plants; vegetables and berries. In addition to other medicines, the effectiveness is shown by:

  • extracts and extracts,
  • products of beekeeping,
  • essential oils.

Enough often inhalation with sinusitis are performed at home. You can breathe potatoes or use other available products that have useful properties.

Official medicine has a positive attitude towards such inhalations. This can ease the patient's condition in the early stages of the disease, he can breathe freely and perform further therapeutic actions.

What you need to do to treat genyantritis

To date, a lot of ways to treat sinusitis are known. Among the most effective:

  1. inhalation,
  2. immunomodulation,
  3. physiotherapeutic agents,
  4. operative intervention.
inhalation with sinusitisIt is inhalation in sinusitis have undeniable advantages over other types of treatment.

Thanks to this method, you can do a deep heating of the nasopharynx, strengthen the overall immunity of the body, locally affect the affected area, achieve a mild therapeutic effect.

It is also important that the steam procedures are carried out only with natural preparations.

How to perform inhalation with genyantritis, including steam

In order for the treatment to be most effective and not bring any harm to the patient, it is mandatory to take into account the key recommendations for inhalation:

  1. The treatment course, as a rule, totals 7-10 days.
  2. Therapy is carried out 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.
  3. Before using the inhaler, you need to clean your nose.
  4. Before the procedure should drink a vitamin drink - tea with currant leaves or alternating. The remedy can be replaced with a hot infusion of plantain or St. John's wort. Such therapeutic drinks contribute to the outflow and liquefaction of mucus, which will make it easier to breathe.
  5. Pairs should be gently inhaled with your mouth, breathing out your nose.
  6. Breathe slowly, so as not to damage the mucous membranes of the mouth.

Before the appointment of inhalations, the physician should study the characteristics of the patient's body, and then make a decision on the correction of the course of treatment. There are certain conditions in which the appointment of inhalation with genyantritis should be performed with caution:

  • If the patient's fever or chronic sinusitis is very active, then the inhalation is not necessary.
  • During pregnancy, inhalation with sinusitis or sinusitis should be prescribed, carefully studying the therapeutic composition. Some ingredients can harm the fetus. Steam inhalations do not need to be carried out daily.
  • If the sinusitis is affected by a child or teenager, the effect of inhalation will be more pronounced. The child will be able to breathe freely the next day.

Thanks to the penetration of medical products directly into the inflammatory focus, a person quickly feels relief-the symptoms of inflammation are removed, the edema and the volume of pus decrease, and recovery comes.

It is important to recognize the inflammatory disease in a timely manner and begin treatment.

Fixed assets

Traditional medicine recommends the holding of inhalations for sinusitis and sinusitis with affordable and inexpensive means:

  • propolis,
  • garlic,
  • horseradish,
  • lavender,
  • mother and stepmother.
inhalationBefore the procedures it is important to make sure that the person does not have any allergic reactions to any component of inhalation.

All medicines that will make it easier to breathe and treat the nasopharynx can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Most often, five main inhalation prescriptions are used, they effectively fight with inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx:

  1. inhalation with potatoes,
  2. collections with St. John's wort, celandine, chamomile and yarrow,
  3. a decoction of eucalyptus leaves, marigolds and raspberries,
  4. recipes with propolis and potatoes,
  5. broth with bark barberry and root of the bugle.

Execution of the procedure

When there is a need for emergency inhalation, you can use a pan with a lid. To do this, fill all the ingredients with hot water and cover the medicinal composition with a lid.

NebulizerInhalation with sinusitis or sinusitis at home is done with a towel covered on the head. It is necessary to breathe gently over the steam that comes from the pan.

The best effect is shown by inhalations with genyantritis by a nebulizer. This device makes inhalation very convenient. A nebulizer is a device that dispenses a medicine into the nasal cavity or larynx.

The medication should be poured into the device. The injection of the drug occurs under high air pressure, which eliminates the need for deep and constant inhalation, which often makes the head spin.

This is especially important for those people who, due to the severe form of the disease, are not able to take deep and intense breaths. In some cases, a spray of sinusitis helps.

The nebulizer provides a deep penetration of the drug into the nasopharynx of the patient, which contributes to the best procedure and recovery in a short time.

The ratio of official medicine to inhalation

Inhalation with sinusitis and sinusitis, as a therapeutic method, is known for many years. The inhaler can be made quite easily at home. However, it is worth remembering that all therapeutic actions should be carried out under the constant supervision of a physician.

Self-administration of inhalation with sinusitis or sinusitis can be carried out without taking into account specific characteristics of the patient's body, with the ignoring of the stage of the disease and the use of inappropriate ingredients.

To prevent a worsening of the situation, with the first symptoms of sinusitis or sinusitis, a person should seek help and consult with a doctor how to do inhalations at home, as described in the video in this article.

Inhalation with genyantritis

Compressor nebulizer for childrenSinusitis is an inflammation in the maxillary sinus of the nose. In connection with the finding of the focus of the disease in an area that is closed from external access, treatment should be comprehensive.

Whether it is possible to do or make ingaIngalitsy at a genyantritis nebulajzerom help or assist directly influence the struck organ.

The nebulizer is an apparatus for inhalation, which functions as an aerosol. It consists of a chamber for the placement and transformation of the drug and components: masks, tubes for the admission of this remedy to the focus of infection.

Due to a change in the medicine into tiny particles, the nebulizer is able to deliver it to the most difficult places of the body.

The most widely used inhalation for angina through a nebulizer. However, this device also works well for diseases of the nose, such as chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis.

There are the following types of nebulizers:

  • compressor;
  • ultrasonic;
  • mesh-nebulizer.

Their difference consists in the mechanism of transformation of a drug into an aerosol. One of the indicators of the nebulizer is the possibility of regulating the particle size.

To achieve a good result in inhalation with maxillary sinusitis, you need to adjust it to spray large particles. This will allow the drug to linger in the organ of the nose, rather than penetrate into the lower respiratory tract. To do this, the best choice will be a compressor or a mesh-nebulizer, whose function it is possible to regulate the particle size.

The nebulizer has a soft but effective effect. Inhalations with this device are possible for people of any age. Contraindications may be only medicinal products used as solutions.

Solutions for inhalation in sinusitis apply in accordance with the intended effect. They can contain:

  • antibiotic;
  • antiseptic;
  • hormonal drug;
  • anti-inflammatory agent;
  • moisturizer.

How to properly do inhalations with a nebulizer for sinusitis or sinusitis

Chlorophyllipt, solution for nebulazersInhalation for the nose by a nebulizer is done in a course of 8-10 days. Solutions for inhalers nebulizers are selected by the doctor in each case.

Inhalation at home with sinusitis is carried out as an additional treatment. This procedure helps soften the crust of mucus and pus, facilitating their subsequent withdrawal. Reduces swelling of the nasal mucosa, blocks the multiplication of bacteria. Sometimes prescribed inhalation with Miramistin, but more often it is prescribed in the form of a spray in the throat and nose.

How to properly do inhalations nebulizer:

  • the procedure is carried out an hour and a half after eating;
  • when diluting the drug, use physiological saline, what everyone knows (you can not use water, even distilled water);
  • Store the prepared solution in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours;
  • during inhalation is not desirable to be distracted.

How to cure sinusitis at home

Sinusitis is a disease in which the inflammatory process affects the maxillary sinuses of the nose.

In order to answer the question "How to cure sinusitis at home? You need to understand the causes of sinusitis.

Treatment of sinusitis in the homeSo, there are the following causes of sinusitis:
  • Disruption of normal outflow of mucus from the nasal sinuses due to inflammation of the nasal mucosa
  • Trauma or specific structure of the nasal cavity.
  • Allergic rhinitis.
  • Infection of the nasal cavity due to inflammatory processes occurring in the oral cavity.

In order to independently diagnose "genyantritis we suggest familiarizing yourself with its signs:

  • Nasal congestion, sometimes with secretions of a purulent nature, although there may not be excretions.
  • The sensation of pressure in the nose and forehead, because of this, the head can hurt, especially when it tilts forward.
  • Painful sensations in the place of the affected sinuses.
  • Headache and fever.

Against the background of these symptoms, rapid fatigue, general weakness and sleep disturbance can develop.

It is important to know

If you just got sick with flu or cold and you have these signs - consult a doctor! Entrust a specialist with the appointment of a qualified treatment on the basis of a thorough examination.

Treatment of genyantritis at home should be aimed at:

  • elimination of the causes of inflammation with antibiotics, antiviral drugs;
  • improvement of drainage of maxillary sinuses and removal of local inflammation with tinctures or herbal decoctions.

In order to clean the nose and gimorovy sinuses from purulent discharge, you can use vasoconstrictor with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and decongestant properties.

To do this, you can use herbal medicinal herbs - chamomile, calendula, saline solution for washing the nose, a solution of furacilin.

Pharmacological industry recommends pinosol (oily drops with a very gentle effect on the mucous membrane), bioparox spray, polydex spray.

Antibiotic therapy should be prescribed by a doctor in the event of a prolonged illness.

The best results were shown by the following antibiotics:

  • Macropen- antibiotic group of macrolides (safe antibiotics), has extensive antimicrobial effect.
  • AugmentinCombined antibiotic. In its composition, amoxicillin, semisynthetic penicillin and clavulanic acid. Such a composition destroys pathogenic bacteria.
  • Cephalosporin- antibiotic group cephalosporins, as a rule, is prescribed in case of allergy to antibiotics of the penicillin group.
  • Azithromycin, like Macropenus, belongs to the group of "progressive" macrolides, it is well tolerated and quite effective. If the flow of the sinusitis is not acute, it is possible to warm the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses with salt, a blue lamp.

It is important to know

In acute purulent sinusitis, heating is prohibited, as it promotes the spread of infection through the blood vessels, and this is fraught with complications!

In case the drug treatment is not applicable, the doctor can prescribe Sinupret in tablets, drops or syrup. From what tablets Sinupret explain in detail the specialist.

What can you treat a sinusitis at home without a puncture

Treatment of sinusitis, including chronic, without puncture at home is possible, but it is necessary to be treated correctly and only in case of an accurate diagnosis of the disease.

How and how can you cure sinusitis at home quickly and permanently?

Imagine a few simple and effective methods of treating sinusitis at home:

1. Salt treatment. To do this, you need to prepare a saline solution: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt on a glass of warm water. This solution should be washed with nasal sinuses, which will quickly get rid of purulent discharge. More effective is sea salt, but if it is not, you can get by the usual cookery.

2. Washing with decoction of medicinal herbs. For this you can use chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort. 1 tbsp. Spoon the herbs with a glass of hot water, insist, strain and rinse with this infusion of the nose.

3. Decoction of herbs can be used not only for washing, but also for oral administration. For this you need to take 2 tbsp. spoons of medicinal herbs with antibacterial properties - chamomile, sage, St. John's wort and eucalyptus + 1 tbsp. spoon of turn and yarrow, pour 2 liters of boiling water, cover with a towel or lid and insist half an hour at room temperature. Chilled filtered broth is taken every three hours for 100 ml. This decoction can be carried out by inhalation.

4. Useful and juice of plants. In a nose instill juice of a Kalanchoe, an aloe and cyclamen from a genyantritis. You can do without burying, just moisten this juice with cotton swabs and put in the nasal sinuses for half an hour. Treatment is carried out 2 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

5. Warming with salt. Salt should be moderately hot to avoid burns to the face.

Inhalation in the treatment of sinusitis at home6. Inhalation. Very effective inhalation with propolis.

Take 2 hours. l. tincture of propolis, stir in a container with 2 liters of boiled water, pour the mixture into the inhaler and perform the procedures. If the inhaler is not present, it is possible to inhale steam above a capacity with a solution, having wrapped up a towel.

In addition to inhalations, you can instill a mixture of tinctures of propolis and olive oil in the proportion: three times a day.

7. Bee products are very effective in treating colds. In the treatment of sinusitis use honey ointment - for its preparation you need 1 tbsp. a spoon of baby soap, grated, 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil, honey and milk. All this is mixed and put in a water bath so that honey and soap will dissolve. After this, you need to pour a spoonful of alcohol, then remove from heat and allow to cool. In the finished ointment, dab the cotton swabs and insert into the nasal sinuses for 15 minutes. Repeat this procedure for 3 weeks.

In addition to medicinal procedures, care should be taken to ensure that the air in the room is not overdried, since with sinusitis this leads to overdrying of the nasal mucosa.

Also, in the treatment of maxillary sinusitis, an abundant drink is recommended. For this, teas, natural compotes are suitable.


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